GIOYC - Get it off your chest

Excuse me, for I am painfully shy. I’ll smile back if you look at me. You’re driving me nuts. I hope I’ll see you tomorrow again. You went after me and now I’m going after you. Hope it’s not in vain.

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Other urls found in this thread:

When I think of my grandpa in the Airforce it's mostly him just babysitting a bunch of pilot private while listening to Dead Kennedy's and being aloof as fuck

I will never know his secrets

Still- I got me lucky charms

I know what I want to do, how I want to live my life, but every day passes by with me hardly leaving my bedroom, feeling miserable and when I try to do anything, overcome with intense, ridiculous paranoid and anxiety

sucks for you faggot

>Have a tweet blow up
>The amount of attention is amazing if a little overwhelming
So that's what girls get every day huh, that's really somethin.

I was NOT put into a group with my crush for my group project. she did not appear to care. I did get put in a group with some becky who was staring at me on the bus earlier today, but didnt acknowledge it in the lesson. not very good desu

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I know you were in an abusive relationship. I understand it now. I won't expect you to admit it but if you ever did I would be there for you. I wonder how you're doing now.. I hope you know that I really miss you and think about you everyday.

I know you're married, if I said something that overstepped a boundary then I sincerely apologize. I don't know why you suddenly stopped responding, if it was something I said then I wish you would just tell me. I lose you once for over a decade and I don't want to lose you again.

>tfw user doesn’t realize he’s the Becky
>infinite becky chain

for girls that don't know

death gripa means I am capable killing somebody with my bear hands unlike buddha boys
(no this is not determined by race or body, but essentially getting you heart crushed)

nah Im below becky, so is my crush. we're both spergs

>When dreams don't come true

there are consequences

Ditto, I think about you and miss you too...

When I imagine my Uncle letting my conservative congressman fly his flag

I'm sure he was

sure, let the faggot use it

Then make sure I know that soon.

Help me gather the courage to break off with my boyfriend.
I love him, he's my best friend and my confident, and he's amazing, funny, caring and sweet most of the times. We're both lonely, stinky neets plagued with anxiety and depression and I feel he's the only one who truly gets me. I think I'm literally addiected to his cuddles.
However he has serious anger issues. He hit me twice before, punched holes into the wall, broke things, acts menancingly when we're in conflict, screams, hits himself. Most of the time his anger is towards himself, not me but it's terrifying and can be triggered anywhere at anytime. I can't stand to live like this, in fear, always feeling guilty, always thinking "if I didn't do/say that, he wouldn't be like this now". I feel like I became his submissive mom/nurse.
The thing is, I will soon get my own neetbux but he'll lose his. I'm afraid for his safety if I leave, he only have his mother left, no friends. He already expressed his desire to die multiple times.
I know I'll be devastated, too, like I said I'm heavily depressed and everything I do is a chore, I already attempted suicide (so I know I'm not brave enough to actually off myself but the despair is still there). Thinking about leaving him, plus having to take care of everything (papers, apartment, ect) is way too much. I don't know how I'll survive this.
But I truly need to get away from him, and be single for a while, become a better person, maybe even get a job.

How do I know that it’s you and not some larper? You know how to contact me, why don’t you do it.

Fuck Kirsten Good Man

Put a Baby in her- it's about time somebody did

None of my friends are ever going to see me again and I am laughing to the bank

duped by women

Of course it's larping but you started it, so I thought it was good advice. I don't usually larp but I felt sentimental. In my situation I can't reach out but they can, I don't know about yours.

>He hit me twice before
Really the only reason you need. Abuse should never be tolerated, regardless of which form its in.

Why force yourself to stay in a relationship that you're unhappy in? You allowing him to get away with this behavior is why he keeps doing it and will keep doing it, because he knows he can get away with it and have you wrapped around his finger. This whole "IF YOU LEAVE ME, I'LL KILL MYSELF" meme is bullshit, he won't do it. It's literally just something people say as a last ditch effort to keep the person they're manipulating around. On the off chance that he does do it if/when you leave him, then that isn't your fault. Dude is a piece of shit for even pulling that card.

You come first, do what you need to do to start on your path to happiness. From your post, it's painfully obvious you aren't happy with him and you won't ever will be. You can do this, you can overcome it. Be strong, don't let him bring you down anymore and keep you down anymore. You got this! You don't know me, I don't know you, but I believe in you.


