I'm ugly and 5 pounds overweight and yesterday on our fourth date a guy asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes

I'm ugly and 5 pounds overweight and yesterday on our fourth date a guy asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes
he's tall and a solid 9/10 and I have no idea what his motive is or why he would possibly go for me?
I really like him, he's sweet and very funny
what can I do to keep him and make sure he doesn't just leave for a girl hotter than me?

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just be yourself user.

but actually. dont get too possessive or jealous. treat him well, shag him. dont force something that isnt there. you'll figure it out.

Ride the wave. Be there for him see how it goes and work on building some self esteem in the meantime. Flip this situation in your favor somehow

Just be thankful it's happening. If you were this shaky and autistic as a guy, you'd be single.

5 pounds is easy to lose

5 pounds is nothing. I doubt you're actually overweight. but if you're worried about your physical appearance you could try to become more proactive about your fitness, not just for this guy (although guys find a woman who looks after herself extremely attractive) but for your self-esteem, confidence and general quality of life.

don't overdo it or anything but hey, we could all stand to make better lifestyle choices when it comes to eating, sleeping, nutrition and exercise, right?

other than that, it's important to put this guilt & negativity aside if you want to enjoy a healthy relationship with this guy. it can be satisfying and comfortable to think negative thoughts like 'I don't deserve this and I'm sure soon this guy will realise I'm a fat sack of shit and leave' whenever anything good comes along, but it is a form of self-sabotage and ultimately it will cost you opportunities in life if you continue to indulge it

thanks dude, I'll definitely try
yeah it's hard not to be clingy

Yeah I hope I can be helpful to him if he ever needs help. I want to be something good in his life and not a nuisance

Being this shaky and autistic as a girl I'm surprised I'm not single. Oh I'm very thankful lol. This is great. I just want to make sure I make it last

Looks really aren't everything. Girl I'm into is like a 6/10 on her best day but she looks hot af to me just because of the feelings.

Give blowjobs frequently and without being asked. Then you can gain at least 15 more pounds.

you seem sweet lol I'm happy for you

5 pounds isn't that much but even if I were to lose it I'd still be on the higher end of normal. I've never been proud of my body unfortunately
thanks for the kind words!!

Aw that's very sweet. I hope it works out with her

Haha we're not there yet but I'd be happy to

Oh thank you so much. Yeah I'm happy for me too hahaha

>Aw that's very sweet. I hope it works out with her
The point I was really trying to make but didn't explain very well is that he does not see you the same way you see yourself. You think you're ugly and he disagrees. No dude would go official with a girl he wasn't attracted to.

Oh ok. That's really good to hear. Hard for me to believe but if it's true it's true!!

Whats stopping you from losing it and improving your looks a bit?

nothing I guess. I really should get on that
do you have any good weight loss tips

Although five pounds overweight sounds like nothing to me, for all you know he could be a chubby chaser. Maybe he's secretly hoping that you develop some well-proportioned thiccness.

most women are grossly overweight
I don't think you have anything to worry about

Show him affection and treat him like a King. This is something that he won't get from fucking random girls every week. Blowjobs are great. Also maybe find a common interest you can pursue together. Something like exercising or a sports team. Looks aren't everything but hey you're talking about your gene pool here.

Eat at a deficit, cut all soft drinks.
What I'm doing and I've lost 8.5 lbs over 5 weeks, slow progress because I allowed a cheat meal once a week.
Without that meal I lost 2.6lbs last week.

If you introduce some sort of exercise a few times a week you will lose fat faster.

5 pounds overweight definitely isn't fat but it's definitely larger than a lot of guys would prefer. I'm not as big as the kind of girls that "chubby chasers" would usually go for though. I'm def not Tess Holliday

yeah we haven't had sexual contact yet but when we do I'm def willing to spoil him. We both like soccer a bunch, we've talked about it on our dates and stuff. We have a lot of shared interests

that's good advice, thanks
yeah it's probably because I get fast food too often. If I can stop doing that so much I'll probably lose weight automatically

5lbs isn't even 3kg; the overwhelming majority of guys are not going to care.
>Tess Holiday
I had to Google who she was; and sister, that ain't chubby. That's a gorging sow that's riding the current wave of ultra PC culture. Happy mediums will always exist.

