I am pretty good with dating, AMA

Will give honest opinions, not an expert but not aspie either

Attached: How-to-Make-a-Woman-Happy.jpg (792x456, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=ugly man
google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=unattractive man
google.com/search?q=cheap date ideas
google.com/search?q=winter date ideas

Would you say pic related is pretty sound and accurate advice?

Attached: 1549907448276.png (667x283, 34K)

Not OP but that sounds like a post version of autistic screeching

Whole paragraph that says nothing

But it says everything normies tell incels to do in order to be successful

It sounds like the writer is saying you should come across as "being yourself" but also that self needs to be someone with interests that are attractive to women.

I'd say that's pretty true. You definitely want come across as genuine and authentically you, confident in yourself and at ease with yourself. However, if you show a bunch of habits that girls don't like, things might not work out.

IMO, there are a few category traits to think about:

1. Things you don't have, are attractive to girls, and you want (try to attain these)
2. Things you don't have, are attractive to girls, and you don't want (try to avoid these)
3. Things you don't have, are not attractive to girls, and you want (Think critically about whether you want them. If so, try to attain these but don't show them around girls)
4. Things you don't have, are not attractive to girls, and you don’t want (try to avoid these)
5. Things you have, are attractive to girls, and you want (show these off to girls)
6. Things you have, are attractive to girls, and you don’t want (Try to understand why these are attractive to girls and empathize with how much joy they get from them. Remember that there’s probably stuff they do because guys like it and not necessarily because they like it. Minimize or remove this stuff if it’s really bothering you but if it’s not, then show it off)
7. Things you have, are not attractive to girls, and you don’t want (try to remove these)
8. Things you have, are not attractive to girls, and you want (Try to understand why these are turn offs for girls and think critically about whether you really want them. If so, try to get them but don’t show them around girls)

>> Slight update to 3 and 8, it's like 4am so I made a couple of mistakes with this first post

It sounds like the writer is saying you should come across as "being yourself" but also that self needs to be someone with interests that are attractive to women.

I'd say that's pretty true. You definitely want come across as genuine and authentically you, confident in yourself and at ease with yourself. However, if you show a bunch of habits that girls don't like, things might not work out.

IMO, there are a few category traits to think about:

1. Things you don't have, are attractive to girls, and you want (try to attain these)
2. Things you don't have, are attractive to girls, and you don't want (try to avoid these)
3. Things you don't have, are not attractive to girls, and you want (Think critically about whether you want them. If so, try to attain these but don't show them around girls)
4. Things you don't have, are not attractive to girls, and you don’t want (try to avoid these)
5. Things you have, are attractive to girls, and you want (show these off to girls)
6. Things you have, are attractive to girls, and you don’t want (Try to understand why these are attractive to girls and empathize with how much joy they get from them. Remember that there’s probably stuff they do because guys like it and not necessarily because they like it. Minimize or remove this stuff if it’s really bothering you but if it’s not, then show it off)
7. Things you have, are not attractive to girls, and you don’t want (try to remove these)
8. Things you have, are not attractive to girls, and you want (Try to understand why these are turn offs for girls and think critically about whether you really want them. If so, try to get them but don’t show them around girls)

fucking post prime fat sluts doesnt make you a dating guru. post the 9/10 hot 18yo stacies you date or fuck off

Fuck that was worded poorly.
Why not just say that every trait can be categorized as something you have or don't have. Those traits can either be attractive to you or to the girl you are trying to date.
That idea is fine, it is hard to evaluate what you have or don't have, but it is a fine idea.

No. You can be a drug addict that loves the drugs he takes and is passionate about making the best version of that drug and/or helping people find healthy relationships with their drug habits. If you love vidya, but only binge play it instead of being proactive with it, you're not interesting. Think of it like a fictional protagonist, like Vegeta and Goku. Everyone loves Vegeta more because he's proactive with his interest in fighting where as Goku is reactive. Vegeta makes things happen, Goku addresses things that happen.

So IMO its only partially true. Being yourself is not enough. Being your best self is. Being your best self should be your goal even if you lost your nuts in a car accident and became asexual.

But I'm not OP so whatever.

Being your best self is being interesting in things you may not be inherently interested in. Obviously, the statement applies to "incels" whose interests are generally non-typical and solitary in nature.

