Winking at girls

>see extraordinarily cute girl at giant eagle with her dad
>fantasize about making eye contact and giving her a wink and a smile
>fantasize about making her smile
>fantasize about making her my gf
>don't do any of it
How do I get the confidence to pick up girls at the grocery store?

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Well firstly my man, never wink. It's the most sleezy thing in the world. Also
>With her dad
user... do you want to get your ass kicked?

Also how old was she?

>Well firstly my man, never wink. It's the most sleezy thing in the world. Also
How the hell is winking sleazy? What the hell?
>user... do you want to get your ass kicked?
No? I'd need her father's permission to date her anyway, if he is there when I meet her, it's just a faster process.
>Also how old was she?
She was in her later teens or early 20s. Why?

Because people wink at unsuspecting girls in public without caring if they wanted their attention or not. It's sort of the retro version of sending a dick pic.

>retro dick pic
How else am I supposed to display my interest in a female? Walk up to her and ask what kind of cheese she is buying? If she is uninterested in me, she need only ignore my wink and break eye contact and I'll receive the message. I can't think of a better way to test if a girl is interested in you other than plainly asking her.

Yeah but a wink doesn't necessarily imply
>I'd like to go for a coffee and find out more about you
As much as
>Yeah I'd fuck you ;)

You absolutely should try to start a conversation with her instead of winking, Christ.

>You absolutely should try to start a conversation with her
So winking is evil and I should instead randomly approach her and strike up a conversation concerning the Red Leicester in her cart lmao

Well fine fuck you then, you can continue to pussy out from winking that even if you had the balls to do, wouldn't get you anywhere.

Horrible advice.
Dating these days IS all about who you are willing to fuck. Even if you want a long lasting relationship, you need to make it known to her that you intend to make it sexual between you.
A wink is easily ignored, coming over and asking her to make a commitment to going in a date with you when she doesn't want to is way more intrusive.

But to OP, if a girl is shopping with her dad, she is probably not that old and you shouldn't try to pick her up.

i don't know dude, i thing everyone at the current year is fairly aware of the creepiness side of winking to a female being.

Fuck you, faggot. I'm going to use my anger at your shit normalfag beta ass to wink at her and make her my gf. Then I'm gonna post pictures of me and her all over Jow Forums with screenshots of you faggot posts making fun of you.

>winking is creepy
I've literally never heard this concept before this thread. Maybe you are just ugly so someone told you not to wink?

>But to OP, if a girl is shopping with her dad, she is probably not that old and you shouldn't try to pick her up.
Opinion noted, but I disagree. I'm aware of when a female is of a suitable age to be courted.

No, it's also because there's no tact to it at all. Even if this smart ass did talk to her Red Leicester then at least she can be at ease that he isn't going to immediately try putting his hand up her top and will give him at least a couple of minutes of her time.

Winking is such a blatant admission that you want to fuck someone, how could that not scare a woman? Particularly the kind that still goes shopping with her dad in her 20s?

Attached: 3C5943D0-55E4-488B-902B-883BDAE8CE75.gif (220x164, 18K)

>Winking is such a blatant admission that you want to fuck someone
In what world, you stupid normalnigger? Talking to a woman is just as much of an admission you "want to fuck", any interest in a woman from a man is inherently a desire to breed, you stupid fucking faggot. Should I never talk to women because they might think I want to make them pregnant? Get cancer and die.

You clearly don't understand what 'tact' actually is. Of course girls know why you're talking to them, but it just sends a completely different message to winking.

I mean I've spoken to girls before to show my interest but I've never winked at one and I've done okay.

You've still failed to substantiate your claims about winking, you dumb faggot.

Fine. But you won't like it.

I'm never posting on this board again. Geez Louise you "people" are retards, as I should have expected.

I fucking knew you'd say that.

Face it, you're just a pussy who is too scared to talk to girls unless you know for certain they like you as well. You needed winking to be a thing so you have something to easily run away from when they inevitably suggest they don't like you.