I accidentally discovered Jow Forumsegg_irl and related way too much to the memes...

I accidentally discovered Jow Forumsegg_irl and related way too much to the memes. I spent several hours browsing it before work.

And you know what? Fuck it. I want to be a girl, it feels so good to just accept that. Except I'm legit terrified of actually being trans. I have friends who would support me no matter what but its just such a hard life. But I kep thinming "nobody says you have to take hormone pills.You can be secretly trans and be a feminine as you dare." Fuck I don't know. I am legit having an existential crisis here.. I don't want to be trans but therr are aspects of me that are trans as fuck and I,'m scared.0

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Just present more femininely, paint your nails with clear polish. Maybe put on some tinted lip balm if you're up to it. Wear platform shoes, get some jewelry. Little things like that to see if you feel any better. If you're genuinely trans I'm afraid you can't just not be trans, you can choose to suppress it but that's not good for your mental health and I really don't recommend that. Wish you the best

Well, trans is a bullet train to misery.

I respect transpeople but that's what scares me.

cool, as long as you know that, I think you can make a well-informed choice.

I never get why degeneracy is acceptable in this day and age now. Like you're fine, I don't hate you and you probably don't care if I do or not, but it's just unnatural. It's just gross. You can do whatever you want to your body, but just realize that you're actually messed up in the head and I say that with the upmost respect.

Which is it, am I degenerate or messed up in the head? Is it reasonable to fault people who can't help it?

Well both actually. You're doing degenerate behavior because you're messed up in the head. Dude please just get some help instead of going through with this. Seriously, don't ruin your life.

It's not really a choice, is it? I mean, actually transitioning is a choice. But on the other hand I've worked very hard to suppress my natural femininity in order to "fit in" as a cis straight male and because I felt it was necessary to attract women, I have to consciously monitor my body language and voice. Ugh, typing that out makes it so much worse, actually. Like, fuck. I've always accepted that I am a cismale and accepted that as "normal" and essentially put all this work in to be gender conformant but I've never written it down in a sentence like I just did here and it is, again, trans as fuck. And again, kind of terrifying.

Going through with what? I'm not planning to take hormones or publically come out as trans anytime soon. Maybe never.

Trans is a thing people are doing because they want to. Same goes for sucking wieners, most of the time. Just be aware of that. There’s pretty much no way in hell all of the common “sense” surrounding a popular topic could be true.

you are being completely unhelpful. you have no understanding of trans people if you're first thought is that this person is a degenerate. if it were so unnatural it wouldn't happen in the first place. don't cause someone even more confusion just because you're uninformed.

"Doing" what? See
Man, I admit that I might be a little bit gender nonconformant and you people come out of the woodwork like I'm planning to chop my dick off with a steak knife when I get home tonight.

What part of the post was unclear? It wasn’t even an insult or directed at you.

O ok, sorry, I thought you were actually going to y'know.

So are schizophrenic people natural since they happen to see floating numbers? No, they're unnatural, same with people with gender dysphoria. It's something you don't find in a normal normal person. Don't make their mental health worse by aiding the problem.

I mean, I'm the OP. What I'm saying is, there's nothing I've indicated here I'm planning on "doing" (e.g. adopting female pronouns, going on hormones, w/e). I'm not "deciding whether to be trans" insofar as that means telling people I'm trans, or taking highly visible actions like that.

Mental illnesses can clearly be naturally occuring phenomena, what the hell are you even on about.

OP, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a girl, but I can tell you a fact this r/egg_irl little girl meme is propaganda. If you relate to it at all, it basically asserts
>you must be trans
>you deny the way we (the trans community) view the world
>this is ironic because you actually agree with us and should become a transvestite

I never said you were.

True. My bad. Still it's bad for a person to have a mental illness regardless of it being natural.

