Why are girls mean to me

why are girls mean to me

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Dunno. The reason probably specific to you and your life. The girls I date are mean to me, but just about every other female is nice to me.

i try to talk to them online but they think im creepy or weird and eventually block me

>i try to talk to them online
case closed.

>op's probably going to get shit saying it's likely him doing something to warrant women's negativity
>meanwhile here I am, 29m, have always been berated and physically beaten by women my whole life, going all the way back to my mom and sisters (some of them being of my first memories); all to the point that I literally don't know what it's like to be around women and not have this shit happen
Feels bad, man.

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dont steal my thread u fuckin abuse victim god

Are you creepy, though?

That's the cycle of abuse. You say it yourself:

> I literally don't know what it's like to be around women and not have this shit happen

Abuse victims replicate their abuse. You need to break the cycle.

Annnnnnd we're done herw

What's wrong with talking to them online? If they're not approachable online then how are they going to be any more approachable in real life? And besides, I can't approach them in real life because I'm afraid of being seen as a creep; chicks have their own digs, their own crushes, people they like, people they don't like. It's extremely unlikely that I'm going to approach the girl who happens to also like me. I'm just a numberless male to them, and so I have no desire to put some innocent girl on the spot just because I thought I could fight the odds... That seems like a huge chore from her perspective. I always read about how girls have to put up with being approached by guys they don't like. Do I want to be one of THOSE guys? No. So instead I try to talk to them online. But it seems like they just don't wanna be bothered. I don't know how I'm supposed to have my first relationship given these circumstances, it seems impossible to approach girls and equally impossible for them to approach me. I'm not ugly or socially inept or anything just fyi.

>I don't know how I'm supposed to have my first relationship given these circumstances, it seems impossible to approach girls and equally impossible for them to approach me.

Do you not interact with women, at all? Besides family, of course.

as a concrete example take this thread: do any women in this thread want to talk to me? Add me on discord, twitter? Not necessarily to date (I'm not even into edating) but just to maintain contact? Just for a friend? Isn't my situation enough, don't u at least pity me? I think you'd find me charming enough, if we knew each other (but we don't know each other)... and the answer, I can gather, is a resounding "no" - but wouldn't it be so much better, if it was yes? Isn't there someone of the opposite sex who feels the way I do? Who wants to do something about it, together? Why is it always me who wants and them who don't want? Isn't there any hope?

sorry for the strange post but this the only way I know to express myself

Do you have male friends that want to talk to you, as a friend?

You could have the same with women if you didn't try to hit on them automatically.

You sound like one of those cringey pajeets you see on Facebook

You're still one of THOSE guys online, you're just hidden by internet anonymity and believe yourself somehow beyond that reproach despite doing the exact same thing as them.

You can't just pretend the internet annuls all your social ineptitude. You're still as much of a social flunk with the internet as you are without.

You're not supposed to talk to girls exclusively expecting 'your first relationship.'

Dude. Come the fuck on
You ask for dates on Jow Forums and you wonder why girls won't talk to you
Get off Discord, please
It's fucking killing you people. It's turning you into even worse versions of yourselves. You're becoming weaker every day you use it.

Two more years of this and girls are just gonna assume you're a shy transgender kid and that's why you're so fucked up and can't socialize. Stop being so desperate, stop needing people like this. Nobody wants to be that, except parents, and last I checked you shouldn't be dating your parents. And usually parents have a kid if they feel like providing.

You creep us out and we try to keep you away, for our perceived safety

look i dont know what to tell you guys I've made many threads like this and got more or less the same response im just v desperate. I cant go on like this cause it just makes me feel like shit, i want somebody to love me thats all. And no, I'm not expecting handouts, I got a lot to offer as well, I think i'm desirable as a person, but I dislike the dating marketplace n all its dysfunctions, so I don't pursue it... I don't know what to do, I've been alone all my life and I'm sick of it, I don't want to be alone anymore, I'm v emotionally upset by this whole thing. I guess I want someone to empathize with me i dont fucking know...

You're not being yourself enough, faggot

Stop being desperate dude
Nobody's gonna love you because desperation is a clear sign you don't love yourself. It shows that you're just another crybaby who wilts when things get tough, doesn't know how to commit to a task, and constantly attempts to make others solve the problem (IE: constantly making "Discord girls" threads on Jow Forums).

