>Attractive >Tall >Women flirt with me all the time >Match with plenty girls on Tinder >Fear of rejection is so overpowering that I can’t ask girls out, can’t flirt with them, can’t even message my matches on Tinder >Girls lose interest because I won’t make a move on them >They refuse to make the first move themselves
What the actual fuck am I supposed to do here? I’m doomed to kissless virginity forever all because of mental problems?
>What the actual fuck am i supposed to do here? Take a guess for yourself OP.
Dominic Cox
I seriously cannot ask girls out or flirt. The fear is so strong I feel like I’ll die if I even try. Even when girls are all over me and touching me in places, I’m still too scared to make a move in case I’ve misinterpreted, or in case im right that they’re into me but I’m bad at kissing
Jackson Ortiz
Please help, I’m desperate. I’ve tried everything but the fear never goes away
Hudson Sullivan
We get it. Getting rejected feels like shit and noone likes feeling like shit.
Only way out is to try again, get rejected. Try again, get rejected again. Repeat until you succeed.
Thats why a lot of men complain - they dont stick through with it and do enough approaches - keep at it, you will succeed.
Ian Lewis
I can’t. I haven’t asked out a girl since i was 16 and I’m 22 now. The fear of rejection is that strong that for 6 years despite repeatedly psyching myself up to ask out dozens of different girls, I’ve not even mustered up the courage to ask out one.
I just can’t do it. I need some way of ridding myself of this fear. I want to be free of this curse, this burden.
Joseph Reyes
Then you're fucking doomed
Being scared of something shouldn't stop you from accomplishing it, fear is a roadblock If you can't get past this, you aren't a man
Christopher Nelson
The thing that baffles me is how you're not even able to message a girl on tinder. I mean, the whole idea behind online dating (imo) is that it makes everything easier. It's less personal so everything feels less uncomfortable.
Xavier King
Approach ugly girls. Gurls you have no interest in at all. And work your way up to pretty ones
Jackson Brooks
There is no other way.
Either you sack up and take the risk, or you accept your fate and die regretting your wasted potential.
You're 22, you have a few years before the chicks your age will be prioritising wealth & commitment and it'll be boring as fuck.
Break through your mental block now or die a regretful old fuck.
Nicholas Roberts
Because I can’t think of what to say. My friends who use tinder always open with these super witty pick up lines and then go in to flirting and sexual innuendo, and I can’t do that. It’s too awkward and I can’t think of the right words.
Whenever I match with a cute girl on tinder a feeling of dread shoots through my body cause I know I’ll never think of anything interesting enough to say to win her over
Nope. Can’t do it. I’m scared of asking out any and all girls, no matter how they look
How can there not be any other way? Can I not get rid of my fear first and then start asking girls?
Alexander Nguyen
>Either you sack up and take the risk, or you accept your fate and die regretting your wasted potential. Not OP but this hits home hard for me as well. I'm 21 y/o and while my situation isn't as bad as OP's (not a virgin), i've wasted so much of my potential simply by not trying.
I don't understand why the fear of approaching a girl or asking her out (in person) is so intense. It's completely irrational but still i can't stop my brain from getting flooded with anxiety when i see a pretty girl i want to talk to.
Luis Thomas
t. 22 year old virgin that makes the same thread over and over again without taking any advice offered to him
Ian Collins
The fear doesn't go away unless you face it head on and push through You're a pussy
Noah Brooks
You get rid of your fear by facing it.
Lincoln Cruz
The advice I’m asking for is how to get over my fear of rejection
The advice I get is “ask out girls”, which isn’t sufficient. Because my fear is so strong that asking out girls is impossible, utterly impossible. Even if they flirt with me first I still can’t do it because there’s a chance I might still get rejected
Trust me, I want to face the fear. I really really do. But every time I try to psych myself up for it, I still can’t do it. I can’t get the words out of my mouth no matter how hard I try, and I can’t send a message on tinder no matter how hard I try
Jacob Sanchez
These tinder chicks will forget you in 15 minutes, you know they probably won't even reply to your witty one liner
You're psyching yourself out over the prospect of 5 seconds of disdain from some tinder Thot lmao dude wtf
Logan Ward
I already told you few days ago to ask out girl you barely know because that way you won't give a fuck if she rejects you because you don't care about her at all
Joshua Reyes
In conclusion OP you should see a psychiatrist, if you are unable to see the solution to such a simple problem as yours, where you're allegedly a good-looking tall white dude who gets hit on regularly but can't bring yourself to talk shit with some tinder skank, your anxiety runs deeper than anything anons can help you with
Noah Miller
It’s not about what the girls think of me, it’s about the shame I feel within myself.
Again, it doesn’t matter if I never see the girl who rejects me again. The shame I feel inside from rejection will be with me forever. I still feel ashamed over the last time I got rejected 6 years ago
Thomas Bennett
Ok this definitely confirms what I just said you need professional help -- not saying that to make you feel bad, it's perfectly reasonable. Sounds like this is a much deeper issue
You're wasting your time seeking a solution on Jow Forums
Aiden Jenkins
I tried therapy and I didn’t find it very useful because it was too general and vague
What I basically need is something that probably doesn’t exist. Which is a particularized form of sexual/romantic therapy where someone can hone in on exactly where my fear of rejection and fear of physical intimacy comes from and how to get over it
Lucas Flores
Try taking a psychedelic drug. It'll rewire your brain in ways nothing else can. Definitely see a therapist for a second opinion but I feel like you'd benefit from some drugs here.
Evan Cox
Same as OP It s so hard for me that my brain simply shutdown my attraction to girls. I didnt even wanted to date anymore, felt pretty good not pursuing girls romantically Then I met a girl and she pleased me so much I got over it, just for her, (tbf she did also kinda flirt with me). Then my fear of rejection made me fuck it up and now I live a living hell Good luck OP Dont end up like me
Nathaniel Reyes
I have the feeling that I personally know you, dude we spoke this in our friend meeting wtf are you doing?
Tyler Young
In last thread you literally said that you can't ask girl out and if you do you will get literal metldown regardless if girls says yes/no. Find a good psychologist.
Jackson Jenkins
Used to have the same problem as you (except I'm only 5'9")
Just become a day-drinking alcoholic and it becomes easier