Time up

It sucked going to the Metallica I max Concert to an Empty Theater, but at least I had good company

Brothers in Arms


Enjoy your two dildos


And why can’t you reach out? I can’t either...

Because it causes problems and isn't safe. There's nothing else I can do but with him well. Sorry for you too.

Also B

You didn't spill the beans on anything that my Warren cousin didn't already by becoming the gossip of town WAY before any of these straight CRIMINAL HOES got busted

But I mean that with the most love possible, but seriously bullying me at the funeral we paid for


There's a reason my grandfather married the thin blonde with a sweet tooth

And fuck you Bernie Sanders for molesting my cousin you Scoundrel

I have to be honest, I did pull that card myself in the beginning of our relationship. It wasn't all bullshit though since I actually ended up at the hospital. But still, I'm not all that innocent. And I don't think he isn't sincere either, he actually is pretty incompetent by himself (he has a lot of medical issues and didn't see a doctor for years, never clean up, ect) and depressed. I'm pretty sure he's manipulative though, he almost implied that if I left him after learning I got my neetbux it would be proof that women are golddiggers (even though we're talking about breaking off for months). When I bring up the fact that he hit me, he says that's it's in the past and that I'm always playing the victim.
Anyway we are bad for each other, and he's a danger for me. I finally understood that he'll never get better, and that his anger is a huge part of him. Even if his usual self makes me happy I can't stay.

>You can do this, you can overcome it. Be strong, don't let him bring you down anymore and keep you down anymore. You got this! You don't know me, I don't know you, but I believe in you.
Thanks a lot, user. Inspirationnal posts don't do anything for me but reading this, adressed to me, brought tears to my eyes.

Fuck SoCal

Keep your Cocaine problem

post it

Oh god Im so fucked

I haven't heard from you at all in a week. Please let me know if you're alright, and what's going on. If you don't want to be friends anymore, just say so.

dammit I never get anything done when I'm with people

I am strong independent man who don't need no woman. Right?

I'm so tired of me and I feel bad for other people who have to interact with me at all. People think I'm being an asshole when I don't reply to them but it's only because whatever I say will be fucking stupid and I'll be regretting all my life choices after saying whatever dumb thing I said.

The more I learn about women the more I dislike them, I feel nothing when I see those "attractive" chicks in 4chanz. They are just so calculating and cold. I don't want that. I've been on nofap for a while. I did nofap before and when I saw even a sfw pic or saw some cute girl irl I got diamond boners. But this time its just different. My sadness is driving my anger. With my anger I've started losing weight and lifting a lot. But I don't want a chick at the end of this. I want to sell everything and go live in Alaska.

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I'm sorry you feel so sad and angry, and that you don't see women as humans. Please stay single.

I never said I don't see them as human, stop projecting your thoughts about men.

>Saw the girl I lost my virginity to out of the corner of my eye
>At the time I considered her too fat to date, my friends would make fun of me
>She lost at least some weight
>I don't see my friends much anymore
I guess she wins

>The more I learn about women the more I dislike them
They're not some alien species you know.

Nobody ever said they were.

I dislike them because most of them are fake. They'd tell me that I'm not genuine and I should be myself but they are the ones that put on makeup to boost themselves in the sexual market.

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I fucking miss you...

She doesn't miss you. Women don't have the necessary emotional capacity to miss non-attractive guys.

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That was for a male, but whatever.

I'm tired of self-deception.

I used to be in a very toxic relationship and I tried holding onto it for the longest time because I yearned to be in a relationship and knew I probably wouldn't have one for awhile after that one. But fuck that, fuck being with someone who doesn't make you happy, fuck being in shitty situations.

Get yourself out of there and focus on yourself. Learn to love yourself, respect yourself, find your self worth and don't let anyone else tear you down or tell you you're unworthy. Everything he does that makes you happy, or makes you want to hold onto your relationship is all just manipulative bullshit that he's learned works. I've been in relationships where I manipulated (but didn't realize it until years later) and where I was the one being manipulated (but didn't realize it until I dumped $3k into her).

If he thinks you're a golddigger, fine, who cares. If he thinks you're a bitch, a slut, cheating on him, fine, whatever. Let him think what he wants but don't give in, it'll just keep giving him power. People will form their opinions, but that's all they are. You want what you want, you know who you are, and you're better than anything he can make you out to be.

