Avoiding the blackpill


I'm a White American who loves the fuck out of his country, and it looks like we're headed for Brazilification or balkanization or a race war or something, and that shit keeps me up at night. I live in NYC so I mostly interact with minorities, and most of them aren't bad people* but I know damn well that if whites become a minority, it's game the fuck over. Ironically most of my friends are nonwhite (one of my best friends is a black muslim who is the most right wing person I know) and I can't help but think 'will we be shooting at each other in a decade?' I have nothing against the 10-20% of immigrants and nonwhites who actually assimilate into society, but I'm not going to lie to myself. Is American culture even worth assimilating into anymore or has it gotten too degenerate and fucked up? I see all this fucked up tranny kid shit on the internet and fatfucks on the streets and honestly things aren't as bad as Jow Forums portrays them but things are still pretty fucking bad. Every alt-right type I've met IRL except for this one dude has been a degenerate chinless incel. I hate those fucks almost as much as I hate the leftists. Honestly, I scare the shit out of myself sometimes when I think about politics. That's my problem. I think too much and I'm self aware.

I just want the world to make sense again and feel hope for the future and not fly into (manageable, I'm a functioning member of society) fits of anger or depression. Am I just being an emotional pussy? Do I just need to get laid or something? Get off of this toxic website and stop watching the news?

TL;DR How do I reconcile being 'redpilled' with not being a bitter asshole?

*Whitepill: most of the illegals and gimmiegrants can be convinced to peacefully GTFO if you cut the welfare and retroactively take away the anchor babies' citizenship.

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If there will be any sort of war, it will be between the usa states when the balkanization happens.

There wint be any kind of race war as /pol says. As you said, it isnt logical nor practical when everybody is mixed already. Stay chill and maybe emigrate to canada.

USA sold out military to Japanese Soldiers

How am I supposed to talk politics and economics with you like an adult when you're talking about meme pills like a 16 year old from r9k

My only real advice is to just unplug yourself as much as possible. I love the internet but people abuse it as well as news media. Doesn't matter if it's CNN or infowars they think their world is ending tomorrow. It's not.

The world has literally and objectively never been better. Not perfect but still better than 100 or 1000 or 10000 years ago

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Look while I dont think race war is ever going to be a real thing in the modern era, everything you said about the degeneration of western society is real. Right now the world can be divided into:

>Sand Niggers
>Chinese Dictatorships
>Western trannies.

There are a few exceptions. Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand and South Korea are pretty god tier and to be honest a part of me wants whites to stay away from those countries. They are the last bastions of social values and the last thing they need is some white cunts coming in and dirtying the water.

Unironically read Marx.

I mean WWII wasn't even 100 years ago. It was literally the single worst war in human history with the most casualties and death ever. There isn't anything stopping us from doing the same shit again.

Stop being a racist shithead and realize that all people are just people trying to get by. And as the other user said, by most metrics the world is getting better and better, the quality of life continues to gradually go up and up. Only an imaginary catastrophe would change this, and that isn't worth fantasizing about.

The US has always been a colorful mix. Maybe get with the times, and stop eating nazi cereal for breakfast.

There will be no race war. You already lost your country.

Fearmongers have been predicting this since the Civil War and things are no worse now than any time before. Relax

no we haven't brainlet. close to 90% ethnically white at the start of the 20th century. still well over 80% as recently as 1970. the forced ethnic diversity is not now nor has it ever been welcomed here.
>colorful mix

Attached: colorful indeed.png (648x844, 992K)


>it will be between the usa states when the balkanization happens.
I call bullshit. Socially and politically, someone in Rural NY has more in common with someone in rural Ohio than someone in Albany or NYC. There are no blue states, only blue cities. And even then, a purely political civil war would have racial undertones if not overtones. Canada isn't that far behind thanks to Justin Trudeau. Besides, I'm not a coward. America is my homeland. If it goes down I'm going down with it.

Good idea, but disagree. Yes, people are comfier than they were, but what about community and family and social cohesion? What about the rise of China? The destruction of the environment?

