anyway i just joined the army for WW3 today and all I have left is the whiskey
a lots been happening saying goodbye to everyone, but my daughter took it the worst
Dylan Garcia
have to cut clean ya know I barely made the cut and I have to go cause I am the only one with 90s weed in me and the stuff the kids use now is basically crack
I'm now a recruiter
Luis Thompson
A Girl and I had some sort of flirting going on but it included initimate moments such as making out and being all over each other. Turns out she has a boyfriend. How do I cope with this? Should I come back a year later and meet her again? I kind of have oneitis on her, how do I get rid of that?
Charles Reed
woah kid slow down
I'm trying to drink here
I'm worried about my daughter. not you FUCK OFF
Ryan Ward
is it wierd that I'm a dude and I like women drinks?
Caleb Russell
Stfu boomer lmao
Gavin Kelly
OP here, how old is your daughter, from a son of soldiers (not American tho) I remember moving with them but I also had so much support from others, I remember a corporate telling me my parents were going to save the world. Try talking to your daughter as frank as you can, but obviously with the simplicity you will talk to a minor
Jayden Ramirez
It is, weed today is not like past weed, but most of that is cause of breeding and stuff.
Connor Price
I don't even have friends,let alone a date. I feel so shitty,everyone around me is achieving great things while I hate my major,failing my exams and am sad and alone on top of it.
Jordan Long
There's not much to say really. Another year, another Valentine's Day alone. I made an attempt to put myself out there, but as per usual I'm way too much of a literal autist to make any real progress. I legitimately tried though, even managed to get a few spaghetti-fueled conversations going even if they didn't go anywhere. That's far better than I usually do and far better than simply wallowing in my own misery feeling sorry for myself. I've been doing that for over a decade now. Over it. While it naturally still stings a little, especially when my friends post about their plans with their own S.O.'s for today, I'm at peace with it. I made the decision to have a more positive attitude in 2019 and haven't looked back. I'm done using my depression as a crutch, an excuse. That's only lead to stagnation. I've forcing it down with sheer force of will, and at least for the time being. It's been hard. My mind still wanders to those dark places and I can't control that. Confronting those feelings has been worth it overall though, and my new outlook has made me feel a lot better about myself in my day to day life.
That's something right?
Anyway, if any fellow hopeless anons are looking for someone to confide in I'm going to lurk this thread and offer advice/support.
Ok, why not talk to her about this, girls (well some people, it happens to men as well) tend to lose interest in the relationship and start looking for something to spark the candle again, maybe she’s over the dude, or was just to remind her why to stay with him There’s no way of just erasing what happened, but remember every relationship gives you something, just because things weren’t right doesn’t they were always wrong, you’ll get pass her. Trust me, you’ll find someone who can fill the gap you’re filling today
Brandon Peterson
Not at all, everyone has different tastes, I like scotch on the rocks, or plain tequila, or mezcal,but sometimes I will enjoy a different thing like a margarita, or a Paloma, or even a piña colada, remember every person is a whole world on the Inside, keep enjoying yourself lad
James Harris
I like a girl and she kinda likes me, but is living with her bf. It's like we never gonna be lovers, but still hanging out periodically. What should I do?
Brandon Davis
I'm single, I go out on dates quite often but only date women who are already in relationship sometimes we end up fucking, sometimes just kiss or nothing then stay in touch of course their boyfriends/husbands are not aware
Liam Powell
Do you think that I can return later on though and try again? In the mean time curing my oneitis for her by meeting other girls
Mason Cox
That is the fear of missing out, dude, why not start over, it’s never too late IF YOU'RE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE. Meaning focusing more than others and work your ass off, regarding friends and dates, why don’t you start a new hobbie, Ex. I just started doing a program to improving physical conditioning and exercise performance, and I’m meeting new people who I’m hanging with, do not feel depressed there no one who will help us other than ourselves
James White
Had a date but I cancelled it because it felt to me that she accepted only for whatever. That is to say, I really did not feel the chemistry, I don't even know why I asked. Just got home from the gym, gotta cook 2 kg of chicken breast, make a huge ass vegetable salad and I'm gonna dig in, then maybe play WoW. Still single, still alone but it feels liberating.
