Chill Thread

It's Monday my dudes and the start of a fresh new week!
Post about things that happened to you last week, that got you excited for the coming week or situations you need advice in.

I'm available for the next 5 hours but then I'll be busy later on today, but don't worry, I'll try to reply to everyone before the thread dies so check the catalog or tomorrow's thread.

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My new intake manifold came in the mail and I've been balls deep in my engine to replace it. Outside it's freezing but I'm gonna keep working on it so my car can be restored to operating condition and I can get a job. I'm pretty stoked for that.

Nice, what's the model?
I was going to get my dad's Audi A4 from 2000 but it's pretty much dying and falling apart at this point.
What job are you going for btw?

03 Grand Marquis baby
It's easy to work on and the parts cost nothing. Just a top vehicle all around. There's a Home Depot near my house and they're hiring so why not?

Looks old but slick, they don't make hem like this anymore.
And that's the spirit, no money < money. Have you already sent your application? Would recommend going for an interview with a nice ironed shirt and suit pants.

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You're right, rwd V8 sedans are history. One of the reasons I want more money is so I can get nicer wheels for the barge. I'm gonna go apply in person because online applications never got me anywhere.

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Online applications are truly a grind, I've been there before. Good luck with the job hunting, if home depot doesn't work out try asking around for jobs in cafes/restaurants/stores.

My other choice is Walmart because they pay $11/hour and my friend who works there says pushing carts is a 10/10 job.

Kek. I'd say that as long as you're not on customer service in Walmart it's a 10/10 job.

Currently regretting not doing my homework and studying for my midterms today. Procrastination is a real problem of mine, doesn't help that friends want me to games with them. I hope last minute studying will help.

play games*

Damn, I too was studying accounting before Discord distracted me.
You have to focus user, gaming with friends isn't going to make you pass exams. Have you tried studying in a public place like a library where there are few distractions?

According to him, he slacks off a bunch and listens to music and when he brings cartfuls of groceries out to the cars of elderly people they leave nice tips.

That guy's supervisor is incompetent, lucky him. Maybe you'll get lucky too and just chill in the warehouse waiting for resupply orders and stock checks.

Thanks user, I find the same results in the library, I somehow wonder myself to reddit/Jow Forums while "studying". The only way that works for me is to stop and close everything I'm doing and just open a browser for the homework/textbook and force myself to study. The test is later today so I'm gonna be spending all day doing that.

I stopped drinking last Monday and have been sober for a week. I guess that's "good?" I don't know. I'm also dieting and I'm 6 lbs down.

Also a thread yesterday inspired me to write to an inmate girl at a nearby prison so that letter is in the mail and I feel weird about it.

It's still a matter of discipline though, if you can manage to remain focused enough to study during those few hours while taking breaks as often as you think they're necessary for the next 20 days it should become a routine. Also, consider getting as study pal who can tell you to focus, it should help provided they don't just procrastinate too; this could also be a good excuse to pick up some girls at the library.

Those are all good things I think, one week and 3kg are a good start, you just have to keep your good habits going. Are you doing AA or just cold turkey btw? I think it would help if you interacted with like minded people who're trying to manage their alcohol as well.
Also, that's definitely the first time that I hear about someone mailing inmates on this board, albeit I know that a few people do that in the USA. How did you find out about her?

Another week of going to work at my boring-as-fuck job. Considering going back to school in a couple of months and doing an associates in Accounting to get out of this "field" that I'm in. But it's a lot of time (and money) that would be sunk in. I don't know boys. I'm kinda disappointed with my life.

I have a few guys who are in he same course as me who're late 20s to 30s trying to get a degree so they can move up in their careers so I definitely think it's worth it as long as you actually study and take it seriously, otherwise you're just blowing through your savings. Planning to study at night or during the day?

I'd be quitting my day job and going back to college full-time. It is college, not university, so I wouldn't be able to compete with all the big-dick accounting university graduates unless by meme BA from university means anything (which it doesn't).

If i do go to college, I'll probably go back to being a barista part-time at starbucks to pay rent and stuff. I'm concerned that, even after I graduate with either an associates or a diploma, it won't be enough to land me a stable enough job and then I'll have to either
>transfer from college to a uni using the credits, pray to every god my GPA is high enough and the full ride is going to be 4 years
>go to trade school or something and spend even more time/money

The good thing about going for a full degree is that I'll be allowed to do the certificate tests for accounting or whateverthefuck.

My parents are trying to supportive as in they tell me if I go back, they're behind me but I'd have to try hard, etc. But I know that they're a bit disappointed that I haven't found a job that I'm comfortable with since graduating from university ( about 6 months ago).

Sorry about the long text. I've just been worrying about it a lot while I am slowly bored to death at my work.

At least it sounds like you have a plan but you should definitely look into how useful the piece of paper you'd get at the end is for what you have in mind to try and establish a more concrete path for your studies. Have you tried getting in contact with the coordinator of the degree you're trying to get into about job stability after graduation, etc.? Might be a good way to iron out some of those worries.

Ah. I didn't consider going to the school and talking to a coordinator. I'll have to schedule that sometime. Thanks

Check out government/state jobs. Decent pay and great benefits if you cant find anything else. Assuming you're in America but you said Walmart so I think it's safe to say

Cold turkey. I hate AA.

Found her on a website for mailing inmates.

Understandable, I can see AA being boring if you don't like the people.
What made you look for inmates to exchange mail with? Definitely not your average choice for a pen pal.