Hopefully this doesn't cross into brag territory, I'm just trying to explain my situation.
I'm tall, strong, handsome (girls have rated me as an 8 during drinking games etc...) and smart (top university in country for STEM degree), and I'm having a really hard time getting into relationships. Like if I want to get laid, that's not so hard, but I'm looking for an actual connection which goes deeper than physical attraction, and every time I go on more than 2~3 dates with a girl, I realize that I don't really like her personality, like if you removed looks from the equation, I'd much rather spend time with my male friends. Obviously it wouldn't be fair to either of us to lead them on. It doesn't help that most of my classes are ~10% female, so the pool of women I meet organically is quite small.
So wat do Jow Forumsenturers?
Attracted to women, but not their personalities?
>"I'd much rather spend time with my male friends"
Date men.
Nah, ain't gay.
Traps aren't an option either. Nothing against them, just not into dicks which aren't mine.
Well the only reason I say that is because it's common for men not to like a girl's personality.
I've only had one girl try to date me but we were not compatible at all and she was trying to date me before even getting to know me so it was obvious she didn't care about that.
If you can't settle with somebody with a bad personality idk. Maybe try and be even more attractive so you can be more demanding of your partners and maybe they will change to please you more?
>Hopefully this doesn't cross into brag territory
>proceeds to brag about his qualities even though they have nothing to do with the rest of the post
what did he mean by this
So you recommend I find the most attractive girl with the least obnoxious personality and try and change her to fit me?
Hmm. I'll think about it, it doesn't sit quite right with me though... (Inb4 moralfag)
Well, not try to change her, I mean try to find somebody who is willing to try to not annoy you.
Background info. I'm not some incel complaining because only orbital masses are willing to date me. If I relax the personality requirement, I could have a pretty tolerable 8.5/10 within a few weeks at the most. I just don't want to be alone in a year or two when school finishes and everyone moves apart.
That's fair, I'll give that a try then. Thanks man
It was completely useless info. You come across as a pretentious asshole for writing “i don’t mean to brag but I’m so great.” Although now I begin to understand why you end up with so many girls with shitty personalities. Like attracts like.
You need to find weird girls, not normie trash. Try online, or on concerts. Sometimes when its dark outside on ways to forests or rooftops
t. engaged with a girl who's not boring and thinks TMS is their best as well
>Spergout spergout spergout
You could've just come out and said you're jealous you know.
It’s okay
No man who fully UNDERSTANDS women can LIKE women
You can love women in spite of their nature, hate women because of their nature, but you can never like women while understanding their true nature
Value the personalities of the girls you typically meet more.
>Just change what you like
Yeah, that's SURE to work!
“Weird” girls are just low SMV chicks who decided that basking in the shade of thirsty betas is better than nothing
Who you like is determined by your own values, philosophy, etc. It's not unchanging, you can change it if you really wanted. It's happened to you constantly over the course of your life, and it will sometime again soon.
Why specifically do you not like their personalities?
Personalities are 90% genetics dude
People don’t change meaningfully
seems a bit steep
Also do you not agree that the friends you keep and people you associate with/respect are deeply tied to your opinions and values, which are fairly easily subject to change?
Values != personality. They can have an effect on each other but they're not the same thing at all.
90% of their traits are from the shared pool that white and Asian grills here seem to be made from {bubble tea, Netflix, "travel", getting drunk, gossip, social media, catty behavior} it's like you're lucky if you find a girl who even has one or two interests outside of that set, let alone interests that align with yours in any way.
Ahh, just wasn't expecting that abbreviation.
Well there are girls that don't fit that definition, so in that case attempting to find ones that aren't like is certainty one solution. Like I'd imagine a lot of the STEM girls in your classes have more varied interests, just by nature of being in a STEM major, but obviously going up to them just to date them is not always the easiest thing to do.... Perhaps there are clubs that they'd tend to join that would make it easier for you to get to know these kinds of people?