Who would ever date someone like that? Why would they date someone like that? That is clearly a person who can barely solve their own problems, much less share in another person's life.

>I dislike the dating marketplace n all its dysfunctions, so I don't pursue it...

That's how dating works. That's like saying "I want to swim but I don't want to go near water". Sorry man, but dating means putting yourself out there, just like everybody else.

>I guess I want someone to empathize with me i dont fucking know...

You are asking for an easy way out, and you admit no one has given you a satisfactory answer yet. I think it's time you start considering that the easy solution you want doesn't exist.

>clearly undateable
>clearly undesireable
>demonstrably so
>literally fact that you are neither of these things
>insist that you are

The thing about narcissism is that if you become so sad that the world becomes all about you like that, that's also the level of self-absorption associated with narcissism.

Nobody likes a narcissist.

has it ever occurred to u that the "creepy guy who's in love with you who's secretly an axe murderer" archetype is mostly fictional and it's just u being paranoid? In fact it just downright cruel lol I mean I get it, some dudes just give off bad vibes, but thats usually because they're inhibited not cause they're scheming to put you in a trunk... really... to be seen in that way is pretty rough especially when you just like the chick I mean come on.

Has it ever occured to you that women are not so much worried about an "axe murderer" but more about emotionally stunted men bothering them? Imagine having a grown ass man drool over you and keep trying to date/fuck you even though you are 0% into him. How would you feel about a dude doing that to you?

I mean seriously what is so hard to understand that some dudes are just ugly and creepy and no one wants to hangout with you. Go hang out with buck-tooth Becky or something Jesus I'm way too good for this shit

How am i undateable or undesirable substantiate this please. At this point ur just insulting me lol, calling me a narcissist when you don't even fucking know me... whatever... if I leave it out, people assume the worst about me, that I'm a neckbeard, or some weirdo like lawliet cruz, that that's where my problems stem from. On the other hand, if I say otherwise, then ppl think I'm a narcissist. It just so fuckin tiresome, wish yall would let up.

>people assume the worst about me, that I'm a neckbeard

We read what you write, we are not assuming.

This is a sad way to think.

you take it too hard you need to relax a bit and have fun, they don't want to be rude they're just having fun.

I would tell the person im not interested, or am already in a relationship, not be a cunt about it and say it's "for my safety"... imagine if a guy you had a crush on acted this way towards you. I mean what the FUCK is that?

Really losing all faith in women cause when I read shit like this it makes me think what if they're all like that, I mean ofc I understand the variety of individuals out there, that some are kind, reasonable etc. But they're so few and far between that it just hopeless... you people make me sick if I'm being honest with u. This some fuckin fag behavior. Why am I taking shit from you walking garbage FUCK you people.

fuckin bitches with emotional double standards surrounding themselves with loving and accepting people and preaching love & acceptance, and then saying shit like this lol. You're gonna go back to your discord/social media and post lil fucking heart emojis and "ily"s to your friends when little do they know you just a fuckin heartless bitch fuck you doc martens wearing whore nobody wants your hole not even me

>I would tell the person im not interested, or am already in a relationship, not be a cunt about it and say it's "for my safety"

Women have told you that? How many times? And how many times have they given you excuses instead?

>Why am I taking shit from you walking garbage FUCK you people.

I'm not a woman, though, but if I were I wouldn't date a guy that gets so mad at a whole gender.

I know it's a sad way to think I'm very sad at the moment this my mental breakdown rn.

>surrounding themselves with loving and accepting people

And that's why women don't want you around. You are not loving nor accepting. You are bitter.

You don't understand. When every guy wants to be with me I don't have time to "be nice" just fuck off if you're too dumb to realize you're not good enough for me, well, I don't owe you anything creep.

she said
> for our perceived safety

>I know it's a sad way to think I'm very sad at the moment this my mental breakdown rn.

Then you need to admit YOU turn people off. So far you haven't done any self reflection. You literally said:

> people assume the worst about me, that I'm a neckbeard, or some weirdo like lawliet cruz, that that's where my problems stem from.

We don't assume the worst about you, we KNOW you are sad, mad and angry. Why would people be dying to spend their time with you? Look at yourself.

