Why are bitches so complicated and never say what they really mean?

Why are bitches so complicated and never say what they really mean?
>be me
>date a girl
>everything is wonderful
>make a connection like with no one before
>suddenly she dumps me over a text
>I come to her place to ask wtf
>she cries and says that she loves me, but has to leave me
>spend evening snuggling
>decide to take a no contact break
>break no contact within two days
>she writes me a message about how hard it is for her
>respond with a sappy love message
>she ignores me
>go to our first date place and send her a pic
>she blocks me
What in the actual fuck? Why can’t she say “don’t text me ever again “? Why all the “I love you, but have to leave you “shit? Seriously, what’s wrong with bitches?

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It’s not women in general, it’s just her. Sounds like you got roped up with some BPD girl.

Well, she does have BPD...

She has problems she needs to work on. If she doesn’t work on them (ie get professional help), that’s on her and you dodged a bullet, mate. I say wait for a nice lady. Not all women are like that, I promise.

Well, she does work on them and that’s how we actually met. I was taking my mom to a psychologist and she was there attending some support group. Still, guess you are right. I just fell heels over head for her. It’s been two months and I still can’t think about anything but her

I feel fucking bipolar. One moment I want to send her an email saying that I still miss her, another I want to just forget about her. Don’t know how to deal with that.
>inb4 get a hobby
Already have one, plus a job and a sick mother, so I do stay busy all the time. Still think about her constantly

And that’s normal. I wouldn’t contact her though, I don’t think that would be healthy for either of you. Maybe it’s for the best. I’m sorry you’re going through this, user.

Thanks, I just need to went, I guess

Everything is a shit test with women, even if they're not consciously aware of it.
Also, women are far less rational than man and run on emotion, so there's that too.

>shit test
I’ve heard that term before, but have no idea what it meant

It's when a woman does something (consciously or subconsciously) to test your worthiness. Mind games, basically.

cuz you date shit women lol

>Dates a BPD chick
>Gets fucked around
>Comes on Jow Forums and whines about why 'all women are like this'

Fuck this thread op

and that's why she was so fun for him. that bipolar stuff breaks hearts

this, but shit tests are kinda low conscious. empathic people don't need that and they have other shit test. if you hurt them they just let you fall. i like that a lot more.

To be fair, I never had any experience with BPD. Plus, she isn’t the first girl I dated, that can’t speak openly. It’s always say one thing while doing something contradictory
But why, tho? And how did I fail it?

These girls are the textbook example of succubi. They're so goddamn fun but they'll fuck you over beyond recognition. The second you find out a girl has BPD, you have to dump her. I started doing it and lo and behold I finally found a normal girl. Those women do not deserve a man.

She told you several times that she wasn't interested and you didn't respect that. I can't blame her.

Except she didn't. She told me several times that she loves me.
Yeah, she was the most fun I don't ever had. Now I feel drained and empty, without even a reason to explain why she did it. Seriously, if she said that the feeling is gone, or that it was never there, or that she is not into it, I'd be broken up, but I'd move on. The fact that she gave me hope, borders on sadism. I still want to write her, in a vein attempt to understand why.

>most fun I ever had

you need to break off all contact with her or you'll regret it
my friend was in an on and off relationship with a BPD girl for years, it fucked him up and now he has severe anxiety and depression

she would do the same things you're writing about, also send him pics of her cut-up arms when he tried to leave her etc. now that they're through she tells all her friends that he beat her

just beware because she WILL want to get back with you, will tell you she loves you etc. but if you agree to get back together, the same shit will continue and probably get worse

So what you are saying, is that I still have a chance?
Seriously though, I know all that and she is a cutter, arms full of scars, I just feel like I can make it work. When I think about it logically, I know that you are right, but fuck, I really fell for her

>Yeah, she was the most fun I don't ever had. Now I feel drained and empty, without even a reason to explain why she did it. Seriously, if she said that the feeling is gone, or that it was never there, or that she is not into it, I'd be broken up, but I'd move on. The fact that she gave me hope, borders on sadism. I still want to write her, in a vein attempt to understand why.
I know this feel, user. I legitimately dont understand how is it that those girls are actually so interesting to talk to and be around with but they are. It really takes a lot of willpower to not fall for their shit. I'm not gonna say anything new but you must get rid of her from your mind asap and whenever you figure out another girl has BPD then you just drop her and don't look back. It's not worth it. I personally would rather die alone than try shit with a girl with BPD again.

