
So I'm a newlywed and my husband opened up to me and said he cheated on me multiple times during our 8 year long relationship.

We started dating young, my husband says he loves me.

What do??? I just got married. One of the girls he banged was our mutual friend.

He says it was meaningless, I'm hurt and confused.

I don't even know what to do.

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If this isn’t bait, RUN now before kids come along

Meaningless?? Is that what he thought when he fucked sluts behind your back? Is cheating on you meaningless?
Run as fast as you can

Maybe he wants you to divorce him and take his stuff?

The lying and betrayal was not meaningless even if the sex was.

I question anyones sincerity that says they love someone when they betray them.

Your husband is a selfish, arrogant, liar that betrayed you and made you a fool. He now wants you to continue being a fool and believe him despite telling you. He does not respect you at all.

Divorce him.

Leave. This is just going to keep happening and happening.

>I cheated but I want to paint my husband as the bad guy first to a bunch of people I'll never meet so as to bring closure to myself and to be able to fully shift the spotlight away from my own infidelity
Haven't seen this one before... sike

get mental help

No U

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This >RUN now before kids come along
Divorce ASAP.

Divorce?? I just married omg this will ruin my life. I don't even know where to start.

I'm scared of the future.
What will happen to me if I stay with him?

I feel like shit.