Why the fuck are there so many 30 year old khv these days? It’s 2019, literally the easiest time to get laid in human history, women are ENCOURAGED to be sluts well into their 30s, and still I see over 100 threads a day all over Jow Forums about guys complaining about never being able to kiss, hug or have sex with a girl at any point in their lives.
I’m not even that good looking and I’ve managed to slay well over 50 thots, though I’ve only had 3 girlfriends but I’m only 21 so I have time to find the one.
So if you need advice on how to get laid get in here, we will help unfuck your shit but start by posting a few stats so we have a base to go off of.
My stats: >age: 21 >height: 5’8 >weight: 160 lbs >looks: 7/10, 8 or 9 if I get in shape >sexual history: 50+ sexual partners, 3 girlfriends
I am pretty sure most of those grew up in rural town where there is low population and not alot of thots, due to reasons they were probably stuck in that shithole and were too much of a losers to get out of there.
wizards in bigger cities are wizards because their ugliness is repulsive.
Sebastian Robinson
>if I can't imagine it, it doesn't exist Sorry to burst your bubble but yes, some people are not up to par and never can be. Just leave us alone
Nathaniel Myers
If this is you the answer is obviously move out of your shithole town. It would be too easy to fuck your cousin by accident anyway.
Even if you’re ugly (a legit 2/10), with enough money and status you can slay dime pieces. Of course they are only gonna want you for your money and resources but if you know they and still fuck then who cares, just dump her and move on to the next superficial slut. A ugly girl had no chance in this world, but a mans value is based on so much more than just his looks, that’s why you see butt ugly guys with 10/10 babes all the time.
I'm not a virgin or incel or anything, I've been with a few girls myself, but the last thing these people want to hear is advice from someone who could never understand the hell they've been living in when you roll in here and you're like WHAT'S THE MATTER CHIN UP AND BE YOURSELF BRO I HAD SEX WITH 300 WOMEN I'M SO COOL WHY ARE YOU SUCH A VIRGIN LOSER YOU SHOULD BE COOL LIKE ME
Also people under 30 are historically having less sex than ever. The internet is pretty much entirely to blame.
Also some people are literally autistic, you could explain every last microscopic bit of human interaction and social skills to them and it still wouldn't make any sense to them.
These guys are in a world of instant gratification with anime, vidya, and porn providing pleasure in mere moments. Real success takes a bit of risk and a bit of effort without immediate payout. Why do something with no payout, especially when they may have NEVER in their lives ever experience delayed gratification? Why risk being embarrassed talking to a girl you don't know when you can watch idealized moe romances with no risk at all? Why do something potentially embarrassing or damaging to your self-esteem when you can narcotize yourself with another 5 hours of vidya? There is no need to challenge fear or overcome anything, as there is enough cheap entertainment to last their entire lives.
I'm an Asian man in a >95% white town. Affirmative action doesn't work in the sack, I'm afraid.
Thomas Carter
This, except I really am a virgin. Not a KHHV by any means but I've still never had sex or a gf.
Sebastian Perez
because most of you idiots think it's the woman's fault for not liking you when it's YOU who is the problem.
Zachary King
Josiah Scott
Too many men with poor social skills in tandem with habitually masturbating to porn.
Blake Allen
>there is enough cheap entertainment to distract them until they're finally ready to kill themselves FTFY.
Easton Hall
This is a bit of a reductionist view to take, but it's still worth looking at. Good women are hard to find... really hard. But one look on here and it's painfully obvious that finding good, relationship material men is equally as difficult.
Henry Edwards
You go to a place where fucked up losers gather and wonder why there are so many fucked up losers? Do you also wonder why you see so many Disney characters at Disney world?