But at the same time I don't think there's anything wrong with liking bubble tea? Or netflix? Sure they might seem inane to you but are they really things worth disliking a person over? Maybe there's a chance that you're coming to harsh conclusions too soon because of some common memes or stereotypes, assuming that there's nothing much more to that person. Interests don't 100% make a person, their morals, integrity and judgement are way more important.
you’re not exactly changing my perception of you
Maybe I could have phrased that better. It's not that they like those things that it's me, it's the lack of other interests in addition to those. I mean, I enjoy a good mindless shooter as much as the next guy, but I wouldn't call it one of my hobbies or interests. Those would be things like lifting weights, reading, hiking, discussing philosophy, board games etc. In all of those things, I'm an active participant rather than just a consumer/observer if that makes any sense.
However will I survive?
Holy shit my dude you really are a pretentious fuck. You’ll probably just dismiss this but have you tried not dating these kids of women ? I’m not sure I get why you would seek them out, date them, then complain.
Literally every single physically attractive woman I've gotten to know well in the past 2 years fits that description to a t. It's not like I'm only choosing to go out with the women I don't like.
>attracted to women, but not their personalities
You and every man on the planet, buddy.
Yeah, because there are just SO many women out there who actually work hard for a living, and so many more who work hard on a hobby.
Where are they, I wonder? Are they behind the unwashed legions of women who don't try because they don't have to, or is that all there is?
My god man, I'm not even that guy, and I'm sick up to fucking here of people acting like there are tons of women out there who know how to turn a fucking screwdriver. THEY DON'T EXIST outside of bald-faced, disingenuous cherry-picking of outliers in the third world, where they have to work for a living or starve to death. Here, they can just live off of my tax dollars.
I mean someone who regards humans having a specific value probably wouldn't get whats great to be with a cute girl that understands you and has cool interests as well
This is why husbands and wives have nights out with their friends. Neither can relate to one another, at all really, so we need to spend time with people who we can relate with on the side occasionally. The goal is to find a partner who knows how to keep the distance between you both when and where necessary and genuinely likes to travel with you, because that means the person likes you for who you are set to become and will feel it worth it to stay with you.
I'm not a hot girl with an interesting personality but if I were one I sure as hell wouldn't let some narcissistic bloke, who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread just because he's more attractive than the average STEM undergrad who doesn't shower, get anywhere near me, let alone date me.
you will never accept this because it's part of your personality, but your personality is incredibly ugly from the taste sample you're giving us here.
>uses good looks to pull in girls
>why do I only get thots?
>whaaa school ends and I'll have nobody to suck my dick
>tfw no beautiful 10/10 personality waifu gf for me
You still soumd lile an angry highschooler he can't have his young Disney romance dream fullfield. You sound like trash, go for easy thots, and somehow expect to find some gold there.
>muh looks
A pretty girl, with a worthwhile personality and life will not engage with someone so centered on looks. You date pretty girls just because they are pretty, what quality of women are you expecting, if not those with the same interest of dating a handsone man?
what are your favorite books and what philosophy do you like to discuss?
Most girls don't have much of a personality to begin with, they often absorb a man's hobbies, interests and personal characteristics when they like him and start to spend a lot of quality time around him. Just find a girl you're attracted to and bear it out for a few months, she'll start to take on your traits and become more tolerable personality wise
I'm not really surprised you attract girls with shit personalities because you seem painfully arrogant
Why do you keep dating shit women?
What is the perfect personality, guys? How to be the ultimate waifu?
I'm in the same exact mindset about girls and guys.
same goes to you. You don't know what it's like being above people, so you talk all this shit. Just leave the thread instead of trying to enact justice
No such thing. You can however try acting more like a man. That'd make you more of an attractive choice, but still not dream girl material. You either have it or you don't.
What should OP do? Just leave it out? If it's true, then it is something that needs to be known in context. If he was an incel than it would be a fucking different situation and fucking different advice.
So shut the fuck up, you disgusting trash. The fact is: you just can't handle that someone who is better then you needs advice. Go jump in front of a train.
Op, you just need to accept the bleak reality: Women with the kind of personality that you want don't exist. Heck, I date a girl who is has a STEM PhD. And even then it's different from my guy friends, girls have fundamentally - on the most basic level - a different perspective of the world.
