I’m 18, no job, no diploma. I have literally nothing. My mom looks at me like a loser...

I’m 18, no job, no diploma. I have literally nothing. My mom looks at me like a loser. And my father is hundreds of miles away. How do I escape this circle of dissatisfaction? I really need help, does anyone have some advice? I just want to live comfortably without any financial worries. I don’t even have a high school diploma. Any advice helps. Thanks.

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I’m also in the united states of America.

Get your GED and go to school.

18 is still young as young goes. There is still much hope for you. Whatever you decide to do to change your life for the better, do it right now. In a flash you will be nearing 30, trust me.
Who would you rather be? A satisfied late 20s guy with a bright future ahead or a loser pushing 30 who shitposts on imageboards?



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I’d rather be a satisfied late 20s guy with a bright future. But how do I do it?

Yeah I can help you out OP. I'm in a similar position but i've got some answers.

First off here's the legit way to get your GED as fast as possible. ged.com/ This is the official site of it. This site offers GED practice tests that are just as hard as the regular one and will let you know when you're ready to pass the GED. The site will also inform you of GED books you can buy to prepare for the test. You can also use this website to locate and sign up for a test at a testing center from your home computer.
So just get the books, take the practice tests, and locate the testing center.

If you don't know how to study properly there are guides on the internet on studying effectively enough to pass college easily. Read these and apply them to pass the GED test and college.

So lets say you have other ideas aside from college. Well the TL:DR is realistically College makes the most sense because with that degree you can get a stable job that pays like 50k+ a year or more. It is during THIS time where you have this job that you begin searching for what you really want to do with your life. Because at that point you have a job to support you on the side while you experiment and look for what you really want.

After the GED seek out websites explaining how to pass and handle being in college. Youtube videos are out there as well. They'll show you how to prepare for college. You want to also search out jobs within all college majors that interest you such as all careers in biology for example. This will be an extensive search and to make it easier make a list of what you think you want in a job and strike off things that don't fit that criteria.

For jobs, there are again guides on youtube and the internet on how to stand out and get jobs easily. Just look these up on youtube and google. There are job hunting websites that are really good for finding jobs requiring no experience. Google something like "10 best job hunting websites" and you'll find them.

I am personally attempting to avoid going to a regular college because it is not affordable to me. What I am doing instead is getting into a trade skill to travel to germany to take college there. They offer college education just as good as the united states but it costs roughly 9,000 dollars to get a 4 year education. A hell of a lot better than what you will pay in the US. Cost of living in total with college and everything will cost you about 40k for 4 years in germany.

So i'm personally getting a job as a trucker to save up this money. I only need about one year give or take a few months as a truck driver to make enough money to head to germany to live there for 4 years to get the degree. And luckily enough there is an online resource showing exactly everything you must do to become a truck driver and all the help you could get in becoming one truckingtruth.com/trucking-companies/

Thank you very much. I will use every word of your help.

Can you tell me more about the college thing in Germany?

Sure. Also to point out the trucking job only requires a few months of training as well. I also botched the website link a little bit to the trucking site there and sent you to a random page on it instead of the full thing. Where you want to go on that website is go to the homepage here truckingtruth.com/ From there it's advised to scroll through each of the links there in order and start reading them. It will cover everything. How to map out the career, a practice test to let you pass the test easily, how to find a trucking school, where the money is, which one is right for you, all of that stuff. This job is also highly in demand so it's a reliable source of cash if you need it.

Since you've probably not moved out yet it's also really important to search up guides on living independently like buying your first house or getting your first apartment and such. So try to keep learning that stuff in mind too to help you on your journey.

As for the germany stuff alot can be found just by googling "Studying in germany". Here is one that I found that i've been using that seems really legit. Looks like an official source for it.
I'd check through the whole site to get the most out of your education on this topic.

Look for language learning guides and youtube vids and such obviously as well to help you learn german.


You're very welcome

Do you have an email we can speak on? Or a discord?