Bentley Kelly
I know the whole truth
I have a duty to stay here until this rides out
It's going to be awhile
Dylan Sullivan
>get in good shape >you don't have to be an adonis, but in a similar way to how most men are repulsed by really fat women, fat men don't stand a fighting chance at attracting women unless they're as bad as or worse than they are >learn to dress better >you don't have to be a fashion model, but poorly coordinated colours and styles not only look bad, they also show women that you don't care; and nobody wants to be with a person who doesn't care >groom yourself regularly and for fucks sake do it properly; nobody, male or female appreciates you being dirty and smelly >just as important to be observant, receptive, open, friendly and kind whenever you are able to within reason >not just for people you want to fuck, but for anybody who deserves it
Parker Parker
Are you sure you're not just trying to deflect what he said out of anger?
Cameron Powell
>that pic I love how it's always been painfully obvious that women will happily turn a blind eye to whatever horrible shit a man says if he's good looking enough but we're still never allowed to acknowledge it. If that display pic had a guy who looked like Dan Schneider he wouldn't even be getting abused because they never would have even matched with him.
Noah Morris
Christopher Gonzalez
>what he said Samefag harder
Chase Torres
Grow up.
Bentley Garcia
Nicholas Baker
I'm a white guy in a 15% white neighbourhood. It works for me ;)
Wyatt Torres
>Yikes cringe
James Butler
They don’t want it bad enough, they’re too busy shoving instant gratification into their everyday life.
If their idea of a good day is breaking a fap record, maybe they should stay alone.
Women aren’t worthless fuck dolls no matter what edge lord shit pickup artist talk about.
Weeb culture isn’t well respected by western society so obsessing over japanses entertainment is counter productive to getting laid by non-weeb chicks who aren’t land whales.
Most of these guys are Anti social, have high standards but most refuse to admit it. Their only concept of romantic love is from watching overly dramatic cartoons, and playing video games where a hero saves a chick and she owes him sex or something else just as dehumanizing.
Women can sense desperation, awkwardnesss and mental health issues just by how a guy treats them. By crushing on her without any sign she’s interested, then the guy is just wasting time.
If sex is all they care about then there’s safe ways to pay for sex, once they fuck they’ll realize nothing changes but confidence.
Caleb Peterson
Prove it if you're so confident.
Levi Richardson
>50 women >thinks that means anything beyond risking catching something.
Adrian Brooks
>she owes him sex Although I agree with everything else you've said, where does this meme about being entitled to sex come from? Over the years I've seen shitloads of guys, myself included, get immensely frustrated at their own failures, but I've never actually seen a guy who thinks he was owed sex. I often wonder if this part is made up to bait incels that are already feeling bad.
Zachary Stewart
You obviously never met a drug dealer.
Connor Peterson
The idea is implied in movies and games, to the point it’s truly refreshing when a male protagonist and female protagonist don’t hook up in the end.
William Russell
I have and from what I've seen the women who fuck dealers are usually happy to go along if it means free drugs. But I was really referring more to the nerds on places like here that seem to be being accused of behaviour they've taken no part in. Despite my own failures, frustration and confusion on the subject, never once in my life have I felt like sex or affection was owed to me; yet it's exactly what I've been accused of multiple times by people who failed to assess the situation. I see it happen to others even more frequently. It's as if, "You're not owed sex," and its variants are just the go-to strawman used by angry whiteknights who want to speak but can't be bothered getting all the pertinent information, first.
Anthony Barnes
Male/female protags hooking up is a common theme; no question. But again I've never seen it portrayed in a context where the man is outright owed it. I've seen some plotlines that are very tenuous that lead to it, but even then they still try to make it look like either gradual or instant attraction; not being owed.
Jaxon Rivera
Or rather, whenever a man in a movie or game does act as though he's owed something like that from a woman, the writers and directors always make very sure to portray them as a scumbag; not a hero.
Easton Phillips
It's one of those things people tell themselves to make the situation more black and white, easier to digest. It's sort of like that boys will be boys shit, I've only heard that phrase from feminists whining about it.
First of all location matters, fo example i am from a middle eastern country. Only literal 9 or 10 chads can get easy pussy here because it is a repressed country sexually. Not counting LTR s.
