My dad is dating a 16 year old. She's the same age as my sister

My dad is dating a 16 year old. She's the same age as my sister.

Should I be concerned?

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Only if you believe in marriage-only dating. Otherwise, why not?

Your dad sounds cool as hell, but yeah usually dudes will wait until the girls is her 20s to pull the "date a girl my kids' age" routine so that is a red flag or at least a question mark

Good for him. He probably learned his lesson after your used up mom cheated, died, or left him. Which was it?

I don’t understand how 16 can be the age of consent but you likely can’t share dirty pictures? Also why can’t people stick with 18?

>Also why can’t people stick with 18?
Because 16 is legal.

Yeah but there’s so many repercussions surrounding 16-17, it’s not even worth it

What country are you from?

Not in the US.

Most of the world does 16 (for some reason). It's fucked.

My opinion is something similar to the "close in age" Canada has, but instead of minors, it's adults.

So let's say I'm 18. Even though I'm "of age", Only men 21 and younger can date me. Once you hit 25, then you can date anyone you want. Most people until they hit 25 have no idea what they actually want and chances are if they're dating someone older it's not gonna be healthy at all

>Not in the US.
You know, stuff like this is a Google search away. You don't have to make guesses then look dumb.

Attached: h1imcmk7unxz.png (620x393, 126K)

You must be a woman. I really don’t like that idea, I love picking up early twenties bar sluts

>repercussions surrounding 16-17
Like what?

If you were smart you'd know that none of the states where the age of consent is 16 is allowed to be with anyone older than 18. Consent just means they can have sex with people their age or a year older, a 40 yr old can't have sex with a 16 yr old and not get in trouble.

Sending illegal pictures, social repercussions because literally no one will support or like an old guy dating a minor, angry parents etc

Google. Search. Away. Just fucking Google it, its not hard. Very few states where its legal to fuck a 16 year old restrict them fucking older people. The only one I saw was Maryland. The only restrictions come when its someone under 16.

This is not even including the states where you can MARRY someone under 16 and completely this bullshit.

FBI wants to know your location

16 year old pussy

>My dad is dating a 16 year old. She's the same age as my sister.

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He probably respects both of you as his daughters so don't worry

>Most of the world does 16 (for some reason). It's fucked.
oh no! Why isn't it my equally arbitrary 18 years old?! The horror!

>My dad is dating a 16 year old. She's the same age as my sister.
Pretty fucking weird lol, but I guess if you're some old guy and you get the opportunity you probably go for it.

So many fucking things wrong with this post.
>Most of the world does 16
No, most of the world does 13-16. And the average is dropped even lower if you remove India.
>(for some reason).
Being that girls turn into women between 11-13, finishing puberty and can bear children.
>It's fucked
No. It's normal and part of being a flesh-and-blood human.

>My opinion is something similar to the "close in age" Canada has, but instead of minors, it's adults.
Ok so why? It protects nothing and erodes freedom and raises the cost of enforcement, all to what ends?

>So let's say I'm 18. Even though I'm "of age", Only men 21 and younger can date me.
Taking away women's right. Controlling what other people do with their body and lives. Increasing incarceration rate.

...all because you don't prefer adults make their own adult choices. The government must step in and decide who can date who.

Why do you say date? Why not fuck, or marry? Why choose this little intermediary?
(My hunch: your dating life sucks, and this is where you're stuck in life)

>Once you hit 25, then you can date anyone you want.
Wow. A quarter century on the planet before you're finally free to date whoever you want.
Oh, except beautiful young people.
Yeah, in what world does this make sense?

>Most people until they hit 25 have no idea what they actually want
What does this mean? And what does this have to do with anything? Are we talking about pedophilia or about what people want in life? You seriously base your government-enforced age-of-consent ideas based on what you decide people should want?

I'm 27. Life is over somewhere around 25. At this point you have to get serious and boring. This is LONG past the point of viable dating. It's antihuman, too, because we're made to have sex from 11-13 onward. Women having kids over 30 have high odds of defects. It's wrong on so many levels.

What do you honestly think your policy would accomplish? what would be the RESULT of said policy?

>you can MARRY someone under 16 and completely this bullshit.
I'm 90% convinced that everyone who supports sky-high age-of-consent laws have uncontrollable jealousy.

They're jealous that another man, somewhere out there, gets to love and fuck a gorgeous 16-year old woman, and you had to settle for a washed up slut in her 20s. You'll watch your woman age sooner, while he experiences all she has to offer, over a decade of solid amazing youth.

This is how you make a man love you for your whole life. Give him your beauty while you're young. After a solid decade of incredible beauty, no man on earth will be able to pull your spirit form his mind. He will be bound to you forever, love you forever, no matter how old and bitter you get. This is the beauty of marrying young.

It wasn't until these age-of-consent laws (which are very NEW) came into place that marriages started falling apart, women turned into sluts, and dating is a nightmare.

Youre weird

You're factually incorrect. Romeo and Juliet laws are part of some states age of consent like in California but you'll see it's labeled 18 on that map. The map accurately reflects what's legal for the general public rather than exceptions to the rule.

If you live in a western country, yes

If you live in Asia, Africa, or South America, why bother?

what a douchebag

you should show him by fucking his girlfriend.

I think he's right.

You should definitely look out for your sister. Dad might be with this child to fulfill the cravings he has for your sister. He’s probably spending shitloads on gifts for her as well, which is like your sisters college fund.

Yes, you should be

That's fucked up and not ok. Your dad is a pedo.

You dad is an asshole.

Show him up by dating your sister.

Is this even fucking legal wtf