Sorry if you don't like it but schizophrenia is a natural occurrence. You know what the cure for gender dysphoria is, it's transitioning. That's why schizophrenics have to take anti psychotics to stop those symptoms. It's not making their mental illness worse if they're actually doing something that will help their symptoms

I mean, that's not quite what I'm talking about. I don't just "wonder what it would be like to be a girl", I identified pretty heavily with the ironic memes about suppressed femininity and stuff.

This particular meme is loaded with the idea that you already relate to it. It’s manipulating your basic psychology and the fact you have a nebulous sense of self.

Yeah I realized saying unnatural or natural was a mistake in this case. But still, why would you help them transition? If you see someone who has body integrity disphoria aka people who want to cut their limbs off, do you help them by going through with amputation? No, of course not! If you see someone with schizophrenia, do you go along with what they're saying and confirm that there's actually floating numbers that talk and you can see it too? No!!! So why would you go along with someone who has gender disphoria???

First, you’re starting off with a logical fallacy, basically saying, “A four-legged chair is made to be sat on, so this four-legged table must be made to be sat on.” There are big differences between Schizophrenia, a genetic mental disorder involving prolonged psychosis, and transgenderism. A person can’t will themselves psychotic or become psychotic via suggestion. A person will become psychotic whether they know what Schizophrenia is or not.

The next thing that’s deeply incorrect is your empty, “A is the disease, and B the cure,” claim. That’s extremely psychologically manipulative, considering transgenderism doesn’t have a biological marker or definitive cure.

Transgenderism isn’t even a disease. It’s a gender identity.

*gender orientation

it does have a biological marker but whatever. Transgender people have existed since the dawn of time. And when did I say anything about willing yourself to be something? A trans person will be trans regardless of if they know what being trans is. I'm not saying that being trans is a disease I'm saying that transitioning is what stops dysphoria.

Using the internet is unnatural too.
You degenerate scum.

People are willed trans all the time. You’re attempting to do it to OP. Now, you’ll probably say you define trans as something very loose which could apply to many people, whereas five minutes ago you defined trans as ill people who basically require transitioning as medicine. You’re playing doctor and telling people what to do with their lives. Transgenderism is not a disease, like homosexuality is not a disease, but if it were then you’re being contagious.

Schizophrenia on the other hand is very much a genetic disorder and like many generic disorders it’s triggered by something more extreme than mere suggestion.

>It has a biological marker, but whatever
Which is?

>Transgender people have existed since the dawn of time.
Also, really? “Since the dawn of time”?

You know you can still be a guy and be feminine and girly right? I’m a female who grew up with really masculine traits that I suppressed too, to the point where I convinced myself I needed to be a boy to be able to express myself in that way. I went down the path of binding my chest and almost thought about T, until I slowly started realising I could just be a girl and act like a boy and dress like one and it was fine..

Dude hormones are literally fucking plastic surgery. That is it they are plastic surgery except instead of being plastic is a hormone that you take to make your body look more appealing to you and make you look like you wish you looked. It isn't empowering to get a facelift it is just vain but nobody who made that decision wants to hear that so they get really mad and invent this bullshit jargon to explain why disapproving is evil bigotry. If you wish you were a girl what does that really mean to you? Having a vagina? Well tough luck that's never going to happen. Being feminine? Well you can be as feminine as you want and you don't need to be a women to be feminine. You can even call yourself by a female name and use female pronouns who gives a shit because that is just a label not some permanent body altering decision you are making in a desperate attempt to find happiness with yourself that probably won't work and then you will just blame it on bigotry as a fall back to protect your ego. Okay sorry that sounded really mean spirited but fuck it's true and I'm not saying this to be mean to transgender people I just don't like the bullshit body aspects of their ideology it is a sick mindset in my opinion. But if you want to feel like a women more power to you wear nail polish and crossdress who cares it isn't a big deal.

Feminine and masculine... hormones in your brain +++

What's going on there? Think about it

Some trans people take hormones to make their appearance and chemical balance either more masculine or more feminine. It’s pretty simple, and it is possible. Your proposed alternative is being a masculine looking person who lives in obvious drag outfits?

