Need advice on how to stop being a "prophet?"

Put "prophet" in quotation marks, think Nostradamus, not religion. Basically, powerful people around the world, but especially in America took my ideas or copied me, sometimes I asked for something to happen, and sometimes it did. Usually it took a few years before it did happen, and many times I was not even sure whether it was just a coincidence. I log into chat or watch broadcast on the internet, and people are commenting very specific things that happened to me, or quote me. Occasionally, something comes up on TV or in the news, also. I get almost zero feedback about the value, or lack of, my requests or ideas, except if they are controversial, and then I get admonishment, or worse. Even if my story is true, why am I coming forward just now, you might ask? Today I read a article about Einstein's work on civil rights, and I agree with everything it says, I even put a book on hold in the library about his work against racism. Planning to read it carefully. Einstein was the greatest intellectual who ever lived, and I realized his views defined the way the world is today, and how it treated me, and shaped my decisions, good or bad. The best I can remember, I got into this "prophecy" mess because in kindergarten, somethings I said got esoteric people believe I was the reincarnation of Nazi war criminal, Josef Mengele. I either said some random things that by accident sounded like a confirmation, was framed, or I lied about it, or some combination of these. A professor once told me how some kids are erroneously believed to be indigo kids, but just have ADHD, and accidentally say something that corresponds to the truth. Like to think that I just had ADHD. I made mistakes, but the one's that were most egregious were racially charged, or dictatorial. I have to read Einstein, he thought racism was white people's disease. I am reading his book soon, but I want to be forgotten as a "prophet." I do not deserve it. Advice?

Attached: Albert-Einstein jpg.jpg (550x550, 22K)

What about me?

Attached: C0AFD3B5-7E89-402C-BB22-F337B03B3A07.jpg (940x788, 441K)

Don’t worry, your not a prophet of any kind. Just another angsty teenager thinking your an intellect and special.
My advice, give it some years and realize your were in your cringe years.

Sorry to break it to you, but for being an alleged prophet you sure did not left me with awe. Don’t worry, you will be forgotten.

Ok, thanks for the reality check. But the problem is, they are copying me even if I am not asking for it, and that does make me want to request things.

Obviously someone like Tesla or Einstein were prophets, what I am claiming is that not all prophets have fame

You're probably suffering from schizophrenia

I am indistinguishable from a schizophrenic. A psychiatrist, or a lawyer could never prove if I am right, that is the tricky thing about this.

Why not put it to the test. Write down stuff that will come to pass, specifically, dates and all. Hand it over to a friend. And then see what comes to pass.
Hint; you’ll not be right about anything significant.

>never prove
dude these people studied this shit for years and worked with many different people in their Life. I have had psychology classes myself and can tell you that such people show the same patterns.

Yes that is a good idea, but at this point, I no longer need this kind of proof. There were so many cases, I just want to know the why and the how much longer?

I just want you to think that my story is possible in the age of internet and smartphones.

Can you give one concrete example that proves without a doubt someone took your idea?

I called some friends from India, and suggested they build the largest statue in the world, fast forward a couple of years, and they did. I also told my Pakistani boss that they should plant a lot of trees, and Pakistan did a huge project doing just that, I feel ashamed, I do not want to sound like I am bragging, because I failed the moral test so many times.

>Tell people what to do
>They do it
>Complain on Indian stone carving forum about people stealing your ideas
Stop telling people what to do. Problem solved.

I am going to try my best to do that, you have a good recommendation. But I also want them to stop invading my privacy also, and stop talking about the things I said and done in the best, because I do notice them from time to time. This has to go both ways, I stop prophesying, but the USA government, and other governments should forget about me too, please.

How old are you?

I told you that you should post on Jow Forums and you did. Traitor! You stole my idea!

I am in my early thirties

Why haven't you become rich if you can predict the future? Win big on lottery numbers and sport matches.

Sounds like you heard of the statue being built but somehow translated it into your own idea. This is not proof. Something concrete, not wishy washy childish claims.

Concrete proof. Still waiting.

Because my predictions depend on the government making it happen, and it is not in their interest to make me rich, and I am not asking for it either

Well, if you worked for the USA government, that does keep phone calls, you could take it from the archives, and check the date.

When was this, and do you have the proofs?

What about all the times you have been wrong and nothing has happened? Like 99% of the time?

This was about four or five years ago, and I did not keep any records. There may not be any records. Could be just word of mouth.

Right. I understand that. But I do believe there are probably a few hundred individuals who are on the short list in access to government officials, and that I have been one of them. The government probably does not even care about me, they got so many "kids" they get ideas from, call them indigo kids.

According to a quick search, the world's largest statue in India was announced in 2010. That's over 8 years ago. Looks like you were a little bit late with your prophecy.

Oh ok, unless I talked about it earlier with my other Indian friends, and forgot about it. Sometimes I say things twice, and forget I already said that. To be honest, sometimes I do a search on the internet too, and find out I was wrong about something. Once this started happening, there were a lot of false positives. But I strictly remember talking to a college classmate about the "fearless girl" statue, the shape of the water movie, the one that won the Oscar, and moving the USA Embassy to Jerusalem, and about then years later it did happen.

probably syphilis

Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem has been talked about before you were born.

