How do you ask out a girl? Like what words do you specifically use...

How do you ask out a girl? Like what words do you specifically use? What sort of place should you ask her to go with you? How well do you have to know her before asking her out? Should you do it over message or in person?

I've never asked out a girl before cause I just don't know how to do it properly.

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ask her if she wants to help squeeze the mayo out of your tube

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Say I got a big Jim imma lookin to stick ina sheila's sandy cunt

Tell her "im that gorilla dick daddy, i make the dyke pussy wet"

Ayy gurl let me suck the stress out your titties

Any serious answers then?

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Bump please

> Try to know what she likes
> invite her to that

literal words i used:
"hey wanna go meet up at 1800"
>u know a nice place? :)
"yeah X, u got any better ideas"
>okay, we could go to Y
"aight let's go to Y seems like a better place"

what is hard about this

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Did you do it over text?

I dunno bro I've never done it before. It scares the shit out of me and I'm worried that girls will laugh at me or be insulted that I asked them out.

Nah they usually like it because it shows ssomeone is interested in them. If they don't they won't insult you but act dodgy. If you've got her number get to the point quickly. Like that other user
>"hey here's X, do you have time to meet this friday or evening to go for a drink? "
>if she says yes then set a specific time and place where you meet, then meet up there and tell her you could go to X or Y bar
If she says she can't then ask if she has time at those days a week from now, if she still says she's busy and won't propose another date then she's not interested and you leave her be. That's pretty much the standard protocol

literally just this

>hey do you wanna go see [movie title] with me this weekend

I gotta say to do it by text, it's less pressure on them and also obvious less pressure on you.

Yeah over text
>If she says she can't then ask if she has time at those days a week from now, if she still says she's busy and won't propose another date then she's not interested and you leave her be. That's pretty much the standard protocol

This. If she's simply not interested just walk away. There's point in it.

I guess, user, that you're a bit desperate for a girl and you badly want to have her. This repels the girl.

Your best bet is to:
>take care of yourself
>take good pics (if you use dating apps or whatever)
>engage with girls on the same level, none of that pedestal shit

once that's in place, you can pretty much "be yourself bro".

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Okay but I have a bit of a problem

I know a lot of girls. But every girl I know is either
>An actual friend, who I wouldn't want to ask out cause I don't see her in that way
>An acquaintance, who I don't know well enough to ask out, and it would be seen as really weird and awkward if I just messaged her out of nowhere

So what do i do in this predicament?

You don't really need to know "an acquaintance" all that well to ask her out I mean dating and like the first 6 months of a relationship is actually about getting to know someone. As long as you know them and you have their number and you get along well enough it's not a big deal to ask someone out

Also, tinder and whatever other dating apps.

It just feels so awkward... I feel like I'm gonna die from anxiety if I message a girl to ask her out...

id advise against movies, it's not a good way of talking to a girl, instead find a calm park or bar (with not loud as fuck music) to talk during the evening.

>So what do i do in this predicament?
try striking up convo with them, youll notice if they like you by:
>replying pretty much instantly
>acting girly (emojis and making you feel like you're stronger/smarter)
>they take your somewhat weird resposnes really well
>they take your playful responses well

if at any point theyre pissy or annoyed then they're not interested... or they're the kind of chaser-girl, but i don't play that game man im not about that and i suggest you dont either unless you enjoy it and can tell she's just playing

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>id advise against movies, it's not a good way of talking to a girl, instead find a calm park or bar (with not loud as fuck music) to talk during the evening.
You talk before the movie, and after the movie you can still talk hell the movie gives you something extra to talk about

I mean sure, depends on the personalities of you two I guess, are you both into movies (or a specific franchise?), then go for it...

For most people though, it's just meeting up, buying popcorn, standing around waiting and awkwardly making conversation, seeing a movie, then it's probably late and you both leave.

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>For most people though, it's just meeting up, buying popcorn, standing around waiting and awkwardly making conversation, seeing a movie, then it's probably late and you both leave.

p r o j e c t i o n

Just saying but Movie dates are shit for beginning dates because they set the wrong tone. A girl can stand you up easy with no moral negativity because to them it's just a movie. Even just having it as the main highlight and attaching it to dinner is bad because "you know what I'm not hungry let's go home"

You cannot be giving girls access to these weak ass excuses because they WILL use them and ruin your adventure just because they felt an ounce of skittishness

So what kind of date do you suggest?

>Creating scenarios people CAN'T easily back out of
What the fuck kind of entrapment do you consider a date? An easy back-out is what you DO want, you shouldn't want a girl who feels forced into spending time with you; rather you should have the option to leave ever-present and be the far more tempting option
If you have to 'cut off' girls' ability to back out of a date, you're not just gonna be chronically single, but you're gonna pick up a real fucking rapey reputation-- God knows if you use websites you'll be reported per-date

Not you again.

It's me and I'll be here forever until the day my long spiritual torture comes to an end, my friend.

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You say "I want you to go on a date with me."

Ask a girl out to dinner and ask her in person.

Then get her phone number and call her an hour before the date. I would text the least amount possible.

Ok who do I ask out though? I dont know who to ask...

My first date with my first gf was simply a walk in the park. We would just walk around and talk. Sometimes we sit down. Nature is something everyone has in common. When I ran out of subjects to talk about I would comment on nature and ask her about the scenery. Maybe this worked because she was introvert like me.

>Maybe this worked because she was introvert like me.
where did you meet her and how did you approach her for the first time?

>My first date with my first gf was simply a walk in the park.
How old were you?

I’ve thought about making essentially this thread before. Even if I could be satisfied with the right string of words to use I know I don’t interact with any girl who would give me a yes. It feels forbidden for me ask anyway.