As a guy, if you are above the losers who don't amount to anything, you will think about the future and about what you want to archive. The most important thing in your life are your hopes and dreams - and they will inevitably relate to an ambition: You want to get really rich, you want to solve a scientific problem, you want to build a videogame or a business.
That is how guys think.
Girls fundamentally think like this: "I want to have a good life, I want to have a house and a husband and children. And I want to feel good."
THAT is the most fundamental difference. The number of exceptions to this is so slim, that I have never seen a girl who would be an exception to this rule, hands down.
If that is what you want, if you want a girl to be your partner in crime, then that is not how it works, or how it will work. The best thing you can do is to convince a girl of yourself so much that she will follow you on this path. The only other choice is to become gay or go celibate.
>How to be the ultimate waifu?
Literally, be a 2D anime character written by a man.
Other than that? No.
How clueless are you my guy?
Oh, I am clueless, but you can't even name what you think is wrong with that post? Typical.
TMS is a normie album lol
I went on dating sites like plenty of fish. read their bios.
I'm an attractive woman with a lot of hobbies and passions, interesting, humorous, well adjusted. Talk to me like you wanted a date and I'll tell you what went wrong.
Well, I'm not attractive op. I don't have any game or whatever. But, I'm similar. Girls bodies get me turned on. Anything more and I'm turned off. Their voices usually are like nails on a chalkboard, their personalities are nonexistent, and their interest are the Top 40 hits and pop science or politics, or they have none at all.
It's not worth fundamentally changing myself to simply earn the possibility of access to one of these things. Good luck op. I'd use women for sexual pleasure if I could, but since it's not an inherent thing for me, I'm not going to.
OP, judging how you describe yourself, it sounds like you place yourself above women and other men. If your ego is that strong, it will be difficult to appreciate the little things about a person or notice the intricacies of their behavior, insecurities, etc, that get you infatuated with someone else.
Just don't date. Sleep around, but when you get old just don't become creepy like alot of older men who had a charmed life and can't cope with women losing interest in them
Do you mean a cold approach?
Keep in mind, I can't know what interests or personality you have in this context, but ok well here goes nothing:
Hey, I just saw you here and I think you are very cute. I thought: "Maybe you are free right now and have nothing to do?". If that's the case, may I invite you to get some coffee with me?
OP i go to a stem school w a bad ratio too just don’t go for those girls. fucking nightmares all of them bc they get so much attention their egos are huge. go out and find a normal girl and also stop acting like you’re smarter/more attractive. it’s okah to know that but acting like it is gross
>If your ego is that strong
No, it isn't. What OP said might just very well be an objective evaluation of his position. Nothing more.
Like, imagine you are literally a male model and a millionaire, do you think it is not appropriate to accept it as the fact that this is true?
True things are true.
>older men who had a charmed life and can't cope with women losing interest in them
oh, the irony. If you are 50 as a man, as long as you are reasonably well off and have a job, women don't lose interest in you. That's just how things are.
Okay, quite a few mistakes. Keep in mind this is an online interaction and body language is important so we have to exclude that and imagine.
> Where are you approaching me?
> Don't assume I have nothing going on or nowhere to be either
> Try to make conversation before expecting me to just go off with a complete stranger
> You didn't even introduce yourself or anything about you. what the hell is your name for one?
You can use a nickname here but still.. I do get the sense of arrogance. Like you think women are lucky to be with you.. Even your op says "I'm considered hot and I so stem" Like wow how bland. you have to actually like be interesting to find an interesting girl.
Let's say we were on a first date and try again if you want.
You're in college, hard to keep a relationship when everyones starting there careers and about to move all over the world so they just hold onto a bridge relationship or fuck a bunch of people.
Well, I am not OP.
The thing that is hilarious about your post is that you seem to actually think that you yourself would think any of that in this situation. If you actually are judging the situation like that, then you are multiple orders of magnitude more entitled then OP. So you think that when a guy walks up to you, pulls all his confidence together and asks you out, that it really matters that much what he says?