>So what you are saying, is that I still have a chance?
yes, you still have a chance to escape this helltrap without permanent mental scars
you don't deserve the mental abuse of being with a BPD

if you still really feel like you have to be with her when she inevitably comes back, force her to seek intense professional help - tell her this is her last chance

I don't think it should be such a mystery why so many men fall for this type of girl or why men find it 'so much fun'

Maybe because BPD is perhaps the epitome of feminine nature, which is attractive to men, but taken to the extreme (then it becomes a disorder). That's why maybe most of the sufferers are women

I don't think it's the case. Girls with BPD are legitimately interesting. I mean they show interest, they make you feel great but usually they also have interests and hobbies and know how to talk about it. Most "normal" girls are just boring as fuck really.

>if you still really feel like you have to be with her when she inevitably comes back, force her to seek intense professional help - tell her this is her last chance
That's actually exactly what I want. I really care for her and it breaks my heart. Although I don't know how and what to do. She blocked me, so I can't really contact her and she doesn't answer to my email, which I wrote last Saturday, just asking how's she doing. I'd send her another email, but I don't want to be pushy or look needy. So here I am, venting on a Chinese Origami image board webpage

>>I come to her place to ask wtf
this is where you fucked up

How come?

>go to our first date place and send her a pic
You cringy mother fucker.

I know, I know. In my defense, I was pretty fucked up emotionally and i ended up there by accident

Dont date crazy butches

Easier said than done

I can't honestly believe you were this stupid. You should have seen this coming. This is all your fault.
I hope you learned something.

Not really you dipshit.
Have some self worth or off yourself

She doesn't want your life and emotional state to revolve around her. Women hate clingy men, just like men hate clingy women (if you're healthy)

You are supposed to think about love and relationships rationally. You can love her, but you need to be way less romantic about it.

It's okay to prioritize a girl, but the moment she sees you've prioritized her over yourself, your career, or your means of stability, she will see you as weak, and that's just not cute, user.

That, or she went through a recent breakup and is still stuck on her ex and you aren't providing something that he used to provide that she had a high preference for, though most women want to see confident, active men because we are natural competitors, so figure that out.

She sounds like she's made up her mind about you, though. Move on. She'll crawl back if she really liked something about you, and I legit mean that. Used to happen to me all the fucking time.

Thanks. Funny thing is, I know that you are right, I just couldn’t help myself. Can’t even believe that shit myself. Last time I was so out whack, was back in high school. I know that I should be smart, but whenever I think about her, I lose all self control.

I learned all that shit long time ago. Trust me, not my first rodeo. It’s just something about her made me lose my composure

Why do you lose self-control? I used to be like you before I realized that I should only be romantic with girls I've ruthlessly (and I mean ruthless, we're talking judging every word that comes out of her mouth for at least a month) before I trust someone like that.

The way I see it, I'm looking for more than a friend in the perfect woman. I'm looking for a partner who works with me to build our best lives, and that includes having children because kids and making something that is a part of both of you is what keeps your family together, not love. Infatuation fades to familiarity eventually, but you'll still be partners who want the best in each other.

Gonna be honest: she sounds like a shit woman who hasn't overcome her "woman shortcomings" just like you haven't for your "man shortcomings". She was using you for validation because all she has to offer is a pretty face and she isn't useful in the ways a woman should be, and you are a little bitch for falling for her on beauty alone. And yes, falling for some slut because "muh connection/inner beauty" is the exact same thing. You need to show independence, and she needs to show humility. You're both terrible for each other because that setup was destined for codependency and heartbreak from the get-go

>attempt to understand why.
Because you're selfish and can't see beyond your own nose. You're welcome!

I don’t know why, it never happened to me like that before. I usually keep my head cool and am pretty capable of controlling myself.
I honestly feel like a damn teenager (I’m 29) and that fucking horrified me. That’s why I don’t even want to reignite or continue anything, I just want to get her out of myself. Also, she was more than a pretty girl. We had similar interests and she was surprisingly smart. Also, yeah, she hasn’t overcome her issues, but when we started I was hoping to help her with that. Anyhow, I’m just venting here, because I don’t really have anywhere else to bitch. I do long for her, but I understand that it’s not really an option. I’m actually thankful that she’s so adamant about no contact, even tho I broke it twice by writing an email and a letter (I know, I know, horrible move)

Alright, I'm about to be your bro. Fill this out for me:

1.What's your life ambition?
2.What do you do for work?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. How many girls have you been in relationships with?
5. How many girls have you had sex with?
6. How much do you earn from all your income sources?

