What’s the best flavor of lube for eating ass? Asking for a friend

What’s the best flavor of lube for eating ass? Asking for a friend.

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You dont need lube for eating ass?

>eating ass
What? Just dig in dude

your saliva

You are all barbaric. You cant just go in head first like a warrior to battle.

Shut up.

This is why the gods will never sing your name

Eating ass is a delicacy stop treating it like a cheap dinner at McDonald

glad I’m not this much of a zoomer. eating ass is self-depricating and retarded, even if it makes you feel pleased with yourself in some weird way.

I like my asses sugary sweet but imo there's nothing funnier than eating a chocolate lube flavored ass. Never tried it myself but the idea seems entertaining.

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If your self-esteem is already garbage there's nothing to lose, just prep beforehand and be safe.

>doesn’t lick trace poopy off partner’s ass for the shock factor
>must have low self-esteem
zoom zoom

That does sound good. Glad to see some people have taste in this thread of bottom feeders.

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Jesus shut up.
>Never tried it myself
>Glad to see some people have taste
You're hopeless.

you dont put ketchup on a steak

Uncouth all of you. Your parents should be ashamed. Have some culture with your fornication. I bet you fuck in the woods.


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Explain it to a kissless virgin pls. What is the point in eating ass? What pleasure do you gain? Isn't there a super high risk of licking a stray spec of shit?

>I bet you fuck in the woods.
...Yeah? It's fun, off the cuff, dirty, quick. It's great.

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Taboo factor, dirtiness, animalistic. "Nothing of your body is off limits." Burying your face in an ass resting cheeks to cheeks. The anus is sensitive and it is enjoyable to have it licked but the pleasure for the give is psychological and sensory - a relatively clean but not fresh out of the shower anus has a scent - like with giving oral sex.

Sure you shouldn't lick an asshole if you cannot stand the idea of potentially lapping up a shit germ or something. But where you draw the line is subjective. Giving oral you tongue the hole someone pees from. Making out is sucking tongue and swallowing spit. None of it is particularly hygienic but what you experience as gross is personal.

It’s a delicacy. Dont believe these madmen. Enjoy it to enjoy it. Like getting pegged.

I don't eat ass because I don't want to risk transferring shit germs to her mouth or pussy later on. I do shove my nose on her asshole and take a big sniff while I eat her out though.

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Whats the smell like?