If a girl I'm seeing fucks me on the 2nd date, should I be concerned about her potential promiscuous...

If a girl I'm seeing fucks me on the 2nd date, should I be concerned about her potential promiscuous? Is this a red flag if I am looking for a loyal, non-cheating partner?

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I fucked my wife on our first night, don't be all anal just cause she likes you man

Should she be concerned that you fucked her?

You guys are SO STUPID. I want to punch you all in the nuts.

why are we stupid?

because you're a hypocrite?

What you're saying is YOU can't be trusted. She never even brought it up.

how do you know she never brought it up?

because you're here bringing it up to us

Why are you worried about her promiscuity now? You were okay with it when you were fucking her.
Dumbass retard.

Obviously. