Why haven't you accepted celibacy and loneliness yet?

Why haven't you accepted celibacy and loneliness yet?

Life has become so much better since I've ruled out any possibility of a relationship or sex in my life.

Never have to worry about impressing girls.
Don't have to worry about your appearance beyond what is necessary for work.
Don't have to worry about what is fashionable.
Don't have to be anxious about reading signals or attraction.
Don't have to worry about budgeting for a family.
Never have to aignificantly curtail your actions or words because you're worried about striking out.
A lot more free time.
Always confident.
Get to laugh at relationship troubles of others.

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>Accept celibacy and loneliness
If you still call it loneliness, you're not happy, user.

I personally dig being single, but I don't come in here and cry like a baby that no one wants to date me. You're just giving up and still being a faggot about it.

He's not crying about it though, I'm not sure what in that post is crying.

Personally, I will say I've conceded for now. I've accepted nobody is attracted to me, and am actively working on improving myself so maybe, maybe one day I will be in a relationship with a woman I desire. inb4
>don't improve for anyone but yourself
Having a girlfriend would bring me happiness, so it's a worthwhile pursuit IMO.

People can normalize themselves to just about anything. Just because you've normalized yourself to certain conditions doesn't mean its a positive thing. Being content with something that should technically bring you great anguish is not in and of itself a great reaction. Is it in OP's best interest for us to wrestle with him to get him to pursue a relationship? No, but I will say two things; the first thing is that you should be very wary of people who go out of their way to express to you how wonderful and awesome their lifestyle is. A lot of the times they're more trying to convince themselves then they're trying to convince you. People in those situations often just utilize others as sounding boards to validate their choices. Convincing other people to accept their choices makes them feel better about it. The second thing is that while OP is entitled to live anyway he wants it isn't generally what is accepted as normal or healthy behavior. Being alone is not a natural state for human beings. Obviously the argument is a lot more complicated than simply what is natural but OP found a method to normalize himself to something that is typically a pretty negative state. Personally I think there's still a lot of sadness and loneliness there that maybe isn't being processed in a healthy way but what the fuck do I know.

Like you had a choice in the matter. You’re probably just ugly like me, I’m a 29yo virgin and will likely die one. I dedicated hundreds of hours to online dating, tried talking with many women irl at school, bars, parties but none were ever interested. I had no choice in the matter, I’m convinced anyone in my shoes would have failed also.

Not OP but sometimes we feel like we don't have a choice. Like I don't want to be lonely, but if women don't want to date me, I can't force them to. The only thing to do is make myself worth dating. I can see why others would want to give up. I've wanted to give up but I never truly can, and that to me is a sign that my desire to couple up is something I can't ignore. Call it depserarion but I just don't want to be single forever.


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I remember years back when a bad relationship had me lose touch with all my friends, and I was too anxious to reconnect with them, and I had no family in the country so I was pretty much completely alone.
At first it was crushing, but eventually I learned to embrace the loneliness as a sort of coping mechanism like what you're mentioning. I ended up growing out of it and am now a social person with a wife, but looking back I don't regret that period of my life. I mean even if I was tricking myself into feeling content with my shitty life, I still felt at ease.
You do you OP, if it really makes you comfortable then keep it up.

I'm not OP but I call it
Like I'm a Miami cop who doesn't slay pussy but taps the law nightly, and the laws one bad bitch.

>Why haven't you accepted celibacy and loneliness yet?
Because I am normal functioning human and I enjoy other humans' company. I like cuddles and sex with my partner too much to let go of such pleasures.
>Never have to worry about impressing girls.
Neither did I, but I am not a social train wreck.
>Don't have to worry about your appearance beyond what is necessary for work.
>Don't have to worry about what is fashionable.
... You are just too far gone user. If you don't work on yourself to look beautiful for yourself, idk what to tell you. Celibacy and isolation is the only thing for you then
>Don't have to be anxious about reading signals or attraction.
So you are a socially retarded. A failure that doesn't try to improve. Got it jyst fine fr9m the first lines.
>Don't have to worry about budgeting for a family.
>Never have to significantly curtail your actions or words because you're worried about striking out.
Autistic tendency to blurt out things? Like clockwork.
>Always confident.
Friends and a partner will make you even more confident. Because even if you aren't, they wilo stilo support you and encourage you.
>Get to laugh at relationship troubles of others.
That's what partners do all the time desu. Laugh at others together.

