Is cuddling with a guy, gay sex, or sucking a dick as a straight guy worth it...

Is cuddling with a guy, gay sex, or sucking a dick as a straight guy worth it? Is it degenerate shit that I would regret? I'm a lonely incel.

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You're not straight.

try anything once

Do you watch a lot of porn? If so stop for a long time and then see how you feel about it.

Do this and your perversions will reset. Not that being gay is a perversion, but if you're voluntarily prison-gay then something is clearly wrong

yea try death once. Helps alot.

Is not gay, but you will regret that for sure lol

No rush with that one. We'll all get to it eventually.

Yes it is. I've done it. Feels comfy as hell and it's nice to satisfy another man and feel loved.

Don't overthink it. Most straight guys are a little gay. Also don't let yourself cum until you're ready for it to end. After you cum, you'll lose all interest in him.

Why bro, why would you do that!?

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I'm open-minded

no.. dont do it

fuck off emofag

I am not a emo lol

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As someone who has tried both flavors of ice cream so to speak, you just gotta try it dude. if the adrenaline is pumping and it feels right, just do it. if you didn't enjoy it, much like i didn't, at least you know now? from what i've gathered though it seems you're looking more for the attention part of things, which is fine. but yeah fuck it man. life short and then we die.

Gay chad, tell us the full story.

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Youre bi for even considering this

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It's 2019. Sexuality is on a spectrum. As long as it's healthy and makes you happy, you do you.

If you really want me to, i guess.

Around the age of 15-16, pretty much my only friend in the world and i spent every waking moment of our summer together. At the time i hadn't even see a tit in real life yet, but my testosterone was raging none the less. During this summer we grew really really close and got into the dirtier conversations of shit like porn preferences, preferred body types, and other gay shit, which lead one of us (I genuinely don't recall who's suggestion this was) to say, "Why don't we watch porn together then?", which we did. ANYWAY, fast forward a few weeks, and masturbating together was becoming a semi-regular thing. During some of our beat sessions we had though, i would stop watching the porn and just watch him jerk off. He'd see me looking over from time to time, but never said anything about it, and sometimes i'd catch him peeking over at me as well. Sooner or later though, he got the courage i guess and asked one day; "hey maybe instead of jerking off, we like, do stuff to each other?", which i was all for. We start off really awkward as this was both of our first times doing anything to another person, but eventually we get the rhythm down. About 10 minutes in and sucking each other just wasn't satisfying either of our needs, so we try butt stuff. Its going alright and whatnot, i'm the first one up to do the fucking, but by now i'm just like "This is fucking wack" and rapidly lose interest in the action. After not being into it anymore, i decided to return the favor and let him fuck me and whatnot. Absolutely fucking boring. Personally, i Didnt get any enjoyment from having him fuck me in the ass. What i had thought was me being super attracted to my friend turned out to be me just wanting to thrust at something and get my dick sucked. But i can't say that'll be the experience for everybody, because there are obviously gay people who stick with it for life?

Hope this helped?

It did bro, thanks. Now tell me with girls experience? Thanks.

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Just to be sure, you're asking for my experience with girls right? can you be a bit more specific as to what info you're looking to learn? i can tailor my knowledge to suit what you wanna know

Yes, your experince.
Nothing in particular, I am just intrusted in sex stories

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You fuck, you said you will tell me more ,reeeeeee

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I've never masturbated with a friend. Unless we're already fucking and we're having some play time together. Is it normal for men to "platonically" fap with each other like this?

Also, this.

Don't worry about it man. It's ok to give yourself permission to explore and enjoy life.

I am not a faggot but i did fap with my friends for fun when we were like 15

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>is cuddling with a guy, gay sex, or sucking a dick as a straight guy worth it?
As a guy who considers himself basically straight, but has sucked a few dicks, maybe?

You will almost certainly get your own dick sucked in return, which you might enjoy if your lack of access to sex is making you so unhappy. But it sounds like you might also be too freaked out by the experience to have a good time.

I have no regrets about experimenting with dudes, personally. Among other things, it convinced me I wasn't really into dudes (I wasn't interested in cuddling, making out with, or dating at all). And I got a couple of high-quality blowjobs out if it. But I'm not uncomfortable with homosexuality in general (I don't think it's immoral, I think the whole idea of degeneracy is absurd) or too hung up on my own sexual identity.

Please tell me the full story, pleaseeee

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>tripfag has hit women, endorses hitting animals, made an infographic to reply to people on Jow Forums, and is a faux gay to boot
Post the fishies picture again you complete fucking mess

Whats wrong with hitting a woman are they beings that should not be touched and only should be worshiped?

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