That's one woman. Do you think it's fair to apply that to every woman?

They can smell fear

The real question you should be asking yourself: Why do you care? Build yourself up to the point where they will go out of their way to please you. Sounds like your sexual market value is low at the moment. Work to increase it. You are probably a young man.

I didn't say they had to date anyone I'm not some incel, I don't have 'government mandated girlfriends' on my political agenda. It just gets on my nerves when chicks are purposefully cold to u, seemingly -trying- to hurt your feelings instead of just saying they aren't interested. And then she'll go online and be like "this CREEP sat next to me on the bus omg I had my hand on my taser the whole time!"

>It just gets on my nerves when chicks are purposefully cold to u, seemingly -trying- to hurt your feelings instead of just saying they aren't interested.

What have they done to you? Given your example, it sounds liek you expect to pick women up on the bus. That's pretty creepy. Women take the bus to get places, not to find dates.

But look at you, you also go online and post about chicks who had to turn you down because you were and are desperate and whiny and self-victimizing.
It's amazing how devoid of self-awareness you are, unless this is just bait but then that's all Jow Forums is anymore anyway.

I'm not angry or sad as a general rule, I don't hold chauvinistic beliefs, I don't dislike women, and I don't have emotional issues except just in this instance because I'm so fucking frustrated with being alone. If I wasn't alone I'd be perfectly fine, but I am alone which fucking sucks, especially if it's for 21 years straight, and especially if other ppl treat your loneliness as some kind of personality flaw, saying "YOU'RE just unattractive - unwanted - unlikeable" when in reality it's the other way around, my loneliness has CAUSED these things within me...

Nah, he doesn't realize he can just become attractive. What an idiot

>my loneliness has CAUSED these things within me...

Great, that's a good first step. You admit you have personality flaws. So the question is, why would women want to date you now? Right now you are angry and sad when it comes to women and dating, so why would a girl want to deal with that?

I'm not any of those things lol you really think I post like this to girls I like? No I maintain a good conversation n behave reasonably. I have qualities of my own like any person. You're just trying to use my current hysterics as an explanation for a life's worth of loneliness and I'm saying that's not a reasonable position.

>If I wasn't alone I'd be perfectly fine
Literally anyone worth being with knows this isn't true. Anyone who believes this is not going to contribute constructively to a relationship and it's cruel because it's practically a condition at this point and none of you can look inward and see that this is what's happening.

You keep blaming anything but yourself, deflecting, claiming it would be fine if someone else would just take responsibility.
I repeat: why would anyone want to be with someone like that?

If OP was a female this thread would be totally opposite, especially this You people are all idiots who don't realize how full of yourselves you are.

Sorry OP don't have any advice, just wanting to point out the hypocrisy

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But you admitted on the outset that girls don't like you anyway so even though you're asserting you're so likeable and decent, there's no evidence for it. Nobody else believes it, literally just you. Girls, the important party, certainly don't seem to buy it for a second longer than needed.

Tell me man, how long are you gonna sit here and feed us lies to save face? Why? Why's that so important? Can't you just admit that you're fucked and you need to un-fuck things and there's no 'qualities' here that anyone cares about because they clearly don't do fuck all for you if the end result is ending up on Jow Forums trying to anonymously save face to a bunch of anonymous posters.

We'd love to help, you just don't want to be helped. Admitting you were wrong in the first place is part of that process, because then we can cross other bridges.
But we can't help you right now because we can't even get you-- alone as you are-- to admit you're undesireable to girls in the first place. If that weren't true, how did you get here?

>I'm not any of those things lol you really think I post like this to girls I like?

So girls post the taser stuff on your facebook wall? No, they don't You are just like them, bitching about other people in what you think is a safe space for that sort of thing.

Because people are supposed to help each other lol. If a girl told me she felt bad in any way shape or form I'd lend my ear or whatever and have done so many times but when I'm lonely people just go "well nobody wants to be around a lonely person so stop being lonely" if u aint see the irony in this then you not paying attention.

Every guy shitting on OP would be looking for OPs discord / twitter and would encourage her.

Jow Forums is just sad honestly.

>Because people are supposed to help each other lol.

Not by dating an angry man. You are asking too much.

