How do i get a gf?

Hiw do i get a gf, i want one, nowwwww

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Why do you want a gf?
You're welcome.

So i can fuck her and make babies obviously

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How do you usually dress?
Are you fit or overweight?
What do you do for a living?
Do you consider yourself outgoing or shy?
What's your favorite hobby?

How do you usually dress?
Like on pic
Are you fit or overweigh?
I am fit
What do you do for a living?
I am UNI student
Do you consider yourself outgoing or shy?
Fuck i dont know, i guess i am a pussy
What's your favorite hobby?
Syrian civil war, i am a reporter

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Mad that your other thread tanked? Trying it with the namefagging now?

Not me

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In that case just talk to more girls with no intention of getting with them, just as friends. Ugly or good looking, it don't matter, just talk to them to see what clicks for them. At this point you just need experience talking to them and seeing them as people, not sex objects of desire.

Not to sound mean, but give me a few legitimate reasons why a girl would want to reproduce with you and not the other guy?

Very serious question because you're a weeb and being a weeb immediately gives you a -1 penalty for your attractiveness.

I got big dick just ask your mom

If i see girl who i like, she is mine no other incels will touch her
Ok bro, i thought that i needed more experience

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>going to uni with your shirt off
Based motherfucker, I'm proud of you.

God fucking dammit I've been looking for that song for weeks

You get experience by taking action over and over again.

Than you senpai

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>I got big dick just ask your mom
Is that supposed to offend me?

>If i see girl who i like, she is mine no other incels will touch her
This statement is evidence enough for me to know that no girl out there wants anything to do with you. You might as well go back to watching naruto and jacking off to hentai.

>Is that supposed to offend me?
No i am just making childish response like you did
>This statement is evidence enough for me to know that no girl out there wants anything to do with you.
Hahahaha, please stop this is too funy, look at this guy hahhahaha

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Considering you have loli pics, you're probably a beta faggot, and most women will smell your pedophilia from a mile away and deny your advances.


>deny your advances.
Dont worry i can flank them from sides, and then penetrate from the back

Also i am not pedo, never

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I know that, is just that i am really good actor and i thought i could avoid that phase

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