I ordered a prostitute

I've already posted this on r9k, but this might be a better place for it.

This is to catalogue the experience, and share it so I might hear somebody elses thoughts.

I ordered an escort (pic related), paid her 60 euro for an hour and transport, plus 65 more for extras (condomless blowjob + deepthroat +facial). I'm a 20yr old Porn addict, so I couldn't just have regular sex.

she arrives,I heard she had a chat with the floor below neighbours on the elevator (great, I wonder if rumours will spread).We greet each other, exchange names, have a cig and talk about prices,have a short chat, she is polite enough.

She gets undressed, She's Chubbier than her pics, but that's par of the course, I like her though, feminine enough, I undress, tells me I've got a big cock, I doubt her honesty ofc, although it did hurt her when I inserted too quickly.

We get going with missionary, I try to savour every moment of it, go slow, not in any hurry to come, Change positions some times, quite often really, I want to enjoy every angle of her, plus actual sex is uncomfortable for an overweight NEET (or just in general?)

I keep on going this way for about 20-25 minutes, she keep asking me when am I gonna finish, I tell her when I want to, she starts getting testy about me lasting too long, my mood sours and I start going Limp.

I had drank maybe 3 glasses of gin, and I take an antidepressant which makes it harder to come, which probably didn't help.

We try to get my little guy up, but she is impatient, I tell her that I paid for an hour, and we agreed on coming 2 times, one of them a facial. She argues that she expected me to last 5 minutes, and that this is not the way it works, talks to me from a position of power, a bit like I'm a naive child. Of course there's no semblance of a boner left at this point.

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She asks me If I've ever been with an escort before, I tell her yeah and the girls kept to their time commitment, She explains to me she's with an Agency and used to work in the country's capital, she's got a Boss and she doesn't make the rules, he takes a 50% cut, and there's 2 bodyguards waiting in the car below. I ask her why she doesn't do freelance work, is it dangerous?
She tells me stories of being locked in hotel rooms, having a gun pulled on her etc.

We talk for a while, understand each other, tells me she's sorry about the situation, but she doesn't decide her Modus operandi, She seems honest, tells me she's going to make it up to me, to call her on a later date,go to her place, pay just for the hour and I'll get the extras I paid her for.

I bid her farewell and she leaves.

Dunno, the whole thing turned me off quite a bit, couldn't fulfill my fantasies of sexually objectifying a woman.
And I don't know If I should now, sex must get boring after a while, after desensitization to the same stimuli.
And after compromising with what she was comfortable with, her dos and don'ts, I see her as a person?
which then collapses my entire fantasy.

What do? take her up on her offer?
or give up on this whole hedonism thing, attempt to find a true intimate relationship with someone and probably have my confidence go through the meat grinder?

sure whatever

This isn't a hedonism thing, you're basically using a cheatcode (money) for sex without putting in the effort to attract a woman the normal way. When people want to have sex without the burden of a relationship, they get fit, go to social events and meet people naturally, and if the people like each other, they usually have sex. I'd never have sex with a prostitute because I can't get it up if I know the person having sex with me is doing it for money and is not enjoying the process. At the same time, I can have dirty objectifying sex with a woman that I've actually established a connection with, and we'll probably both get pleasure from that.
So yeah, that's what I'd advise you to do. If you follow through, you'll thank me later.

her puss was dry wasnt it


She's hot, you paid for an hour, why the fuck would you take your time? I'd have filled her up with cum after 15 minutes and then sucked her tits until round 2.

Would you recommend a 19-year-old virgin guy to see an escort? I wanted to call one today, but I keep putting it off for some reason.

I'd save your money and get a gf to practice on first. No need to waste your money on a terrible first session. Once you become sexually active and know what you're doing, go ahead. I already know that if i become single i'm blowing a hole in my savings on pussy.

OP here, honestly, I would, even though makes a good point, the lack of mutual attraction is a bummer, but if you feel you just need to get it over with, just do it, you might be disappointed, you might like it, but in the end it will demystify sex for you, which will help getting over any confidence hiccups you might have

19? Not yet, wait at least until you finish college. But if you think theres no way you will score ever, maybe..

19 is too soon

Like, honestly, this post is sort of the kind of dead-ass straight talk we need more of.

You are actually a really brave and kind person, OP.

