Stupid "Friend" is Pissing Me Off

In my friend group there is this one guy I've disliked from early on. He's a weak, stupid and timid pussy deathly afraid of breaking any social norms. He honestly makes me feel disgust, I don't respect him, I can't. He's kind of like the stereotypical beta male with low self-esteem, but he takes it a step further by being irritatingly unfunny and cringey.

He's like a high school kid who never matured and thinks naive like a child (he's an adult). His low self-image contributes to his defeatist outlook on life and he has many views that can only be considered "deep" by a preteen. He is so ignorant of how the world works and totally overestimates his intelligence/maturity. I honestly feel like I'm talking to a total idiot sometimes. He pisses me off and the others too, we love to hate him. He's also a feely sensitive type who makes stupid emotional decisions in the face of all logic because "muh feels" and it's actually very frustrating especially when he fucks us over to be seen as a "good person" by total strangers. He is good at setting boundaries and staying firm, but most of them are downright stupid and cowardly excuses to avoid challenging himself or out of fear of non-existent consequences. It angers me because he is the opposite of everything I want to be and I am even associated with him.

I want to feel bad because I was very like him years ago (not as bad though), but he doesn't listen to most advice, notably the advice that would really benefit him (what deeply helped me). It's funny how slowly he realizes his idealistic views are wrong, he's truly living in a bubble. He is so goddamn stubborn.

We increasingly talk more and more shit both to his face and behind his back. No way I can call him a real friend, but he's an important part of the group dynamic and does make a fun verbal punching bag. Is there really no better way to deal with him than insult him for entertainment? When he does something stupid my brain sends me "Stay away" signals. Fuck him.

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For some real I feel like this guy apart from the cringy jokes, unfunny humour and an unrealistic worldview(which I'm slowly realising reality as it is). My point is would you have advice for such a guy, I mean you were him correct.

Have you or anyone from the group told him that in a proper manner?
If you see what, apparently, twisted worldview he has, have you ever told him that and argued with him on why it is wrong.

The way you wrote everything, you sound somewhat like a dick yourself. If you just want to make fun of him, then dont complain, but if you want to fix the situation, just tell him how he is disturbing the group and make it clear that he has to change if he wants to stay part of the group.

Have you thought about that he might be going through shit? No one is weak without a reason. Maybe it's you guys for being pissy queens like you.

You and your circle of friends sound like one dysfunctional family. If you continue to talk shit about him to his face then he won't take your advice as serious because he likely think you aren't giving him the right advice or even an honest opinion on himself or life. That sort of passive-aggressive nature isn't meant for everyone. You said he "tries to act good in front of strangers" but you sound like him minus the strangers part. You believe you're doing good by giving him advice but then became an asshole immediately by talking shit. You aren't really articulating anything to him to convey that you care or deadly serious.

holy fuck there is someone exactly like this in my friend group. this post is eerily similar to what goes on in my group.

just throwing it out there, but are you Canadian, OP?

The real topic here is why he bothers you so much?

Imagine writing all this shit complaining to strangers on the internet and not just actually confronting him..guess who is the beta again

Yes I am

Yes, we have politely confronted/discussed our concerns with him, but you can't just change someone's personality so quickly. Most of the time were polite to him anyway if that wasn't clear. The talks helped him a bit thankfully, but he's still a pussies out of favourable situations even when logic screams that he'll be okay.

What province you in? Your school?

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Why do you care so much? Do you have nothing else better to do than bitch about him on an internet forum? It sounds like you care a lot if you're thinking about him this deeply in your free time.

BC. i'm not in school atm, friends go to different schools (some aren't though. some are still in our hometown). stupid friend is going to UVIC.

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You hate the dude and it frustrates and angers you to be around him. Just tell him what you've told us and stop hanging out with him. If your friends still invite him tell them to stop making a game out of being around him.

He is going to university, and you and many members of your friend group are not.

