I know I'll get a bunch of retarded responses since I'm posting here, but I'm gonna give it a shot. Where can a girl meet guys worthy of dating? And I mean actual places, since I don't use social media or dating sites (i despice social media, though i've considered trying dating apps and such). How do I know someone likes me, and in that case how do i take things further than just flirting?
Tfw no bf
>Where can a girl meet guys worthy of dating?
Anyplace, really, you just need to put yourself out there. Sitting alone at home and ignoring Tinder won't get you dates.
How old are you?
Same as we tell guys around here: get some hobbies that the opposite sex also enjoys doing.
>how do I know if someone likes me
Basic social cues. If you're an average or above average looking girl then most dudes will probably flirt with you at least a little bit naturally, unless you have terrible resting bitch face or the tendency to shut them down hard, in which case that kind of news gets around and dudes will stop trying.
Look for smiling, touching, trying to make you laugh, going out of their way to talk to you or include you.
>how do I take things further than just flirting
You can always ask a guy out. Assuming you won't do that, you can always swap numbers and suggest hanging out. Mention a movie you want to see or a restaurant you want to try out or some other activity that you'd like to do, then invite him along.
The rest is basic stuff. You flirt more and you touch more and you stay up late texting until 2am because you really like the guy. Then one day you're out with him hanging out and you give him the kiss-me eyes and see what happens.
what makes you think i don't leave the house?
>what makes you think i don't leave the house?
Ok, where do you meet men, then?
>what makes you think i don't leave the house?
Most of the people who hate social media are basement dwelling types. They hate it because it's full of people posting their highlights and it seems like a really hard standard to live up to when you only leave the basement for energy drinks and magic tournaments.
You need to provide more information. What do you do for a career? Do you have a degree or are you in college? How would you self-assess your attractiveness? What sort of hobbies and interests do you have? Why are you asking this all on Jow Forums?
/soc/ is a sausage-fest so you can select the very finest würst in your area.
Not OP but hate social media because I’d rather leave the house to make friends desu. I found most people on there don’t really do anything worthwhile, it’s just for show. If I want to go for a nice walk or eat nice food at a cafe I do it because I want to, not because it’s a good photo op for social media. I’m way more focused on the present without social media.
>meet guys worthy of dating
Really depends on how much you are worth in turn.
>tfw no gf theads
>tfw no bf threads
I am genuinely curious as to
a) why you don't do meetups on b) how long a relationship would last between 2 betas of opposing genders
Are you willing to date a 30 yr old?
Okay fair enough.
I'm studying computer science (now you're probably wondering why i don't just date some from uni lol, there are way more girls than you think though), had a teaching job recently. I'm quite introverted. I'm not particularly ugly or pretty, i think i can look pretty good when i put in effort. If you count programmig and listening to podcasts/audio books as hobby, than great. I used to paint, but eh, gave up on about a year ago.
I decided to ask here because it's 2am where i live and i can't sleep for shit so i thought i'd see what kind of responses i get (i'm not trolling, i'm geniunenly wondering where to meet guys, but it's not like the biggest issue in my life, i can live without dick for a while)
Hold on, girls like dicks?
>If you count programmig and listening to podcasts/audio books as hobby, than great. I used to paint, but eh, gave up on about a year ago.
So you spend a lot of time alone at home and don't meet people.
By the way, we knew you don't leave the house because you'd meet guys if you did.
No, I already dated someone 7 years older than me and it was fucking terrible.
How was it terrible?
>Most people who don't like x thing are basement dwelling losers
Okay, that gives me a rough guide to you, but what exactly are you seeking in a relationship? Obviously there should be some sort of personalities or archetypes that most interest you. Describe what you are looking for. What is worthy of dating to you?
We had literally nothing in common, have completely different goals in life, and he was often making me uncomfortable
What is your location in the states?
i'm not meeting guys on Jow Forums
Honestly from what I've seen most of soc is people never actually meeting each other
I have a pretty particular type mentally, but i'm having a hard time describing it. I guess I'm a sapiosexual lol (it sounds cringy, i know). As per looks, as long as you're not deforemed and/or obese and don't look like you live in a dumpster, it's all good
My 19 yr old gf loves me despite the age difference. A lot of guys my age (and older) have told me they can't speak to 18-20 yr olds due to the immaturity of the girls but I've been able to connect with them on all levels when I want to. I guess I'm just the weird one OR I know how to pick them.