Daniel Thompson
That’s very good user, I remember one quote that has stuck with me since I started changing all about me, “Dont look back, you’re not going that way” it means, forget about the past, day one thinking, achieve your goals. Keep trying, never give up.
Eli Morris
Straight things up, if she’s living with the boyfriend, that’s kinda serious, are you sure she wants to go into a relationship with you? If yes well what would you like to do in terms of you and her? Plan and have an answer to everything, don’t let anyone catch you off guard
Carson Rogers
>25 years old >Virgin >living with parents >No job >Try to be fit and give up all the time >Try to do nofao and fail after day or so >addicted to most degenerate types of porn
I dont want to do suicide, but i dont have energy to improve my situation. I feel weak af all the time.
Isaiah Gutierrez
I'm 22 and I wish I had girlfriend to spend my days with, but at the same time I'm enjoying living on my own. My dad left me a flat where I live now. Often I feel lonely here, but at the same time I can do whatever I want. I don't know how I should feel about this, but I more often feel like I'm missing out a lot, by not being in a relationship. Never had a girlfriend before either. It's not like I'd have any chances with girls, anyway...
Lucas Cox
I'll hook you up with a job bud
I promise?
You do any drugs?
or got any disorders?
Nolan Bailey
Ok, do you think this isn’t a way of you to not really commit? I mean assuming they are in a relationship that means you can lurk some place else, not really attaching yourself to someone, what would you like to do? I can tell you by experience, doing that often leaves one with a gap you’ll try to fill but with no succes, and no matter how many great girls you meet, you’ll always detach yourself cause again, you don’t want anything. Meditate what you would like to do.
Ayden Stewart
Hey, they say that where there was fire, ashes remain, of course, but, I don’t want to say yes for sure, better confront the girl yourself m8
Jonathan Roberts
I feel like crying for some reason. What's happening. I feel like nothing really matters.
Oh, and I do have a heartbreak story, but I got over it. I'll share it anyway.
>Be me at age 17, several years ago >Meet a girl somewhere >She's 19 years old. Cripple, has prosthetic legs. Very kind, energetic, and optimistic personality nonetheless, which contrasts mine. >We talk and meet each other at the same exact café after school and during weekends. >Things are not quite as good as they seem though. She lost her legs in some sort of freak accident >Very weird about the kinds of things she wanted to share with me. She told me about how she lost her legs, and she told me about the psychological trauma it caused her, but she didn't want to talk about it, didn't want me to help her. >She also told me about her previous relationship. Her ex-boyfriend broke up with her because she was using him as a sex toy to relieve her emotional pain. >She told me she was moving away one day. My dumb ass forgot to ask for her contact information. >Doesn't matter. One day I decided that I wanted to have a serious conversation about her trauma. Long story short, she refused to talk and began to hate me. >Now she's moved away. She hates me now, I haven't seen her ever since, and I've never talked to her again. >I've failed to help someone else and I've failed to declare my love to the love of my life. That's just one of my several heartbreak stories
Dominic Thompson
Hats of to you, that’s the spirit, so long as you have done this politely, but as long as you keep feeling like that, good for you, OP approves
Hudson Hall
That's god awful man that poor girl lost her soul cause of that
Robert Murphy
I dont do drugs. I dont even smoke or drink.
I had anxiety and some other low tier mental stuff, but i think its behind me. A part from flirtin with suicidal fantasies i dont have any mental problems. Except porn addiction.
