/GIOYC/ - Get It Off Your Chest

Get it off your chest lads.

Gf and I are breaking up. We were both unhappy. I had fun. I feel sad.

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He could crush my heart so easily. I don't hold back in my love for him and that's a dangerous thing to do. He has a temper.

I'm probably not far behind you! Ha ha ha

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If anyone wants to share this meme and edit it i dont mind
I know this guy in real life
He's a psychotic douche

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Sad life you have

My life ain't sad

I really think I've lost my mind.

I can't think rationally about him at all. Somewhere in me I know all sorts of reasons why I shouldn't be falling for him. I can't help it.

I just want to be someone else

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I'm gonna jump off of something high, I always wanted to know how it feels to fly. Maybe necessity will make me grow wings

Hey pokemasters wanna catch them pokefaggots all them little bitches and enslave them
Them buggers who bully others think they can control others
Selfish socialpath ugly maniacs

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" hey john wanna get laid tonight?"
"No GarfieLF i am depressed due to you making Liz leaving me for King Dee Dee Dee from dreamland since you accused me of cheating on purpose to have revenge on me since i gave oDie your lasAga"
"John let me make your profile i feel bad for what i done to you, let me repay you please"
"Garfielf okay"
20 minutes later..
"Okay John your yeastinfectinder profile is ready"
"Oh thank you GAfielf you're a pal, I'll make you bunch of lasaga tonight after i find my bitches"
"Ohhoho John doesn't know what's coming hahaha"
"Borf borf"
"odie go fuck nermal in the ass ya stupid mutt"
"Borf borf"
**Knocking sounds
"Hello it's me your bitch, ya daddy cakes, your prince sloppy mouth cakes"
"Hello it's John okay be right there in a minute"
*door opens loudly
"Hello John the name's Tafaggot but you can call me prince daddy"
"Ooooooooooo GARFIELF!!!!
who did you bring here to the house from the app
"Oh hey john met Tafaggot he really likes you where he wants stick his dick in your ass"
"Come on big boy let's get grinding"
"Have fun having your ass sore john"
"Got cum John Arbuckle garfielf told me so"
2 hours later
"Garfielf you really have ruined my life officially, he violated me in my anus and now i am suffering deep anal pain"
"Ohhoho ahha i tricked you john there ain't no dames
That's why ya single john"
* garfelf takes a loud shit
"John you're so stupid listeing to a cat when will ya learn"

Ever think that you could kill someone else doing that? Maybe a kid even.

No one cares about your hateful teen drama

Gafielf you deceiving disgracedul of a cat, you made me hooked up with a ugly awful man that invaided my beautuful body forcefully for two gruesome hours"
*john crying loudly
"Garfielf you ruined my wonderful life, i wish i shoved you in the oven and made you into dog kibble for odie"
" i am now going to end it all"
"John go ahead I'll watch ya make a fool out of yourself by your weak attempts to end you life ohhaha"
"Garfielf you have done it this time goodbye world"
"Ohhohoho hahaha now i can fed him to odie after our threesome"

That's such a bullshit thing to say it makes me want to kill myself even more

what does it mean, when a bipolar girl blocks you everywhere, but tells you on sms that she loves you and also shares her netflix password, after changing it?

Seriously this shit is confusing as fuck

I don't give a shit if you kill yourself...you cowardly weak pathetic piece of shit but don't kill anyone else in the process.

not the one you're replying to, but user you're such a fucking retard, holy shit

You're the idiot looking for sympathy. Why would I have sympathy for a pile of crap that wants to kill people?

Nah Man I'm planning to dive head first with a metal helmet into a group of crawling toddlers.

If anyhting I'd like to jump off of a high cliff on top of a mountain and feel free.

Somebody help me I feel like I'm dying

>have ear infection
>been taking recommended dosage of Sudafed for the past few days
>it's been fucking with my ability to sleep
>having full-blown unending panic attack tonight

I have Xanax on-hand if I take it will it make the anxiety stop or worse

please help

Deep slow breaths, concentrate on the breaths.

Let me guess, you can't get a girlfriend.

when I do that my body starts to physically curl up on itself, even with the squared breathing

I just wanna sleep

>tfw no gf

Go to ER then, we aren't doctors.

My mother is insane, my little sister is basically a stranger and my brother died from an overdose after years of suicidal thoughts and one attempt I know of now but didn't when it happened about 4 months before he actually died.