>Stop being a racist shithead and realize that all people are just people trying to get by.
I'm not a racist, I'm really not. I don't hate anyone, or at least I don't want to. Most minorities aren't bad people, they just have different values. I don't WANT to be this way, dammit.

Here's what I'm talking about. Statistically speaking, minorities don't share the values of whites. So, as the demographics change, the political landscape will change. The biggest political issues for immigrants and their children are more gibs and chain migration. This is backed up by multiple surveys and personal anecdotes. By and large, most of them are in favor of a large welfare state as well as restrictions on freeze peach and muh guns, so if nonwhites become a majority, the politcal landscape will change to reflect that. No more leading the world scientifically, economically or militarily. The constitution will be shredded. No planting the flag on Mars. Fuck that.

It ain't over till the fat lady sings. Where are you? Eastern Europe?

Weren't we at 80% in Y2K?

Attached: They took this from you.jpg (448x600, 73K)

nuh-uh, we ushered in the 21st at allegedly ~70%. however considering such factors as:
>almost 4 decades had passed since traitorous congressional filth vigorously & repeatedly reassured entire 'murrican public that "this sketchy sounding bill definitely won't change the demographic makeup of the country at all guys, you'll barely even notice, stop worrying!" by the time y2k rolled around
>no "people of sand" catch-all census designation thus jews, arabs, turks, etc etc whatever other semitic &/or middle eastern peoples all get lumped in as white
>multiple unsuccessful attempts (for reasons surprising to nobody) to implement "south of the border" catch-all census designation thus multitudes of those dudes also get lumped in as white
>no "mystery meat" designations until 2000 census thus ??? # of biracial etc got lumped in as white
i'd take that figure with a grain of salt

You realize you must be the author of the future. Understand that, if shit goes down hill (which I'm hoping it will), you will either die, be ruled by someone, or be the ruler.
I can't wait for the race war. All non-whites need to go. But I care more about establishing a nation that's worth something than this shit filled corpse of a country founded on ideals that would only work if the country stayed white. It's past the point of no return. We either slow boil and everyone turns brown or there's a race/civil war and shit starts getting fixed.
You must care about what you want in the future. Don't worry about finding friends. They'll find you when you are powerful, influential, or usefull. Build an arsenal, a skill set (to include rhetoric and influence), and start mentally preparing for all the shit you'll lose when this happens

Cant wait til it’s at 0% so you faggots aren’t around to complain about “muh brown people“ and “muh jews aren’t white”

you have borderline personality disorder

get help op

>being a chinkaboo

In his defense, there's little redeeming about the West at the moment. Not saying asiabloc is better

South Korea is an autistic dystopia powered by e-sports and Japan is chemically castrated.

>By and large, most of them are in favor of a large welfare state as well as restrictions on freeze peach and muh guns

America is one of the few if not the only first-world countries where welfare is a dirty word and guns are considered to be a good thing,

This has dick-all to do with "white values"

That's beside the point. How would you feel if a bunch of clapistanis moved into your country, outbred you, and then cut the welfare and loosened the gun laws?

Attached: 7a5.gif (482x800, 29K)

Attached: native_american_tribes.jpg (1419x1056, 160K)

Also plenty of native Americans... well not native like indians... but just like people whose ancestors go back decades and centuries and are just as White and American as you can be in favor of welfare reforms and gun control and whatever else you don't agree

Yeah, what happened to the Indians was fucking awful, and I don't want that for my grandkids.