I know I didn't address much of your actual post, but hear me out.

>1.What's your life ambition?
Right now, getting into uni
>2.What do you do for work?
I’m a nurse at a private clinic, specializing in treatments of drug resistant bacteria. Mainly with old folks
>3. What are your hobbies?
Cycling, table top RPGs, drawing and really passionate about movies. Ex weeb, so know a lot about anime and manga (she was a massive weeb)
>4. How many girls have you been in relationships with?
Shit, long term? 7 over a year and a lot of monthly adventures. I was even married once
>5. How many girls have you had sex with?
Over 15 easily, can’t be bothered to count
>6. How much do you earn from all your income sources?
40-60 k a year, depending on my bonuses, that’s in euros

>Getting into uni
Good. Degrees are an easy way to get decent jobs, and therefore status and cash to make yourself more desirable
>I'm a nurse
Not bad, but it's not the best job for a man. Still, you're going to uni and sound like you have ambition, so that's good at least.
>Tabletop RPGs
I usually don't say games are hobbies, but this is one of the few exceptions, because it's a highly creative social interaction, but just don't be too weird with it. I play them too.
>Really passionate about movies
Stop right there. Enjoying media and knowing trivia and movies is good, but just know that consumption in any form is not a hobby; it's a passtime. Real hobbies require self-sacrifice and are active in what they teach.
>she was a massive weeb
This is gonna sound harsh, user, but who cares? This is a very shallow thing to see in someone as a means of compatibility. Men and women date each other all the time where one of the people in the couple likes sports, but the other doesn't. Compatibility is deeper than that and usually involves whether you can respect each other and whether your ambitions align, not if she'll see a new OVA with you.
>Easily over 15
Good. Sounds like you have confidence. Just know that preselection is a meme. Women want men who other women find highly desirable. Most women, especially decent women, either don't care about your body count or actually dislike you of you tell them you sleep around a lot, since women are well aware that other women can be easily manipulated, and they know that you could have just had veryblow standards. The want a man they can talk about with their friends and have them all gush over, not an arrogant prick who boasts about his conquests. Keep that in mind. Sounds like you're pretty well-established already, so nice count on you.
Decent middle wage. You should be proud, but keep moving up.

Honestly, it sounds like your only issue is that you put pussy on a pedestal.

>Honestly, it sounds like your only issue is that you put pussy on a pedestal.
That's the thing, I usually don't. It's just this girl struck a nerve somewhere deep. I mean, I was ready to proclaim undying love on a forth date. Fucking crazy, I know. It's like I became 16 again and lowered my defenses way too fast. And as I said, I don't want her back (well, not my rational part at least), I want to forget her. So here I am, months later and it still fucking hurts. I know that there's a big chance that if she beacons me, there's a decent chance that I'll roll over like a puppy and that scares and disgusts me. Hormones are one hell of a drug.

>I learned all that shit long time ago
>But I still feel for it AGAIN
Then I have no sympathy for you

get off this board

You are a massive idiot and have got everything super wrong
I hope this post is LARP for your own sake

>not ignoring tripfags
user, show sone self control

Oh cool, what's wrong with what I said? I'm trying to help him wife, not fuck a Stacy.

>whenever I think about her, I lose all self control.
Like I said, you're selfish AF.

Never in your myriad of posts and stew of words did you go on about how she feels. It's always you. Women are not complicated, you are selfish, didn't get your way, didn't listen to her; she dumps you, and you are too egotistical to accept this fact.

I've done some stupid shit too after a breakup. I embarrassed myself with this barista I fell in love with. I came to her starbucks after close and wanted to see her. New employee in the front, in training, got scared and hid behind the font desk. There's two doors going in. Front was open, other was locked. I knocked hard and tugged (thinking my love was in the back), but no one answered.

Anyway I walked away and was with a guy friend. I told him about it, said I want to see her, he said he'd wait up on me if I tried again. So I went back and again knocked. Didn't see anyone that time. Turns out the new girl was hiding, thinking I was a thief or something, until she phoned my love, and my love told her to "just ignore it" having seen that it was me via the security cameras.

Pretty dumb huh? Love makes you do stupid things. I was crazy about this girl. But you won't find me lying to myself and egotistically framing this from my point of view.