On the other hand dont mix two things. There is a difference between being owed sex and basic human courtesy. There is a difference between saying "no i am not interested " and the lip curling disgusting look accompanied by a "eww no" or even literally being strung along for months saying "i am not ready for a relationship or sec yet" amd literally sleeping with chad the day she meets her.
The issue is not simple rejection or not getting what you are owed or whatever, it is the lie s and deceiving . It effects a person when an entire culture says do x (this means be a nice kind guy who treats women with respect) but that same culture actually operates differently in the real world(women literally going out with guys who smack them ). Granted this entire post is a generalisation, but i hope you get my point.
And i am saying this as a guy who understands everybody from this thread. I lost 30 pounds after understanding i simply do not look attractive and dress better groom better, whatever improvement i can make i am doing.
It is not the societies fault when a "nice guy" doesnt get what he wants, but there is no counter message saying what society says doesnt work in real world.
Hope i was clear, this topic is a fascinating onne for me. When someone says x is better but do y. It goes much beyond just relationships too, it is something deeper.
Adrian Stewart
Why is Jow Forums leaking again?
Elijah Flores
I've heard the phrase "boys will be boys" many times throughout my life, but never in response to one doing anything that's actually fucked up. So I see your point.
Camden Martin
Adv is literally a board that attracts peps from all boards. It literally is the point of it to be a universal board.
Evan Reyes
It's supposed to he for advice though and not incel whining
Justin Brooks
just be white theory, age old recipe
Kevin Myers
I really struggle to smile at girls in passing, you think thats fucking me over?
Also, a girl that would always look at me stopped recently. Has she lost interest?
Matthew Martinez
I want a relationship, not a one time thing. I have lived most of my life without sex, so I don't need it as much as other people claim. Maybe that is a barrier.
I think I am more of a dream stepson than a dream boyfriend. I know one girl who is super tactile. She hugs, gropes everyone she talks to. The first time I met her, she had to leave early and she hugged everyone goodbye except me, where she stopped and extended her hand for a handshake. It is like a conspiracy. Every girl seem to know that I am on a blacklist; can't be nice to this guy.
>age: 28 >height: 177cm >weight: 77kg >looks: idk, I think I look alright. >sexual history: 1 girlfriend when I was 16-17, nothing since then.
Easton Fisher
>managed to slay well over 50 thots >Why the fuck are there so many 30 year old khv
I'm only going to speak for myself. I was never interested in "slaying" "thots". I'm the kind of guy who gets oneitis. I'v never met a girl I liked who liked me, and vice versa. Now it's too late. I never developed any experience and the chances of meeting a woman where there is mutual attraction diminishes by the day.
William Torres
Am 31 - get hardly any matches, the ones that I do ghost me or are bots. I havr both pics of myself and with friends in profile which are both high quality.
I am certain that girls on the street like me, but dont know what to say so don't ask.
I have no problem talking to women but asking them out i cant do.
Pretty sure im autistic.
Thomas Wilson
>Attractive >Tall >Women flirt with me all the time >Match with plenty girls on Tinder >Fear of rejection is so overpowering that I can’t ask girls out, can’t flirt with them, can’t even message my matches on Tinder >Girls lose interest because I won’t make a move on them >They refuse to make the first move themselves
What the actual fuck am I supposed to do here? I’m doomed to kissless virginity forever all because of mental problems?
Gavin Morris
continued. probably a big problem is that since I cant bring any girls back home (live with parents) I need another surefire strategy to bang a girl if tou dont have a house to stay in.
Evan Roberts
>It’s 2019, literally the easiest time to get laid in human history Haha no. Not for the majority of guys.
>50+ sexual partners at 21 years old Nice bait.
Oliver James
I got out of a 3 yr relationship 9 days ago.
2 days ago I went on a first date with a tinder girl and ended up fucking her on a beach
I got another tinder date tomorrow
I guess it's better than nothing, I am an average looking white guy but tall and read enough Rollo tomassi when I was 18 to get good at talking to grils
Really I'm seeking advice on finding chicks to take out. I have no problem advancing things, my issue has always been getting my foot in the door
Easton Adams
>be me >fucked over 100 prossies >no diseases because prossies use condoms more than normal girls (unless you are super wealthy of course, then they will go raw, most arent) umad?
