Girl I'm seeing has some serious fucking mental issues

I think this is the right board for this so I'll try to make it quick
>be me
>in college
>start getting really close with this girl
>extremely sweet
>absolute smoke
>dumb as a box of rocks(she's a DG)
>last night she stayed over at my house(I live with my fraternity)
>watched a movie
>sex was really good
>talked for about two hours before I fell asleep
>all is good at that point
>she wakes me up at about 5 am
>says she had an anxiety attack at about 3, her arm is just DRIPPING blood and she's covered in sweat and crying
>says that in her panic attack she scratched her arm completely raw, now it's bleeding all over my bed
>obviously help her clean it and bandage it with gauze and witch hazel
>the only thing she'll tell me about why is that "it's not me" and literally nothing more, no other reasons

I honestly don't even know what to think. She's a really sweet girl and I really like her, but if she keeps that sort of thing up I really don't know what to do. what should I do anons

pic is not her, but if you want to see then thats fine too

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Bro intalk about rpgs and shit in my sleep and ive shot up (violently awoken) in the middle of the night because PTSD dreams, if this bitxh scratching her arm like that, cut sling load move on

Lol where tf do you fuckers find these psychos?

College is full of whackjobs these days. Lot of adolescents growing up with psychological issues that get covered up by overbearing parents. Then they get dumped into new environments with much more independence and totally fucking fall apart. I wish I still had the paper I read on this years ago but it's something like a 20% increase year on year of college students needing professional help.

Not OP, but I'm literally attracting these type of girls. Seriously they will give you a fucking emotional blast, as long as they are in their Maniac episode. As soon as they hit depressive town, everything will be even worse than being single.
Ex made me selfmade gifts and everything, but dared to kill herself if i ever leave.
I also met a girl at a bar, whose father is a prostitute, she was raped by her second dad and beaten by her first boyfriend. These girls are made that way by their fucked up environment.

There is much more to tell, but long story short. If you think that your girl has anything resembling a Bipolar Disorder, think twice if you can keep up with that shit

Imo they're just pussies and therapy is a racket. I bet they don't even care about scholary pursuit, just the great lie: muh wage.

sounds like she's bipolar like alot of women.

In my early 20's it seemed like most girls were crazy, now that i'm at my end 20's it doesn't seem like that anymore. I dunno my view is probably skewed because being single then it was probably the girls who put out easy i came into contact with more frequently and now i don't really hang out with thots.

She needs to get into therapy and you need to break it off until she does. She needs medication for her panic attacks especially if she's harming herself like that. Go to the college counselor and see who you can talk to for her to get help. When someone is endangering their own life or others is when people can push involvement to get meds.

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Idk man, how could there be so many genuine lunatics bouncing around society and getting by? Maybe they're just manipulators, I dunno. See, I have made love to thots before but they never tried to goof on me. I knew a guy with a crazy gf who ruined his life and tried to do the same thing with his best friend but ended up moving or some shit, lol. Both sentimental beta types, not saying that you two are fags or anything, just that this girl was obviously a predator going after the weak.
I don't think I could genuinely give a fuck if someone threatened me with a nonstarter like "ima neck myself" cause they never do and if they did who cares? Maybe that's why they don't bother.

because this shit frightens you, if you are seriously in love with that girl. Happend 2 times, with 2 different women, who shared the same name. I was in love and planned to have a family, but both of them used or betrayed me in the long run. One after 3 years - just dumping me for no reason, even tho she had absolutely everything. You know these types of girls can change their mind from one day to another. Or more like from one minute being absolutely happy, to "i want to kill myself so badly". It's a roller coaster and Humans are not made for such emotional sotuations. We crave secure and stable relationships and not a break up every week.

What's a DG?

Dirty Gook

That's racist

It has something to do with a lot of stuff that happened in the past, it's not your fault, you gotta show support and be there for her, not judge her because it's not her fault, with time and support she might get better or start Going to therapy or something. She obviously scared of telling you because of fear of rejection and things like that, but with time she'll open UP and tell you the reasons why this happens.
Either do that or tell her you can't support her but it seems you want to go on with her

No, THIS is racist: NIGGERS

This, you do not want to fuck around with someone that has mental issues to the point of self-harm and is not addressing them, OP. That is a disaster waiting to happen.

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Forgot to Add, you have to gently suggest for her to go to therapy and/or get meds for panic attacks, but not until she knows you care for her and support her
Also show pic

classic case of schizophrenia. Get her to asylum tell doctors what happend. End of story.


She's gonna end up falling in love with you and eventually trying to emotionally manipulate you by making you 'responsible" for her happiness and state of mind. If you ever try to leave, she's probably going to be the type to threaten suicide if you go. Do you really want this? Is the pussy worth all of this time effort and money? The answer is no. If you absolutely must, pump and dump but then do a full 180 and FUCKING. RUN.

>Girl I'm seeing has some serious fucking mental issues
Get over yourself.

>dumb as a box of rocks
Here, we start seeing issues.

>(I live with my fraternity)
Getting warmer.

>sex was really good
Has sex casually and mentions it in his post to humble-brag? Warmer.

>covered in sweat
>now it's bleeding all over my bed
Seeing a bleeder and only caring about your bed? Waaarmer.

>"it's not me" and no other reasons
Doesn't respect that she has her own things to deal with? WAAARMER.

>If you want to see then thats fine too
And here we reach the end of the road. You're a dick, Stewie.

Now, for the others:
>If the bitch scratches her arm like that, move on
People deal with things differently. She might toss in her sleep / have an itchy arm and thin skin.

>I'm literally attracted to these types of girls.
Fuck you.

>Like a lot of women
Fuuuck you.
>It seemed like most girls were crazy
It's age, not gender.

>She needs X, Y, Z.
You do not know her. I love how you rec that he snitch though. She's not endangering anyone. She scratched her arm in her sleep.

Fuck you especially. Just... All of this? Fuck it.

Get over yourself.

You're cool.

>Classic case of schizophrenia
Spoken like a true tard. Can't believe you think that (A) you can diagnose schizophrenia from the INTERNET, (B) you can diagnose schizo irl without an assessment, (C) self-harm is a symptom of schizophrenia, and (D) pseudoscientific labels that are supported by the drug companies mean anything.
>Get her to asylum
Get you to asylum. She scratched her arm in her sleep.

>She's gonna end up falling in love with you
She has only met him briefly. I doubt that he's that stunning, but nice try. There are types like this out there, but you do not know this girl.
>If you absolutely must, pump and dump
Spoken like an incel who has never done this.

>pic is not her, but if you want to see then thats fine too
post pics pls I'm curious