Lmao how do I get rid of my fucking eyebags?

Lmao how do I get rid of my fucking eyebags?

I drink 1.5-2L a day, get at least 7 hours sleep. Today they look the worst they have.

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Post feet.

Magnesium deficiency, pumpkin seeds etc or supplements


Thanks, I'll look into it

Mewing and Dr Berg.

Stop practicing witchcraft.

I don't understand
Witchcraft is 4 losers

Just what a witch would say

also in the meantime just makeup I guess
makeup is lame but if you're really that self-conscious about it it'll make you feel better. At least until you figure out the problem at least

You probably play a ton of games or your usually infront of a screen. Go out and walk for a bit, look at the sun. Ypu seem like a pale white bitch. Maybe go to a gym or beach.

If im wrong google it and be more specific because I don't understand women. Wtf.

do you get much exercise? sometimes it's not the quantity of sleep but the quality

ye could be this. do u wake up in the night OP?

You look like the kind of girl that would be worshipped in r9k

Youve startled the witch

This is true, I do spend most of my time in front of the computer.
I'll start walking, it's fucking hot though so I would be more likely to walk at night.
I'm too shy for the gym and I don't like sand lmao
Not that I can remember?
Don't sweet talk me, user. We both know I wouldn't

Stop drinking so much, consider going to AA.

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I mean, you're basically a cross between Agatha and Ciara, so yeah you probably would

You're cute. They don't need fixing.

More like muffy and ciara

Holy fuck that's great I forgot about this picture. That's uncanny

Who are these people

I appreciate your kind words user

I heard that 50ml of my semen for a 7 day regiment can smooth out skin


TL;DR if one of your parents has it, it's probably just genetic. Try foundation if it really bothers you that much. Unless you've got a really wack diet, magnesium or iron isn't going to be magically causing the skin beneath your eyes to thin. Thin skin there will tint more to the colour of the oxygen deprived blood passing through the veins.

eyebags are cute
embrace them

thay are cute desu

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You first

My diet is pretty weird atm as I'm dieting. Maybe thats what made it particularly worse. I've always had fairly dark ones though.

Some can me /aesthetic/ but I look like a damn drug addict

Seems like your just here for attention or validatilon. Why dont you go see a doctor or just talk to normies maybe it would disappear, that semen thing seems like a real deal breaker.

whatever floats your boat
I like when people look like they don't sleep well and don't leave their houses
try cucumber slices or cold chamomile tea bags

Because drs cost money and I'm poor. Validation on what? That I look wack? If I was finishing for compliments and the like I would have chosen a much more flattering picture

I have both so I will try that when I wake up, thanks user

Good luck with that.
My eyes look sunken in and baggy like all the time.
I drink waters on the reg, get 6-7 hours of sleep on work days and like 10 when I’m off.
I even occasionally do that eye cleanser shit but it persists):
Prolly doesnt help that I stare at a fucking screen a lot in free time but hey thats the trade off lol

Alright you win, no hate just wanted to know I hope you get better, but seriously go to a gym or meet people even if your shy. I mean do you really want to be shy forever. Tbh you look fine i think you wear too much make up but just accept yourself because on the other hand it could look worse than it is.

Wrong nigga shit whateves

>Alright you win, no hate just wanted to know I hope you get better
Here I was, thinking had the monopoly on autistic spergs

lemme guess you stay up most of the night staring at a computer. You need less caffeine, more rest, most of all dark room, bright screen is a recipe for tired eyes. if your gonna stare at a computer etc at night, have some lamp/background light oh in the room. think of solar eclipses, bright light, wit everything dark around it ain't good, brighten your room up a bit, sleep more, little more zinc and you'll be fine.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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you're fucking cute... I like sleepy looking girls with messy black hair. Own your eyebags


fuck yeah senpai
upload a pic with dirty sweatpants and a stained black hoodie on. I know you have both
bonus if you're wearing sandals & socks

If you wanted an orbit thread you got it. By the way hit my line it's fuckin nice out. I got loud.

hoya, you could try putting 2 spoons in the fridge for a min or 2 and putting them under your eyebags to help with puffiness.
Teabags help too as well as slices of potato.

I'm 6 feet and 3 inches tall and Is that normal?
And I'm 19.

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female or male?


I heard it was genetic so I'm lurking.
I am very active athlete, sleep well, eat healthy, drink a lot of water, get plenty of fresh air and sunlight, and take great care of my skin.

The dark circles are here to stay.
I don't have bags so I can cover with makeup but I'll likely never have a fresh youthful face.

Only thing I can suggest beyond this is extra eye care. Cucumber slices, cold spoons, tea bags, eye cream.

you're a freak of nature, kill yourself pls

Maybe get more vitamins like B and stuff. But honestly I still think you cute with them, don't fret user. : >

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Thank you for the comments user/s.
I appreciate it.
I will try the cold spoons and such.

Tbh you look pretty cute either way.

Anways, I used to have bad eyebags, and here are some things that help:

Get your blood tested, maybe vitamin deficiency is the reason for the darkish color.
A tan might make them less visible.
Makeup works well enough for covering them. Since your skin seems pretty even, some color correcting will be enough to make them disappear.
If they really bother you, and you don't mind paying like 400€ a year and getting poked with a needle, you could get fillers. I tried it recently and I'm really happy with the results, but going to a doctor for that was a little awkward.

