>when i wanted a girlfriend, i was never given the time of day.
>quit giving a shit about dating, now girls like me
What the fuck?!
When i wanted a girlfriend, i was never given the time of day
lies. be specific. what did you do when you were interested and how were you rejected? and how are you seeing interest now?
I just got some new hobbies instead of wasting my time
They flirt with me now, some are explicitly sexual. They also keep touching me for no reason. Im not falling for this stupid shit. As soon as i show interest, they leave. I even had a girl ask me out who got indignite when i rejected her even though she used to always reject me.
Lol why do i even bother asking this question anymore, nobody ever gives me an answer. Im done with dating because im tired of all these fucking mind games. Vegas, here i come. Fuck this pointless fucking bullshit.
>shitty people stick around now that they know they have to work for it
You need better taste in women, Anonymous
Women can smell desperation
When you don't give a fuck, you come off as confident
How is this hard to understand?
I get called desperate which ive come to learn means dont ever show interest. Show you like women then youre desperate, think theyre a waste of time and now youre "a strong independent man". IM DONE!!
All you want women for is dating
You have zero interest in them as a person-- yet you still want them and you refuse to buy a hooker
That is desperation
So dont ever show interest ever and it all magically works out? Evolution fucked up.
I already mentioned vegas. Yeah im not listening to a woman cry about her bullshit problems that are her own fault anymore. A few of my female friends are the main ones doing this.
Evolution ain't got shit to do with it fuckboy, behavior is learned not genetically inherent. That's a cope for manlets and dicklets.
So never want to date anyone ever and get to listen to their pumpd'n'dumpd stories? Sounds lovely. I dont ask out everyone i see, only women i like
Lol you didnt even answer my question and ran straight to name calling. Go fuck yourself
Women are retarded as fuck
They actually think showing them contempt means you’re important or something
I’ve gotten further with women by frowning, being sarcastic, and grumpy than my natural cheerful self
Femanon here. I think it's a universally accepted principle that men who are focusing on themselves and bettering themselves are far more attractive than those who are actively seeking/needing a girlfriend.
How do you get with them then? I want this thing i dont really want, and i dont want this thing that i actually want seem to have no natural conclusion yet sex happens. What the fuck?!
Yeah I did because only retards who need something to blame involve evolution in this shit
I kinda figured that shit. So dont show you im interested, yet make the first move and ask you out? This is stupid.
Why are liberals blank slate creationists with humans?
The evolution part was a joke you fucking moron, and no you didn't answer the first fucking part.
You know how beta guys act around girls who don’t want them but enjoy the attention anyway?
Women wanna BE that thirsty ignored beta slavering for the meager scraps of attention the girl shows him, good and bad
At the risk of sounding autistic, I’d describe it like being tsundere or kuudere
>when I was desperate for validation and affection girls rightly avoided me
>quit acting like an emotional trainwreck and now girls are interested in me
really makes you think
>evolution not involved
>every woman is like this
He's an asshole
So never show interest, and sex happens?
They don't want YOU, they just want to make you want THEM. They draw validation and confidence from it. They feed on it.
They can't deal with the fact that someone saw their only value is a hole and is beyond all the BS.
So dont ask women out?
Im just going to fuck hookers and cuddle with a pet from now on. Noone will answer my question
There’s an entire methodology to this that would take 5 or 6 posts to explain. If thread is up when I’m back from work then I’ll elaborate.
>So dont ask women out?
No, don't act like an emotionally immature sperg. No one wants to be your fuckin safety blanket. Act like you can handle your shit and stand on your own two feet and women will stop avoiding you long enough for you to ask them out.
Im doing this from now onIf this somehow leads to relationships and this is what theyre built off of then relationships are worthless and i wasted my time caring for one
So showing interest makes me an "emontionally immature sperg"?
who cares?
Piss off
It isn't a complicated methodology in the slightest. Reasonably well adjusted people want to be wanted, not needed. Emotionally mature and aware people know the difference between a symbiotic relationship and a parasitic one. They can tell whether or not someone likes them for who they are or because they desperately need for someone to like them in order to feel good about themselves. Showing interest doesn't turn good women away; clearly communicating to them that you only need a woman so she can fill the empty hole where your self-esteem should be does.
Well adjusted people don't like being negged and ignored. People with self-esteem do not like being treated like they aren't worth your time. They don't put up with that kind of behavior. The only kind of women you'll acquire by being cold and withholding are the ones with daddy issues who are only attracted to you because their fathers were also cold and withholding. In the end they won't really like you for who you are. They only like you because they were raised to think very little of themselves so they like their men to treat them as such. Those types of relationships are passionate, dysfunctional and short because it isn't at all about intimacy or connection; its just about trauma recreation. Jow Forums spergs only propagate this theory because they have a tendency to chronically avoid any behavior that might at all make them emotionally vulnerable. Showing interest in a girl and at all being intimate or emotional leaves room to get hurt so obviously Jow Forums autists are only interested in the route that allows them to remain closed off and stoic. They don't have the life experience or wisdom to understand that those kinds of relationships are just perfect models of toxic codependency; two broken people leeching from each other the emotional energy that they need to patch up their fucked up psyches.
>Showing interest in a girl and at all being intimate or emotional leaves room to get hurt so obviously Jow Forums autists are only interested in the route that allows them to remain closed off and stoic
lmao, every guy I know has a story about how "opening themselves" to their partner at the time ended badly
Showing interest doesn't make you an emotionally immature sperg, spilling your emotions onto people does. Using people to shore up the cracks in your broken self esteem does. Clearly communicating to the people around you that you are only interested in a relationship because you need the emotional crutch does. Treating people like life preservers that you need to save you from drowning in your own depression and self-loathing does. Reasonably emotionally intelligent people can spot this kind of shit from a mile away. Any other questions?
Stop arguing with the normie white knight NPCs.
They don't get it, they lived life on autopilot.
The moment you stop caring about females, they start caring about you, because they can't have anyone not giving them attention and worshiping them. But they don't actually want you, they just want to be reassured that their hole is still worth something.
There is no scientific basis for your claim. There is no correlation between wanting something and whether you get it. Whether you get it completely depends on your actions, not your thoughts.
What are you expecting to get out this post? Nobody wants you, that's why you are on Jow Forums instead of getting ready to go out. Seems like you just want attention. You want people to confirm this delusional belief so you dont have to feel the discomfort of knowing how youve made the wrong decisions in life.
Accept failure and move on. A problem can't be solved until it's acknowledged. Time to adjust to the pain from falling on your face. This is part of a humans development. Fear of pain means you will end up either fat, a beta, or somebodies bitch. I can look at any human and tell whether they are a pussy. Whether they are good or bad is a different conversation, but level 1 failures can be spotted easily and those people are purposely avoided by everyone. May seem shocking, but people who accomplish things aren't into weak people with defeatist attitudes.
I am a failure. I have got nothing I ever wanted. I lose at everything. I go to sleep knowing I tried though. Occasionally theres a consolation prize too.
>lmao, every guy I know has a story about how "opening themselves" to their partner at the time ended badly
Yes, and that's life. Getting hurt is apart of growing. It teaches you things about yourself and about the kinds of partners and relationships that you need. There was absolutely nothing in my statement that implied that opening up to a woman was some kind of fail-safe method of getting a good relationship. Relationships will fail. People will hurt you and, ultimately, there's nothing wrong with being afraid of that or taking precautions to protect yourself. This is why the entire theory of the "red flag" exists. We use these red flags as warnings not to proceed any further. Why? Self-preservation. There is no guarantee that opening yourself up to people is going to work out. However, letting the fear of being hurt cripple you to the point that you start exclusively going after women who don't mind being treated like garbage is a surefire way to make sure that every relationship you get into is a toxic one. People who don't think highly of themselves make terrible companions. That is far more of a guaranteed path for failure then allowing yourself to be emotionally available is.
I dont "need" anybody. But any time i used to show any interest at all i was called desperate. Now women stare at me wherever i go, something to do with my body language from what ive been told. I just dont get this shit
Why give a shit about women? they don't operate on reason and thats makes them lesser than men
Lol and youre jumping to extremes. All i said is when i wanted a girlfriend....
>But any time i used to show any interest at all i was called desperate
Consider the possibility that multiple people telling you this may lend it some validity.
>Lol and youre jumping to extremes
I'm not. You asked a question and I answered it. Also, consider the fact that having ever participated in any kinds of these behaviors isn't a personal indictment of you. This kind of shit happens. We all struggle with insecurity, especially when we're young. I'm guilty of literally everything I just listed at some point or another. People clearly communicated to you that the method in which you pursued women came across as desperate to them. Instead of getting defensive spend some time entertaining the possibility that they might of been correct and put your efforts towards improving yourself. Fucking up is not what decreases your quality as a partner or a human being; refusing to even entertain the possibility that you've fucked up is.
So flirting and asking them out then?
