AMA Sex Addict

I have a wife, girlfriend, tinder/bumble girls. I use prostitutes off adult look, and happy ending massage parlors. I have had sex with women, and shemales.

This is just a very broad ask me anything if you have ever wanted to dip your toes into any of this ridiculous shit I do. Last time I posted this it kinda turned into a step-by-step guide on massage parlors for a few people. But whatever, wherever it goes is fine with me.

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I don’t understand how to approach a women for sex and only sex. I fear they will gasp, slap me, and put my face on a bilboard saying “this man is evil.”

When did you discover you were gay? Before or after marriage?

First of all they wont. If there is one thing I have learned it's that women want to be wanted. They feeeed off being desired.

Here's the bad news. I never approach a women for only sex. I have to mask it all in very careful language making them believe that it is some light and fluffy magical time were having that just so happened to end in sex. I do this by keeping up a very fake attitude that I'm Mr.Chill who doesn't care about how things go. I goes something like this. We are out at a bar or mini golf (don't do mini golf) and then I'll say something like. Oh hey have you seen Westworld on HBO? Hey why don't we get out'a here and hang out at my place. Come'on it'll be fun; I promise, and we can watch some good shit."

Now we're back at my place and I usually put something on Netflix or HBOGO, and I slowly turn sitting into cuddling.

Now this next part is pretty crucial but easy. You just have to kiss her. Nothing fancy, nothing original. But, with that being said ya gotta do it, and ya gotta do it before you have been snuggling too long. You gotta get in there.

That's an excellent question. Maybe during. I cum with women. I however come with men, who have had surgery to look like women and still have a dick. Which is gay.

Back at your place? You said you have a wife. She's just what, magically never home? I call bullshit on this whole thing. You're probably a virgin


How often do you get checkups/tested?

Massive bullshit but can confirm that after a kiss you rarely have to say even another word but take her hand and take her to the bedroom. From there just let shit happen.

I prefer to do this at the house of the skets i pick up though so i can easily dip when im done haha.

I've outlined your steps. What's your advice for getting the date in the first place?

>Go on date
>Mention something that can only be experienced at your place
>Ask if they want to go back to your place
>Do thing that you mentioned at your place
>Get progressively closer

Have you ever got or watched a girl let a dog fuck her? One of my fantasies is to see a young looking and small girl get fucked and knotted by a big strong dog, and then have her sit there panting for like an hour as the dog pumps his cum into her but she can't get away (and doesn't want to) because the knot is simply too big to dislodge

do you hate being alone that much?

this is why I dont trust men. this is why im still a virgin. men dont have real feelings.

Why would I when women simply seek to destroy them? I only have trust and feelings towards myself. Everyone else is either a means to exploit or an obstacle.

My wife works 3, 12 hour shifts at the hospital. Sometimes in very rare occasions I get an Airbnb, but it’s hard to justify

I went to planned parenthood and paid cash.Basically that’s ri

nigger nobody cares. I sage.

Not any bullshit here. This isn’t a bragging forum. And honestly, if I was more attractive and more self confident I bet I never would be in this deep with all this shit.

OP here, men do have real feelings. I admitted I have a problem. I’m sure a lot of guys aren’t doing half the shit I am, and they shouldn’t be. This is just an AMA if you have ever had questions about some of the things I listed.

The advice for getting the date in the first place is grinding it out; pure math. I will get rejected like 20 times, and then get a yes. So to run around juggling 5 different girls I must have easily been shot down 100 times.

Use a JP voice and reas this

OP... where do you find the time?

Why isn’t your wife curious where you are spending your time?

betacuck that wants attention lmao.

Listen narcissist, nobody wants your lonely hollow life filled with lies

Incel catchphrases, everyone. Point and laugh

Yeah I mean I agree. This is textbook narcissism. I'm surprised you have a stable relationship at all, let alone two of them.

Do you hate your wife? Like what's the motivation for this? I've turned down several girls for near-explicit sexual opportunities just because I was dating a girl for 3 months, we weren't even official but neither of us were fucking around with anyone anymore so I didn't want to hurt her.

She was with a guy like you and it destroyed her. He was engaged, and she was her girlfriend, and she fell in love until, introduced him to her family, the whole nine yards, then she found him out. She broke down crying on one of our dates about how nobody can love her and shit. This eventually ended our relationship because she didn't think she could ever trust me.

It's clearly some kind of mental illness, like psychopathy or narcissism.

Oh she’s on my ass she basically knows without having proof. Time is an issue so you gotta get creative like sacrificing sleep, or planing shit out to the minute.

