Kissless virgin adult

>Kissless virgin adult
>Suddenly lost all sexual urges
>Don't get crushes on anyone anymore
>Even super attractive girls don't make me horny
>Started no fap a week ago trying to get back my urges
>Still nothing
>Don't even have the urge to fap
>Tried watching porn just now and it did nothing for me, no urge to fap

Am I broken? Has being a kissless virgin finally ruined me forever?

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Damn, I wish this happen to me already. I caved and fapped after two weeks but desu it didn't even feel good. I'm going to try and go longer, but my intention is to kill my desires, not make them stronger.
Sorry you're taking this bad. I'll trade you, if you'd like

I'm just worried that maybe being a kissless virgin for so long has killed me as a man. Like my body has just given up and has actively shut down my sexual desires because it's accepted virginity. That scares me.

What does it matter if you have urges? You'll never act on them beyond fapping, so what does it matter?

I want to have at least a semblance of hope that I might not go incel so hard I become a wizard

Just rape someone if you want a girl and if you're lucky, she won't even report it. You don't owe girls anything.

>Just commit one of the most morally repugnant crimes user, it will be fine!

Somehow, I don't think this is the answer friend.

You're not an incel as long as you realise it's not women's fault you're a lonely khv.
What's your age anyway? If you're over 22-23 and haven't had a gf yet, then wizardom is almost guaranteed desu.

>I'm just worried that maybe being a kissless virgin for so long has killed me as a man.

>Judging your own value the way whores judge a man's value, by number of sexual partners
>Expecting to gain anything but self-resentment

>You're not an incel
Incels are all guys who were rejected despite trying. And how is it not women's fault if they approach more attractive guys yet leave OP hanging?

>If you're over 22-23

That's my exact age.

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Well, in the sense that 'incel' has become a buzzowrd for literally every lonely guy out there, sure. But in the literal meaning of the word, no.
And OP should have strived to be more attractive when he had the chance. He didn't, so he's doomed to wizardom now. I'm not saying it was solely his fault, it could have been due to depression because of family issues or a bunch of other sutff, but it's not women's fault either.

>And OP should have strived to be more attractive when he had the chance

I did. I've been trying to "max out" my looks since 16 as well as developing my personality and a well rounded life. But fear of rejection killed things for me.

I don't care about being a "man." If there's any self-evident fact about my being, it's that I'm meant to be alone. The fucking urges are one of the few things that distract me anymore. I would like them gone, so I could focus on other shit, not whether or not nofap is actually good, or if I'm really a man because girls don't like me.
Fuck this shit. Just another problem I don't want to deal with forced upon me.

>morally repugnant
Morals are a spook enforced by society to maintain its existence. Fuck them

Then it was solely your fault. In my case, I at least had the excuse of severe depression from family issues.
Well, none of that matters, we didn't learn at the age when we should have learned, so it's impossible to learn now, when there are expectations.

>solely your fault

It's not. I didn't deliberately develop a crippling fear of rejection by choice.

>Kissless virgin
>Dead as a man

What does "being a man" means to you? Why are you worried to be man if you haven't had any sexual encounter in your life?

I don't know your circumstances but it literally doesn't matter anymore user. You're 23, people expect you to have your shit together, to have had sexual encounters and relationships, to know how to talk to women, etc.
When they realise you don't, the 'creep alert' goes off and you're never seeing them again.

Reduced sexual appetite is a symptom of depression. Judging by the way you are typing it seems like you have hopelessness as well. Which is another sign of depression. This is Jow Forums and you won't believe me but I am a doctor.

See a doctor.

>seems like you have hopelessness as well

No shit. I've been a kissless virgin my whole life despite trying my best for 6 years to change that fact.

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>pay me
No thanks, Dr. shekelberg.

>ah yes, keep buying these pills I am going to prescribe you, it will be great frying out your brain!