As long as it is not pure bs(and sometimes even if it is pure bs), there is almost nothing that can mess it up as long as you are friendly, sincere and polite. 99.5% is body language. Like, "You didn't even introduce yourself or anything about you", so if that was so important to you, then the conversation would go:
"What even is your name anyway?", "Oh, right I completely forgot to introduce myself *blush*, I am ..."
None of those things that are "not there!", would break anyone's neck in that situation.
I can tell you just up front what broke my neck in this interaction. It is one single thing. It is that you thought that I was the "arrogant OP", with that already known, I could have said ANYTHING, and you would still nitpick about details because your emotions are already made up.
It really is completely hilarious that you think anything from what you say here is even remotely representative of the actual situation.
So you're an autistic troll?
Glad that was cleared up.
Calm down op.
>roastie gets toastie
>REEEEE you are an autistic troll
You are the most arrogant and entitled basic bitch in this entire thread. And you are stupid to top it all off. And I really hope that everyone has seen through your bullshit at this point. Get fucking lost.
Aww someone has a bruised ego.
My self esteem isn't low enough to find this anything else but funny so I'll stick around because it bothers you. I've already washed my roast beef so I'll be here until I fall asleep xoxo
>a bruised ego.
As I told you already, I am not OP.
Well, you are everything that OP is talking about, so please, go on, and stay here all night.
You are a perfect specimen of a basic bitch, precisely the topic of this thread.
Go on and demonstrate it more, I hope it will provide more data for anons who are in the same situation as OP.
I get the sense that you don’t really interact with many women. I’ve met and dated quite a few pretty, interesting women who I could hold conversations with. No they weren’t 10/10 model tier beauties, and no they didn’t share every single one of my interests, but they were still good “partners in crime.” You drank too much Jow Forums koolaid if you unironically think about men and women the way you do
Geez get a room you bratty cunts
What does the dream girl have? Personality wise?
Women think about interests in a different way then men do.
I know interesting women, interesting women who have opinions and perspectives and who can hold a conversation.
However, ask them about a passion, and you will very quickly discover that they lack that.
Women can follow interests for the purpose of money and for a position in society, women never ever follow a passion for something as an end in itself.
And in fact, many men don't even do this.
Women will say: "I am good at X, and I like doing it."
Men say: "I want to create X for the sake of itself."
That difference is the spark that women lack, it is also called sometimes: "a soul".
And yet I know many women with passions, who create things because they can. I don’t even see any functional difference between someone doing X because they like it, and someone doing X because it’s an “end in itself”. It’s a meaningless distinction you’ve created in order to position all women in your mind as somehow less than you.
No you don’t m8
>I don’t even see any functional difference between someone doing X because they like it, and someone doing X because it’s an “end in itself”
Well, you are basically conceding the argument if you say that.
There is no more extreme distinction then between those two things. It's not even about women, it's about people in general. Anyone can see if someone is doing something as an end in itself or because they are just good at it, it's as obvious as the distinction between black and white.
How many women contributed and invented something for society? Yeah, that answers.
That's because you think TMS is their best album, when it's botomless pit
The denial is astounding.
The majority of you don't meet these women because why would they be around you and not busy with their life? I'm super passionate and I don't hang around guys without personalities, and when random guys hit on me I pass because a decent guy would meet through a shared passion not random people on the street. Saying they don't exist is true because that is your reality, it doesn't matter that they do exist and there are like kinded men dating them, you have to learn to settle for someone on your level.
Believe what you want
Nah you just want to pretend that men do things for some higher purpose than women, that your passions are somehow more true and pure than that of others.
>a decent guy would meet through a shared passion
>would meet
That is everything that needs to be said about your post. The amount of hypocrisy in what you are saying is beyond hilarious.
How can you not see that? The way you are talking, it's 100% certain that you have no passions or even interests beyond the most superficial basic bitch level shit... And then you somehow think that you are special. Hilarious.
>highlights a random word and then goes on a rant about hypocrisy
Is this a new meme
dude why so obsessed with this girl????