You unironically need a therapist. I'm not going to get into the specifics of what you believe because I will never convince you otherwise. The things you believe are like the bones that support your entire psychological structure. In order to stay upright and stay functional you need that foundation. Its as much a part of you as anything. Its the way you've developed to manage your frantic stream of thoughts. I think you and I both know that you've externalized a massive amount of anxiety, anger and depression into a functioning worldview. The way we as humans view the world are inexorably and undeniably linked to the way we view ourselves. People who are happy and feel in control of their emotions and surroundings don't typically have chaotic, apocalyptic world views. People who are not happy, experience a lot of inner conflict or suffer from a chronic lack of control over their emotions and surroundings tend to see this kind of chaos literally everywhere around them. Because they are unable to control the chaos inside them the only way to normalize themselves to this kind of condition is to convince themselves that the whole world and all the people in it mirror that chaos. Long story short, you believe the things you believe and feel the things you feel because you can not function without it. Being anxious and frantically militant about race wars or non-whites or white genocide or whatever is the way you manage your chaotic emotions. Seriously, go see a therapist. Also, toss your fucking computer into a river and never come to this place again. Coming here to ask about how to avoid being a bitter, race obsessed nationalist is like going to a liquor store to ask how to stop drinking. You need to leave.

Why have a map of American tribes with modern borders? Did any of these tribes actually have well defined territories?

It's to show the wicked white man how his borders tramples all over the beautiful indigenous nations they cruelly destroyed with no guilt in their hearts in their selfish quest for whatever the fuck white people want.

Duh, come on man.

Dude, I'm in a really, really similar place. I have a lot of worries about where this country is going, especially in regards to demographics and social cohesion. Like you, I grew up and live in a very diverse metropolitan area. It really sucks having this negative, blackpilled outlook affect the way you view the world around you. Part of what makes it worse for me is my OCD. I constantly worry about this shit and have an unhealthy number of demographic statistics memorized and ready to spout on command. I hate the fact that my initial reaction to seeing anyone (white or nonwhite) relates to their race. I wish I could go back to not seeing it -- I never did growing up, anyway.

I have no ill-will towards anyone who came here and assimilates -- I just think the scale and nature of immigration, at least for the past 30 or so years, has been reckless and not conducive to the public good. Furthermore, I don't really see a problem with a having a sense of white identity. It's not racist to have issues with the status quo -- don't let anyone tell you that. It's not racist to wish that America remains majority white. It is immoral to forcibly try and hurt others to achieve that (but thats an altright fag thing) What's done is done.

What I'm doing to wash away the blackpill:

1. Block any and all political content out of my life, so no news, no Twitter, no political literature, no Jow Forums.
2. Accept the fact that, outside of voting, you and I have no control over what politicians do. You only have control over your immediate surroundings -- the people and places you interact with on a daily basis.
3. On a similar note -- Embrace uncertainty! Whenever you start worrying about these issues, simply tell yourself that you don't know what the future is going to be like and that it's okay that you don't know. My OCD shrink taught me this and it works for a lot of things.

Good luck.

PS: what we both should aim for is a mix of the gold and thad pills. Pic related.

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>On a similar note -- Embrace uncertainty! Whenever you start worrying about these issues, simply tell yourself that you don't know what the future is going to be like and that it's okay that you don't know.
That’s actually pretty rad advice and a good way to combat anxiety or promote courage, thank you dude

No problem man! It's taken some practice for me to adopt it but I've gotten over several severe bouts of OCD with it. I think it's good for anyone who has any sort of anxiety, though.

>I'm a White American who loves the fuck out of his country,
spit on him

nig- I mean upstanding black citizen

>It's not racist to wish that America remains majority white

Attached: vs9AG.gif (477x252, 1.22M)

>Rape, murder and torture millions of indigenous people and take their shit
>Forcibly kidnap africans from their home country, bring them to the land you just stole and force them into slavery
>400 years later complain about how everything should stay majority white


not black, white pi-, I mean protestant WASP.

Some of U colonizers really drank the Kool Aid. have fun looking like crackhead preppers lol

You're in for a rude awakening user. Black people are just like any other people. Many sold their own to Americans. This is besides the point of the thread but to pretend that whites were the only bad guys when it comes to slavery is naive

The United States of America is stolen land.

Dude the indians weren't even using the land.

Whoa, didn't realize he was an over 400 year old super-being. Shit dude you're right, he did all those things!

Indians are extinct. Don’t believe me? Try gene testing one.

Marry a European woman.

