My bf said I take too long to cum

My bf said I take too long to cum.

What do I do guys, I can't cum solely through the bag canal I need some fiddling.

My bf said his ex was instantaneous.

I feel like shit and his ex was pretty had blue eyes. I have brown eyes but I'm slimmer and taller at least.


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Tell him to get better at foreplay and you'll cum faster.

well first off, your bf shouldn't have said that, look what he's done to you

he should have offered to help figure out how you can cum faster

>not making his gf cum
>blames her and contrasts her with ex
he dumb

Sex is for BOTH of you to enjoy. He shouldn't be comparing you with his ex in bed - I mean what kind of self-centered knuckle-dragging neanderthal does such a thing?

Tell him to get good at seduction and foreplay if he's on a time limit. Don't let him blame you or make you feel small because he's inept in the sack. Honestly, I'd wrap my legs around his neck and tell him to eat your pussy and don't stop UNTIL YOU SAY SO. Mother fucker wants to wag that tongue - make him put it to good use. Tie his ass up, squat over his face and make him stare into your BEAUTIFUL BIG BROWN EYES while he chokes on your foot. Tell him HE can cum when YOU say so. Punish him severely

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He sounds like an autistic retard. Number one rule of any relationship, don't compare your current partner with your exes. Would dump in your place desu.

She was probably faking. It takes a while for most girls.

Why can not you come fast?
Is it in your head?
or are you just a stud?

What kind of sex do you have?
Is it basically dick goes in, dick goes out til he cums?
If your sex is boring, try adding more to it so you get more aroused during.

How old does it take your bf to cum?

I would argue it takes almost as long as I do. Maybe less. I actually didn't think I took long until he brought up his ex.

He does oral and does what I ask but what he said stuck into my head and I feel worthless.

I wonder if she was faking it, he said it didn't seem like it since she was extremely wet after it. (Yes he told me those details because i was insecure enough to ask)

It sounds like your bf is insecure and thinks that you taking longer to cum than his ex is some sort of attack on his masculinity.

Thank you user you sound like a reasonable man who values the girl you're with.

I wish my guy sent me this kind of vibe.

Dump him sis. The right man for you ain't gonna belittle you and make you feel like shit - especially about sex. Tell the dog to go rapidhump his ex if he miss dat puss so bad. Find you a real man who's gonna focus on you and gives you all the time you need to feel satisfied.

Sounds like you need to find a BBC, fuck it, steal its cock, and then transplant it onto your boyfriend.

>My bf said I take too long to cum.
Assuming you aren't a guy.
>My bf said I'm doing something that's fairly normal for women to do.
He could complain about cats always purring, and it would to the same effect.

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Personally, just tell him what you need. if he's gonna be a bitch about it, and it doesn't bother you, then tell him to stop being a bitch. If he doesn't want to fiddle with you, leave him because the sex isn't just gonna get better. Boggles my mind guys don't want to be the best they can for their partner, because I get off more on my partner enjoying herself than I do fucking. If I wanted to just cum, I'd just grab my onahole and go to town

You have your mind in the right place user.

Thanks fren. Shame I'm on a long ass dry spell and I think the girl I'm starting to see is probably hella vanilla.

But maybe I'll get lucky and she's actually repressed and sexually crazy

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Well if you have patience you can turn her into something more.

Girls usually start up vanilla because of societal judgements.

What a scumbag bf op. How u gonna relax and cum if you tryna force it

>He shouldn't be comparing you with his ex in bed
Absolutely everyone compares everyone to their ex.

Go ahead, act all angry and self-righteous, but it's still true. Date a virgin if you can't handle it.

His ex was VERY likely faking it. Don't tell him this obviously, it is of absolutely no use, but it's true. Women coming from just penetration is a thing, although not as common as women needing something else. But "instantaneously"? And (I assume) right from the start when they began fucking, before the learning process of how to most effectively turn one another on? For a young girl who's only been having sex and getting to know her body for a handful of years probably? Yeah. Incredibly unlikely. Don't get hung up on this OP.

Honestly I would just ask him why he is telling you this and what he expects from you. Is he complaining for the sake of complaining? What was the best case scenario there then? Venting frustration at the expense of making you feel like shit over something you can't help? Is he even on board trying to figure out ways to make you come differently? Because it sure doesn't sound like it if he's already whining it takes too long.

If you're lucky this gives him pause and he might reconsider. If not, I'd tell him point blank what a turn off it is that he's complaining about the exact way in which you enjoy yourself in bed, and that you don't want to hear about it ever again.
Or break up and find a guy who doesn't give you shit for it, that depends on how good the relationship is otherwise/how long you've been together and so on, and is obviously your decision to make.

>Absolutely everyone compares everyone to their ex.
*in their HEAD they do, yes.

I'd cut the little fuckers pecker off if he said this to me. Or perhaps I should compare him to one of my ex's

>My bf said I take too long to cum.
Lol what
I wish my manager would take the blame when I fucked up my job