But yeah most girls your age wouldn't consider anyone older than 2-4 years.
>But yeah most girls your age wouldn't consider anyone older than 2-4 years from their age
fixed it.
If you think a guy has to be "worthy" of dating, then you're participating in the long game of suffering.
Of course, maybe you're some kind of prize to be won like the sword of Excalibur or Thor's hammer, wherein only a "real man" will be able to heft your full value.
Keep dreaming, honey. You're not the only one on this planet.
If you're looking for sex, you probably have a lot more access to it than you think, given your ability to control how much sex you want and in what capacity, which if your body reads feminine... you do.
So decide how much sex you want, and how much emotional support you want, and make your bets; because you already know who's likely to provide either for you.
You basically get to do what you want, though, as long as you can communicate your needs well enough.
Any man who tells you otherwise just wants to own you.
OR you're so immature that the only women you can relate to are not even allowed to drink yet
now that's the retarded response i've been waiting for
I don't drink to begin with, but I've dated girls from 18 to twice my age when I was 24.
I can see why you have trouble dating now.
That's *right*!
You're kinda proving the older men right with your post.
I'm expecting a juicy post from her now!
Have you considered doing volunteer work? If you do something like Habitat for Humanity I guarantee there'll be a ton of guys there. Soup kitchen / elderly care /etc. much less so though.
When you think of people in terms of how many revolutions their body has made around the sun instead of what they've lived through...
Well, that just seems to be sort of short-sighted for anyone who's ever lived through anything, you know?
It's pretty subjective, but this idea that everybody follows some objective path of maturity as an individual doesn't seem to match up with what I've seen.
It's just easier to play the role than face who we are.
It's not a bad a idea, tho i don't have too much free time because of uni. I'm already in a student organization, i guess i should be more active
How so??
If you only knew how retarded I was, tho... it would break your heart.
Why do I get the feeling a 20 yr old wrote this? Older people don't think they know more than younger people just for fun, it's because they see younger people make the same mistakes older people made once.
People don't really use socials to MAKE friends, just to keep up with them. Instagram and Twitter are more of a soap box to shout your random shit from, but still not really for making friends.
I wanna suck your dick
Bitch, you don't even know how to spell despise yet you have high standards for men? Get over yourself. Women have dating so easy that it's almost insulting to make a "tfw no bf" thread. You have to be a huge fuckup to not be able to get a boyfriend as a girl. Literally all you have to do is be skinny and show interest and 90% of guys will want to suck the stress out of your titties. Now go away, your dumbass thread is stealing attention from the threads with real problems.
>How so??
Because that user was defending the integrity of younger people from the people his age 'and older' while your first response is agreeing with the same people who think people in your age group are immature.
Are you overweight?
Another one hooray! As if i'm the only woman in the world who's single and has trouble dating. Something tells me you don't have any female friends
When a girl can't get a boyfriend it's literally entirely her fault. She's either fat as fuck or will only date guys who look like pic related. I have no sympathy for women who can't get boyfriends. If you have a hard time dating as a woman you've basically failed life on easy mode.
How did you dad treat you while growing up?
I don't know. I'm 41. I've been watching people go through the same hollow routines my whole life, and nobody ever seems to learn from their mistakes.
I've met people half my age with twice my suffering, and vice-versa.
But that's depending on my ability to determine what others have suffered.
There's no metric or pain-scale for it, I know, but otherwise, it's sort of just a feeling you get.
At my age, though, your feelings don't really matter anymore to anyone but yourself.
That's the kindest offer I've had in years; thank you.
Fuck you.
I do not have daddy issues
I don't know if I can help it.
See, when I say something that requires cognitive feedback in terms of whether you can accept or reject it on a level enough to keep reading, whether it's because of your agreement with the message or a willing suspension of disbelief, I hit the enter button twice.
I've learned it's called "Reddit spacing," but I'm hardly ever on there, so I don't really know what they're talking about.
Sorry if it makes reading more difficult, but not sorry if it makes you think more about what you're reading.
Are you overweight? How did your dad treat you while growing up?
Saying you don't have daddy issues doesn't answer the question.
That's not actually that cringe. I would say I share that sort of inclination, as all of my long-time subs have had college degrees. They sought that out as well in me.
