how do I get a gf that doesnt have any friends?
How do I get a gf that doesnt have any friends?
why do you want a gf that doesn't have any friends?
its something that i cannot explain to normies like you because you cant understand
he thinks that she’ll be desperate, therefore, easy to nab. fucking pathetic if you ask me
is it because you want someone you can relate to? or is it so that she clings to you like a wet rag because your her only form of social interaction?
either case doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.
I Just want her to always want to hang around me and I dont want someone whos involved with social circles because our love is ours and ours only.
both actually anyways you normalfags need to stop coming
Mate you need to grow up. your not going to get anywhere in life if you lack social skills. Also having no friends isn't a state of being, people change, and in all likelihood your holy grail of a future girlfriend will probably gain enough confidence to seek out new friendships and social relationships. having no friends isn't permanent.
>goes on Jow Forums
>Expects said user to develop social skills
your lost lmao reddits that way
>expects to get a girlfriend
>doesn't expect to develop social skills
im confused...
why do you normalscum even come here?
Idk but if you find out pls tell me
by no means am I a normie, and like you I find comfort in this site, but unlike most im still trying to improve myself and I don't mind lending advice to those that ask for it.
to laugh at pathetic people like you. it’s pretty entertaining
I can most likely bench press and squat more than you I Can run a mile in 4 minutes, i am a member of mensa and I also got a perfect SAT score. again, how am I pathetic?
by comparing yourself to others, and using your achievements as a way of establishing superiority. that's how.
imagine being so pathetic that the only people that you are better than are internet strangers with aspergers that could just be lying
anyways go outside
having more people to deal with sounds annoying
it would be way more fun to be with someone without having to deal with a giant social circle.
Yeah, I thought it was unlikely as well; but by no means am I trying to be superior, im still just trying to offer advice, but it appears to be turning into a pissing contest instead.
You're gonna stay a virgin forever, OP. The sooner you accept this, the better.
>I can most likely bench press and squat more than you
>I Can run a mile in 4 minutes
Okay, I'll give you that.
>i am a member of mensa
Mensa is a meme.
>I also got a perfect SAT score
Personally, I don't think this means much, but I'll give you this too.
The two things you mentioned (that are actually valid) do not make you better than any of us. All they tell us is what your mindset is like, and it's not telling us anything good about your mindset.
Figure it out yourself, pretentious loser. A would-be Mensa member who supposedly scored perfect on their SATS ought to easily be able to figure out how to manipulate a socially egressed female to like you.
Jow Forumstard and a robot. Nice.
you'd have better chance in getting into Harvard.
Get at job at suicide prevention or some NGO. Easy to find desperate girls. That's what I did. But mind you the relationship not as wonderful as you think it is. It's tiresome really. But if you're only looking for sex, try doing this.
Best case scenario, maybe try to find a girl with actual autism (a decent amount will still have some friends though) because they wont necessarily be insane as opposed to girls who lack friends because of "social anxiety". How do you do that? I don't know specifically but I think a lot try dating sites or are online in general. I met mine on Jow Forums. Just remember autists are 2% of the population iirc, a lot are low functioning, and autist girls are even rarer.
Worst case scenario I guess do source: have a hot autistic gf who has no friends and her only social interaction other than me is her brother. I can concur that it amplifies qtness
Holy shit I’m glad I moved from Jow Forums to here I forgot how toxic you pathetic fucks were kek. Go back to where you come from Robot.
This thread is cruel and stupid.
Kill yourself user. You know you want to
Agreed this is pretty fucked
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA OP YOU'RE FUCKED UP. How much did those robots actually brainwash you? Holy christ the replies you give amaze me, it's incredible the level of delusion that submerging into a pity hole like it's Jow Forums can do to human beings. I usually cringe, laugh and pity them at the same time, but at the same time want to help them, but I don't think you'd want to hear my advice. I'm gonna share this shit and laugh at you with friends, happy valentine's OP
Because I want to relate to her.
user, I got one of those gf and I think I should say to her that having no friends is ok because nobody values real friendship anyways today.
I got mine from some weird course about Japanese culture.
She even likes it when I call her tomoko, kek.