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I think eyebags are cute

Qt pie

You look like you're in a shoegaze band

are you hiding a septum piercing? If so you should commune with the astrological gods and ask why.

Same boat, male. You spend too much time in front of the computer, like me. Go outside more.

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I had the same issue for a while. Less screen time and taking vitamins did help me since I tend to not have enough of them. ( I need iron and have been told to take vitamin B complex and D) Also keeping your skin hydrated helps. You wont get rid of them permanently without a doctor/surgeon as far as I'm aware. Alot of the times its just bone structure. Don't worry too much about them though.

a different hair color would definitely help. you look like severus snape. you should be a cute perfect brown hair like dva.

you look like a disgusting tumblr using emo rap listening slut. you look like you'd smell too. being goth gf is like the ultimate NPC move, congrats.

Not similar, she covered her face, you are a lonely autist

But I like being inside in front of a screen :(

I don't think I could do anything needle related. I'll look into vitamins

She covered like 20% of her face and she subconsciously did it to pretend like she's being modest and to hide her fucked up chin.

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This pic is always funny. Guys like this can still attract pretty girls in other ways while ugly girls can still get dick from these guys.

What do you think I smell like?Yeah, that's true. This color should fade though.
I covered my face because I didn't think the rest was relevant to my post.
I don't think my chin is the issue

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>I don't think my chin is the issue
You're right, it's mainly your nose. But your chin could use some work too.

Too bad nose jobs cost money. Maybe one day

Eh, I'd fuck it to be honest.

Thanks user lmao

Huh, thought you were a tranny in your original photo but now I'm not so sure. If you are good job, revealing more of your face makes you more passable. If not then don't worry, it was just a misleading photo

Idk but I’m 2 inches shorter than you and I’m 20y/o F. Am I a freak?

I was born with a vagina

I get eye bags like that when I smoke too much weed. R u smoking too much weed?

I am not. Not a fan of being drunk or high

like others said OP, probably a vitamin deficiency. If you sit inside like a hermit and troll libtards it really shows physically. get some sun.

lmao this is 2019 just take vitamin D pills

A LOT of girls have dark circles I noticed, but most just cover it up with makeup.

I personally have dark circles too and have tried every remedy in the book. It's most likely hereditary, which means that you don't have a lot of fat underneath your eyes, causing the discoloration, or you have weak blood vessels (the ones under the eyes are weak as it is), and so they leak, the blood becomes oxidized and you get that hue that you have there. They leak because of sinus problems mostly. So your choices are either get fat injections/restalyne (I think that's what its called) put under your eyes which will fix the problem immediately, start wearing makeup, or if you have a sinus problem like constant allergies or a deviated septum, get it fixed. All these other "home remedies" are garbage meant for people who have morning eye bags after a night of shitty sleep or drinking.

Do I look the sort to troll libtards though?
Also this, sun bad, inside good

have you considered cosplaying as Tomoko?

you're here, and not on facebook or reddit. so kinda. If you want my secret I stay inside but open my windows and broadcast my laptop screen to my tv so it's easy to read but not in my face.

Also try saying Faggot and Nigger more, these magical words cured mine. want pics?

Thats true I guess. Go for it
I have not. I have the hair colour and eyebags down though

>tfw no cute smelly sleepy gf

I think it's congenital, so if you're born with it you're stuck that way. My sleep schedule is shit, I don't take care of myself, am malnourished yet I don't have them, while my girlfriend does and her life is much more in order than mine, sleeps a lot etc. Might as well suck it up, Palpatine.

yikes I ought to brush my hair. But yeah no bags. I also burn incense to also make sure it's not stress related.

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What do you think I smell like?

Do I really look like I smell?

tis be in jest.


Fair enough then

Will you be my gf? I'm looking for one.

OP here. Wanna chat on discord? You look like my type.

wow! sure! Even if you're not im bored and if you bamboozle me I'll hopefully have a good laugh.

Lexapro Syndicate#0763


Uh this isnt OP... I'm OP. I dont know who has added you but it isnt me.
I'm not looking for a relationship, sorry user.

I tried at least user. :(

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I'm sorry user, you will find someone, I promise!

Fuck you bitch. Who do you think you are? You're not even hot, you can't afford to be picky.

I hope.

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I'm not being picky. I simply am uninterested in dating, let alone e-dating

good lord

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You look like you smell like piss and ammonia. Have fun dying a lonely cat lady.

I only smell like piss after I get pissed on by my dom, user
Pinky promise

I have this same issue. its not even an issue. girls worry about this. but it looks fine

your eyes are huge. you're probably hot. stop worrying so much

Actual advice:
-an extremely small (like a super small dot blended out) amount of red lipstick followed by yellow concealer to balance out the blue/purple in your eyebags
- permanent but expensive solution would be juvaderm/other under eye filler so the skin is not so sunken as well

Maybe when I'm older and have money Ill look into the more expensive route. I'll try the lipstick idea, I'm sure I can find a tutorial online for it. Thanks user.

I appreciate your kind words.

Ew, I didn't need to know that. We get it, you're a trashy bitch who likes getting pissed on.