As you might imagine, this limits your pool of potential suitors drastically. Worse, many with higher levels of intellect tend to be hopeless spergs. I've even had a little book club with a sub before, though she gave up after Walden.
So, well balanced intellectuals? Individuals in fields of nursing/medicine, finance, and the like tend to fit that mold. Perhaps professional clubs would be a location of choice?
[eye-roll] - the benefit of the collapse of the so-called "family structure" is that we can't assume that a traditional patriarchy is in place in terms of social order, no matter how much a person's cultural background is established in terms of the presumption of a father-figure who provided for all their needs.
I mean, it's really such a tiny percentage of the population, it's almost negligible.
But unless you participate in the free discussion of life on a forum that requires no sociopolitical capital... you probably don't know that.
Lol; wow - that wasn't even me - are you my anger-translator, user?
I just thought you were implying i have some kind of underlying issue because of my relationship with dad, which is not the case.
I'm not fat either
shit bait/10
>I-I-I posted it again hahahaha
Wasn't me, dumbass
>Hates social media
>Comp sci nerd
>Isn't bothered by appearance
Be my gf
wish more chicks donned the 'tfw no bf' style lol it really a good look on them
Thanks for your vote of confidence lad
Sapiosexual is sort of a problem, because it implies that you would literally have physical sex with someone on the basis of their demonstrated intelligence.
But that's a lie, unless you're some kind of superhuman force capable of completely dissociating their physical identity and urges from their conscious interpretation of life.
Or unless you really get turned on by people who exhibit that which you interpret as "intelligence."
It's sort of a black-box equation, because as much as I've been capable of imagining sexually pleasuring someone based on their intelligence, there's a baseline recognition that tells me how much sexual pleasure I'd be getting out of it, and how much of a duty it therefore is based on my own hopes that at some point, my intelligence will determine bodily sexual rewards (which don't look too promising at the moment, lololol).
I'd give Feynman a handjob, if he really needed me to, but I just don't think he would, and if he did, I'd treat it like milking a cow. Intelligence and sexuality don't have to be linked, after all, and the belief that they do is sort of just another way that those who are in control of what counts as "intelligent" (which, where I am, has been tragically equated as synonymous with "rich") attempt to take control over what counts as "sexually desirable."
But I think there are those who know that, and that they're smarter than everybody else. And that's the kind of intelligence I count as "sapient" in the first place.
Let's not forget that the root of the word only means "intelligent" insofar as humans have defined the term.
Unqualified label that seeks to devalue content of message through categorization / 10
Meta-shitpost FTW tho. You have some style.
Hey, you never know. Maybe some mystical Jow Forums love exists. Never give up hope, user.
I'm not saying to hold your breath, but I admire your gusto.
I highly doubt it. I'm sick of lasses who are obsessed with social media and I'm even more sick of the lasses that are obsessed with their appearance rather than having ambitions.
I just want someone that talks, ya know? Someone that isn't just regurgitating fun facts they saw on Facebook or isn't showing me screenshots from WhatsApp groups.
>literal no u response
Not an argument.
They hate what is posted on social media. That's not x, that's a wide range of things, you wojak posting retard.
You can meet guys at:
A gym
A rec centre
Any major events at a museum/convention centre/city square
Just try to casually engage in whatever it is you're doin at these places, such as working out at a gym/playing volley ball at a rec centre, and try to appear friendly. Guys can be quite reluctant to approach a girl for fear of rejection, so try to look friendly, and not like you're so focused on what your doing that it would be rude to approach you; additionally, it isn't a bad idea to even approach guys yourself.
You might try to join a casual team at a rec centre (a girl I know joined a casual volleyball team for this reason), or even join a group revolving around something that interests you, such as Kendo, if you have the time and funds for that.
It's a numbers game, and requires a hard skin to be able to handle rejection and put your foot down when you need to. Experience is the best way to get that hard skin.
>reddit spacing
ok post
yikes what a terrible post
even worse post you sound like a faggot
you can do better
pretty good post
I'm watching this thread and I'll keep you updated on the quality of future posts lads
You are using a very hard and specific definition for sapiosexual which goes beyond the one I'm familiar with.
lol at giving Feyman a handjob. We sort of need to explore your mentality about things. What do you consider your chief drivers of sexuality are? I know you have gone at length about intellect. Describe an ideal mate. Do you have any individual kinks or quirks? At a certain point in my own experience as a Dom, I'd have subs fill out an inventory just to determine compatibility and desires. It is hard to guide when there is only a nebulous idea of your wants and needs.