Correct! But those three things I mentioned happened in the same year or two

If you really are a prophet you will know what and who am I

I should say the government is the prophet

Ideas don't belong to people. Ideas mean nothing without action. "Mind over matter" means nothing. It should be "mind THROUGH matter," for without the matter, i.e. the communication and physical manifestation or putting an idea into action, the idea is just that and someone else will take credit.
You probably think your thoughts are your own, too, and aren't just given to you as a result of all other external forces BEYOND yourself, pleb.

That is a very interesting argument. The last sentence sounds like you do not believe in free will. I used to think that way, but now I feel that free will is essential to morality and to happiness. Trying to digest "every time I make a truth claim, I rise above determinism." I need a reading suggestion to understand this last idea.

>want to read, but its just a giant block of text
>"any advice?"

People with schizophrenia said the same thing when radio was around, or when dirty peasant spies could be hiding just out of sight.

How about you make a prediction right here and now. Tell us a prophecy that will become true in 2019. Then we will know.

Still get the proof, test your hypothesis. You can never know something and be a100% sure, you could always have some wrong Info, make an error, etc. How man percent are you sure? 90? A test will adjust how sure you can be in it, which ever way it goes. Just keep your mind open.

You're probably retroactively convincing yourself that these are things you came up with. Human memory is pretty shitty - not usually your level of shitty, but it's far from unheard of. You'd be amazed how many things people are utterly convinced of having happened to themselves turn out to only be half-truths.

You want confirmation, start keeping a rigorous journal of your own activity. Either you'll realize this is actually bullshit, or you'll forget proof of the behavior.

Get proof of the behavior*

The sich simply prove it by telling people to do something specific and document it

>proven wrong
>'o-oh okay yeah did i say 4-5 years? i meant a lot earlier than that'

you have posted nothing which makes you out to be a prophet
if you were capable of these feats you would have accomplished so much more, whether you wanted to or not
you are not that special and are merely suffering from adhd, schizophrenia or worse

Hold on okay...
Prophet in what way?
>Goes on to talk about Einstein
Where did this come from?
>OP wondering if ADHD is making him look like an indigo kid?
Uhhh okay this is hard. You kinda seem to be rambling... Ah okay here we go
>"in kindergarten, somethings I said got esoteric people believe I was the reincarnation of Nazi war criminal, Josef Mengele"
>Kindergartners knowing about reincarnation, Nazis, and a very specific war criminal
Okay so
*rambling without format hard to make sense of
*Stating something incredibly implausible
What else is here?
> I made mistakes, but the one's that were most egregious were racially charged, or dictatorial
So fits in with the whole reincarnation thing. Could be delusion, could be belief.
Then back towards the beginning you say
>powerful people around the world, but especially in America took my ideas or copied me

Okay, so you think that your a prophet, powerful people stole your ideas and copied you, people who are commenting on the internet and in chat are mentioning things that happened in your life...

Yeah, your schizophrenic OP. I just can't make sense of what you're saying.

Not sure if Hitler reference...

Oh hang on you said esoteric people not kindergartners. Still sounds implausible, however.

It terrifies me that peoploe will come on Jow Forums with a real and complex mental disorder like schizophrenia to seek advice from a board half filled with trolls and depressed lonely people that want to bring everyone down to their level and more importantly, know nothing about how to deal with mental illness. Know nothing about what makes it better and for all they know, they're just making things worse.

I completely agree with you, keeping my mind open!

I am too shy for that! How about you make a prediction, please make it benign and benefiting humankind, and I will back your prediction.

I did not actually accomplish anything important. Maybe I did inspire people a couple of times, but this is also a big burden, and I am not competent enough for this "job." Also, someone can be ADHD, Schizophrenic, and still be an indigo child/prophet (not sure what to call it)

I give you two examples. Fools were not just entertainers for the king in the middle ages, but also advisers. Two, the song Handlebars by Flowbot explains how this works

A lot of people are giving good advice, and I wanted to discuss this with anons, to do a reality check, and also to let the government know I want out, without writing to them directly.

Bipolar here

Many people with bipolar feel like they are prophets or the second coming of jesus in some way.
Thoughts get out of control and many things we think get "confirmed" by the world around us.

This leads to general delusions of grandeur.

Get checked out.

Lithium has helped me alot

Thanks for sharing. We just started a new millennium, and the age of Aquarius is around the corner. Is it possible that the powerful began trying to write a new religious book, and they are looking for inspiration from oracles or prophets. Something about vague references to a new world order, and alien UFO myths. I am not part of these, but I wonder, are they looking for candidates to supply monologue and plot to some new religious story that has not been written yet. New Testament probably was not written down until about 120 years after Jesus and the disciples, some scientist believe. Emphasis on the word candidates. I do not want to be part of that, however unlikely, I like to learn from existing religions instead.

I think you might have schizophrenia you should speak to a doctor about your beliefs. They might be able to help you

Ok I go talk to a doctor