I can't share pics but I can say they're all pretty attractive. In fact, I've found that the more attractive a girl is, the EASIER it is to date her because she's more secure in herself than an unattractive girl. YMMV

Yea I like your summary. If you don't know what traits you have, you should take up journaling to reflect and also ask people who know you what they think of you.

convince me to attempt to date girls in this day and age, where i think every girl can find someone better

How do you break up with someone who is overly emotional and extremely clingy

>being your best self is being interested in things you're not inherently interested in

An "incel" who loves vidya and makes his own games to his own specifications is being closer to his best self than an incel who just plays them.

A "normie" who just listens to music in his room, doesn't go to gigs, and doesn't play any instruments is further from being his best self than the aforementioned incel.

When the incel talks about vidya, he will sound far more passionate and have far more interesting things to say than the normie who mutters "I dunno" when asked what his favourite genre of music is.

how good looking are you?

I'm saying there are people who actually want to just play games and that they aren't good enough. Your "normie" example is unnecessary as "normies" don't care about music beyond knowing what is on the current top 40. By their nature they are interesting enough.

Will any conversation do when you're trying to have a first conversation with a girl that's into you.

If you think every girl can find someone better, you should get some self-respect. That could mean self-improvement, a change in perspective, or both. You should also go on some practice dates and/or ask female friends about bad relationship stories. You'll realize that there really are some girls for whom you are a real catch, girls you previously thought were out of your league.

There is no such thing as a gamer how doesn't wish he could make his own perfect game.

You're looking at one. I'd much rather enjoy someone else's work than waste time trying to create my own.

Accept inside your own mind that you need to separate yourself from this person for your own well-being. You also need to accept that you want good things for this person, even if you can't support them as a partner.

Once you've really nailed that inside your own head, you tell them this calmly and in a caring way. Let them communicate whatever response they have, even if it's rough and emotional, and then separate your lives. It's painful, but if you 100% know you should break up then it's necessary.

8/10. IMO, my advice works for any guy 6/10 or up, especially since you can make up for mediocre physical appearance with personality but YMMV

Yea pretty much. If you can hold a good conversation with a friend or family member for a couple hours, a conversation with a girl who already likes you is going to go well.

8/10 is very good looking, no surprise youre a ladies man. post a picture

Whilst I'm sure you still wish there was a certain, perfect game, this doesn't mean you couldn't be proactive in your interests.

Take that Anderson guy on YT who has hundreds of thousands of subs on a channel where he literally makes 3 hour long game reviews.

Haha, thanks but I gotta say anonymous. Also, I fucked up for years with dating because of anti-social behavior. It's better to be an average looking guy with social skills than an attractive guy who just "doesn't get it."

I'm gonna head to bed for now, might check on this thread later. I hope something I said was helpful for someone.

I'm not interested in projecting my interest. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Whoever you're talking about derives some sort of joy from making those vids. Perhaps he doesn't want to, and is just doing what I've suggested? I.e. adopting an interest that isn't inherently his so as to be more attractive. Or perhaps he actually does like making the videos. Either way, that is an interest in itself.
I also want to clarify I'm not a hardcore gamer. I'm more of a dedicated weekend warrior, but what I'm saying can apply to all my interest; philosophy, history, politics, Nature, and so forth. If I want to be attractive because of these, I have to become someone who's not myself.

That just looks like really bad bait.

But it's exactly what normies say to incels. Is all advice given to incels bait? I wouldn't put it past them

How do I chat up a girl in a bus?

Do what I did the other day and avert your gaze out the window so as to not soil your mind too much with an image of her

A passionate understanding of even the most obscure hobby can be interesting. That is to say having opinions, emotions and ambitions about what you love is interesting. Sure, some charisma may be needed to communicate that passion but passion breeds charisma.

I still don't buy that people don't want to monetise doing what they love, or atleast be fully immersed in what they love.

We're literally the same person in terms of interest and degrees of interest. Only difference being I have an aspirational image of myself and you some to have more of a static one.

Maybe that difference is all it is.


Yes, it quite literally is. Your interest is being known, my is to be left alone. I want my interests in and of themselves.

I still highly doubt you're incapable of being interesting in a conversation.

Not really. Public speaking and rhetoric, maybe (and for very limited uses) but not really. The thought of having conversations with people beyond my family (and even within my family) makes me uneasy and tired.

Hy OP, hope you can help me a bit:
I've been out with this girl a couple of times, and we also text. Nothing major but she seems to respond with honest interest at what I write and when we see each other we're always able to have a good time.
I'g love to discover if this can become something more but are pretty unsure bout how to do it and when.
I'd love to know her deeper, since we mostly talked about everyday happenings and common interests, but I'm afraid to be too invasive or direct.

