My fucking girlfriend had another guy as her valentine

So we're in a long term relationship and she told me some guy asked her to be his valentines and she fucking said yes. When she told me she was a little withdrawn and worried about my reaction, I took it as no big deal but I'm fucking angry as hell, she gets really upset if i'm even a little flirty with girls (which I stopped doing) but then she goes and does this and expects me not to be mad? Apparently she didn't really see him much and just kept it to text and calling but I'm still pissed asf. Its like she forgot we're in a relationship?

Should I just dump this hoe?

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You got shit tested and failed

This has got to be a troll

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It's a valid excuse, at least, if you've been thinking of chasing other tail

Nope, just flirt with girls again.
If she brings it up now break up with her.
Fucking bitches need to know that's not ok.

Dump her

@ u/20580192

>waaaaaaaaaaaah guys my gf won't be my Vawentine :(((((((((
>she towd me she's being anuvver guy's Vawentine
>but she gets so cwanky-wanky when I fwirt wiff uvver girls! :((((((((
>it's so unfaiw!
She's someone else's Valentine because you got "a little flirty with girls" in the first place. I'd call you a cro-magnon, but I don't want a blooter like you thinking you're genetically similar to my species.

DROP IT OR GET KEKED. If u let this slide ur in for a nightmare of a relationship.

>@ u/20580192
are you fucking serious

Could be worse man. Found out 2 days ago my fiance blew my buddy/roommate at the beginning of our relationship 5 years ago

>I took it as no big deal but I'm fucking angry as hell
Ignoring the rest of your post: never do this with women.

Always be honest about how you feel. The fact you can't be honest with yourself to her, shows how much power she has over you and it's not healthy. If you're mad, express it. Sad? express it... have something to tell her? Say it.
Don't play these game with women it's suicide

Forgive her.

if you keep her, you deserve her.

get rid of her if you have a slight of dignity

I think (hope) it's satire

>cuck yourself
No thanks, chaim.

If i had a girlfriend who would put me through these scenario's to 'test me', i'd dump her ass even for being immature enough to do this kind of shit to me. You gotta punish girls who make you deal with this childish behavior. In a healthy relationship, you don't 'shit test' your partner like this. If shit testing feels like a necessity to your girlfriend, that's a massive red flag. She's an immature bimbo and should be kicked to the curb. Let some other sucker deal with this bullshit.

That being said, i actually doubt it's a shit test. It's just an act of monkey branching. The ''i am kinda cheating on you but not really'' type of behavior. She's reaching out to this other dude with plausible deniability. If she likes him enough, she'll eventually ditch OP for him. If she doesn't like him enough, she'll just act like it was no big deal. She only did it because she wanted to be 'nice' to this other dude.

I don't know what the deal was 5 years ago, but she's been the love of your life for so long, and such an amazing woman to you; it's senseless to throw it all away because of one old blow job.

People make mistakes, particularly women, you should forgive her if she feels bad about it.

Like if you throw all this away now, over something so small, then what was the last 5 years really worth to you? It's like you equate half a decade to a old blow job.

Even weirder by the fact, it's normal for women to have sexual relationships before getting married. You can't hold her past against her. I'm sure if she could change it now, she probably would.

Anyway I'm saying this for your health. Because you are clearly hurt, and right to feel that way, but I don't want to see you make a bad situation worse.
Also if she confessed this to you, then keep in mind, she felt guilt and wanted to come clean. It's something to admire.

t. cheater

I never cheated.

Doesn't make any sense. You're in a committed relationship and she tells you she's someone else's valentine? I would say "WTF? So you want to break up?"

>Should I just dump this hoe?
In all seriousness, why even ask?

Your gf has made herself available to another man as if she is single. Why be in a relationship like this?

I just do not understand men, I don't

>our relationship
It doesn't matter when this happened she cheated on you. It does matter how long it took for you to find out. She lied for 5 years and that is unforgivable and the likelihood there are other nuggets she hasn't disclosed is high. Why marry a person like this?

You tripfag on Jow Forums which is a worse moral offense anyways

Summer comes earlier every year.

(((O Y V E Y)))

The alternative being, let another relationship, marriage, and eventual family fall apart because the man can't handle his insecurities?

no I think he's a wife beater actually

Roasties man... Imagine if slags like you put all that mental gymnastic energy into something productive, like bettering humanity, instead of new and inventive excuses for cheating on people who love you.

(((Do not leave the shiksa yenta, sweet goyim... Why break up a chance to raise another bull’s offspring down the line? Nein bubby, Nein... Learn to PREP HER BULL, not push her away... It will be a mitzvah for all, bubbelah. Why stand up for yourself? All that schvitz und agida? Consume, goyim... Consume and prep the bull...)))

It was 5 years ago and just a blow job. Most girls have a full on sexual history before they find their husband. I'm not going to pretend like it's a big deal and say he should break up. If he found a good woman, then he has a good woman. There's no sense in leaving her. It'll hurt both him and her.

Like do you think he should break up now, after 5 years, and settle for another woman who's 5 years older than this girl was? His new girlfriend, assuming he finds one quickly, will have a long solid past of getting straight up fucked by another man. And loving him dearly. Yet somehow you think breaking up is the least cucked option?

I don't even have a wife. Nip harder if you're going to be a piranha.

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>She's someone else's Valentine because you got "a little flirty with girls" in the first place.

Actually that can make sense. And if that is the case..then that's not good. Passive aggressiveness is not your friend. You said you stopped and she still went ahead and did this "eye for and eye" bullshit. Man..I'm sorry but in the long run that's just not okay. It's gonna take a toll on you. My advice is to talk to her about this. If she starts doing female word talk bs then let her, but you stay level headed and in charge of your own world. But to be honest I don't see this working out. Having another man as her Valentine's means
1- she's got side dudes everywhere.
2- she's willing to trade an eye for an arm. You flirted with other girls, she got herself another guy.
: ( This whole situation makes me sad.

Lad I think I see what is going on here. The problem isnt the blow job. Its that she gave his friend a blow job while she was going out with OP already. OP isnt saying he has a problem with her sexual history, he meant she literally cheated on him by sucking his friends cock while she was simultaneously going out with OP and kept it a secret from him for 5 years. That is cheating and if you respect yourself you should break up with someone who does that to you.
Im genuinely sorry for you user. You probably know this already, but its time to drop that slag. Good thing is, as a bit of an oldfag i can tell you single women in their late 20s are desperate for men to shag and typically arent as vapid as younger thots, as long as you find one with a degree and a job. God speed.

it's a phrase to mean any sort of abuse to a partner not specifically a wife

Sounds like something a cheater would say