I'm not the roastie you are referring to, but you are actually retarded If you think that passions will get you a gf or a friend, plenty of normies watch anime and play vidya, but they are still normies. Your passions don't define your personality, dickwit.
>you just want to pretend
I'm not pretending. It's true. That is all. You may choose to not believe it - just like some people think that the earth is flat. It stays true.
>anime and vidya
I-Is this satire?
Prove it.
Mate where do you live where video games aren’t a widespread, normal hobby?
>Prove a negative
Ok, then prove that God does not exist.
My evidence for this is the same as the evidence for God not existing.
The list of the most important inventions made by women is this:
This is the best the media could come up with. Women have never invented anything.
>Muuh hobbies are intellectual, fuck vidya and anime
vidya and anime don't count as hobbies.
If that is your hobby, then you have not hobbies. Simple as that.
It's just like smoking weed and drinking don't count as hobbies.
Bingo boingo bango. I can't stand most women and their personalities, or even how they communicate. I won't put up with a lot of shit, but damn is it exhausting.
>I h-have hobbies! I Drink and smoke weed and watch anime and play vidya
How deep should this hole your digging go?
You're obsessed. It's an illness for you.
You can't prove any points, you just reply in tangents. We aren't your mommy, we aren't the women who rejected you, we aren't your problem. It is funny though.
Bruh, you're looking for a diamond in the rough. It's unlikely that you're gonna find an 8 or higher with a worthwhile personality. Just not how it works. They are rare and you're not where they are, generally. Either learn how to deal with a shit personality or lower your standards to the 6-7 range.
>Samefagging this blatanly
Your life Is really sad I'm sure
I’m not asking you to prove a negative you retard. I’m asking you to prove your assertion that men pursue things as ends in themselves and women pursue things because they like them.
>Women have never invented anything
I would argue that women have not contributed as much to the world as men because historically women were oppressed and prevented from engaging in the sciences and arts in the same way men did. But I see the argument is going to devolve into us arguing about whether or not nature informs the structure of society, and I can guess which side you’re on, so agree to disagree.
why did you reply to me
Just go on that Wikipedia page and look at the physics section.
That is literally NOTHING. Do you know how large the amount of all things that are invented is?
Heck, they even list a woman who did a translation of Newtons discoveries there, just to artificially inflate the section.
>I would argue that women have not contributed as much to the world as men because historically women were oppressed
Fair enough, take the last 30 or even only the last 20 Years. Why is the list not flooded with very recent inventions, like it should be, as women are no longer "oppressed"?
You sound closeted
You won't understand this because your cognitive dissonance of what reality is compared to the one you dwell in is too strong, but people invent things all the time. Many things we don't even know who invented them, other things were invented and stolen by others, even more things were credited under a man's name by a woman. There was so much for you to learn but all you could do is think "hurr durr there isn't physics!!!!!" Do you not know that scientists work together in labs and that teams invent things? Have you heard of NASA? Astrophysicists and astronauts are women.
As enjoyable as your hamster overemotional triggered logic is, it's getting boring. Guess I'll just have to screenshot it to inceltears for others to enjoy a laugh too. If you were such a man as you claim you wouldn't need to hide behind user to say these things, so without a name and photo, I'll consider you roastie toastie incel 4lyfe!!
PS Hope I didn't forget any trigger words for you :)
>thinking that effects of oppression disappear immediately
Read a book, retard. The fact that certain oppressive laws don't exist anymore doesn't mean that things are suddenly equal. There are still toxic social influences that discourage women from pursuing certain fields. This shit takes time to recover from.
>take the last 30 or even only the last 20 Years
I don’t know what list you’re referring to but I can’t even name a man in the last few decades who invented anything
>muh excuses
>you are gay!
>you are an incel!
Okay, I'll read a book. Does Protocols of the Elders of Zion count?
Jews were oppressed way more than any woman can claim to have been, yet they have no problem dominating the academic and business world.
Proof that (((women)))>women
The irony, jews in literally Nazi Germany invented more things than women in their entire history.
Yeah, Jews would win a gold star in the opression Olympics for sure.