How to deal with toxic people you're 'friends' with?

Got a few toxic girls in my life, live with one of them currently (won't be after May though). I've known them all since I was 13 and have been 'friends' with them (I'm 19 going on 20 now).

They're all incredibly toxic. The sorts of people where everything is always my fault.

For example said girl I'm living with once picked up a chicken noodle put from the living room and said 'for fucks sake user is this yours' even though it clearly wasn't (I'm vegan), she just wanted to bitch about me.

Another example is her and her two mates were doing work in the living room and I left to go and stand in the garden for 5 minutes because I wanted some air.

I walk back in and they all start cackling at me saying 'lol user wtf were you doing in the garden you're so strange'. I explained 'well I just wanted some air because my room is stuffy' and they said 'lmao user that's not a reason you're such a child'.

What do I say in this situation? How do I react? Do I just ignore them?

When we smoked weed the other night they were perpetually ripping into me as well, everything I was saying/doing they had a problem with and were laughing at me. wtf man lmao

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Call them out for being bitches, how are yiu responding currently? You low test or some shit?

You got to be more mean
For example when they asked what are you doing in the garden you say "none of your fucking business"

You sound like a beta

>girl I'm living with
>(I'm vegan)
>we smoked weed

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Let's be honest OP, you're not going to do anything proactive like everyone else is suggesting. All you can do is cut them out of your life. Stick it out until May, then never even speak to any of them again. Don't text, don't invite them over, fuck them, no friends is better than shit friends.

Also, I'd recommend chatting with a shrink, figuring out how to be more assertive and work through your anxiety. If you can't afford one, look into local universities, some have a system set up where they'll hook you up with a psych grad for free or cheap.

Best of luck, man.

Yeah I did, I've learnt to stand up for myself. I'd usually just question them because that would make them look like a cunt

"What makes you think that is mine?"

But I was just wondering if there is a better way of doing it.

Sounds like a decent plan desu. I've been trying to figure out how to be a kind person but also not have people walk all over me.

But if I said that wouldn't they just say "oooh sorry hurt your feelings" or some other bullshit?

Think I'll have to find a balance.

I live in a student house mate haha.

I’ll bet you’re actually a weirdo who makes people uncomfortable.

>I was standing in the garden
is a pretty autistic weird thing to do. Bet there’s a thousand other examples and they’ve just gotten sick of it.