I feel like the paradox of prostitution is that we assume we can pay for someone to give us an orgasm, when the best part about sex, from my experience at least, is giving one to the person we're with.

And that seems to be something money will never be able to buy, and that's just one of those ironic tragedies that we have to live with until we find some better society.

But reading your story seemed so relatable, it's like looking at a secret diary from some parallel universe that I've been very close to encountering, had I more money and lived in a country where this was possible without the threat of arrest and likely subsequent termination of my livelihood.

Point being, I think it's actually the idea of equating emotional intimacy with sexuality that has gotten in the way all this time, because we live in such fucked up cultures that we can't imagine a world where we emotionally bond with those who understand us the most and physically bond with those who we are most physically attracted to.

When those qualities of bonding match up, it's magic, sure... but you might as well run screaming through a lightning-storm hoping to get struck when it comes to the chances of that happening anytime soon.

So live your life. If you can afford it, be a kind lover to those whose bodies you worship, and an honest friend to everyone. Maybe someday you'll find what you're looking for.

Thank you for your story, though. You have actually helped an user in need by telling it.

Not OP but I wouldn't. Most people don't have a mind blowing first time but realize with a prostitute they are not legitimately attracted to you, they can often have a businesslike/dry attitude about everything, there's no playfulness or chemistry...

You get to feel the physical aspect of penetration, which is by far the least interesting part, and what titties feel like in your hands. That's about it. Of course there's better prostitutes who can give a better experience but finding those especially as an inexperienced user is superhard and not something you should count upon.

The problem you're facing isn't about the escort (who, by the way, don't actually usually have sex with their clients, but I assume you're just using the term as synonymous with prostitute).

You're putting it off because there's a metanarrative virus that goes something like "how did you lose *your* virginity, Cliff?"

And you're supposed to tell some crazy story where you were with your babysitter or your friend, or someone who just needed to have your dick, so you went ahead and gave it to her, and that shit was so cash.

It happens, of course, if we believe the stories (which are seldom told by the babysitter, but I have heard accounts I've no reason to doubt), so we know the chances exist.

But after long enough, we realize that that ship has sailed.

That's when we start to worry. Movies like "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" and those MTV specials about old virgin dudes begin to haunt our unconscious like the same nagging voices who ask us when we're going to find a career or move out or go to college or become whatever it is that people have decided for us we need to do as men.

At least if I get laid, I'll have one checkbox out of the way, we reason.

But then you have to find someone you can "legitimately" have sex with, now that you have the imagined confidence of someone who has had it.

Guess what? That confidence doesn't exist. You'll have the increased confidence of knowing that you can buy sex, but that doesn't actually translate to the ability to have sex with anyone else who you aren't literally exchanging money with.

So... if you want to do it, you totally should, because sex is really fun.

But don't think it's going to help you in any other way.

I know this sounds like a mixed message, but it's not: you have no obligation to participate in a society that sees sex as anything but a monetary exchange, so I'm all for your getting laid by a hooker. It might be the most awesome thing ever.

"Society" is pretty fucking stupid, after all.

there are good advice itt

You pay a prostitute for her time, not her ability to spread her legs. You wasted your own fucking time.

Dude. Just try another hooker. Preferably not one caught up in human trafficking

I found 2 prostitutes who were any good, and one was moaning really fake which was weird. We connected on some level though and was talking about moving out of europe and coming to the states and asking all these questions about shit. She wanted me to come back and shit.

I'm sure mostly just bullshit but if it was all an act she's a pretty good actor in terms of actually connecting, she was a terrible actor with the moaning so I kind of doubt it. The other one was really, really fun. When I stopped she would be like "is that it? can we keep going?" and if I went soft she'd be really sexy and blow me. Probably a sex addict. That girl was easily the best sex I've had to date.

All the others were pretty business like and cold.

>Pays 67 dollars for a prostitute
Well, she's low quality OP. What did you expect? Quality tier escorts come at around $300+ here in the US. I mean, if you're going to pay for sex, she might as well be pretty and hot right?
Don't listen to the other faggots telling you not to hire a hooker. The truth is, your first time will be the moment you will always remember. I lost my virginity to a Kim K lookalike escort and do not regret it ever since. She looked hotter than all the girls that I was interested in. I don't regret it at all and I am so glad I did it, especially with a 9/10 because now I'm not shy towards women or put women on a pedestal. Fuck, if I actually went and lost my virginity to the first girl that offered herself to me back in high school I think I would regret it.