>when I'm lonely people just go "well nobody wants to be around a lonely person so stop being lonely" if u aint see the irony in this then you not paying attention.

We are lending an ear and offering advice. What else do you want? A blowjob?

>assuming desperation is attractive in either gender
So just because Jow Forums is predominantly thirsty males who validate desperation it's all hypocrisy. Very Nice
Also the honest to God reply to assertions of females is usually that they're bait-- within 5 posts, it's usually been identified as bait at least once

>Every guy shitting on OP would be looking for OPs discord / twitter and would encourage her.

Yeah, she would get her pick from all the desperate men that want to date any girl, including a basket case. Why is that better? She would just surround herself with more shitty people and never actually grow. You are lucky you get actual advice to grow up.

>it's a guy
Lmao you're a loser go kek yourself
>it's a girl
you can do it! they aren't mean! What's your discord

>Lmao you're a loser go kek yourself

So, the fact that we are actually trying to help you is lost on you, right? And the fact that desperate males trying to get in your pants is not actual help is lost, too.

Would youl ike to have sad guys flooding your inbox? Go roleplay a female for a while and see if it's fun. I won't help you get laid, but hey, it sounds like you don't want actual help, you want pity.

But that's you, not me. Some of us would genuinely tell them to stop being desperate but there'd be like two of us compared to the entire rest of this sad-ass board and all its tripfags thirsting over females.

The joke is, they can even just larp as females. You guys don't even need them to be real, just to validate you.
You can keep denying that and you can be the kind of guy who whines about being single on Jow Forums, or you can try and change that. But you're right in one thing, we can't make you do anything, much less listen when we try to help.

If you were attractive and desireable to women, you wouldn't be here in the first place. Remember that.

I'm not OP.

I'm sure if someone's is in OP's state they wouldn't mind any at all female attention, sad, happy, desperate, clingy..

But Jow Forums is a bluepilled board full of people who are gonna shit on people like OP but would say totally the opposite if it was a female

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>I'm sure if someone's is in OP's state they wouldn't mind any at all female attention, sad, happy, desperate, clingy..

Would it help him? To have a sad, fat, lonely woman send hollow compliments through a screen?

I dont see ur point. Users of this board are people like any other. There's plenty of healthy, university-attendant men on this board. I dont see whats so bad about getting attention lol. I would be grateful for the attention of just one ugly chick. I want some ugly fucking fatass fujoshi to type a smiley face at me because it would brighten my day a lil bit maybe stop me from killing myself. Yet bitches be here posting about all the unwanted attention they get. And I find it VERY hard to believe that all the guys you get attention from are creepy or whatever, I think u're just a catatonic bitch if this is what you think about the people who give you their attention and emotional energy.

Judging by his replies yes. And you shouldn't judge him.
Someone just wants validation from the other gender, not everyone wants a perfect 10/10 waifu

You actually have absolutely no clue how someone like OP feels, please refrain from trying to "help" someone like him, you aren't capable of doing it.

>literally just be yourself lol

Dude, just please ignore them, it's not good for you, he doesn't have the mental capacity to understand how loneliness feels like.

He's only gonna make it worse.

I'm not a girl but I hope you have an amazing day.

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>There's plenty of healthy, university-attendant men on this board. I dont see whats so bad about getting attention lol.

Going to uni doesn't make you less of a desperate neckbeard. There's such a thing as "bad" attention. I know it's hard to imagine when you are so starved for attention, but not all attention is good attention.

>And I find it VERY hard to believe that all the guys you get attention from are creepy or whatever, I think u're just a catatonic bitch if this is what you think about the people who give you their attention and emotional energy.

Again, I'm a man, not a woman. I'm really trying to help you, dude, but do you see how you jump to women hating without even having a woman in front of you? Don't you see the problem?

You stopped replying to my posts after I pointed out that, right now, you are not a good date. Why do you avoid self reflection?

>Someone just wants validation from the other gender

But it's not validation. A deperate woman starved for attention that messages you on Discord is not actual attention, she is just as sad and desperate as you. And validating that sort of behaviour won't help you or OP out.

If you guys want a hugbox so badly, why are you on Jow Forums?
What about Jow Forums makes you think it's going to be your hugbox?