Honestly the dude sounds odd, but your justification for hating him is unfounded. It sounds like despite his naivety and childish outlook he is actually doing better than most of you in regards to taking in responsibility and maturing into an adult. You made him sound like a neet.

The dude is probably legitimately autistic or something, which just makes the inanity of worrying about his behaviour even more pointless. If you don't like him don't interact with him, you can only worry about your own life outlook.

I am the person in the group of people who clearly think this of me.

They will twist anything they can into building up a narrative to justify the way they feel about me and conveniently forget the important details that don't feed into that narrative. One time I tried to cut it off and avoid contact with them, get some hobbies, try to make new friends at work or class or whatever. I tried for nearly a year and was unable to.

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Just based on this post you sound way more unlikable and insecure than the guy in question.

Have you considered he has autism and you are picking on someone that is mentally handicapped?

graduated from UBC last summer. i'm unsure if my friends are taking courses back home, probably working in agriculture. nothing wrong with that though. i wish my job was seasonal.

you aren't wrong though. i'm a shitty friend for being annoyed by him, though i feel it's likely because i see my younger self in him in a lot of ways. i'd lend advice, but like OP's friend, he too is stubborn.

hopefully he comes out of this hardened, it'd give me more hope for him. he could very possibly be autistic too. a big reason he's the punching bag of the group is because he's crazy about Minecraft. it's literally all the lad will talk about. it gets tiring after 5 years of constant messages in the group chat about MC. a normal, matured person can only handle so much.

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I think I also feel upset by him because I see my former self in him. I don't think my friend has autism though, he's more "normal" than any of us lol (unless he's drunk).

Your friend might though if he's still obsessed about Minecraft (my cousin has autism and loves it too, though I deeply respect him and love to talk with him).

You’re a dick. Just leave him alone.


OP is a hater. A faggot. Youre the man child for believing in "friends"

I wish your friend kicks you in the balls next time you open your mouth

"In my friend group herp derp hurr durrrr"

Like bro. You and your friends are faggots and my advice is to kill yourself


I had something like this happen with my friends it sort of made me a neet I think, the stuff they did plays on loop in my head all day, every week, every month I've quit college, im not getting a job anymore I haven't left my home in a long ass time Ive given up on everything basically, if you're his only group of friends you might destroy his social life so yeah I don't think your friend is bad enough to deserve that

>His low self-image contributes to his defeatist outlook on life and he has many views that can only be considered "deep" by a preteen. He is so ignorant of how the world works and totally overestimates his intelligence/maturity. I honestly feel like I'm talking to a total idiot sometimes.
Thats the new liberal pussy generation. Cant do shit, dont understand the real world, pesimistic and have low self image. Back in my days pussies like that got strightened out. Now it seems that shit like this is endorsed.

Your wife is either very ugly or literally your dominant hand. KEK

Holy shit this is me word for word........

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>notably the advice that would really benefit him (what deeply helped me)
Such as?

Idk if it really truly helped OP, since he’s bitterly posting on Jow Forums about his abhorent attitude and his heart is filled with hate, negativity, and a demented need to force that onto others (others who clearly do not want to “benefit” from it)
Maybe you could learn something from that guy, OP.
And it takes a greater mind than yours to see cynical truths but not follow them, since often there’s not much good in it.
You’re stuck on like level 5-6 and this guy is probably on level 7.

Also your gaggle on friends sound pretty gay desu. Projecting your insecurity onto yourself > projecting your insecurity onto others. But that’s just, like, my opinion, man.

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Of course it’s a bait thread though so I wasted my time! Drats!

But I hope anyone else who sees this thread and thinks this way considers that maybe their own thinking isn’t as perfect as they think.
(consider the thread title ‘ Stupid "Friend" is Pissing Me Off ’ and how it summarizes an insolent worldview)

This person is you, right?
No one would irrationally hate someone this much unless it was themselves

>No one is weak without a reason
This is where you are wrong.

OP said he hates him so much because it basically was him a few years ago.