>not being a pedobait loli who's really 400 years old

Get on my level, oni-chan

Ah, the old blame sharing meme. Yes, lets not talk about the millions of people dead and the millions of dollars generated because of the European slave trade because a few tribes in Africa profited from a market that white Europeans created. I have to admit, every debate about this topic gets really boring really quick when your only goal is to not feel bad for being white; as if somehow acknowledging the truth of slavery is a personal indictment against you. Yeah, lets find more people to share the blame of slavery because of whatever weird hangup you have about sharing a skin color with the orchestrators of the greatest humanitarian crime of the modern age.

Taking responsibility for the fact that your current day opinions are completely at odds with the historical context in which they are based has nothing to do with taking responsibility for slavery or indian genocide. He should take responsibility for having a shitty, unrealistic opinions that are completely ignorant of history.

They were. The roaming valleys of the Midwest and much of forested land was actually farms. Americans and settlers genocided the natives so hard it actually created a mini ice age

dog they didn't even have houses and they literally ate leaves lol

I really do believe that staying on pol for too long is not healthy for you. Like a lot of Jow Forums culture they practically gaslight you into believing what the board culture is because if you don't you're not "patrician" enough. Jow Forums is not safe for those who are weak of mind and find a need to fit in.

You’re asking random people to share blame with Anglo settlers most of them aren’t related to.

We're only telling them about the wrongdoings of those in the past because it's relevant to the issue proposed. It's difficult to talk about wanting a primarily white country when the country was never white (or property of white people) to begin with.

lol dog

It was obviously for whites to begin with.

Ok, niggerlover/shitskin or whatever you are, explain why Whites are getting pushed out of South Africa when it was empty land before Whites made it worth living in and all the niggers migrated there?
>inb4 Whites never belonged in Africa

I understand your confusion. Think about it this way: let's say there is a guy named Bill. He has a friend, Paul, who shows up at his house uninvited. Paul demands to live rent-free off of what you pay for with your money (when it comes to utilities, maintenance, furniture etc). Whenever Bill get upset about this, he points out that your grandfather used a shady business process -- that was rampant at the time all over town -- to acquire the land and build a house on it. The building of the house, however, brought a great deal of prosperity and opportunity to his descendants.

By the time Bill's son comes around, Paul is still squatting in the house. Is it unfair for Bill's son to object to Paul squatting in his house? Is it bad for him to grow even more irritated when more friends of Paul show up and refuse to even keep the house clean and orderly? Is it bad of him to wish that, if new arrivals are to come, they be integrated into the house in a reasonable manner? Perhaps I am just a racist. But I think most people around the world would say the same about their respective nations.

Its who you are. You can't change how you think. Just know your wrong and move on. The concept you and your friend are gonna be "shooting each other" is just your right side talking. If he's your friend, then nothing should change. Stop letting politics consume your life and seriously move on.

>the old blame sharing meme

You mean when someone points out that there is a double standard when it comes to examining past historical atrocities? Tell me, should the Turks who live on land once belonging to Greeks and Armenians be made minorities just because of the sins of their forefathers? What about the Han Chinese and Uyghurs who live on land that was once owned by the Dzungar people? I bet descendants of the medieval African empires who had economies revolving around the enslavement of other Africans need to be punished too, huh.

You're willfully ignoring the vast slave trades and numerous other genocides that have occurred elsewhere across the globe, dude. Let's be consistent.

Is there no way to go about acknowledging and righting the wrongs of the past without mass immigration? Also, it's funny that you insist that all debates surrounding this topic are just white folks who don't realize that slavery doesn't directly indict them -- yet you believe that any sense of cultural pride or self-preservation on their behalf is forfeit. Why is that?

>completely ignorant of history

Low IQ post. America was built off waves of successive European immigration. This was a formula that, with some exceptions, has been the norm for all of our history up until 1965. In 1965, the country was ~90% white. I can already hear you seething -- "but what does white even mean user? What do you mean there are cultural differences between Salvadoran immigrants and those from Italy?" There was also a model of integration and assimilation -- not multiculturalism. Also, before you ask -- I recognize the contributions that black Americans have made. I think that they are an integral part of America as well. There is progress to be made when it comes to advancing their collective wellbeing.