This is true.

5lbs is nothing, I dont know if youre thin with some sort of squish or if you dont know how much 5lbs is and youre actually more overweight than that.

yeah no kidding. I have friends who worship her as a "plus size kween" or whatever
she freaks me out desu
but yeah he doesn't seem to care which is really nice. Thanks for the kind words man

>ask to be his girlfriend

I only thought that was in movies. Like I always reached the point that like we’d gone on enough dates that one day it’ll just come up in conversation like “aww you brought me lunch...you’re the best girlfriend ever” or whatever

Honestly losing/maintaining weight isn't difficult. Just eat less and exercise more. Intermittent fasting might help produce faster results but you may have to condition your body. You want to feel hungry, the desire to consume, that's when you're at your peak.

No 5 pounds according to my scale and bmi. I know how much 5 pounds is lol

well I mean sorta. Like he asked if I wanted to keep going out with him as a couple

He doesn't care because even if he cares about how fat his gf is, 5lbs just isn't even really a blip on the radar for most guys.
Let me take a wild guess: Your friends who do worship her are all fat, right?

Then its minuscule enough to not be an issue.
However losing weight may increase your confidence in your body, so you should do so anyway. Just dont over do it

h-how'd you guess??? lol
yeah they're all old friends from high school... "friends" is a strong word

I probably will lose at least a bit, will make me feel less insecure I hope

If he asks you to be his gf, then you are certainly not ugly! Plus being 5 lbs overweight is not that bad and you can always fix that yourself with some exercise. That is if you are that concerned.

The only thing I will stress is to work on your self-esteem, it can be draining to others and it is not good to have it in a healthy relationship. If you don't work on it, your essentially feeding negativity to yourself but to your bf as well.
>look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself something good about yourself and/or your life once a day
>when your bf compliments you accept it and look back on it and probably think to yourself "i know"
>consider losing weight if you are concerned about it

I'm happy for you user! Sending you good wishes for you and your bf!!

thank you so much!
those are good ideas, thank you. I'll try my best!!

It can go like that sometimes but more often than not there is a conversation about where you stand, what you're both looking for, and what you want the relationship to be going forward. It's a little awkward to have since you can never be 100% certain where the other person will leap once the question is out of your mouth, but you will always feel better afterward when you've got clarity.

>what can I do to keep him and make sure he doesn't just leave for a girl hotter than me?

>lose some weight by counting calories and cutting out a couple of things that are over your RDI, it's definitely easier than you think
>don't harass him with these insecurities of yours, it's tiring to have a gf who fishes for constant validation that you find her attractive and aren't going to leave her
>keep up your appearance, don't get lazy now that the fish is on the hook, make an effort to dress up for him, do your make up, keep those bikini waxing appointments, basically put effort into remaining sexually attractive to him
>continue to put effort into the relationship in general, go on dates, take some initiative in dates and sex and being together instead of waiting for him to do it all just because you hate yourself

You can loose 5 pounds in a week, it is not a reason to not date you (if you are a girl)
As for ugly, I don't know what you look like, but most girls are not ugly. 95% of all women who are young and fit are gorgeous. The rest just need makeup, a good sense of fashion and a smile.
Just being a girl makes it so much easier for you.

As for what to do to not have him leave, be a decent person. Think of it this way: if you were having his child, would that be a stable home for the child, would you work with him to make it great? Would you know how to tell the difference between keeping him in a jail and letting him do whatever destructive thing?
Because dating is basically about that. Is this person going to be a good wife and a good mother to our children?
If she isn't, she is getting dumped for someone who could be.

Why would you try to change a thing? Remain the same. Thats how you got him. You are a dummy to judge your looks. That's his job.