He doesn't miss you. He used to have hope that love was real but women that are hotter than you showed him the reality, now he can't love so he pumps and dumps.

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Go hard or go home, that's my policy.
It's actually weird how nice they are being to me, are they scared of me? I'm just trying to get on top of things.

You know you're burnt out when you get a low grade on a test and just can't bring yourself to care.

Exact same situation right now my friend. What class?

I've never traveled alone and soon I'm going off on a three month exchange program. My brother asked how many days, which made me count the ten days in the calendar. 10... 9... 8... 7... I'm freaking out, and really regret downing that cider just because I had it!


so many flavors

It's a modern algebra class. Lost an entire letter grade over notation.

i feel like you're toying with me

it's been literally 9h since you dropped me at my place
kissing me goodbye

yesterday you told me you were only having breakfast with that guy friend

yeah fuck off..... best to let you stay my exgf

Just be with G. I’m done. Everyone was right about you.

Older Brother is attractive and intelligent, easy A's all through college
Younger brother is 6'3 and successful athlete
And I'm barely 5'9, study for 7 hours a day to get B's, and I'm going bald at 19.
Fuck genetics, and fuck you mom and dad for convincing me I was ever anything other than below average in every way

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OD already whore


Thank you for your empowering words. I know it's true.
>Get yourself out of there and focus on yourself. Learn to love yourself, respect yourself, find your self worth and don't let anyone else tear you down or tell you you're unworthy.
I think that's what motivate me the most. I dream about finally living alone, and learning who am I, really. I feel like I lost myself along these years.

God I'm going to miss him so so much. But I have to do it

Because she should desu

I really, really can't do this anymore, I love you but everyday I wake up here i feel like i'm in hell, that i don't live here or shouldn't, everything is about what you want to do, everything is always my fault.
i'm sorry, i think we moved into this too fast, right place, wrong time.
I love you
but i have to go now

I low-key high-key want to die suddenly. Life has been way too painful to keep enduring.

I was intimate with a man this weekend for the first time since I was gangraped. We didn't have sex but we cuddled naked and I didn't have a panic attack. He even made breakfast for me in the morning.

and now you've texted me
>sure *thumbemoji *:P

i'm.. fucking hell what... i'm gonna blow my brains out

Ive had a crush on this girl for a few months, I didnt act on it because I was too pussy, and now I feel like I might be losing interest in her

which feels inconclusive. like Ive been emotionally blue balled

and now Im lost without someone to obsess over

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I feel weird for not having friends but I don't think I care enough to make any again. I already talk to my bf, drug dealer, and family. Soon I'll have to deal with employment and talking to coworkers and my boss. Why deal with friends on top of it all? I always end up as the mother friend listening to everybody's bullshit like an emotional tampon or the "little sister" friend forced to go along with everything and shit on for the slightest thing. Fuck it, no more. I'm just gonna relax

You can obsess over me

Do you still see her? Wasnt she interested in you? If she showed signs then you should’ve definitely acted on it. Also your world shouldn’t revolve around someone that you’re crushing on. Keep on improving yourself.


That’s a long way to tell us that you’re a triggered incel

I got the impression she WAS interested, but lost interest over time when I was too scared to do anything

and my world in regards to other people revolved around crushing on her, Im not really interested in socialising and stuff so she was the only person I wanted to talk to. I still do hobbies/lifting/uni etc to "improve myself" but not socially. idk

I like my flex better then Berkeleys

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Also I can't post it cause I can't find it anymore

Glad it's gone cause I don't want any Cousin Porn on my Computer

Real Proud of her though

it's either that I feel miserable or gradually feel more detached from myself or reality what the fuck is wrong with me

You see, I’m in a very similar situation, but with reversed roles. I don’t know if the guy is still interested though. I shall see in the next few days. I was very closed off and burned a lot of bridges, but am rebuilding the good ones and so far so good. You still have to get your daily or weekly dose of socializing even if it’s with that one person you care about. If you don’t socialize on a daily bases you’ll become a recluse and that’s not good for anybodies well being. Hope you’ll figure your shit out.

D you really need to go home to your mother and give her a hug or get family therapy

family therapy did wonders for me

S don't go to D's wedding

M I know you like your guns but I will take your AR 15 and use it on the groom myself cause I am not letting this Biker gang asshole anywhere near that Child

For the first time in a long time, I feel ok. Not terrible, not great, but ok at least.