OP, have you for one second considered how incredibly uncomfortable you made your ex feel? I suggest you start. Value your woman's feelings before your next relationship.

I think he made it clear he has none. He's all selfish and no self control.

Real BF material, huh?

Since nobody else has mentioned this, I'm going to say that you're main problem was going to her apartment. Getting dumped over text is the universal sign for one of two things: (A) "I am a shitty person because I don't realise how hurtful dumping someone over text is" or (B) "I have to dump you over text because I am physically afraid of you."

With either of these options, showing up at her apartment was out-of-order. If she was afraid, then she clearly didn't want to see you. If you went to beg to see her again and she was just being a shitty person, you didn't win your way back into her heart with pettiness and indignation, partially because you're both stupid fuckers.

>She cries and says that she loves me but has to leave me
Clearly, it's option 3: She's making an emotional decision on a whim and didn't want to break down in front of you, which shows (1) bad decision-making skills and emotional immaturity and (2) that, again, going to her apartment was The Bad Move.

>spend evening snuggling
>decide to take a no contact break
This is irrational, but I get a strong feeling that (A) she briefly used you emotionally and is gently trying to break it off afterwards because, yes, she does not want to be with you or (B) she snuggled you to placate you because you're a fucking creep.

You only realise that you love her when she won't talk to you? Fuck off.

>respond with a sappy love message
>she ignores me

>go to our first date place and send her a pic
K. Y. S.

>What's wrong with bitches?
Say bitches again and rumour has it that a goblin appears and steals your testicles.


I dated a guy with mental issues and he did the exact same shit to me, should've dropped his ass sooner.

Let this be a lesson not to date mental cases

>Girls with BPD are legitimately interesting.
Fuck you.

>BPD is the epitome of feminine nature.
Fuck you.

>You don't deserve the mental abuse of being with a BPD
I feel more sorry for her than him.
>Force her to seek professional help.
Fuck you. She doesn't want him.

>Doesn't even respect the fucking girl
>Just going off of a "feeling"

>She will want to get back with you
Not every girl is the same, you walnut.


>The second you find out a girl has BPD, you have to dump her.
BPD is a label. It's like saying you're a Gemini. There is no physical proof for it. Yeah, if someone says that they're BPD, they probably have issues, but fuck.
>Those women do not deserve a man.
You don't deserve a normal gf.

>I never had any experience with BPD.
Stop excusing yourself. You're the problem.

>Actually believes in shit tests as patented by the man who wears fucking goggles on his head to get girls to talk to him

I get your point, but she's a human being.

>Everything is a shit test with women, even if they're not consciously aware of it.
That's called "disagreeing" and "having opinions," you incel.

>Women are far less rational than man and run on emotion.
Scientific proof via. a peer-reviewed study or GTFO.

>I feel fucking bipolar.
You're the crazy one.

>I was taking my mom to a psychologist and she was there attending some support group.
Power imbalance from the start. Get dunked. I'm not buying this "poor-me-I-just-can't-help-loving-her" shit. You went to her house and demanded to know wtf was going on, you snuggled with her even though she was clearly breaking up with you, you only wanted her when she left you, you kept sending her sappy shit when she was trying to let you down easily, YOU SEND HER A PICTURE OF THE PLACE WHERE YOU FIRST WENT FOR YOUR DATE, and now you want to blame it all on her BPD? You're projecting.

>Since nobody else has mentioned this, I'm going to say that you're main problem was going to her apartment. Getting dumped over text is the universal sign for one of two things: (A) "I am a shitty person because I don't realise how hurtful dumping someone over text is" or (B) "I have to dump you over text because I am physically afraid of you."
>With either of these options, showing up at her apartment was out-of-order. If she was afraid, then she clearly didn't want to see you. If you went to beg to see her again and she was just being a shitty person, you didn't win your way back into her heart with pettiness and indignation, partially because you're both stupid fuckers.
I framed it somewhat wrong. We agreed that I'll be coming to her apartment beforehand, then she sends me a break up text, then I call her and suggest that we should meet to talk things over and she gives me a green light to come. I didn't drop out of the blue.
That was exactly my problem. She was clearly broken up about her decision and swore up and down that she loves me, yet still insisted on a break up, without a proper reason. If she just told me to get the fuck out from.her life, then I'd understand, but this was so confusing

>Say bitches again and rumour has it that a goblin appears and steals your testicles
Bitches and hoes.
>You only realise that you love her when she won't talk to you? Fuck off.
you need to work on you reading comprehension

Even without your trip, you still are a fag, peanut butter and still should be ignored

dating a person with BPD will truly drain you. They love hard but will also have no problem dropping you from their life completely out of nowhere.