There's really not much else I can help you out with aside from what i've mentioned for the problems you've shared so far. So I don't really see much of a reason to share that information with you and i'm hesitant to share that info on a public place like Jow Forums as well. If there is more problems you have just keep the questions here and i'll respond as best I can because this way other people can chime in so i'm not the only one helping you. Are you having any other problems you need help with?

Trade school

Drugs and prostitution

Can you tell me more about the university thing in Germany? Are there specific ones taking Americans? What are the names of them and etc. like will I have to know German to be in the school?

Yeah the resource I shared in the link above should be able to answer all of those questions. Studying abroad in germany is a common thing and you'll find A to B guides on it all over the internet. As far as I can tell they all take foreign students from other places including America and you can find the university lists on the websites. At least you should be able to. You'll have to know german to be in the school yes. I can tell you're really eager to try this out and are worried you might not find the answer but don't worry. Just keep googling and checking out stuff like i've sent you and you'll have a complete easy picture on how to do this.

Here. I should also add that at the beginning for the easier classes i'm told they can also speak some english. But its best to just read through that guide I sent and start teaching yourself german as soon as you can.

I also just want to point out that i'm a religious guy. I don't think it's possible to succeed in life in a true way without putting GOD and Jesus first in your life. My life began changing dramatically after I did this so I'm a personal believer that GOD has a seriously real impact on altering the reality we live in for success if we ask for his help. GOD isn't just upstairs waiting for us to die and come back. Things can be granted to you now in this life to make you successful and happy. People will tell you this is nonsense but it's not.

The biggest piece of advice I would give to you is to go here biblegateway.com/ and read the books of matthew/john to learn about jesus and get an idea of how Jesus wants you to live to remain in his and gods love and begin living that way. They specify certain teachings to follow to remain in their love. . And then basically, have a life intermission where you apologize to GOD for not having taken GOD seriously or lived up to the standards that GOD wants out of us and that you want to learn what it takes to live in a way that pleases GOD and his son. That you want to love GOD and his son jesus.

And from there well basically if you keep true to your intentions and keep trying to put GOD first, and learn GOD's wisdom on living properly, GOD will basically life hack the crap out of you and make you more successful than most people have or ever will live. You can read a few simple lines in the book of proverbs to see how wise the bibles knowledge is.

I know things from the bible after reading for 5 minutes that would have factually stopped a lot of problems my dad had his whole life. That's how powerful that knowledge is. And that's before even getting the supernatural help.

Get your Ged and join the armed forces as a admin, army or Air Force preferably. Best case go as a admin and stay in for 10 years and you have your shit cleaned up.

The best answer is join a trade union. They will educate you and you work while you learn, with guaranteed large yearly wage increases until you become a journeyman.

The other option is sales. Insurance, equipment, etc. Most resources like state insurance licenses and sales training like the Sandler selling system can be found for cheap online. But you definitely have to have a certain personality type. If you don’t, well, then see above.

Super relatable, I'm a trucker too and was looking to do this for Canada, but Canada makes you have the tuition and all your expenses up front first before you can study there, also it's expensive asf. Which company do you work for?

move to a weed legal state and start growing weed indoors or outside and sell that shit. 18 is super young you have nothing to be ashamed about not having a real plan. fuck your mom she ought to be more understanding and less judgmental. carve your own path in life and fuck everyone that tries to keep you from happiness.

18 is a baby, but I know it doesn't feel like it for you. At 18 i was the same. Dropped out of school, parents hated me because I looked like a loser while my friends were studying.

What i did was learn to program and applied to jobs even though I had no degree. It actually worked, and I built up from being a junior developer to being well paid now (I'm 21). I make more money than my friends who are still in university and my parents are proud of me.

I would say pick up a skill, start a course, do something. You can always start from somewhere.

I'm in the same place bro except I did graduate highschool and have taken some college classes but dropped more than I've completed, I now work at Walmart and have been for about a year and a half I feel stuck. I've thought about trucking but I think I'm going to try and study to be a mechanic it interests me. I personally hate school and College all those stupid classes they make you take just to take more of your money. Just know you're not the only one bro oh and also I'm 19 Will be 20 in May so yeah