I don't think I can be happy in the way that other people are happy, but being ok is good enough for me.

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I'm a high functioning autist and I have a lunch date with a guy tomorrow. I'm so fucking nervous but I really like him.

I can’t be friends with someone I’m in love with.

Guns are useless if you can't pull the trigger

I know I can, but your so soft that I know you think it's cool, but I will do the hard work and sit with it on my leg so he knows what a big cock is really like and that it's not between your legs or in a glass

Same. It sucks.

Burp, how the fuck do you keep managing to disappear without anyone noticing? Someone finally just told me you don't even live in this town anymore. You haven't for years WHEN THE FUCK DID THAT EXACTLY HAPPENED NOBODY SEEMS TO KNOW AT ALL. And now you're gone from facebook minus some of your usual cryptic AF antics that you left for us and nobody knows or remembers your phone number or even where you live now.

It's like you just went POOF so instantaneously when everyone wasn't looking that it literally took forever to anyone to notice it seems and then you went POOF all over with the same trick again.

Is this why some people called you "ghost"? I first thought it was for other reasons. It's like you've been dancing around everyone this whole time. First it just you being able to slip away from a small group on an outing and now everyone's lives. What's fucking wrong with you man?

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D and E

different D this time

you guys have it so good- really

I'm sad I will probably never see you again, but you guys are just as shocked as me about everything

Being turned into plastic happened to me when I was 12 and it happened to you guys at Legal Safe and non-Depressive Ages

I'll see you at my wedding and I'm sure our moms will be happy to be reunited

they still talk and everything is fine

There are such things as Christmas Cards

Nobody felt like they wanted me around

I'm thinking of running away for a few days to teach my abussive mom a lesson

It’s tough kid, but it’s a life

He didn't leave you guys the house and the money because he thought you dumb fucks didn't deserve it... because you don't deserve it. I would be going against his wishes giving it back to all of you.

You assholes tried to kill me for it all and then you get upset that I won't share it. Maybe if you didn't try to literally kill me you would be more deserving. But again, you aren't deserving.

How would you guys feel if you made a will, specifically stated you wanted the only good person in your entire family to be rewarded for being a good person and then a bunch of selfish pricks tried to determine you weren't in well mind and tried to steal that you wanted to give to someone special?

I have every right to defend myself. You people are trying to kill me. You are literally trying to torture me to death and every time I don't kill myself you guys actually get angry about it. You get angry about someone innocent not killing themselves because they have something you want.

You are objectively shit people.

I've probably found the perfect guy and I really don't want to mess this up. This is the only time I've gotten to date someone that's exactly my type.

I was finally getting over her after finding out she had a bf. She usually sits 3 seats away, against the wall. On friday she moved one seat closer, and today she closed the gap by sitting next to me. We sit at computers in this class and you’re practically touching the person next to you. I told myself not to think anything of it, but then I noticed her looking at me a few times and mimicking my body language. I even tested her by putting my hands on my lap, the table, crossing my arms, flipping through papers, and stretching. She basically copied it all to an extent. Does it mean she likes me? No, but it means something, even if it’s just subconscious. You don’t mimick someone like that unless you think highly of them.

Time has told me
You’re a rare, rare find
A troubled cure
For a troubled mind.

My biggest fear is being cheated on and I think it's going to ruin my next relationship, when I get into one.

The way I see it, personally, is that if she cheats on me, she isn't the type of person I would want to be with anyway.
Makes me feel like there's just no point in worrying about it.

Most of you are unbearable children and your own negative, selfish attitudes are holding you back from being happy. Most of you don't actually come here for advice. Most of you only come here to whine and feel sorry for yourselves while you wait to he told what you really want to hear.
This isn't for some faceless entity away from here; I'm saying it to the majority of Jow Forums posters.


Yeah I keep telling myself that, hopefully it sticks one of these times haha. I'm almost as afraid of fucking things up with my paranoia as I am actually getting cheated on. It's obviously something about self esteem going on so hopefully that'll get worked out as I keep improving shit.

I’ve been married for 5 years and I am missing my ex fro 14 years ago. That’s about 4 relationships prior to meeting my wife.

>Female friend streams
>Talk to her in chat like how we do irl, like y'know a normal ass friend
>White knights in chat defending her every decision "Dude she can play/do what she wants"

Holy fuck man