You have no idea what being a woman is like and you will never be one no matter how many surgeries you will have in the future. You are a male. That being said, you can act like a feminine man. There's nothing wrong with it. Pretending that you're a woman because of your inclinations is nothing short of retardation, though.

basic bih

>Your proposed alternative is being a masculine looking person who lives in obvious drag outfits?
Doesn't have to be straight up drag. What does it mean to want to be feminine? Gay men are often extremely feminine and they don't necessarily wear drag but they could wear nail polish and girly looking outfits and people generally don't give a fuck. Seriously you can be a man and be incredibly feminine and you are probably more likely to be accepted and happy than if you tried changing your body. It's because changing your body with unnatural hormones and surgery makes you look plastic and fake which is more unsettling than just behaving differently. Also the chemical balance part of your post what is meant by that? Because I can tell you there is zero evidence to support the "my brain is female therefore it needs estrogen to be happy" mindset. That is just a rationalization.

That doesn't make me wrong about the issue, sorry.

Man, that’s very disconnected from reality. It’s a good thing we are in a somewhat free world, where a majority can’t force a minority out of their right to choose their own lifestyles. So many men fought and died so we could have the freedom to live how we want so long as it’s not physically hurting anyone else.

In what way is it disconnected from reality? I never said plastic surgery should be illegal or anything like it like hormones. But it certainly shouldn't be touted as some cure to depressed teenager's body/gender issues.

Pretending people have no right to do something isn’t going to prevent them from doing it. That just causes divide and outrage. That outrage is vindication for them to do it more.

Okay I admit I came off strong when I said it. I am not saying they have no right to do it I am saying they are being marketed something that really isn't miraculous. It is essentially the same category as plastic surgery. I think people should be encouraged to accept their body the way it is because they don't control that part of themselves. I am not saying anyone should be prevented from getting plastic surgery or taking hormones. I do think they should be discouraged though and that people should work through their issues with them. Maybe some really won't back down from hormones then that is their choice but someone who is severely depressed might latch onto it as a potential happy future. I don't think that is healthy I think they put an unrealistic emotional attachment to a world they can't ever achieve and will be disappointed when it never becomes their reality. I know it is complicated I'm not saying to attack any transgender people.

This guy is right, if you do choose to go through with it, you'll eventually go through with snipping your dick off. When you cross that line and regret it, no one will take your side as it's too "bigoted and transphobic to do so."

Make your own decision, don't be led on to this decision by other trans people. They won't be there for you once you disagree with their mindset after you cut your dick off. You'll just be alone and dickless

I know. It’s a form of transsexualism being marketed as a disease which needs treatment. It might just be a scheme to get insurance to pay for the hormones. But it’s making everyone think they might be a transsexual.


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And that's the real problem. Truth is most people have body image issues and gender issues what man hasn't felt like he isn't manly enough? There probably isn't even one guy who never felt that way. Feeling like you connect more with women than men doesn't have to be a disease that needs any treatment or surgery or hormones it can just be a personality trait.

I understand OP’s desire. I kind of wish we were at a point with technology where someone could just become the opposite sex, or even sexless, besides genetalia or course. We’re on the way, for sure.

I mean, some of these dudes really do look like ladies. We spend so much of our time as men trying to be with hot girls. Imagine how much better life would be if we WERE the hot girls.

OP here. You guys. Did any of you read the thread? I'm not planning on hormones or surgery or even publically calling myself trans anytime soon. Y'all are ridiculous.

You can be a feminine, straight man. Shit goes sideways when you start messing with your body chemistry though. I take hormones to survive and that shit will fuck you up if you take something that your body isn't suited to.

Get to therapy and sort yourself out.

Then what kind of advice do you want?

You may be trans, but keep in mind that many trans women online (not sure about men) insist that anyone who slightly relates to any vaguely trans thing must be trans. I’m cis and appreciate the memes on that subreddit, but if I said that they would insist I’m an egg. Ridiculous.