Should I just go on a nightwalk to escape these asshats?
Inconsiderate people
nightly excursions are cathartic. I often do it frequently. It feels like for the couple hours that I am walking, everything is dead and the world is silent. There's only me. Although, I listen to jazz or instrumentals from my favourite soundtracks because I don't like being alone with my own thoughts a lot of the time.
This but remove music,you have to just take the moment in and be aware of your surroundings and who you are,also take a nice spot and look at the moon escape from reality for some seconds,i feel very calm when i look at it since its often covered by this big cement giants
They are that loud the floor is vibrating, inviting people I despise over and getting drunk playing excessively loud music
I have just walked out, my mother's husband telling me to be careful as though they give a rats ass, they know I like to be undisturbed and they sing the house down with drink
That's my night sky, just sitting here in the cold thinking about how much I hate it here and the expectations society have foisted upon me.
Put your phone in your pocket and enjoy this exoerience user bring it inside you
Also you need to have your ears free to listen for things sneaking up on you in the darkness.
Absolutely,the night brings the night kingdom with it,always have your senses abilitated
Guys I am usually over cautious so it's fine
I wish I was in the countryside but no shitty urban nightwalk for me
Hey user seriously take your phone and close it all night until you decide to come back in your home,this notifications you see have no meaning,enjoy the night ride you'll have
Ah, yeah, in unfamiliar territory, I have to stay vigilant and don't listen to music. Having to take in the nocturnal sounds is so quelling in and of itself. Like frogs croaking, your shoes gliding across gravel, makes you admire nature more when you're attentive and tuned in.
This. Keep it on silent or put it into 'do not disturb' mode.
There aren't any frogs around here, just urban decay so all I hear is distant cars, my phone is always on silent. If any of you are murderers that can see where I am just make sure a qt Japanese/Korean girl kills me not a old white man with a combover.
Ok man,but take your phone away from your face seriously,stop thinking that giving me more details about what you are doing changes anything for me or for you,stop the memes and enjoy the night
I'm a nightshift and I'm more content by staying awake all night, even during my time off. It makes me a bit anti social but the peace and serenity of walking along the coastline and listening to the waves as I lay down and look up at the night sky.
I know I'm going to be fucked in the long run if I keep living as a night person for years, but I've never been more content in my life than I am since I started working nightshifts.
And I'm just some kid that stays in his room all day with no friends besides his pets, but wait now even the house isn't comfortable with people i hate being invited in so now I'm outside in the below freezing temperatures.
Yes. They’re not gonna stop being inconsiderate and it’s best you drop and ignore them.
And live as a hobo NEET?
Or you could call them out on it and when they don't give you heed: smash, yell, burn, and destroy in any order until they get the fucking message.