Josiah Nguyen
>Why are there so many wizards?
Most of the wizards ARE GONE. Wizchan barely moves these days and the 30+ threads barely make it 50 posts on Jow Forums.
Owen Sullivan
>So if you need advice on how to get laid get in here, we will help unfuck your shit but start by posting a few stats so we have a base to go off of. >21 y/o male >2 sexual partners. 1 LTR and 1 fuckbuddy >Decent looking guy, would say 7/10 My issue is my approach anxiety and the whole ''not knowing what to say'' when i see a pretty girl.
I'll be at a club/bar with a couple friends of mine on a Saturday night. I see a pretty girl and i really want to meet her. But i just stand there staring at her and not approaching. How the hell do you approach a random chick you don't know and have a decent conversation with her? It feels so awkward and uncomfortable that i usually don't even try.
Any tips on this issue? I'm pretty sure it's a common one.
Hudson Martinez
Just force yourself to approach. Say anything. Expect to get rejected.
The more you do it the better you get at it. If you go in with your goal as rejection, then you win either way.
Deliberately make a fool of yourself, the more you will do this, the more you will see it doesnt really matter what you say.
Overall goal is to interalize the idea that rejection is not a big deal, and it happens to even the best of us (which is true, even pros still get rejected)
Brayden Kelly
Why aren’t you hunting down the weebs? Some of those cosplay chicks are hot.
Henry Gray
Only the top 5% of men are the winners with online dating, instagram, tinder, etc. Most women are happily spending their youth single and partying with chads. The virginity rate in men has increased substantially in the last 5 years.
Isaac Gray
Gone? You mean they actually changed ways and are now living happily?
Connor Foster
Yet there are more than 5% of men who have girlfriends.
Incel logic.
Adam Smith
women settle after they've had their fun. show me proof average and below average guys between the ages of 18-24 are getting committed virgin girlfriends.
Jacob Sanders
I don't want to get laid. I want to feel loved. I couldn't care less about sex.
Lincoln Hall
I got laid like 5 times and Im 30 years. I dont know I just dont feel motivated to going for it, its just empty things. Its all tiresome, I dont want to waste time with shitty people rather deal with my exile
Jackson Hernandez
That's called 'settling down'. I'm pretty convinced the majority of guys out there are inherently unattractive to girls. There are experiments done with online dating that resulted in women rating the majority of men as physically unattractive.
That doesn't mean however that the majority of men can't find a girlfriend. There are many reasons outside of raw physical attractiveness that might convince a woman to date/marry a guy she isn't particularly attracted to at first sight. Think of things like social status, wealth, security, being desperate for a boyfriend, peer pressure etc. These factors become increasingly more pronounced as women become older (25+). Which is why men's relative sexual market value increases as men and women age.
>inb4: using online dating experiments as evidence for your statement I know these things should be taken with a grain of salt. But i think it's a pretty good indicator of how a woman's primal brain works. If all other factors are taken away from the equation, women are physically turned off by the majority of men (some 80% percent).
Xavier Gutierrez
>Gone? You mean they actually changed ways and are now living happily?
Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that they've mostly vanished. 30+ threads used to reach the post limit a few years back and Jow Forums had a number of older user thread
I remember someone predicted that there's gonna be a silent glut of suicides of lates 80s/early 90s kids.
Whether they've killed themselves or somehow found success, they're (mostly) not here anymore.
This comes down to 2 things. 1. Women are socially conditioned not to approach men by women and men (this is slowly changing) 2. Men are desperate - because of this, they give women many options - so women can afford to be picky.
Chads were not always chads either, they just chose the activities that would give them plenty of pussy. If you want to become a chad - get some social skills, get to the gym and get fit and eat healthy, get a decent social circle, start approacing women and most importantly have a high self esteem.
But thats right, youd prefer to whinge instead of doing the hard work.