I still think about my bi-polar/schizotypal ex often. Probably the only girl I've ever really loved but she ghosted me just like OP multiple times. It's not healthy to continue chasing after someone like that.

OP, if you really love her, you should just move on and hope for her health/happiness.

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>I didn't drop out of the blue.
This makes your case more sympathetic, but someone in that state of mind is already very vulnerable and is probably texting you expressly because they do NOT want to see you. As a guy, that is a cue that I would have seen from a mile away. It's written all over the domestic abuse websites: "Don't break up with your boyfriend over text except if you feel unsafe and have to." If you want, I can actually start listing sites that say that.

>Swore up and down that she loves me, yet still insisted on a break up
Sometimes, we love people but they're bad for us and we have to stop talking to them.
>without a proper reason
She does not owe you a reason, especially if she is scared. The only time that I have ever refused to explain my reasoning is if I am fucking terrified.
>If she just told me to get the fuck out, I'd understand
She's scared, you nitwit.

>Bitches and hoes
Testicles stolen. Now, we know why she broke up with you.

>I come to her place to ask wtf
>she cries and says that she loves me, but has to leave me
>spend evening snuggling
>decide to take a no contact break
>break no contact within two days
As for what you said about my comprehension, I'm reading it clearly, dumbass. You're the one who is blind.

What does this even say? Is this English?

Actually it's not me.

As I said multiple times, I do want to move on. It's just painful and so I'm here just to went
Peanut butter, at least attempt to change your writing style, before you continue to troll. Everyone can see that it's you

>As I said multiple times, I do want to move on. It's just painful and so I'm here just to went
Sorry I missed that. You and I were in a very similar place at one point in my life. I can relate to your situation and heartache. Time really does heal all wounds.

I never take off my trip and I'm not afraid to voice my opinions in any circumstance.

Rare exception is a phone post. But that's very rare

Well, for now it only makes it worse. Even getting a rebound didn't help. Although this thread did help a little. Jow Forums is a magical place

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sigh, well I had to say something
damned if I do, damned if I don't

hard to top bi-polar pussy. continue weening yourself off using normie girls until you've forgotten how good it was.

It amuses me that people are genuinely assuming that I'm someone else. I know that saying this won't change anything, but God damn.

I actually didn't mention it, but yeah, sex with her was one of the best I ever had. She was wild. But this goes beyond sex, she was great in every aspect, felt so perfect for me

You probably did something bad and aren't aware of it. Men are genuinely retarded, so it wouldn't surprise me.

Probably, still, would've been nice to know what I did wrong

Just find another person to get your thoughts off her and move on with your life. She was probably used you as an ego boost and now is ready to move to another man

This was my hunch too.

Like I keep saying... SELFISH AS FUCK.

All you think about is yourself. You are too old to be acting this way. Grow up, you don't need to know anything. It's up to her to tell you, she choose not to (probably because she felt unsafe, hence how she broke up etc) and you're still MAKING DEMANDS on this poor girl. Just leave it, OP.

crazy women nitpick anything to be upset. they seem to want men to walk on thin ice all the time and Jump when they are moody.

what demands? an explination isnt much of a demand. there is a lot of projecting in this post.

Make one post talking about her. I challenge you. One, meaningful and insightful post, going into how you made her feel and her experience in the relationship.

I think you can't, because you can't see past your own nose.

not OP but reading his being page he just said she was going through some stuff. "how hard it is for her" I mean common dude you are purposly ignoring the whole point of why he is trying to understand what he did wrong. But you will sit there saying he is being selfish for wanting to understand what he did wrong while you double standard this selfish girl not talking and being emotionally abusive.

Or she did something bad and wants to "spare his feelings" by not confessing and breaking up + cutting all contact.

like hell she feels she does something wrong. she does all these mental gymnastics to make it seem its OPs fault.

From what I can tell, the girl did nothing wrong.

