I saw my ex girlfriend today at my University. She went out of her way to say hi to me. Basically touching my back then saying hi all smiling while I was with my friends hanging out. Should I text her "it was good seeing you today"?
I haven't seen her in a year since she dumped me for having mental issues. I think she's better now since the last time I talked to her she was having a mental break down calling me all this shit. What do I do?!
I saw my ex girlfriend today at my University. She went out of her way to say hi to me...
A little more info I loved her & she was the only woman who made me so happy. I've went out with others after her but they didn't give me the same feeling
All she did was say hi. Let it go and don’t text her. This whole situation seems like trouble.
I would suggest you to thread the waters. Text her the exact same message.
Just be careful and mindful about the answer´s possible implications.
It is of my beliefs that any relationship that didnt end up in awful terms should be rekindled
Don't contact her. Contacting her means you got nothing better to do, and she'll abuse that fact if her intentions aren't innocent. Focus on new relationships and yourself.
That's what I was thinking too, but idk I have a feeling she is better now, like she's taking depression medication again
I believe that too, we didn't cheat on each other or have anything bad about our relationship, it basically ended because she was really self conscious due to her depression. I loved her & she loved me.
Thanks for that advice, the fuck up part is I've been going out with a lot of women since her and honestly they didn't make me as happy her that's why I'm so confused
>I've been going out with a lot of women since her and honestly they didn't make me as happy her that's why I'm so confused
You’re fucking yourself up by treating her as this singularly perfect girl that no one else can compare to. You’re trapping yourself in a vicious cycle, and I bet it went something like this:
>end relationship with girl on a high note
>start new relationships
>you don’t have that same level of love since the relationships barely started
>end up comparing the new girls to the old one
>come to the conclusion that the first girl was somehow better
Now no one else will ever be better because you’ve built her up as so amazing in your mind. It’s best to stay away from her and let her fade into memory
Maybe this is the advice I needed to hear. Thank you. I know I don't consider her perfect but she did make me really happy. I guess I just haven't found the right girl yet. Nothing feels right with the others, idk I guess fml
I'd say go for it. What's the worst that can happen? I am going through a similar situation, went out with other girls, they are hotter and cuter and all than my ex, but I don't get "that" connection with them.
Do it OP.
Half the people say do it half don't. Have you contacted your ex? What was your story
I was horribly depressed, I was weak and my gf gave it all to cheer me up and make me happy, should have gone to a professional. So I like an idiot instead of seeking help I broke it up with her cause it made she deserved better. Now I did get better and realized how horrible it must have been for her, I truly love her and she definitely loved me but she is hurt from the break up and doesn't even wanna talk to me.
If she never comes back to me then tough shit I fucked up, but buy would I love a second chance with her and truly cherish her and love her like she deserves.
she probably still holds a flame in her heart for you. you're young, eh i'd say do it. now's the time to do reckless exciting shit
>just dont get her pregnant
Ignore her 100%
It was a shit test to see if you’re still attached to her. She still hates you and fucks your friends.
Dont be a naive little bitch.
I do and I am doing my best to rekindle the flame. Best of luck to you brother whatever you decide to do.
I guess your situation is the opposite of mine. She was the one who was horribly depressed and broke up with me. I was hurt too from her breaking up with me so I was kind of pissed she said hi to me today. I wonder if she is like you and got better. That's my hope
It was a shit test huh? To see if I hit her up. I think she wants back fuck
I have gotten a lot better, also I wish she would understand this but its hard since breaking up with a loved one feels horrible, like an abysmal empty feeling. If you don't mind answering, how was the break up and how long did it sting?
This is why I laughed at that video of those muslims beheading those dumb bitch hikers. Every time a woman suffers, I will be somewhere smiling. "Lol incel" yeah that's why my bitch doctor who is in a relationship is trying to fuck me. That's why ive literally just walked into places and had women try to suck my dick. Women give you bait and then immediately fuck your shit. Every person I know who fell for the girl trap is now a complete fucking loser and I can see right through their mask how miserable they really are. All these people had aspirations now they are little castrated faggot fucks.
25-65 8 hours a day 5 days a week at the same job accomplishing nothing but making your jew boss money. Hahahahahahahahahahah Id rather be homeless than a slave you are more free without money than as a high ranking money chaser. Fuck you cunts kikes and niggers. Fuck my weird faced doctor too. Fuckint stupid cunt shows me her retarded fucking videos that aren't funny and I have to fake laugh to get treatment. She literally looks like a pug. Pugs are hotter though. Fucking retarded as fuck too I had to educate her on my own problem and she will just treat one thing and ignore the other. I got better help from YouTube videos. This btch actually said "did you hear the joke about the broken pencil ? Never mind it's pointless. This is my go to joke." Holy fuckint shit people Need to drive drunk during the day and crash into this weird goomba looking retard.
Imagine being this delusional.
The break up sucked brother, she was ugly & totally rude to me. Breaking up on the phone and accusing me of not trying in the relationship. Saying I was an asshole & so forth. I was so hurt my how she was. I thought I was over it the sting on me stopped but after seeing her all those feelings came back
I feel ya brother, it must be very tough. When I broke up with ny gf it was in person and I tried being as nice as posible but a break up is never nice. I thought we would remain in contact but she did not want to. It hurts to lose your loved one and it hurts double to lose your best friend the same moment. Wish you the best. If you wanna get something off your chest or ask anything feel free.
Sounds good brother do you have discord or something? It was hard but oh well today was just a fucked up day
How did she say hi? Was she friendly? Maybe she just wanted to catch up with you and be on good terms
Yeah she was very friendly, she was smiling and everything. I think she did want to catch up but after she said hi she went to her class. Idk if I want to because she was so ugly to be when we broke up. Should I hit her up to catch up? I'm honestly scared she'll be ugly to me again
If she was nice when she said hi she probably wouldn't suddenly be a massive bitch if you wanted to have a conversation. Just don't go in with expectations she wants you back, she could very well just want to be friendly or apologize since you said she was mean to you before
are you okay
Sorry man I don't use discord. DESU I was feeling like absolute shit and kept thinking of killing myself every day but as I said, things get better, days get better. You gotta work it though! Be tough, be tougher everyday. Its ok to feel like shit and have fucked days but another day is another opportunity. It sounds cliche but honestly, it helps
I think that is the case yeah. I don't want her back. She is is going to have depression, she still is going to be self conscious, it's a losing battle. Like it will be the same shit if I'm with her. I wouldn't mind being friends with her but that would be hard because we were in love. She was really ugly to me but that probably was her depression talking.
That's right bro thank you for all your advice, I appreciate it. I hope your doing well now. I was doing fine till today. I love her so I might just hit her up like you said
Not that guy you were replying to, but instead of hitting her up actively why not just leave it up to chance? Like if you happen to run into her again say hi and see how it goes and if it doesn't happen then let it be
I didn't think of that, I have alot to think about then. Thank you for your advice.