Go back to Discord. It's where people like you belong. Your sensitivity makes you a target on Jow Forums, and people aren't going to pity you.

Attention is attention there's no symbolic differentiation between valid and invalid forms of attention lol. I think u're just some shallow unread faggot operating on platitudes. Two desperate people finding each other seems like a happy ending to me.

>Attention is attention there's no symbolic differentiation between valid and invalid forms of attention
This nigga gon be on dr Phil LMAOOO

>Two desperate people finding each other seems like a happy ending to me.

That's twice the insecurities, twice the sadness, the anger, everything you have to deal with right now but both from yourself and from the other person.

Desperation doesn't lead to good relationships.

>Attention is attention there's no symbolic differentiation between valid and invalid forms of attention lol

People that validate and encourage your bad traits are bad attention. There's a saying in my country, it translates to "Better alone than in bad company". People can have harmful effects on you. Friends, family, romantic partners. And I'm not talking about abuse. Enabling is harmful, too.

And you keep avoiding self reflection. Don't think I haven't noticed that.

Powder keg dating a lit match.
That's only a happy ending for the spectators.

>But it's not validation. A deperate woman starved for attention that messages you on Discord is not actual attention, she is just as sad and desperate as you. And validating that sort of behaviour won't help you or OP out
And who are you to say that?
You quite literally have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
2 broken people CAN help fix eachother, sometimes all one needs is someone to lean on too and be there for them emotionally. It's why people look for someone similar, you want someone who understands you.
Who says I'm like OP? I was Until last year ( I'm now 19 )
I know EXACTLY how OP feels like and you retards obviously don't.
What fixed me was finding that person of the opposite gender who felt the same and who understands how I feel.
We did drift apart eventually after me and my family had to move but those few months gave meaning to my life and made me change my ways.

You should also refrain from trying to help people like OP, you have no idea.

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I don't understand why chronic singles think they have good perspective on relationships.

OP please leave the thread, these people are all retarded and have no idea what you're going through.
Please just leave this is only gonna make it worse.
Everyone here has 1 ideal hive mind way of thinking and you can't affect that.
Jow Forums is the worst board on this site, please leave and don't feel bad.

I'm also leaving this thread to go play some games so don't let them demoralize you even more. They have no clue.

Bluepilled scum.

>2 broken people CAN help fix eachother, sometimes all one needs is someone to lean on too and be there for them emotionally. It's why people look for someone similar, you want someone who understands you.

"Understands you" and "Enables you" are not the same thing. Any person worth dating won't date a bitter ball of anger, so any person dating people like OP are not going to pull you up, but drag you down even further.

OP needs self respect, self reflection, and self improvement. Leaning on a person that has the same vices won't help with that.

>I'm totally reformed!
>Even though I'm single and whining at Jow Forums for being mean!

Uh-huh. Convincing.

OP, giving up means you stay like you are. If you want to play videogames like him and keep being miserable, well, it's your choice. It's not a good choice, but you are free to make it.

>dating is only what I have in my mind nothing other can be worthwhile dating.


>I'm leaving because it's mean and doesn't validate my desperation!

It's always single loners who hide behind video games who act like this. What kind of girl WOULD date you?

Yeah I'm single now but I had my first girlfriend until the end of 2018 when I moved, no I'm not as desperate as I used to be and I'll be taking my time.

You're all retarded.

Video games - bad

Literal redneck psychologists.

You're still a desperate single guy who bitches at people online. Nothing's changed, you just desperately need that so you can lash back at us because you know your desperation is a problem, you just can't be assed to admit it because doing so means you've been wrong the entire time and your pride won't let you swallow that.

But hey, you're right. Since you're another chronic single, you'd be a lot better at patting OP's back and creating him a nice little pity party. Why don't you two become Discord buddies and whine about the unfairness of life together?
Oh, that's right-- you only care enough about OP to virtue signal at us, not to actually offer him any sort of substantial help. I forgot!

Oh, no, dating an enabler is dating, it just drags you further down into a pool of misery. And that's assuming OP randomly stumbles upon a desperate girl online that lives close-by, so it's even less likely to turn into actual dating that you make it out to be.

There's no helping them. They have absolutely no perspective on it.

Pseudo-psychologist at best*
Sorry Chad didn't know this was your locker

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Oh you'd be the first dick sucker to jump on the train if it was a girl posting.