Cameron Miller
>youd prefer to whinge instead of doing the hard work. I'm not exactly whinging about it, just pointing out the truth. What i'm trying to say in is that for the majority of guys out there, if you want to have decent success with women, you need to work hard for it. Only very few men out there are so inherently attractive they they get laid without putting in any real effort. Guys who can load up a tinder profile and get pussy with ease are the lucky ones. Most guys aren't that fortunate.
Hudson Barnes
Id actually like you to talk to a few of these "Chad's" and ask them what they had to go through in life before they were good with women.
Pretty sure that most had to do the hard work, they just started earlier in life, and made it a priority.
Hard work doesn't get easier as you get older, which is why you should consistently practice and learn from mistakes starting today.
Easton Clark
if you can, make friends with a Chad as well so you can learn from him.
In general, Chads are pretty nice people once you get to know them (most of them anyway)
Most people on here go out of their way to pain a bleak picture of ordinary people and end up projecting their own personality flaws onto them. I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen people on here whine about how "normies don't consider anybody's feelings but their own; they only think of themselves" or some similar shit. Then the irony and the hypocrisy of what they've said is completely lost on them... every single time.
Jose Mitchell
Why would a woman go for some awkward dude that obviously doesn't know how to ask her out properly, when she can whip out her phone and be sucking Chad's cock 30 minutes later?
Nathan Rodriguez
Great question. They won't and don't. It takes a certain type of sadistic mind to keep dangling these holographic carrots in front of these "incels" and then
Landon Robinson
what manga?
Colton Moore
Exactly. Most of these men never acquired the necessary social skills to approach women in the first place. And its not something that can be learned as you get older. Women are disgusted when some 25 year old is acting all awkward trying to ask her out, they can smell that.
Isaac Reyes
The fact that people complain about their own issues here doesn't make it any less true that normies are more likely to criticize and nitpick than be empathetic. This is because they don't have the same self esteem problems less social people have and view it through the lens of being up to society's standards vs not good enough. Obviously no one comes here to listen to additional criticism from normies.
This is true but it takes certain rare circumstances to become Chad's friend, and even then it's not like they have much to teach you, most of their success comes from blindly acting on their own personality traits.
Henry Rogers
I don’t want to have sex with sluts. I want a traditional wife and family. I’m 30 though, and I already hate women and don’t bother to reciprocate when they flirt with me, so I guess I’ll just die alone in the streets instead, since it’s expensive to live alone and I won’t have kids to take care of me when I can’t work.
That pick is such BS. >start late Normies are digusted by people who don't act their age because they never learned how, especially women. Most incels became like that because they never learned how to socialise in school. >start over Only if you got money. >Be unsure and uncertain Is there a bigger turnoff for women? And a bigger trait to push people away from you in general? >look different Lmao, fuck no. We're in a society where looks are 99%, if you aren't a tall Chad, nevermind women, you'll have less friends and less chances at a good job. >act different That's why normies are disgusted by people who act different, right? >try and fail If you 'try and fail' to ask a girl out, better find a new social circle.
Caleb Miller
women don't have to work hard they get all of their value up front. sad women don't know how to appreciate that.
Ryan Adams
Because I live in a shit suburban town in the UK and i'm working class. Trying to get a 5/10 woman is like job hunting in a recession, let alone a hot woman.
Women are social, collectively-minded creatures and their general values are a direct reflection of the society they live in at large. We have a culture that shits on the average every day man with reckless abandon.
There's just little point in trying.
David Harris
I fall in the meme of getting a hobby for trying to meet girls, but then i realize i enjoy to much this new hobby and place and i dont want to get into any girls of that place, because i feel if we break up i could come back and feel comfortable again
I don't want some fucking slut, that's disgusting. I just want someone that is interested in something, things that are interesting, and wants a relationship based on mutual respect. You wouldn't think that would be hard, but it is.
Grayson Gomez
Dysgenics and extreme raising of women's standards. The men are getting worse and the women keep wanting more.