Samuel Taylor
We chatted about it, and we agreed to forget about the evening with her boyfriend. Then I Said great and told her that there will probably go some time before I see her again. Its been a week now and I havent chatted her since. I want to cure my oneitis for her, before I try again
Joshua Robinson
And another one
>Be me, when I was age 16 >Have this female friend at school >Both of us are introverts and we really like books and anime. We also go to the same after school swimming club. >One day I realize I've fallen in love with her and decide to declare my love >She rejects me, but it's okay. I'm still willing to be friends with her, because I really cherish our friendship. >The next day, she refuses to talk to me. She tells me it's because she's shy because of the awkward conversation we had yesterday, and because it's apparently hard for a girl to deal with this stuff. >That's okay though. I'll just leave her alone for a while and let her get over it. >Hours later, I get a text from her. >She says she hates me now. >She says she heard rumors about me hating homosexuals (I don't). >She's also pissed at a joke I made fucking months before we even became friends (I made fun of asexuals, which she apparently is). >I tell her these rumors are baseless. >The next day, we're no longer friends. >We wouldn't talk to each other for the remainder of our time in high school. We still don't talk to each other.
Kevin Sanchez
OP here, do you think therapy would help with the lack of motivation? What job is something you would love to do? Start with the little things, as for the exercise and no fap, remember the after a 20 days period it becomes a routine, put all your energy in focusing to achieve the goal. Why do you want to be fit, what motivates you to stop the porn.. keep in mind the goal always
Jace James
I fell in love with the guy online. I thought he likes me too, but most likely he just loves flirting with any girl he is talking to. Recently I realized the fact that I actually developed some real feelings without any chances of meeting him in real life.. I know it's stupid and I have to move on as fast as possible, find someone irl or text to one of my exes. But today I am alone for the Valentine day first time since the age 14
Brayden Thomas
Good for your dad, most would love to have that with their pa’s loneliness is something strange, as long as you feel comfortable is ok, but at the same time it’s always nice to have a significant other, don’t lose hope there’s always somebody meant to you
Ryan Russell
>Be me when I was 14 years old >Have this girl in school whose guts I hate because of how rude she is to me. >Then we become friends and I begin to fall in love with her >Then she decides she hates me for some stupid reason. >I realize it must be because of a misunderstanding (I've always had problems socializing, my mother says I'm probably autistic, so I figured it was because I came off as rude or something). >So I decide to apologize to her if I ever unintentionally hurt her feelings >She says something I don't understand which was clearly meant to be an insult. >I'm back to hating her guts
Evan Ramirez
OP here, these things happen man, if I had a dollar for how many times I’ve fucked up, well, that’s growing up, but I didn’t understand why she got mad tho, wasn’t she sharing with you before?
Justin Long
Oh, and he probably has someone to celebrate Valentine's day with. He's hot.
Austin Adams
>Be me when I was 12 >This girl in the girl's rugby team I'm in love with because I somehow deduced she was in love with me (don't ask how I came to that conclusion) >I try to be nice to her and congratulate her on her victories whenever I can >I didn't realize it then, but she and her friends would start to mess with me. >For instance, a friend of hers made up something about her having a boyfriend from another school within the same district, I'd ask her personally about it, and she'd deny such claims. >One day she's absent. I figure it's because she's sick. >The next day, I ask her if she's feeling alright >She tells me to shut up and leave her alone
Benjamin Bennett
I always say that, there’s not a better time than th NOW, if we keep waiting for that special moment or the perfect time we will lose on so many other great things, maybe that’s for the better, believe me I know it looks like she’s the only girl, but there are so many other wonderful girls out there, don’t lose hope :)
Henry Moore
I used to be worried as hell about not getting a girl before I'm 30 and shit like that. I realized though that getting a girl is out of the picture when I can't even better myself and rise to a challenge. It's been years since I've told myself that I would turn around and be that guy everyone calls full of life and with 0 regrets. It has yet to happen. Everytime I try being that I just regress back into being my old, boring, lonely self.
I'm like a race horse that was too retarded to hear the starting gun and is still idling at the starting line contemplating whether it not the race means anything at all.
You have to understand that she was very emotionally broken. I tried my hardest to "fix" her, when in reality, you can't fix anybody. She told me what she was comfortable with me knowing but I got greedy and tried to pry into her life more than I should have.