>Dunno, the whole thing turned me off quite a bit
Yes, because having sex with a prostitute takes away 2 very important factors that make sex so pleasurable. 1) mutual attraction and 2) validation.

The most important reason why sex is so much more fullfulling than masturbation is because it validates your ego and sense of self. Don't underestimate this because it's extremely important for us humans (social animals). Knowing and seeing that a woman finds you attractive enough to have your dick inside her is a great feeling that lingers after you've nutted. It also makes the sex itself more pleasurable because the mutual desire makes the entire ordeal more intense.

Fucking a prostitute is not too different from masturbating. Maybe it feels a bit better, but for most people it won't cut it. It might replace penis in vagina, but it doesn't replace all the other very important factors that make sex enjoyable.

>Im a beta and need validation from women: the post

>human trafficking

Fucking quads tho, and 7s at that.

So, like, why do so few Americans understand that there's a difference between prostitution and human trafficking?

If you want to sell your body, and there's a market for it, like... that's your choice if you own your body.

The problem is when people who don't are sold into such a market.

That's the only difference that matters in terms of whether it's ethical or not, though, and it's really annoying when people treat adult women like children because they want to ride the market of their body to as high of a profitability index as they can.

Deluded response was to be expected from some random user. If you put that precious ego of yours to the side for one second you understand the importance of feeling validated when you're having sex. If you don't acknowledge that this is an important factor, you're flat out lying.

Why do men hate women who are a dead starfish in the bedroom? the pussy doesn't change right? It's still the same wet hole. But guess what does change, her lack of enthusiasm about fucking you makes you feel shitty and thus the sex becomes less pleasurable.

>2 very important factors that make sex so pleasurable. 1) mutual attraction and 2) validation

What's interesting in this construction of sexual pleasure is that it seamlessly equates physical attraction with emotional validation.

But that can be just as toxic as believing that sex is no more than a robotic biological function.

If you require some kind of validation in your sex, then you're looking for emotional intimacy, which many don't see as belonging to sex.

What do you seek to validate by having sex with someone else, after all?

Do you think they are somehow telling you that you deserve to have sex with them by having sex with you?

You might not. You probably don't, after all. Whatever happened to allow you the chance to copulate with another human is something that is probably further beyond your control than you think, and how they see you in that moment is probably not how you see them, and it's really fucking rare to find otherwise.

That's one of the things that prostitution offers: the safety of knowing that there aren't any complicated kind of emotional attachments.

If you don't know how to have sexual relationships outside of such emotional attachment, though, this can actually be healthy.

Too bad that such open discussion of sexuality outside of emotional attachment is seen as taboo in so many cultures.

>Put your ego to the side so you can what fuels MY ego
Topkuk kys cuck

Rest of your post
>A bloo bloo bloo these are the reasons why i worship women

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Yeah, you're just sort of embarrassing yourself in terms of your overreaction to a measured response to male sexuality.

It's okay, though. It's tough out there.

>measured response to male sexuality.
What's next? Are you also going to tell me that onions is good for my health? that I should support women's rights because I should I get validation?
You're obviously naive and most likely a virgin who gets their knowledge of sex from romantic comedies.

Since this is Jow Forums, I advise you to eat more onions and get your test levels checked, cuck.

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Daily reminder that drugs , gambling and prostitution are illegal for one reason - so that cops and their mafia buddies can have a monopoly. This isnt some fucking joke, the literal fucking police are pimps and protect drug dealers and gambling operations they profit from. There is not one police force in the universe who gives a fuck about justice. I have witnessed thousands of instances of people getting fucked over by criminals and never once did cops ever intervene. This isnt just some armchair analysis, this is based on things ive actually witnessed. Rich families can buy a their kids get out of jail free card. If you have money or are with the correct mafia, you can rape steal or deal drugs. Imagine being some random nobody and going you know what I'm gonna sell coke. Nope. If you use codes and are discreet, you will be arrested for stepping on the cops turf. Meanwhile little spoiled greasy Italian faggots text "hey you need cocaine? You need oxys?" They meet you in public places. They post up at bars. I used to buy an ounce of weed and supply it to three or four close friends to get a discount. The pigs followed me everywhere and tried to set up a sting op over fucking grams of weed. Meanwhile Italian niggers carry pounds in their car.

