Alright Jow Forums here we fucking go

Alright Jow Forums here we fucking go

I'm gonna end it all. I've made it my mind. To make some sort of contribution to the world I want to be able to donate my organs when I kill over. What's the best way to end it but still be able to donate the most of my organs?

Attached: donor-690x460.jpg (690x460, 44K)

Become a registered organ donor. In the US you get a little bracelet.

I know but I'm talking about the method of suicide I should use. Like I said I wanna do it in a way that will maximize the amount I can donate.

livestream plz

Well, they can use your brain so stick with the tried and true shotgun to the head. Aim at an angle, remember.

You can answer that yourself. Don't make me an accomplice to your death you selfish asshole


>mfw you wanna help people by giving organs but someone on the internet calls you selfish for doing so

Attached: gabe.png (828x766, 483K)

The selfish part is you asking someone to tell you how to kys.

How? Is all advice selfish?

The only thing i will remind you of is that organs have a shelf life and no one wants a pair of lungs that are either half rotted or soaked in your intestinal shit juice.

Because no should carry that weight

Cool then, don't think about me dying then. Think about those that would benefit from my organ donations. Lives would be saved in exchange for one that meant nothing.

I disagree. I'm willing to.

Actually let me ruin that for you.

Organ donations only buy a few years. Even "compatible" donations are eventually rejected by their hist bodies reulting in organ failure.

You're not saving anyones life. You're artificially extending it for a few years. Not only that but you're also assuming their life matters more than yours or is somehow more meaningful/better. They could always be pricks.

So are we all settled on shotgun in front of a hospital?

Won't let you! Never will they use suicides organs

Now just need some sort dump phrase to yell

I don't think I wanna do a simple "THIS BITCH EMPTY YEET"

Unironically based and redpilled. Do it at night or in your car so the cops can't stop you. Be quick

This is not inaccurate.