And whose fault is that.
Noone but your own, and MAYBE some things out of your control, which you didn't turn around and took control over.
So it's your own fault, fagboi.
Just join a cult and work your way up if you have the balls, although it's better to start your own.

Please explain how it is my fault that i am a kissless virgin. You think i woke up on my 16th birthday and decided "hmmm I'd quite like to be an incel so i shall consciously do that"?

I work in a country with free healthcare. So you have my sympathies for that shit I guess. OP all I'm saying is that your problem with sex is not something that can be fixed in isolation. You need to sort your life out, not wallow and keep reinforcing meme shit like 'kssless virgin'. Get off Jow Forums.

You decided to succumb to despair instead of growing some balls and try to flirt in a proper way.

No one taught me how to flirt. I never learned how to do it, I just remember becoming aware at 16 that everyone else knew how to do it and I didn't. I miserably failed at asking out two girls, got rejected, and was traumatized so much I never tried it again.

Good, now you can actually do something instead of just being a dad like all those men whose lifes mean nothing

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Its a fucking joke that people consider "go to da doktor" good advice

>Turned 16 and discovered everyone else know how to do it

I don't know where do you live, but I lost my virginity at 16 to a girl I met 3 months before. No one knows how to flirt at that age, are you socially disfuncional or something?

you are depressed. Dont fap, cure your depression and urges will come back but you will find fapping not doing it for you anymore

I don't know. I just remember seeing everyone else at that age getting off with each other and starting relationships. The ones who weren't learned how to do it by the age of 18/19. Then there's me, still here at 22 having not even kissed a girl properly.

With tinder and low standards it's almost impossible to not get laid. Your problem is only with yourself

I'm too scared to message girls I match with on Tinder

Then it's not their fault, it's yours. Anyways, do your bet, what's worse, being rejected by someone you barely know or having a proper social interaction with the possibility of a sexual one? My bet was clear when I was 16. Maybe you should stop giving a single fuck about being rejected and start giving a fuck about interacting with people regardless the result.

fapping and porn kill libido, ambition, and your ability to attract women

How could you believe people actually choose to have personality disorders??

Start showering, get a haircut, start eating much more meat, buy new clothes (no baggy pants and no white shoes), buy a watch, if you can get a good THICK beard, get it, otherwise shave it off.

Thank me later

Ok Satan

Yeah well if you really wanted to you could get over it you mark ass nigga. I didn't start learning how to get over rejection and talk to girls until 22 because I didn't have anybody to show me the ropes or how to play the game so I had to teach myself by stepping out of my comfort zone, joining the military, and getting some dirt in my eyes. That's what you need too.

But if you're just content with letting your fears control your life then by all means keep crying in your pillow faggot. Man people like you piss me off. Don't you ever get sick of it? Don't you just want to get over your fears and take control of your mind? Don't you get tired of the regret and being alone? What have you go tto fucking lose, faggot? If you're older than me you should have never been born, you're a disgrace to your ancestors. You've actually got /NOTHING/ to lose and you're still afraid of losing. And thats the worst defeat there is. Even the ugly niggas and retarded niggas and the autistic niggas can say they at least tried, and for some of them it even worked out. But you can't even say that, you can say nothing just like you and these girls.

393 is not the number of the beast

You sound a lot more insecure than him lmao

I don’t give a fuck

>said the insecure incel

>Please explain how it is my fault that i am a kissless virgin.
You didn't work hard enough.
>You think i woke up on my 16th birthday and decided "hmmm I'd quite like to be an incel so i shall consciously do that"?
No, I think you wake up EVERY DAY with a mindset that is making this situation continue the way it is.
>How could you believe people actually choose to have personality disorders??
Are you implying not having sex for whatever reason is a personality disorder? Because obviously it's not you mong.

That sounds godly. How did you get there?