Austin Parker
>We have a culture that shits on the average every day man with reckless abandon. I thought this problem was only relevant to America, but it's nice to know the entirety of western civilization is fucked. Guess I'm moving to Asia.
Ethan Taylor
The most frustrating trait about normies is their low intelligence, so they assume they are good people even when they don't act like good people because they are unable to make an intelligent connection between their behavior and self-image.
Anthony Brooks
>normies are more likely to criticize and nitpick than be empathetic This what I'm getting at, though: That may very well be the case, but look at the people on here who criticize them for it. They're guilty of behaving the exact same way, but they're completely oblivious to it; then they act like normies have some kind of monopoly on shitty, selfish behaviour and lacking introspection. This is a better argument to make, but again I'd still argue that most people on here are guilty of that, too. There's no shortage of low-functioning, selfish idiots on here who think highly of themselves, but will still happily rush to criticize others for the same traits and behaviour that they exhibit.
To be perfectly clear here: I am not saying that normies are not guilty of the things that people on here criticize them for, I'm saying most people on here that do it are hypocrites for doing it... massive hypocrites.
Liam Jones
Fuck it I'll bite even if it wont do me much good
>age: 23 >height: 6'0" >weight: somewhere around Ronnie size (pic related) >looks: hard to be objective with low self esteem but female friends that are extremely blunt say I would be very handsome if I took care of myself >sexual history: I performed oral sex on one girl that I dated for two months and before that I had two "girlfriends" that I never actually went out with and only interacted with at school. My first date was a few months ago.
I most often have female friends that I develop feelings for, I feel I connect well with them at least on a friend level. I also always get turned down by them, or they're already in relationships. The only way I was able to get dates was through online dating, and I only got two girls to go out with me. The first was a disaster never to be spoken of, the second went well for about a month and then she just stopped wanting to make plans (with me), and after a month of not hanging out and very little texting I ended it. So i guess I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong here? I'm trying to get in shape but I've seen guys in worse shape than me doing well on this front so it effects my motivation
>age: 21 >height: 5'8" >weight: 136 lbs >looks 6/10 or 6.5/10 maybe a 8/10 if I get in shape and learn how to dress well
first heartbreak with a girl i have been only date for a few weeks but i still feel something for her and when i try to move forward, i still dont know how do it and how to feel ready to start to date again
Gavin Cox
>Why the fuck are there so many 30 year old khv these days? Objective numbers show less man have sex since the 90s, while women's numbers have remain flat. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce what's happening.
Thomas Diaz
>fewer men are having sex >same amount of women still are Inb4 somebody starts bitching at you and throwing "incel" about like it still carries any weight at this point.
Gavin Reed
>literally the easiest time to get laid in human history Is it really? I haven't been trying but it still doesn't seem that easy.
Thomas Howard
I fell for the PUA meme a few times and it's definitely not easy. It's only easy if you're good-looking and girls show interest first.
David Collins
>If you want to become a chad - get some social skills, get to the gym and get fit and eat healthy, get a decent social circle, start approacing women and most importantly have a high self esteem.
>get to the gym an eat healthy Easy. This is just a matter of counting calories, googling weightlifting forms, and making the commitment 3x a week or so. >get some social skills, get a decent social circle, start approa ching women, and have high self-esteem Almost impossible if you're starting from scratch.
Camden Kelly
>I fell for the PUA meme a few times Same. I fell for it at least twice before I really began to understand that their whole bit is just tricking lonely guys out of their money. I only ever found one or two sources of info that were actually free at the decision of their creators. The rest sell books and DVDs with information vague enough to hopefully get their followers to pay exorbitant prices to go to their seminars.
Jaxon Hall
>Almost impossible if you're starting from scratch You're going to have to go out of your confort zone. Put yourself in a situation where you're obligated to be more social.
Gavin Baker
Height is the #1 thing holding me back
Lincoln Taylor
Unless you're either freakishly tall or a literal midget; I seriously doubt that. Some of the biggest womanizers I've ever known either had short man syndrome from their adolescence, or were full-blown manlets even after puberty was finished with them.