Yeaahhhh no. All blue heads need to splatter. Then the dego faggots next. You think I'm just fucking trolling? I encountered one of these Italian slobs once. I kicked his fucking door down and broke some or his walls because he was a sociopath faggot who talked about how he wanted to murder people, how he destroyed property, how he would steal, how he wanted to fuck underage kids. I fucked his fucking faggot dego house up and he did nothing because these people are scheming pussies who hide behind fear walls.

Italians , kikes , SPICS, niggers, CHINKS , dirty mafia faggots who serve no purpose and need eliminated.

>t. nigger with a criminal record

Are you a Scientologist?

What the fuck are you on about with that list?

Onions are onions, and what the fuck they have to do with womens' rights has nothing more to do with the fact that both tend to make me cry.

Oh yeah, that was was good line even though you think it makes me a fag, but fuck you - you have to appreciate the humor.

You are a goddamn joke to me. You might as well be a bot, to tell the truth, but I know how many people actually believe the kind of bullshit you're spewing, and how much it hurts them, so I won't insult you more than your unintended affiliations with the glad-handed sycophants who will parrot your mindless rhetoric has already done.

I like your verve, though. You're a real firebrand.

Dude, give it up. Most cops don't have the time to bother with 99% of the "crimes" happening anywhere near their precinct.

They're just following their watch commanders' personal vendettas, which often stem all the way to the chief, and that's political.

Wake the fuck up, you retard.

How big is your penis? (length and girth)

>drugs and drinking
>low self esteem
>lack of experience
You’ll never be a hard dick warrior like that

They certainly have the time to give me a ticket for not wearing a seat belt or having a light out on my license plate (I’m supposed to check that shit?) cops are hard asses

How'd my story help you user?
if you don't mind me asking

>You'll have the increased confidence of knowing that you can buy sex, but that doesn't actually translate to the ability to have sex with anyone else who you aren't literally exchanging money with.

I think for me atleast, it's removed a fear, which you could call confidence, the fear that when one day I might find person to be sexually intimate with, I won't feel like a fish out of water.


140 when you convert it from 125 euro

this resonates

you've gulped down the bait here tho, don't give (you)s away like that

you make a good point, but I don't think he really equates one to the other, or that validation is exclusive to sexual attraction.

>Do you think they are somehow telling you that you deserve to have sex with them by having sex with you?

Isn't it like a primordial thing in our brains, doesn't good sex raise your mood and confidence on a fundamental, primal way.

I lose you on that deterministic bit, okay, sex can't validate you because you've had no real influence on it happening? so then what can?

This must be pasta right? He can't have just typed it all out right now, right?

Don't you mean:
>How big is her penis? (length and girth)

Yeah, it's because cities, while they have no official "quota" still have projected revenue in terms of revenue for any given citation.

They're under the same pressures you are if you have a boss. Most people do.

>How'd my story help you user?

Well, it's complicated. Truth be told, maybe it's only made things worse. But it made me feel better for a minute, so that's better than most people have been able to do. I'm not very good at this sort of thing. You did something I've feared to do, though, so I guess I respect that.

>the fear that when one day I might find person to be sexually intimate with, I won't feel like a fish out of water

You won't, but only as much as you can abstract the person as part of belonging to the same category of person who who were able to have sexual intimacy with. They'll still be a completely different person, and that's always going to be the Gordian knot, though.

>you've gulped down the bait here tho

What bait is there left, user?

>validation is exclusive to sexual attraction

It's not... it's just incredibly rare.

>primordial thing in our brains

No, all we have is the pleasure principal, in our bodies, in terms of bodily urges, and that only sometimes results in viviparous reproduction.

Sure, some people happen to have the drive toward those that we can make babies with, but it doesn't mean that we have to make babies with them.

It's no different than people who desire those who they can't have babies with, and the fact that we're here to question this is sort of proof, in the sense of biological determinism.

16~16.5 cm length
16 cm girth

That's a considerable girth. She wasn't exaggerating.


>using a cheatcode (money) for sex

Aren't you afraid you might get AIDS or VIH?

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