>Are you implying not having sex for whatever reason is a personality disorder? Because obviously it's not you mong.
The reasons OP has not had sex is most likely because of a personality disorder not because he simply didnt try hard enough lmao. Getting and maintaining intimate relationships might be easy for you but for other people there can be hundreds of different reasons holding them back which you will never be able to comprehend.
My advice to OP is to understand he has to face issues other people dont experience when trying to form relationships and realize his anxieties and fears of rejection are irrational because of that.

This. OP, how did you ascend last mortal desires? I envy you

>didn't include lifting

>The reasons OP has not had sex is most likely because of a personality disorder not because he simply didnt try hard enough lmao.
Even if this is the case, which it most likely isn't, still the responsibility to fix it lies with the individual.
>Getting and maintaining intimate relationships might be easy for you but for other people there can be hundreds of different reasons holding them back which you will never be able to comprehend.
Actually it isn't, and you claiming I can't give my opinion or perspective on the subject because 'I just wouldn't understand' is just dumb.
>My advice to OP is to understand he has to face issues other people dont experience when trying to form relationships and realize his anxieties and fears of rejection are irrational because of that.
But this is also bad advice.
What he should do is analyze what the cause(s) of his struggles are and realize he's in 99% not the first to have them, which means he can then find things to fix them better.


>Even if this is the case, which it most likely isn't, still the responsibility to fix it lies with the individual.
OP has abnormal thoughts and fears that prevent him from finding relationships, maybe he doesn't have a classified personality disorder but its still abnormal behavior, people with actual personality disorders cant just 'fix themselves" even with extensive treatment its hard for them to improve, this all depends on many factors though and there's things an individual can do to improve but OP should still see a therapist
>claiming I can't give my opinion or perspective on the subject because 'I just wouldn't understand' is just dumb.
you can give your opinion and advice but telling him "you're not trying hard enough! faggot!" wont help and not only doesnt make any sense to OP but probably drives him insane since he said he has been trying since a kid to improve and he doesn't realize there are unique mental issues he has that prevent him from functioning/behaving normally, things which you have literally never experienced.
>What he should do is analyze what the cause(s) of his struggles are and realize he's in 99% not the first to have them, which means he can then find things to fix them better.
I agree he should analyze what the causes of his struggles are(he said fear of rejection) but my point wasn't about OP being the first ever to have this problem, its about OP realizing 99% of people dont have this problem to the same degree as him, then he can justify its irrationality and mentally stop himself when he thinks this way.

>the bitter final reply
Grow up.


Keep going. I'm literally dying over here

Keep dying then nigger stop @ingg me for you get your moms fucked by the clique desu desu senpai

What'd you say to me you little faggot? What the FUCK did you just say?

>things which you have literally never experienced.
You're a retard and your shit is all retarded, sorry.

you heard me fuck boY

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I know how you feel. I'm just too ugly to give a fuck anymore. I started falling in love with fictional characters a few years ago. 27 now, don't ever plan on finding someone. Fuck it.

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Oh for suck sakes. There is no problem with you. The whole losing virginity thing is just a confidence booster to people of low iq/unsociables. It is hyped to hell because it is like getting a fucking easy award in whatever but not accomplishing much afterwards. Essentially just find a way to be more confident in other ways, it's your mind take control of it.

The relationship thing is because most humans are fucking afraid of being alone or having nothing special so they try to latch onto others for something. Again, it is your own mind, take control of it.

Cool, cool. *VERY* cool

Some people were meant to die alone. You shouldn't hate yourself for it.

You're going to gain wizard powers like me, user. Enjoy.

this is just sad. Have you considered not being a piece of shit? You've literally posted the same one-word response twice.

how old?


>Then it was solely your fault
Hmm okay that's reasonable I mean you might give me some valu-
>In my case I hAd DePpReSsIon!
And that's when I tune out.


Like newton and tesla were losers. Lol this mind set is probably why they fail with women.

dont believe him you can still can get girls- whores but you still can get with them the trick is faking it till you make it. and dont ever give in to your previous mentality women beyond that age are broken so you just fuck them and thats it.
one thing is certain real love after 23+ is fucking impossible to find