OP's mistake is that all his energy is directed inwards, discussing his needs, how he feels, etc.. but if you want to understand other people, you need to leave your own head for a while. Put yourself in her shoes. But OP doesn't do that, he just whines and whines and never wrote a singe word about her feelings.

because you are biased and ignore what she did do wrong, which is dropping the dude instead of talking it through. communication is key into a good relationship, and shutting it down isnt helping. I mean asking WHAT DID I DO isnt a selfish question it's one of self improvement. you might not understand this since you probably think you are perfect in every way.

>what she did do wrong
>which is dropping the dude
There is absolutely nothing, at all, wrong with breaking up with somebody.

During a breakup, an explanation isn't owed, but is a courtesy.

> I mean asking WHAT DID I DO isnt a selfish question it's one of self improvement.
Again, selfish. Only thinking about himself. There's so much more to life than yourself.

But thanks for explaining what you think the girl did wrong. It helps me understand why so many people in this thread jumped on OP's side. I was kinda scratching my head at that.

But yeah there's nothing wrong with dumping someone. And if she dumps him like that, then he probably did something to scare her, or he's impossible to talk to. Think about it. If he was super nice, and super open, then he would be the easiest guy in the world to talk to. But he isn't. I know this because of the harsh way he replies to me and the selfish tone he uses with others in this thread. If he treats US like this, then I can only imagine what he did to his girlfriend.

It's not about bias or taking sides. I don't know either party and I'm effectively neutral. Perhaps even, I'm harsher on women usually than men, but this case is so clear and dry. OP needs to open his skull up.

Stop arguing with a tripfag, these things will say anything for attention

>There is absolutely nothing, at all, wrong with breaking up with somebody.
>During a breakup, an explanation isn't owed, but is a courtesy.
tell that to the girls who bitch about that double standard. even then she just used the guy, pretty fucked up, if you dont mind a guy doing the exact same then we have no problem here.

>Again, selfish. Only thinking about himself. There's so much more to life than yourself.
you are such an idiot. maybe you should just notice what the majority of already figured out. the girl was selfish, you give her a pass cuz sh is a girl. you are incredibly biased.
asking what someone did wrong isnt selfish but ghosting and running away is. using someone for their own emotional befits is selfish. You are full of shit when you think you are nuetral. The only one selfish here is her. Its obvious to everyone else but you.

Maybe she knew you were going to punch her, just like that other girl.
Kill yourself my man

The way to deal with it whether you like it or not is to find another woman. Plain and simple. Once you find someone else, concern yourself with the woman you are with and you should be able to think of her less and less as time goes by.

oh now the piranha's come out. I haven't seen you guys in in a hot minute.

pic related.

Name-calling isn't an argument.

Your post contains so many fallacies I don't know where to begin. If you want to have a proper discussion, I'm here.

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Would it really be that bad to try and make contact with her? user if she didnt cheat on you then there is large chance that what you want can be achieved. Communication and compromise. Stick to your guns and recover how you choose. If it would cause harm then good to either parties then let it go. Time will bring new pain and that feeling should fade. It wont ever stop hurting, life will bring other challenges

Well, i honestly tried. Wrote her a letter and a two weeks later an email, asking how she is doing. She is ignoring me, so I decided to move on. Even got a rebound GF, luckily nurses are easy and I work with them, kek. Still, if she really wanted to get back with me, I'd give her another chance, hell, I'd jump on it. At this point a simple explanation why she ended everything would be satisfactory. The not understanding, especially when she was literally crying while dumping me, is the worst part. Still, she maybe a whacko, but she's a good grill and I hope that she's doing well

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>That pic
Jesus Christ man seek help

I heard about e celebs, but this chan celeb shit is a whole new level of pathetic

>Wrote her a letter
Fucking virgins, I swear

Holy cow, you either are a very dedicated troll, or a massive onions beta. In any case, trips are to be filtered.

>he did slap a few girlfriends during argumetns
That one got me wheezin

So I gather that this guy has a reputation. How sad someone's life must be, to attention whore on a Bangladeshi origami forum?
As for you, OP. I gather that you usually have luck with the opposite gender. Could it be that you are obsessed with that girl, because she dumped you, before you got bored of her? I knew a guy, who was a proper womanizer and was never rejected. Then finally one day, he was stonewalled by a qt3.14 and he went full on creepy mode. Started stalking her and "bumping" into her, sent her flowers and texts constantly and even showed up to her doorstep uninvited. Me and my friends literally had to do an intervention for him. When he realized what he was reduced to, he snapped out of it. It was nine years ago and we still give him shit for getting pussywhipped so hard