Wyatt Sanders ridiculed am I gonna get if I try asking out a girl for a the first time in my life at 26?
Julian King
I'm not in a sad situation, just more one that I consider unusual. Long story short, I'm engaged to my longtime housemate. Well there is no 'romance' between us, the marriage is a practical one, we do get along. Despite not 'loving' her, I still feel like I should do something nice for her today, but I'm at a loss as to what I should do. Best I've managed to come up with is making a nice dinner and giving her a gift card to a local bookstore she frequents. Should I do more, or should just roll with my current plan?
Learning to be alone is one of the most difficult things one needs to deal with it’s not the end of the world, I’m sure you’ll get a new guy in matter of nothing, now he most probably be with someone, screw him you are great girl! You don’t need his lame ass
Christian Smith
I cant her now, im not the ice cool Chad i was when we first met at a party. I’ve to get rid of oneitis, before I can do anything with her. And I might just even forget about her in the process of getting over the oneitis. So its a win-win situation
Levi Sullivan
You can alwaya do prostate massage. If it goes south with females you can become one yourself and get the ultimate orgasm of your life.
David Davis
>alone on valentine's for the first time since 14 ...and people say women don't have it easy as fuck. I hope you get raped in some alley then left to be eaten by dogs.
Logan Green
You won't be. The vast majority of people don't know, including her. The majority of those people don't care. The people in your life that do know? They're probably all rooting for you and would love to see you succeed.
Throw caution to the wind and do what you've got to do, don't worry about what others will think.
That being said, you're inexperience. You could very well fuck it up and get rejecting. It WILL hurt. You can't let rejection stop you, all getting caught up in that shit will accomplish is stagnation. You gotta keep moving forward.
Take it from a guy in a very similar place in life.
Mason King
Everything is possible m8 recognizing what’s the main issue is the first step, maintaining the race is the hardest thing, don’t give up
That’s the thing we can’t go around trying to fix people, and I know cause I had a girlfriend who tried to make me something I wasn’t, all we can do is embrace our significant other as good and as bad as they are (without hurting ourselves in the process
Ryder Carter
Thanks friend, you're right. Being alone isn't so bad, it's just a day full of love and my heart is broken
Kayden Cruz
OP here, not as ridiculous you’re toying to see yourself by not doing u already have the no in your mind, so why not trying who knows maybe you get a yes!
Dominic Parker
>22 year old kissless virgin >Crippling fear of rejection >Attractive but too scared to make the first move even on girls who flirt with me first >My libido is gone due to 22 years of being a KV >Struggling to motivate myself to go out and get girls >Couldn't do it even if I tried cause I'm too scared of rejection
Actually, getting a yes is more scary than getting a no.
Adrian Richardson
Well it depends on how well you do it, what sort of person you and the girl is.
>girl seems to like me, going to some length to set time and place for me to ask her out >couldn't do it today due to circumstances >dread seeing her tomorrow >had the most happiest and content dream involving her yet real life is a pit of misery
Talking to her is fun, I love making her laugh, I love teasing her, yet after she's gone I have difficulty wondering if it was real. I've been alone for so long it doesn't fit into the shitty feelings that are usual, like I've been accustomed to feeling horribly lonely.
I don't even know what I'm doing. I have no friends, no real hobbies, have almost no similar interests beside the gym. Shes more normal than me, how in good conscience can I begin to spend time around someone who her friends might ostracize her for? Her family might hate me. She's younger and I feel guilty about hiding all my problems so well too. She doesn't know a thing. Im fucked up, pretending 24/7 unless I'm on here as some normal guy. I don't even know how to include her into my life. Time spent with her passes so nicely yet a relationship would be such a balance of responsibility towards her and hedging my own bets to not be hurt.
