What is the most utilitarian penis size?

What is the most utilitarian penis size?
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Pleasure scales directly with size
Aka 12ft penis is most pleasure

what about 12'+? is there no diminishing return?



40 is the softcap

13 cm and a grower (4-5 cm flaccid). It's small and concealed when you need it to be. It's easier to take a leak with it, fits in any underpants, looks aesthetic! But it's also adequate if you're lame and want to have sex with other humans.

thats tiny LoL

How is becoming biologically fit lame?

Yeah, basically. There's a vertical asymtote around 12 (feet) which is I listed it. You can go higher but it gets wonky

okay but what about the girth axis?

why do europe bros have it so good


U can probably go balls deep and gill the hole on most girls with a 7incher

Eh, once you hit 15in radius, the blood-flow:pleasure ratio gets really one sided and not worth it. Of course, bigger is again better, but being realistic a 30in circumference is all the average heart can handle

Diameter, my bad.
Circumference would 94in

Whatever size the guy amswering the question is.

why would you need a big dick? Even if you wanted to have sex, why should you care if she enjoys it? it won't make your experience better.
sex in itself, as a way of reproduction is perfectly fine. People making all this shit around it is lame "oooh let me comb my hair so I can have a privilege of licking a wet and soggy peice of meat that smells of fish and looks like a predators head". If you're a no effort person then it's okay, but if you put in effort just to have sex you're lame (and i don't mean shower or stuff).

So you are criticizing the current culture of meaningless sex with multiple partners just for the sake of pleasure? If so, then I agree with you wholeheartedly.

kind of, but also the whole "you must have a mate" idea. Why? I'm okay like this. 90% of times I get asked if I'm gay just because I don't do stuff to get women. "You go out and just dance on your own? Are you gay user?". "you dress in comfy clothes when you go out. Are you gay user?"

I totally understand how that would be annoying. It seems like you are comfortable in your own skin and that bothers some people. Keep doing what you are doing and you will find a woman that is perfectly compatible with you. You don't "need" to find a partner, but there is merit in finding one.

>but there is merit in finding one.
yeah, at a cost of freedom. Free men take no partners, that's just glorified slavery.

The one you already have. Swapping it out would be very high cost.

Would you fuck off already? Chaos =/= freedom, Satan.

>life without a woman = chaos
I guess Dalai Lama is an extremely chaotic person. So is pope Francis. Classic satans

In the other thread you were arguing for meaningless sex. I was not referring to celibacy. Celibacy is just fine when practiced to enhance spirituality.

You must have mistaken me for someone else. (i'm not being a memeboi now, i actually wasn't in that other thread).
I just think that negatives outweigh positives when it comes to relationships. It's so much work and walking on eggshells for something a hand and a warm blanket can do.

I am sorry you feel that way. Most women these days are not marriage material. There are still many out there that are though. Do what works for you. There is nothing wrong with being alone. Better to be alone than to be with someone that makes you feel alone. That's why I was merely indicating that user should continue to walk the path he is on, because if he does then he will meet the woman that is exactly right for him.

Friendly reminder: Unless you're under 5 or over 7, your dick does the trick.
The only men who care about dick size this much are other men.

>the only men
the only people, kek

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those tits are the definition of cock destroyers thank you almighty god

yeah he has a pretty nice rack

That's only if you're going for a quality build, 66 is the cap for a pure strength build