I'm constantly alone and in pain, I'm a failure of a man and can't give my mother or sister any support. I'm way deep in debt and I'm working 12+ hour days to make meet ends while using what little time I have to try and better my martial arts skills to become a fighter. Meanwhile I'm constantly alone with all kinds of destructive and horrible thoughts.

Yes I would like a girlfriend, if one would make life easier and more bearable but what I really want is just one happy moment in my life. Growing up poor and getting beaten to a pulp on the daily to constantly being alone.

I'm sick of you Jow Forums femnazis constantly attacking men and berating human males just because they want companionship in life. I hate that people like you who are incapable to go beyond their own egos and feel empathy for other people are in charge of the world. I hate that I hate you people and I can't fix it just with love and understanding and that the only solution for the human race seems to be total destruction of people like you.

I hate human existance because of evil people like you.

I don't think I should have any friends.
Because I feel like I'm undermining my society by having friends
Because all I do is hurt peoples feelings and make them miserable
Because I don't understand the desire to have friends
Because I've never actually had that emotional desire.

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Listen faggaroos why the insults on someone having no gf and putting someone down because their sucidal
You assholes need to have empathy for others
Ya'll like this fag in this pic
Go shove brooms in your ass

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You know. It's really bad form to block somebody who has allllllll this evidence against you I could show your boyfriend. Maybe that's what you wanted. And in the past I would have done so. But honestly he's your own personal hell. You two should really break up and then you need to spend some time alone so you can get your shit together. I love you but you're fucking yourself up so bad and you can't even see it.

Imagine being so asshurt by some guy but unable to do anything about it yourself that you have to resort to spaming his picture all over an Inuit whalebone carving advice board.

Imagine being such a toxic person that you spend your free time spreading hate on the internet.

>My mother is insane, my little sister is basically a stranger and my brother died from an overdose

Welcome to life. No one has it good.

>I'm constantly alone and in pain

Make friend

>I'm a failure of a man and can't give my mother or sister any support.

You can't or you won't.

>I'm way deep in debt and I'm working 12+ hour days to make meet ends while using what little time I have to try and better my martial arts skills to become a fighter.

Sounds so grownup.

>Meanwhile I'm constantly alone with all kinds of destructive and horrible thoughts.

You're alone because you're horrible.

>Yes I would like a girlfriend, if one would make life easier and more bearable but what I really want is just one happy moment in my life.
Then do it.

>Growing up poor and getting beaten to a pulp on the daily to constantly being alone.

Again, boohoo. You don't have hard compared to most people.

>I'm sick of you Jow Forums femnazis constantly attacking men and berating human males just because they want companionship in life.

You deserve to be attacked by men and women.

>I hate that people like you who are incapable to go beyond their own egos and feel empathy for other people are in charge of the world.

I have empathy for other people just not haters.

>I hate that I hate you people and I can't fix it just with love and understanding and that the only solution for the human race seems to be total destruction of people like you.

Didn't you say you going to kill yourself? What's keeping you from it?

>I hate human existance because of evil people like you.

You sound like a toddler.

I don't have anything to hide. Go for it.

Listen fag this man is abusive i am.hurt by him
Now he can be a laughing stock
What about you get a gf your left hand doesnt count

When you're just switching values post by post and even in the same post just to berate me, how am I supossed to take anything you say seriously? You're just saying shit to be hurtful. What the fuck is your human condition and why do people like you exist?

Why should I feel sorry for some evil fucker like you? I'd offer you a push on a cliff.

I'm evil?

Bruh imma give you a hard truth. By acting like you are all you are doing is making yourself look like a laughing stock. He hurt you? That's shit but we don't care. You have to deal with it yourself in real life. Now if you actually asked for advice on how to deal with it we might be able to help you but bitching about it is going to get you nowhere.

Dude he abuses my friend you asshole piece of shit and he abuses me too
What about you hang yourself
Im not the laughing stock you biggot go die

I really dislike being around people and that's ok. I wish I had someone to alk to though and share interests. That or a plot of land so large I could grow anything I want. A way to sustainably pursue my interests.

It's very clear to see you guys aren't men. You're spoiled little boys.

I miss you.

I know you have your own demons to battle, and I have tried my absolute best to remain patient with you...but...it's hard. It's harder than I would have imagined.

I want to reach out, but when I do, all I get is "seen" and nothing else. Maybe you'll reply; maybe you won't.

I have never felt so alone before as I do now; I'm supposed to be in a relationship for fuck's sake...

and yet...I'm not.

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am I a pedo if I date a girl much younger than me
say, my age is closer to her mum's than hers
she's into me for over a year but I was in a relationship, 5 months after I broke up, we started dating

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Well yea. This is Jow Forums. If you are on here that means you are a spoiled little boy too. Nice sequential digits though.