I need to smash like mad but I'm a 5/10, aspie, 7inc cock and I'm 6ft tall.
Is there any hope or should I forget about it and just smash pillows or sex dolls?

Tell her you want to get to know her better and start asking her questions like these. As for when and how to bring it up, tell her you want to see her again but ask if she has any things she's been wanting to do. Once you're in person, you can slip it into the conversation. - nytimes.com/2015/01/11/fashion/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html

Find a sugar baby from seeking.com/ or somewhere else. This will vastly expedite your experience with romance and sex until it comes more naturally with regular girls.

Is asking out a girl at their work a yae or nae


Woah, I read that article just last week and was actually thinking about using it as a base! Thanks a lot user.

I was also thinking about the timing. Should I wait a couple more meeting or see if she's interested right ahead?
I know I'm kinda lying to myself when I think "maybe with a bit more time and knowing she'll fall for me" but I'm a bit afraid of blowing it.

How much do looks matter in attraction?

I have a theory that they matter a lot, just not the way people think. In short, people find you "cute" or something, or they don't. If they don't like your face, you're S.O.L.

Take your OP image for example. The couple looks like a couple. Sort of similar/complimentary style, and facial features. They almost look like they could be related, even though they aren't. Their "chemistry" in the photo is undeniable. I think this plays a massive part in how attracted they are to each other, and I don't see it working out as well if they were i.e. different races or something. Thoughts?

I'm 26, guy.
Never dated before.
Where do i start? And is it worth it? I'm not a virgin, prostitution is legal here and I meet call girls once or twice a month.

is it immoral to date women knowing you will leave the country in 2 years and never return.

My damn wife is complaining about not going out enough. What’s some shit I can do that doesn’t break the bank. In the winter might I add. And don’t say bowling.

I'm 34 and refuse to date a woman with kids, with tattoos, or without a degree. Am I doomed to this endless cycle of young, hot, undergraduate students who lust for my wallet which is half as thick as my dick (which is pretty thick)? I fucked up my one and only and the silver medal winner bailed to parts unknown because she was a career girl. Kinda bored with all this.

>having standards
Incel virgin kys

I have never approached a girl in my life. How do I have confidence In myself? Not a virgin btw.
Also how to get a gf as an average lad on his late 20s?

It's okay as long as you do it smoothly and don't distract her from her work.

I am glad I was able to help :)

You should do it sooner rather than later. Keeping things shallow isn't helpful for a committed romantic relationship. The deeper your connection, the more likely she is to stick around. If it stays shallow, she might get pulled away by some other part of life.

You'd be surprised by how anxious girls are for a deep connection (presented properly) even ones who seem superficial.

As an experiment, I googled "ugly man" and "unattractive man"

google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=ugly man
google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=unattractive man

The guys in the "ugly man" results have deformed faces and unkempt clothing that make them appear unhealthy and partially inhuman. They will repel women.

The guys in the "unattractive man" results are fine and they can attract women. They may need to pay attention to hygiene and posture but they are capable of marrying an attractive, intelligent woman.

Your comments on facial chemistry do have merit and you should check out this book for more scientific nuance - amazon.com/Your-Face-Science-Attraction-MacSci/dp/0230340431

People's style and expressions synergize even more as they date, which may have had an effect on the OP picture.

I am not an expert on interracial dating. I've done a lot of it but I haven't compared how relationships or attraction differ across race.

>You'd be surprised by how anxious girls are for a deep connection (presented properly) even ones who seem superficial.
Yeah, especially when they give blowjobs to Chads at clubs, right?

Hang out with female friends (with no intention of hooking up with them) and try to do things they like. Go for whatever they suggest, or you should suggest things like the stuff in this list - thoughtcatalog.com/chelsea-fagan/2013/01/29-dates-to-go-on-with-your-best-friend/

After a while, you should really get a sense for how it is to spend a lot of time with a girl where it's fun for her.

Once you feel like girls enjoy spending time with you as a friend, try kino escalation on these hangouts - thepuaschool.com/kino-escalation/. Eventually, the line between friend and lover or hangout and date will become blurrier and blurrier with these girls. Make sure you try with as many girls as possible so you can skill up as quickly as possible. You'll end up realizing that girls crave male energy, and how much fun it is to be the object of someone's craving.