It’s a self esteem issue. I think my face is ugly I think I’m ugly and I hate everything about me. When I sleep with someone it’s like a big, “Hey someone chose me.”

I don’t sleep in the same room as my wife.

I could totally sneak a girl into the basement at night after my wife’s done her rounds checkin on stuff at 11:30.

I just not sure how I get a woman to sneak into my basement.... fuck me.... then leave

It’s a riddle I’ve tried to unravel my entire life

Stupid people hate being alone because they are afraid to think.

A good man has a sense of morality that is based off logic and reason. Find a man that isn't afraid to adopt some responsibility and you will be good. OP is obviously a sex addict and not representative of a good man.

It’s more like a constant struggle to accept myself

I’m not stupid. I’ve become successful because I have a degree, and well paying job. I’m not saying that makes me special, or smart; I’m just not stupid.

Get an Airbnb, if works for me. Make up an excuse like, “me and some friends are drinking at his birthday party and I’m staying the night.

"Men have no feelings" is the narrative which justify these shitty behaviors. Real men have feelings, those who have little self-love like to act as if they don’t have feelings and are just obsessed by sex. If they can’t love themselves, for why do you even need them?

You seek validation through having sex with multiple women. Sounds pretty stupid to me. Get some help to cure you of your vice. You have sex with shemales. SHEMALES. Do you have any sense of morality or will you fuck anything feminine looking that has a warm hole? Do you have kids? If so, is this how you want them to act? You have to model the behavior you want to see them put into practice.

I've certainly had the urge to sleep around to get validation to prove to myself and others I'm attractive / a certain kind of person. I understand that.

It's kind of insane that even though you are married and have had success with many women, that self hatred hasn't gone away though. Like obviously you're good enough in all of these women's eyes to give themselves to you...

Sounds like a mental illness to me.

There's nothing logical about being a slave to a single woman

A slave? Sounds like you are allergic to responsibility. Sounds like you are overly obsessed with pleasure.

man, have you ever feel love?

Yes, that's why I get as much as I can
There's nothing logical about responsibility if it doesn't reach an end I desire

Not op btw

It’s not even pleasure at this point. Becoming an hydraulic cylinder is not the idea I have about pleasure.

>not op

How old are you and when did this sexual escapade start? How many thots have you slain so far?

I was like you but I’m taking a break my count is only around 50+, but I figure that’s pretty good considering I’m 21 and started at 15. After my current gf dumps me I’ll be back in the game though.

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>not about pleasure
>proceeds to continue talking about pleasure
Sure buddy.
That's because you allow yourself to be swept away by desire. It doesn't sound like you are a very down to earth person. If we act on every urge we have then we are no better than the lesser animals.

Why would I either want to be or assume to be better than "lesser" animals? You're the one ascribing fanciful definitions of worth the material world. I'm much more "down to earth" than you, friend.

AMA? what the fuck is this, reddit?

Nah, but this is barely better.

>hydrolic cylinder

Fuckin kek

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I hope you leave pleasure island some day.

Why? Because you want on?

Well said my brothers. This kind of shameless reddit culture should be discouraged.

Pleasure island is a slippery slope. I'm currently not trying very hard to escape its destructive clutches, and even less so since my gf broke up with me for having a case of whatever op has. Well apart from fucking guys, but I can't really fault him for it. I experienced ego death once and it really answered some questions. Changed for about a week but ultimately I returned home. Is cozy here on the island.

most retarded post ITT
>hurr one person represents 3,487,869,561 of males on earth hurr durr

My ego was destroyed when I saw a video of my ex sucking another guy off with a bigger dick than mine. I’m pretty much dead in all forms but physical now, so being a sleezball womanizer isn’t that hard now.

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Damn... Sort of the same boat. Have a hug brother. Honestly the vulnerability scares me. And now I've forgotten how to be vulnerable. Sucks how that works.

Rom 8:1-11 KJV
1] There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
2] For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
3] For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
4] That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
5] For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6] For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
7] Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8] So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
9] But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
10] And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
11] But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

How do you get them to take you to their place?

I rarely have my place to myself, so that's really limited my game.

Do you lie to girls that you like the same shit? Should i try to form emotional connections or just straight up ask for sex

I get matches on tinder, but I hardly get any, and the ones that I do, always ghost me. What gives?

i don't know if i'm more impressed that you can have both or if you are able to tolerate two fucking women regularly talking shit on your ear. you must be deaf or a saint.

Most of women are straight out trash so i dont blame you for doing this. Girl who said she loved me was the very next week had another boyfriend. When i asked her whats up with it she told me im too slow.

I pray to jesus and god that she will spend her life childless. And so many other women who deserve this for being arrogant and selfish.