I didn't even ask you to feel sorry for me I told you that you're logically inconsistant.

This is called human interaction, if you just want to fight then go outside and fight someone. If you want to come to an understanding with other people you stay consistant and you follow through with your thoughts.

You can't expect me to try to understand you when you
A) Don't make sense logically and you switch opinions and standpoints in a single post just to insult me
B) You don't explain yourself correctly.

I called you evil, but I explained why I think that. You can talk with me about my thoughts I laid bare for you to come to an understanding as humans but you're not willing you would rather just insult and attack. This is why I say you are evil and faulty, I don't know you any other way than what you showed me in those posts so I can't judge your person any further. But you don't even try to have civil and normal exchange, right from the start you were spreading hate. Can you not see what you are doing here is wrong?

As long as she is legally an adult its all good.

Yes, that much is very obvious.

I'm a dense fuck, explain to me how?

You didn't say I was logically inconsistent but I'm waiting to see what BS you come up with.

A. What are you even rambling on about?
B ...yet you don't explain yourself

Why wouldn't judge someone like you that doesn't give a crap about murdering people?

Can't you see you are selfish? For that reason I don't have an ounce of empathy or sympathy for you.

You only care about yourself, not others. It's really fucking simple.

When did I say I didn't care about murdering people? Are you out of your goddamn mind?
This is also a baseless accusation.

Are you femnazis going insane or do you have 1 image of males that you just project onto every living dick you see?

The worst feeling of mine is that I want a strong independent girlfriend that can be poly, can be on her own and not try to take a submissive role next or below but at the same time not have her be some crazy fucking femnazi

It's obvious from all your posts what you are. You're a coward, you're weak, you're evil, you're selfish, you're abusive....it's all there for everyone to see.


You don't deserve a gf.

''Deserve a gf'' People aren't trophies or things you deserve. That's not how human interaction or relationships work you fucking loon, get fucking real you insane fuck

How does that even imply a trophy? That's in your mind, not mine.

Women are loving, most guys aren't worthy of a gf.

Are you really not seeing that you are objectifying women by implying you need to fullfill a worth to get them like you would need a drivers license to drive a car? Women are people, relationships work on emotions and thoughts which are unique and subjective so you can't even make such sweeping statements without being objective this is like basic discrimination you're doing.

What the hell? Why am I like this? How do I change? I don’t want to live my whole life alone, yet when someone takes interest I spazz out. Can’t even smile back. A paradox.

No, you just need to be a decent human being to be worthy... thus you don't qualify.

You're out of your goddamn mind

>spend the night with a thot i don't even like
>feeling really shitty the next morning

the chase is better than the kill

You're a bad person.

i'm tired of women playing the

>"im submissive"

card when in reality they're just lazy and put zero effort into being sexy

You're right but you don't even know why so you wouldn't know you fucking crazy dog

You guys treat women like shit and expect them to treat you like gold. Not going to happen.


I'm right as usual.

That's all that really matters.

holy shit you remind me of the love of my life and I forgot how alive I felt when I wanted to choke her, do you have a wonderful singing voice?

If they were really attracted to you, they would be sexy for you...but you aren't worth the effort.

that came out of nowhere

I'm not into being choked.

Perfect thread for me to see.
I'm hurting friends.

So, my girlfriend and I broke up almost a month ago. We still "live" together, but are on opposite schedules most of the time. Today, my feelings finally sank in.

Today was a rollercoaster. I started off waking up on a friends couch after staying up too late gaming. Work at 9:30, not enough sleep. Go to work, normal day, go home for lunch and suddenly, my feelings finally catch up with me. I don't know if it's me being lonely, or legit, but how much I love this girl really sank in today. I want to marry this girl.

Anyways, I plan to talk to her this weekend, purely to express how I feel/what I want. I don't expect it to end in my favor, but at least she will know how I feel.

I miss her so much. I miss her touch, I miss her company, I miss her opinion, I miss her anger, I miss her confusion. If I could change anything I did in this relationship, it would be, "be more of a man". By that I mean, pursue what makes me happy, try to be all you can be, give your gift of love to all you know and don't back down in the face of disagreement/adversity. The challenge and your ability to deal with help define you as man. idk, i'm drunk, hurt, and rambling, thanks for listening

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I can't command respect from anyone else because I don't even have respect for myself. I can't be held accountable for anything, not even my life.