Fuck why did I have to become so fucked
Daniel Gray
Mmmkay.... OP here, sorry if you don’t have it easy, deal with it, some have it easier than others, that doesn’t justify the lil victim attitude or bitchiness in your response
I can't do it. I try to psyche myself up to do it and it's just impossible. No matter how hard I try I can't grasp the nettle and do it.
Julian Lewis
How so? Isn’t that what we are looking for?
Jacob Scott
Why don't girls want anything to do with me? I am one of the most caring and affectionate people there are but always throughout my life people have been nothing but cruel to me? How the fuck are you supposed to even find a woman to love when they're all so cruel?
Gabriel Price
Because then I'd actually have to take her on a date and the idea has me scared shitless. I've never been on a date, but I'm 26, so there are expectations I would know what I'm doing.
Gabriel Barnes
We can’t help bing hurt, it’s a part of life you shouldn’t pretend, a girl will be into you with your defects, the way you can maybe avoid that is by not lying to yourself, and later to someone else.
Most woman search for strong person that can protect them and their family. Its a good bonus if youre caring and affectionate, but still those are bonuses not the main thing they are looking for.
Camden Reyes
Good to know
Time to start lifting
Cooper Smith
You can’t just blame girls, remember that the most difficult thing is to see what’s wrong with ourselves, believe me EVERYONE has issues with something, auto exploration is the solution once we discover whats our deal then we can start looking for something else
Daniel Ward
Some more. My parents divorced when I was younger. I feel like damaged fucking goods that no girls family would accept. I feel almost intimidated by the idea of meeting their parents especially their dad. I feel like some fox trying to creep into the hen coop, like what the fuck why would I deserve dating a girl who had a good relationship with their parents?
Since I'm spilling everything out, my dad left a long while ago, then died of cancer. Basically put daddy issues suck. There was no dad to turn to when I got injured badly, no encouragement, no love or approval. The last emotions I knew he had were guilt, severe guilt and I think disappointment, since he just didn't care to take chemo seriously and died a short while after trying to get back into my life. On some level I think I crave the approval, respect and acceptance of a father figure but for some reason these feelings are shut down harder than anything else.
I know others have had worse actively abusive parents. I can't talk about it to anyone it feels pathetic since I'm well over 20 now and by all rights should have children of my own and be past all that yet I'm childless, wifeless, gfless and alone.
Jose Sanders
Are you actually caring and affectionate, or is that just a image you've built up in your mind to shield yourself from the truth? Not trying to be mean or anything, but self-reflection is important for getting to the root of the problem. I also hate to be that guy, but most of time WE are our own problem and don't even realize it.
Tell us more about yourself, give us some examples. Maybe also share some stories about times people have been cruel to you.
Leo Miller
Yrs you fucking can, Stop limiting yourself man!
Zachary Rogers
And do you know what she would enjoy? Dates are that, activities, places, things that you both would enjoy... expecting something out of someone will defraud you. Stop limiting your capacities ma’ man
Charles Hall
I've just got shitty luck at this point. It's not even about working on myself. I've done that shit for years. Ever since I lost those 30kg/66lbs... I feel like there's not even a point in trying anymore.
Be me Called gay in high school Go to a foreign country Sleep with six different women over the course of the month Come back to the USA Girl tells her friend to tell you she wants a one night stand Approach girl She gets upset and calls you gay Never date American women again pic related
I know it's hard. I was hit with a rejection in High School that went so badly (there was borderline NTR involved) that it took literally a decade for me to recover and start trying again, as I was already shy/awkward/low self esteem to begin with.
I get it man, better than most. I have severe issues with this, hell I couldn't even open up to my close friends about these feelings because of how fragile I was. You've got to fight through the pain man. If you don't you'll be left with nothing but misery and regret.
Even if it never happens for you, it's important to at least try. If only so that you can say to yourself that you did.
Jeremiah Stewart
Then it’s an issue of motivation, what pushes you forward? Would you like to do therapy to see what’s beneath the feeling of not being able to?
Juan Collins
I can't. I've tried. The fear is too strong. I don't want to humiliate myself by getting rejected... I feel like girls would be insulted if I asked them out. I am below them. I can't live up to the standards of any girl.