If anything, you are the one with "shitty, unrealistic opinions." You fail to recognize both historic and contemporary clashes of cultures when you see them.

Honestly, I think you have anxiety issues that need to be addressed. I really don't think there is going to be a race war. At least, not any bigger than the major riots (LA, Watts, etc) that go down in a single city every couple of decades and that don't extend beyond that.

I'm a black leftist who hangs out with other black and brown leftists. I can tell you, I don't think we're organized or motivated enough to be starting a race war. We're too busy arguing internally over absolutely everything. I worry about similar with alt-right shit periodically but if I let it take over my life, impact my real life, I would be bringing it up in therapy. Just my two cents.

I dealt with avoiding the blackpill for a while too. How did I deal with it? Make shitposts out of it. I started shitposting about politics so my true political alignment only was known by those close to me, which red pills i believed and didn't was obfuscated by the shitposting. There are real red pills out there you shouldn't ignore, among the insanity there's things other people are willingly to glance over that isn't acceptable. You have to draw the line though, or else even the craziest ones will start making sense to you.
>Wooden doors

You sound like you do have some serious issues aside from this though. The fact it's this big of a real "problem" to you and not just a minor annoyance is telling. To be blunt yes, you are just an emotional pussy. Don't let them tell you that's a bad thing though, it just means you're more normie than the rest of us and aren't desensitized to things. You should consider seeing a therapist, honestly it could help.
As for your hope for the future, I can't offer anything. I'm a big proponent of nuclear energy and space exploration being the only future for humanity but with the retard hippies fear mongering both and military wasting billions on failed prototypes, that's lifetimes away. I do get some hope back when I find articles agreeing with me and calling for the same awareness though, so maybe look for that. Even among thousands fear mongering nuclear energy, one article calling it out makes me feel way better for our future knowing that it's not a lost cause yet. This may not apply to you depending on just how pessimistic you are right now, but focus on little things that give you hope not the things that make the world look shitty.

This post is dumb to smoke. The deflection used here is to make you not realize that this post is attempting to justify racist sentiments by framing it with atrocities done by other non-white/non-European culture. No one is saying that those aren’t wrong as well, but the focus is on OP’s issue, which has a lot to do with the United States and how the exploitation of minority groups by whites/Europeans makes arguments for keeping their country “white” null. I would be fine with the Greeks, Armenians and Dzungar causing outrage about land being stolen, because their land really was taken away from them and the effects (social, economic, political etc.) of those actions can still be felt in those areas today. Europeans that came to the Uunited States did not own the land and took it away from the people that originally owned it. Hearing white people talk about wanting the United States to stay white, while the colonizers took it from indigenous people is pure ignorance.

You just exemplified your “double standard”.

Yes, you are racist!

well then what are you still doing here? plenty of non-white countries to choose from. go emigrate to one of them.
>muh brown people
no no, it's "muh forced ethnic diversity". little would make me happier than to see muh brown peoples living thriving and prospering independently in their own respective countries instead of flocking and flooding into ours primed with demands, resentment, presupposed entitlement to the benefits of access to whites, and full expectation that they'll be accommodated. forced diversity is an affliction which strengthens neither us, them, nor whoever tf you are.
>muh jews aren’t white
>implying supremely antisemitic implications

Attached: jews_not_white.jpg (777x865, 172K)


meant for

>not being concerned with the direction the world is headed in and your country's future

Get the fuck out of NYC


The only solution for such a divided country is to let the factions fight each other and determine which is supreme. And by fight I obviously mean physically.
It won't be pretty, but it is necessary.

>the United States and how the exploitation of whites/Europeans by minority groups

>Europeans that came to the Uunited States did not own the land and took it away from the people that originally owned it.
they didn't into land ownership nor even private property, they were nomadic tribes ffs

So is almost every nation in existence