Dating is worth it. It's actually pretty important to understand how it all works because the skills needed for dating are needed in other areas of your life. Dating forces you to fix yourself in a way that nothing else really does.

As long as you don't hide it from her, it's not even remotely immoral

google.com/search?q=cheap date ideas
google.com/search?q=winter date ideas

Ask your wife for suggestions and really make sure she feels empowered to suggest and plan dates too. IMO, date ideas shouldn't be that hard to come up with because you should both have a bunch of things you're dying to try at some point and you should be regularly talking about them to each other. That's not even really about romance, it's just about being a fun, explorative person

You're not doomed but demographics are what they are. You'll just have to keep searching until you find someone you want and hope they also want you.

I recommend meeting girls as friends or partners in an interest group or professional context. Once you get to know them after a couple of times together, you can ask them out more smoothly and more casually than if you try to make a move after just having met them.

Casual Sex : Deep Connection :: Alcohol : Water

The former can be fun but everybody needs the latter for their own health.

What’s the best things to whisper in her ear to get her horney chief?

I have feelings for a friend of a friend. We're in the same group for our weekly tabletop game, and I've hung out with her alone once, but usually we hang in groups among our friends. I'm interested in her, but it seems though we can't really do things together as she doesn't respond to my PMs, and difficult to get ahold outside of group activities. Any advice, OP?

I been with a girl for 3 months she asked what i thought if she went to a concert with a another guy. I said no since she probably wouldnt like if i did the same with a girl. She agreed. She met this guy at a cabin trip a few days ago. She trying to test me? How do i tow this line without losing respect for myself?

If she doesn't respond to your DMs, she's not ready for a real 1:1 connection. Just strengthen the connection more IRL until you feel like she's more open to you. You may also need to just let it go.

Depends a lot on the girl and the situation. Here are some ideas - thoughtcatalog.com/chelsea-fagan/2014/03/32-women-on-the-sexiest-thing-a-guy-has-ever-said-to-them/

I happen to currently have a female best friend and an incredibly large number of my friends are in open or polyamorous relationships so my response here may not be standard.

That said, I think the ideal relationship is one where you trust your gf not to betray your trust and vice versa. If you have clearly agreed she can't sleep with another guy, you should believe that she won't do that even if she's at a concert with him.

Given monogamy standards, I think your reply was totally fair. Perhaps she was trying to test you, perhaps she just genuinely wanted your opinion. That said, I think it's better to trust a person not to cheat than it is to tell them they can't do something because they might cheat. The important thing is that you communicate your expectations and respect your partner's expectations.

How to strengthen if it's hard to make contact period?

She sent this last night

Here it is

Attached: 20190213_071654.jpg (1367x2172, 446K)

So me and this guy have been going on dates over the past month or so. We were hanging out a few months ago but it fizzled out but weve been trying to get something going between us. I really like him and am usually the one to suggest dates and things to do. If i dont ask to do something, nothing will happen. He says yes entusiastically, but he doesnt seem to plan anything or even text me very often. I asked if he wanted to hang out some time this week (valentines day) and he said he was too busy with going to the gym and working, which is fair honestly but im still a bit let down. So my question is, am i right to be a little dissapointed or bothered by the fact that he doesnt ask to do anything, or text me very often? I feel like hes just going along with it with no enthusiasm. Or am i being super needy?

How do I go about getting a meaningful relationship as a smart guy who doesn't have a degree? I'm not a NEET, but I feel extremely unimpressive to women and the amount of weight it's burgeoning on my self-worth is exhausting.

I hate faggots like you

Holy shit, this entire post.

I am a guy not sure if that makes a diference.

It does. Gay relationships fall on such a massive spectrum that it's difficult to predict their outcomes.

Its temporary so enjoy her while you can.
Talk to your cousin more get to know him better, dont let him jump off that water tower
You know something is off about him

Not everyone texts. I hate doing it. Is he always on his phone texting? If not, it aint you. No message you type with your thumbs is that important.
See if he is enthusiastic about you doing what he's into. It could be he really likes you, but what you're choosing to do is boring to him.

The other night my girlfriend was screaming that she wanted to taste my hot cum while I was fucking her. There’s your motivation

Ask her if she’s poor or just a bus enthusiast


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How do you meet girls?
I am in a pretty male dominated major and theres literally only 2 girls in all 5 of the classes im taking this semester
I'm a bit of an introvert so I don't get invited to parties or that kind of a thing

Attached: literally me.jpg (312x395, 46K)