This guy is right. On a very basic level, the reason why women fuck "Chads" over beta soiboys is because the typical "bad boy asshole" is someone who doesn't draw value from being with a woman. They might draw it from either positive or negative sources, but regardless it just shows that the guy isn't going to give her any sort of emotional baggage. In the end if he's just doing it out of something negative like bitterness, anger, narcissism, etc the relationship won't last or it will be toxic as fuck for both people. The reason why females won't give the time of the day to some of you retarded spergs is because of your complete lack of emotional maturity. See Instead of seeing women as human beings, your average Jow Forums incel just views them through the filter of internet culture. Twitch thots, IG thots who fuck rich sheiks, golddiggers who bleed you out with alimony, etc. All this stems from the fact that they never developed the self-confidence and emotional maturity to co-exist with women in the first place, and they overblow the tiny rejections they've had to enormous proportions and then support their bias with those same cherry-picked situations of women that are awful human beings as well.
Lol you did nothing but assume a bunch of shit
So wanting a girl friend means i base my value on others?
I did nothing but answer your question. Whether or not you've done any of those things is kind of irrelevant when you take into account that people interpreted your behavior as desperate whether you intentionally or knowingly behaved that way or not. Again, you take the path of getting defensive rather then engaging with me in any meaningful way.
Actually the 'Jow Forums incel' bias comes from not actually ever intetacting with women because women never wanted to interact with them, even on a non-romantic level.
So, their only source of knowledge on the female gender is what they read and hear online.
How the fuck are these 'incels' supossed to realise that women are 'human beings' when they've never been given a chance to know them, not romantically mind you, but in general.
People perceived you as desperate. You can keep avoiding that reality if you want to but pretending as though everyone else is being unreasonable and there's nothing you could of done to improve or change that perception you doesn't hurt anybody but you. People perceived you as desperate. Yeah, it hurts to hear. It hurts to accept. Whether or not you are able to come to terms with that reality and deal with criticism like an adult is going to determine whether or not things change for you.
>Never given a chance
truly the worst feeling
Fuck it im pruning the thread. Im shipping to fort jackson in march so i dont know why im worrying about what a bunch of bots who keep implying im a cuck have to say anyway.datings a waste of fucking time
>Fuck it im pruning the thread.
You're not a jannie
Im doing these Goodbye
Listen, dude. We can't reflect for you. We can't look back at your behavior and review it with any kind of emotional awareness for you. These are the questions that you need to be asking yourself and dealing with yourself. As I've been saying to literally everybody in this thread, whether or not you behave this way is not for us to say. We can only give you the framework in which these kinds of things operate. Whatever reflection you decide to do with yourself and your behavior should include the possibility that you have room to improve and an earnest willingness to confront criticism of your behavior.
You misunderstood. You can say "I want X" and then work towards wanting X. But CLEARLY there's something in your behavior that is giving off the idea that you're way too willing to put other people before you. You're oversimplifying your attitude and behavior by just saying "I just showed interest". I can't tell specifically because I don't know you and you haven't said shit other than "fuck women they just want attention", but from that alone I can see emotional immaturity due to how you have reacted to things that don't go your way (women told me I was desperate). Things aren't as black and white as "I'm a doormat" or "I just pump and dump bitches"
>everyone who doesn't conform to my worldview is a NPC, I'm just gonna shut my eyes and ears and pretend I'm right and everyone else is wrong
Yeah I can see now why you've failed this hard at dating. As I said, you're an emotionally immature bitch who can't handle failure at any level. No wonder people said you were desperate, if you being unable to get a date riles you up this much
So what if they ban you, just restart your router and clear Jow Forums cookies.
Im high now so this should go smoother. Point of this was to understand women better, yet this 'you a bitch' stuff is all yall seem to say.
Anyway i have a future career to attend to. The more i interact with people, the less i seem to care. Women are money pits and stress nightmares anyway.
It’s because you stopped being a desperate creep, which is all you needed to do all along.
>normie doesn't even read the thread
Then why does he keep getting rejected when he tries to ask any of these 'interested' females out?
Nah, females just want attention, the moment someone stops giving them attention they trie to bring them in line.
>Then why does he keep getting rejected when he tries to ask any of these 'interested' females out?
Because a woman being interested in you is no kind of guarantee that once you begin talking with them and interacting with them that they won't notice what a horrible autist you are.
>Nah, females just want attention, the moment someone stops giving them attention they trie to bring them in line.
You must be a teenager.
A good number of these women already know im weird though
"stop being a bitch" okie dokie