There's no helping you guys. You just want pity and hand-out girlfriends.
You can't even help yourself. How could anyone else help you?

Even disabled people have more fight than you guys.

Well, I guess you know me better than myself. How can I argue with such a psychic?

By the way, I can see you are avoiding the topic and instead trying to make me look bad. You have to admit, as dumb and as mean as I am, I always make a point on my posts, I don't just insult you and stop writing.

No I'm perfectly fine with myself right now, I realized that I don't need to fit in with the rest and their ideal representations of what a guy / girl is and what relationships are.

And they say NPC meme isn't real

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>Well, I guess you know me better than myself. How can I argue with such a psychic?
You mean like you know more about OP and his desires than him?
It's not that I'm responding to posts, I'm just writing quick responses to replies that catch my eye by being extra dumb like yours.

>he says, being mad that people are telling OP to find satisfaction in being himself rather than needing a woman for validation
You're all over the place, man. You can't even keep a straight thing going in a single thread. You've resorted to throwing memes around to defend yourself.

This is why you're on Jow Forums. Everywhere else on the internet, people have the option to just sort of block you and leave you to screech alone.

>You mean like you know more about OP and his desires than him?

He made his desires clear, he wants attention, any sort. I'm just trying to explain to both of you that that's not the solution. There's bad attention, there's attention that makes you get more stuck and feel even worse.

I'm poiting out that being mad and getting angry at women you don't make women want to date you. Why would they?

I'm not telling you what you want, or him what he wants. I'm pointing out the consecuences of keeping up this sort of attitude.

Personally the few times I've gotten attention in the past actually helped me immensely and diminished my need for attention and overall increased my mental health. Again I think ur arguing from platitudes and social principles whereas I'm arguing from whats verifiable psychologically speaking. That is: getting your needs met has a therapeutic, it is not what drives a person further. This is only true of addiction. In this case we're dealing with the opposite of addiction - deprivation. And yes, getting the attention that u need, even if that need is desperate, will heal u.

And yet as soon as you stopped getting the attention you went right back to being this bad.
It's like the notion of sustainability is totally lost on you and you're resigned to being an emotional dependent for the rest of your life.
Keep clinging to your desperation. It's clearly working for you this far, after all, and helping you to experience wild successes.

>getting your needs met has a therapeutic, it is not what drives a person further. This is only true of addiction. In this case we're dealing with the opposite of addiction - deprivation. And yes, getting the attention that u need, even if that need is desperate, will heal u.

In your mind people can't get burned by other people. I'm glad you have such a positive outlook, but it's not real.

Desperation makes you a victim. Yes, even other victims can victimize you. This is not only about abusers. Two people can drag each other down.

I think it's more of a cumulative effect - somebody who gets regular attention is more attenuated by that fact whereas some only get attention spuriously which is to say: not enough. I don't see how you can expect somebody to be entirely independent of others when part of being human is desiring affection. That seems like an impossible standard, maybe quite unnatural too. Desire is quite sentimental in this regard dont u think. Isnt it more endearing than a transactional relationship - you give me financial support and I give you sex - an agreement between two civilized, self-sufficient individuals. This seems like the kind of relationship ideal you're putting up... but to me it seems very unnatural and banal. People in love should desire each other in a much deeper sense - like water, like air - don't u think?

>I don't see how you can expect somebody to be entirely independent of others when part of being human is desiring affection. That seems like an impossible standard, maybe quite unnatural too

He is talking about you coming here to whine. A GF didn't solve that for you, you are still a ball of anger. It was only kept at bay for a little while. You didn't improve.

He isn't me, I went to play games and am only now checking.
Don't just assume everyone is the same guy because they disagree with you

So weird that we had an user do a hit and run post, that you saw my reply in less than 3 minutes even though you were playing games, and that you didn't even try to reply to previous posts adressed to you.

It seems to me you replied, and then decided to disown the post.

No you're just a retard who can't take others' opinions.

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It's not even just advice it's the world. Men White Knight because women are wonderful flowers that must be treated previously. So much as get rejected by one or do something one of them doesn't like and you are a creep and a loser.

You are free to give an actual reply then. Why do you keep avoiding it?