Sapient actually means wise or discerning, slightly different than intelligent. I took a couple years of Latin.
kys yourself, yuu pretentious fuck
If I were to wager a guess I’d assume most girls are strictly into college athletes so go to your local college football game and try to hang out with some stupid fucking jock
If you've been on this website for longer than 10 minutes you'd know firsthand what the consequences are when people in a crippling amount of denial compound their mistakes with older age instead of fixing it. The sheer amount of 30 year old KHVs leaving slug trails of shame and bitterness all over this board is a perfect example of the true subjectivity of "maturity" in comparison to just sheer physical age.
Yuppers. I would gladly devote myself to a lass I fancied who fancied me, but that time is done for me, because I'm too old for it. No lass is going to fancy me outside of some daddy figure, and I'm not rich enough to sustain that role.
Women are never taught that they're allowed to be the provider of resources, though, where I am, so it's a moot point.
I'm singing to mermaids.
And the emotional support a daddy provides is as worthless as the lies of the various boyfriends who tell you that they only care about you, when what they mean is that you are among the people that they care most about, but whose exclusivity is a game of dominance that is determined by the children they're willing to father with you.
Humans don't have to put up with this, though, man or woman.
That's just a *little too radical* for most people, though.
Try a bar in your city's business center after work. Those will be dudes who were driven enough to succeed in college and get a job, and you know they have at least SOME social skills because they're willing to make an appearance at a bar (something you'll find almost NOBODY on Jow Forums is willing to do)
Who's even arguing here?
Like, why do you have to think of things as an argument every time you have a discussion?
Lolololol... already acknowledged.
No apologies.
Imagine living in a world where anybody who separates complete thoughts and ideas into individual paragraphs was considered pretentious.
She’s 20 she probably can’t go to bars yet. That said I met plenty of 19 year old girls in bars, must have good fake ids
>hard and specific definition for sapiosexual
I mean, maybe? Like, literally the prefix "sapio" means "intelligence," and "sexual" means "related to sexual behavior in terms of the body," last I checked.
So if you claim that, then you're saying that someone who can demonstrate superior intelligence is someone to whom you have physically sexual attraction.
I mean, I didn't write the dictionary, but I can read it.
Oooh, ooh - I know the answer to this one:
"No, thank you."
>lol at giving Feyman a handjob
I mean, I respect his intelligence to the point where if some Rick & Morty scenario occurred, and he said "You have to give me a handjob right fucking now or else the universe might be in jeapordy," I'd do it. The fact that he's dead makes a pretty considerable impact on this calculation, though, so I'm totally fake homo.
I just don't think that people really think about what sapiosexuality really means when they're trying to just say that they want to have a deep conversation with someone they can also have sex with.
Now that I've read your response it is a little more clear. I think I'm in agreement with your definition.
I'm using the Oxford Dictionary as my general resource. It wasn't listed in the APA dictionary.
That said, this tangent really isn't very productive in getting the problem solved.
Or just accept the date from the most attractive to that hit on your in the last month, you stupid fucking cunt.
Don't despair my friend.
The ones who left the herd are in a new herd, in their own way.
do you have a dick?
some stupid bitch makes a no bf thread and it gets 80 replies
fuck you faggots and fuck this retard op who has an ex and asks "lol how do"
Female privilege at its finest. This is why so many men are transitioning into females.
this isn't "female privilege" nimrod, this is unbound male thirst. for two seconds they can't stop and just fuckin be like "you know what, nah."
even after she said she's dated someone before so she clearly knows how to get a fucking boyfriend, these retards can't shut the fuck up.
M8, this girl is 1. a gamer, 2. a nerd (like me) and 3. single and you're telling me you're not finna tryna cop that shit? Brah, you gay?
>That said, this tangent really isn't very productive in getting the problem solved
Maybe it is, though?
Iike, if you really believe in an intelligence that can transcend your body... well, then maybe just look for that.
The only problem is when you find it.
But until that, keep looking.
Thanks; and "moo."
It's an earnest moo, if that makes a difference.
>some stupid bitch
Are you gay? It's okay if you're gay, but you should probably face it now rather than later. You can still be a man, don't worry.