Which college degree has the women that make the best girlfriends (wives)?
>inb4 choice of college degree is not related or relevant
Wrong, personality traits are related to subject choice.
Which college degree has the women that make the best girlfriends (wives)?
>inb4 choice of college degree is not related or relevant
Wrong, personality traits are related to subject choice.
computer science, because some of the girls will be male
Business school usually has the *hottest* girls. I don't know about best wives, though.
traps are gay, though
Business bitches are the worst.
Best girlfriends: school teachers
best wives, I have no idea
I don't think major matters much but I guess anything in STEM preferably if their Asian. Though I'm biased so take it what you will.
The best wives are elementary school & kindergarten teachers followed by guidance counselors
Middle tier wives are STEM chicks (nurses excluded)
Low tier wives are all the rest
Jow Forums autists who view the world like RPG video games are just destined for failure, unfortunately.
I think veterinarians can be very cute and feminine and tend to be intelligent.
t. Assmad art major
I never went to college. I run my own business. No amount of ad hominems will distract from your crippling autism.
Nice choice. It’s nurturing and requires a higher IQ than “I couldn’t keep working retail and banging losers” nursing.
>I never went to college
It shows
>I run my own business
C’mon, it’s okay to admit you have hobbies
>No amount of ad hominems will distract from your crippling autism.
Wew. That’s some spicy irony!
>It shows
You must be some kind of amazing psychic medium to deduce both my intelligence and quality of character from 3 sentences you read on an anonymous scandinavian hackey sack forum.
>C’mon, it’s okay to admit you have hobbies
Its a hobby that turned into a business. I don't know if you've stuck your head outside in the past 15 years or so but having a college degree is meaning less and less in the workforce. I would know, as I turn down quite a few applicants with college degrees in lieu of people with experience every day.
>Wew. That’s some spicy irony!
If you have a college degree I suggest suing for your tuition back. I can't imagine you got that great of an education if you don't know the definition of "ad hominem" nor "irony".Live life as an NPC if you want. I couldn't give less of a shit.
>You must be some kind of amazing psychic medium to deduce both my intelligence and quality of character from 3 sentences you read on an anonymous scandinavian hackey sack forum.
Thanks. Normally it takes 3 posts to deduce someone is upset enough to continue arguing about nothing with me.
>Its a hobby that turned into a business
I’m certain.
>having a college degree is meaning less and less in the workforce
Having no degree means nothing in the workforce
>I turn down quite a few applicants with college degrees in lieu of people with experience every day
Your loss
>If you have a college degree I suggest suing for your tuition back. I can't imagine you got that great of an education if you don't know the definition of "ad hominem" nor "irony".Live life as an NPC if you want. I couldn't give less of a shit
What, are you from Jow Forums? Fell for the trade memes?
I think business, law and medicine ave probably some of the most attractive women. I guess business and law might also have some rather "bitchy" and arrogant types
Antisemitic much?
Yeah, Jesus was the prototypical Jewish Antisemite… like Bobby Fischer in recent years…
You can't marry a computer.
Chill with that text formatting
Different person.
I quit school and I live debt free and make a lot of money and can live anywhere in the world I want. I've been traveling for like 5 years now. I don't even run a business either. I started with little money and worked my way up even turning down a lot of guaranteed opportunities offered to me.
Connections and skills and confidence are everything. Degrees are useless unless you intend to be a doctor or lawyer because the intense program prepares you for that kind of job. You don't even need a degree to work in those fields.
My wife is hardcore STEM- PhD in molecular biology of cancer from a med school. But she's worked in business ever since her last postdoc--she loved the big experimental questions and interpreting and drawing conclusions from data, but found the bench itself a boring slog of all-night pipetting and Western-blotting drudgery, and was delighted to escape the lab.
But as an undergrad when we met, she also minored in music and most of our friends (including all my previous girlfriends) were more artsy types than science types.
She herself is a lovely hybrid of the two (plus biz, acquired professionally rather than academically--her work involves a lot of interpreting epidemiology, chemistry, and pharmacology data for money people who are way dumber than she is). So I would say the ideal is someone really smart but not soulless. Some art and some science. Better rounded than your average STEMfag and less batshit than a lot of artists. The middle zone is the ideal.
Good wives don't go to college.
No degree or high school drop out.
They got no skills so they cant get a job to support themselves and will rely solely on you, which means they will never leave you. Make it crystal clear that their job is being a home maker and cleaning the house and making meals. They have to contribute somehow to the household if they dont have a job. If they do get a job, prepare to do half of the housework then
Don't go with online marketing / designer chicks those bitches fake as hell and ruthless too
>your wife
>literally trying to find a woman like your wife
how do you do it user?