Well for one, a girl once was really mean and rude to me and I did nothing but fucking look at her direction. How is that not fucking cruel and evil? She should have been much nicer to a kind man like me!
Isaiah Roberts
I meant mental strenght like strong willpower, good character, you know what you want from life and you go and get it, you also have to be confident.
You have to build strong character so they can feel safe when they are with you. Doesnt mean you have to be an asshole or anything like that. You just have to invest in yourelf mentaly and physicaly.
But being fit is also a big bonus.
In other words... build yourself as the best possible version youcan be. Woman will fallow.
Sebastian Ward
I test the waters occasionally, like saying I was gonna drink alone this valentines to a class full of girls I was always careful to be a mix of normal, confident, funny and competent. Even me confessing I'd be drinking alone was purposefully modulated with a joke to laugh it off.
Fuck I'm just scared. People seem to like the fake me. They'll greet me, want to chat with me, listen to me, give me free food and drinks etc. I know you're right, this will never get better if I don't stop lying but just how do I do it without my life crashing down? I got my job solely because I can pretend.
Asher Carter
Can’t judge a whole gender in a country because of your bad experiences, date foreign girls?
Jaxson Adams
So you went to vietnam and slept with rice farmer daughters?
Isaac Williams
Sebastian Wood
So you went to the Thailand and slept with rice farmers sons?
Hudson Reed
True, but I lost courage
Nicholas Brooks
You know how we destroy fears? By confronting them! So a girl rejected you, fine, there are x number of girls out, don’t give up
I slept with women only in Thailand. Slept with a tranny in USA two years ago, but I did not like it
Dominic Nguyen
Deep self exploration can make you melt both personalities and create a new one, with your pretending side but st the same time one that is honest about hot he feels on the Inside
Oliver Green
Me thiks there are more than 10 numbers of girls in the world...
Aaron Martinez
Trust me. If I could go and ask out a girl today, i'd do it. But no matter how hard I try I can't form the words. I don't even know where to begin. Who do I ask out? How do i do it? Where do I take them? Is it even socially acceptable to ask out a girl I'm not already friends with?
Ryder Cooper
Jackson Evans
AI companion when? I'm growing lonlier by the month.
Angel Long
Then get that shit again, the only one who will do everything for you is yourself
Josiah Jones
How do I see myself as someone who could even have a relationship? I've never had any experience and it's at the point where it's so hard to see myself with someone, as someone who is a romantic/sexual person.. And that's ignoring the main problem of not knowing how to meet people and progress from there.
Zachary Foster
We've lived together for about eight years, since the beginning of university, in one capacity or another. Whether were were renting with one or two other people, or more recently, splitting the cost of a small house. For about five years of that time, both us have been single, largely because of time constraints or a general lack of effort. Not a problem for me, but a large problem for her.
You see, she was born and raised her, but her family is Chinese, and I mean really traditional Chinese. They've been up her ass about getting married and having kids for as long as I've known her. If he kept things up the way they were there was a real possibility she'd damage her relationship with her family. Wanting to placate her family while avoiding them taking matters into their own hands, she put a proposal to me at the end of last year and suggested we get married.
I accepted out of simple convenience and practicality. I've known her for years, I can trust her, we both get tax breaks and a bigger resource pool, I get to guarantee I have kids later in life, and she gets her parents off her ass. It's not a bad deal.
Grayson Reyes
Not the guy youre responding to, but... what do you mean by "deep self exploration"? How doni do that?
Gabriel Miller
Dominic Clark
Roman numerals
John Jones
I think I understand
Thanks user
Brody Stewart
It’s not a matter of doing it, it a whole you being comfortable in your own skin
Jaxson Brooks
Start slow and step by step you will get there. Noone is born in relationship. Everyones single and have to start at some point. Some do it at 16 some at 26 some at 40. There is no shame as long as you try. Only shame is that you dont try.