Should I keep with computer science as a major? I'm really having second doubts about it. It's all just so technical with science and math classes, though my favorite subjects are things like writing, history, government, economics. I've thought of doing something in those areas. And I also love being creative. I just don't know if I'm on the right path. What should I do?
Should I keep with computer science as a major? I'm really having second doubts about it...
Become a baker! It's a hidden gem boss mode job
Unless you’re going full STEM (ie computer engingeering), I say it’s pretty much pointless. The workforce is flooded with computer science majors because it’s easier than CompE.
So you’d be better off just getting an easier normie degree (business, marketing, some other bullshit) that might be more enjoyable and taking a few computer courses on the side to get certifications in the tech field. Going this route will make you more hirable and you’ll be able to expand more.
Do you think that a political science degree is at all viable?
I'm a garbage man and its actually a great job
Worthless, only useful if you plan on teaching politics.
But let me correct myself a bit. Think of your degree as a place holder. Most degrees outside of STEM are worthless. So really you could get a political science degree if that’s what you think you’d enjoy, but remember to take classes that give you certifications on the side to make you more well rounded. Also look out for internships and work opportunities while you’re studying, political science has plenty of opportunities for that.
However a political science in of itself is worthless.
if you went into compsci liking compsci and for some inexplicable reason your interests changed you're just tweaking under pressure
I guarantee you'll regret switching if you do. Hit the books hard man.
I love computers and coding but I hated computer science. The course is just tedious and overly complicated, younger better off learning on your own and getting certifications.
Absolute waste of 4 years of your life
If you want to do journalism or work on politics you need to either get an unpaid internship or volunteer for campaigns/non-profits. Media and politics are run on connections alone, for most people merit doesn't matter.
>my favorite subjects are things like writing, history, government, economics.
why dont you become a middle school teacher then and enjoy making no money
Something my Dad told me:
In the 1980s the word somehow spread among high school kids - and especially their parents - that you had to major in business to get a job. And by the 1990s the world was up to its knees in unemployed business majors, just because there were so many of them.
In the 2000s the word somehow spread that you had to major in STEM to get a job. And we are already seeing the sad results of that
>though my favorite subjects are things like writing, history, government, economics
Why the FUCK would you go into CS?!
I went into it as I enjoyed programming and math and it seemed like there were possibilities to do something creative with it, like make video games or work in the aerospace or defense industries. But still, I was, and am, very undecided.
>Computer Science
That's not what computer science is about.
>And I also love being creative.
Well at least you can learn to use code to do creative stuff. But it doesn't sound like you're in the right place based on your interests.
Hijacking this thread now.
How can a web apps developer get into space science? I am basically a javascript code monkey now, but I'd love to work for CERN, SpaceX or some shit like that.
yeah if you're cool writing programs all day, mostly
Look at the job listings for those companies, see what skills you need, learn them, apply
Guy that works for a senator here. If you'd like to work in politics you need to build the connections first. Given the sensitivity of the job, you won't get hired out of nowhere. You need to prove your loyalty and capabilities through volunteering for the party/politicians campaign. Also building your way up from the youth party gets you ahead miles studying political science to work in politics is a gigantic meme. If anything study law.
Be a professor
Be a professor
I was about to make the same thread about how I'm studying 3rd year of biotech but would rather be doing something politics/business/creative related.
Mom just shouts at me and says I'm lazy, and I tend to believe her. And then I get sad because I don't know what I want to do with my life :,(