It's like so fucking insulting to see people converse and see one side just ignore the other side and just throw their own thoughts and ideas into the place without any regard or consideration for the other side. She's just constantly throwing out her stupid one liners like some construction worker saying stupid shit like ''Women are all whores, just make the one with the prettiest face your wife for pretty kids but never stop fucking''. It's like dude stop just having your stupid ideas in life stuck in your retarded stupid ideas and take part in the flow of existance and take shape in the reality of the community you exist.

You can't be a bulldozer that wants to roll and flatten anything in front of you and expect people to exist around you, they will be flattened out and dead.

then why do you quadruple text me 12 times a day and beg me to fuck you.

you're just lazy, you ruin sexual tension with dumb ass comments because you've never learned to handle it, you can't escalate things, you just sit there, let it happen and then stick your hand in my pants like you're taking carrots out of your grocery bag

Too bad, I gotta go now. Thanks for making me feel alive and fuck you

>I don't expect it to end in my favor, but at least she will know how I feel.

this may sound like a good thing but it isn't. she's probably up to her neck in her own emotional shit and you want to dump your baggage on her too. just let it go, she knows you like her.

>I want to marry this girl.
you sound pretty miserable right now. are you so retarded you want to marry someone that makes you feel miserable?

>"be more of a man"
this phrase means nothing and is only used to guilt men into being useful for others.

>"pursue what makes me happy, try to be all you can be, give your gift of love to all you know and don't back down in the face of disagreement/adversity"
you think you want to do this for yourself but really you just want a girl to like you and that's what you believe girls like

just do you retard and stop apologizing for yourself

how do i stop doing me and being the confident asshole i was in we

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Sorry, it's not you I'm sad over. You were a rebound, and honestly it was the saddest sex of my life. Mostly my fault though, I went there even though I wasn't really in the mood and too depressed to go get really excited. Also I'm sorry for being so distant and drifted away later on. I was at my lowest when I met you.

Eww, I'm not your gf and that was revolting to read.

Anytime. Fuck you too asshole.

your mom is a dog you inbred isle monkey

No, she is human. My family doesn't do the interbreeding like yours is fond of.

after all these years you didn't change at all what a fucking horrible personality still as smug and self loving as ever.

No wonder you're a constant pump and dump, you lack any substance

No one has pumped and dumped me.

You're delusional, you don't know me. People that do, love me. That's not smug, that's being truthful. Something you should try, along with not being such a pathetic evil troll online. Everything you said about me is actually what you think of yourself..why is that? It's true.

Nypa retard

You're a fucking weirdo J but I like you a lot. Sorry you got cucked, hope you don't do anything too stupid as you're upset.

Tfw no gf.
Actually I wouldn't care nearly as much if I wasn't so specific with who I like in general. I dislike most.

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Are you seriously going to do this shit again?

for fucks sake, youre going to ruin your life doing this

pull your fucking head in you poor thing

Finally met someone even remotely compatible on OKC, she's into weird hobbies and is a shut in like me, seemed really keen to meet up. Were chatting on messenger, I made one or two mis-steps but nothing major, she didn't mind.

And now she's found someone else, going for them now. We can still chat though apparently if I want to.

I'm fucking 27 and this is the furthest I've ever got with a girl up to now. Never even met face to face. Is there any point in continuing?

I hate how people just accept that it's okay to take advantage of others. I hate how people keep rationalizing their behavior and blame the other for being judgmental or intolerant when they are clearly morally wrong.
I genuinely get depressed when I see people abuse others and getting away with it. I can't bring myself to humanize them. In my world, there are actions and consequences, boundaries and mutual respect of others.
I came from a small poor community, everyone keeps an eye out of each other, no one took things for granted and those who did, suffered the consequences. This may be some country boy rant but people in the supposed civilized city seems to be more careless and hostile. I find it hard to reach out to other people in this city, I'm thinking I should move back home, I feel so isolated and I find it hard to feel welcome here.

Not the guy you're responding to you but it's evidently clear you cannot see past your own nose. You aren't capable of self-reflection.

Sorry i can't stop anymore :( help

yes you can

because if you dont youre going to hate yourself forever

and i will hate you too

Women's standards are too high. The are hypocrites when they complain about a Male fantasy but have their own unbelievable fantasy that's only possible for the top percent of the population.
women are just as unfair as men and they need to at least admit it.

He's cheated on me in the past year, we've cheated on each other multiple times, you think you're special? Everyone knows this.

It's been seven days since they started me on lithium and it's not helping at all I am so over the edge right now and my entire family fucking hates me I don't know what to do

A bunch of people already do, I'll live