3/10 bait or 12/10 raging social reject

Yeah, I have been getting better at dealing with my sex drive. That really was the only thing making it difficult. I mean, I've been pretty much isolated for 22 years. Loneliness is all I know. And truthfully, none of this shit mattered to me until I turned 18-19 when my desire for sex shot through the roof. For a while I tried to become attractive and failed. I went into a depressive swing (unrelated) and never regained the disillusionment that I was supposed to care about something.
I still struggle on occasion, usually whenever I see a shockingly beautiful girl In passing or something like that. Otherwise, I'm able to just ignore all people, Im more confident, I don't have cares about anything superficial, tons of time for my interests, and so forth.
I just need to get over this last bump. I'm thinking since I'm 22 right now, in a few years my drive will go down and this will all be so much easier

Not op. But in my situation having a gf isnt practical. I'm not lonely, I was never that much of a people person to begin with so I dont mind solitude.

T. Plebian
keep swallowing everything that society tells you, you're a good boy.

>work on yourself to look beautiful for yourself
Why do people insist on twisting their shallowness into this lie? Admitting you care about what other people think won't kill you.

I don't know about all that, but i do make the healthy choice of not being dependent on another, unaccountable individual for happiness.

Relationships should never be the source of your happiness, but a supplement. That and being social is kind of a pain the ass, I'd rather study/draw/play vidya.

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I mean I dont never get pussy, but tend to go long periods and cant hold a relationship so it usually goes I'm fine fapping for like 3 months but anymore after that I start gettinng increasingly desperate and either find a chubby or uggo girl to get dick wet or meet someone to date about 3-7 months before I break up with then or they break up with me.

Yeah, the whole
>be the person you want to be
Line of thought never made much sense to me. I love my mind more than my body. The only sense of what an "attractive" body looks is derived from social norms i.e. other people. For me, the best body is the one I want. As of right now, that is one perfectly balanced between ripped and fat. Beer belly to keep me warm and the necessary muscle to move heavy shit sometimes.

If you were actually a volcel you wouldn’t be posting this shit.

>Why haven't you accepted celibacy and loneliness yet?
>Life has become so much better since I've ruled out any possibility of a relationship or sex in my life.
>Never have to worry about impressing girls.
>Don't have to worry about your appearance beyond what is necessary for work.
>Don't have to worry about what is fashionable.
>Don't have to be anxious about reading signals or attraction.
>Don't have to worry about budgeting for a family.
>Never have to aignificantly curtail your actions or words because you're worried about striking out.
>A lot more free time.
>Always confident.
>Get to laugh at relationship troubles of others.
This shit is pathetic and generally bad pieces of advice for people who want to improve their life.

>you're not an npc
>become one NOW

All the things you're saying you don't have to worry or think or be anxious about - those are things that don't worry normal people.

Thing is, its not wrong to act like you don't give a hoot about fucking. Its not wrong to not put in what can feel like an arbitrary effort to get laid, if it always amounts to nothing. Your just reacting to your situation and setting.
However its dishonest act to act as if you have ZERO interest in sex. IF you have no interest in fucking you would never masturbate, never "crush" on people, never get hard. At some point you gotta accept the fact that you have some sexual desires, and like any other feeling its worth rewarding them. you hungry you eat, you cold you warm up, you wanna fuck, look for someone to fuck, hell pay for some pussy if you need to

>pay for pusy if you need to
Kek user, this might be the worst advice I've heard in a while.
Let's not make this guy kill himself just yet.

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>Life has become so much better since I've ruled out any possibility of a relationship or sex in my life.
Is it even possible? Every time I try to adopt this mindset something comes along to give me hope, only to crush it again a short while later. I feel the suicidal thoughts creeping back in, I just want to truly give up any delusions about getting a gf and feel truly free.

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feminism has enabled women to be single mothers with chads kid. that means not every male will breed or even get in a relationship. many male animals in the wild never breed. its just the reality of 2019

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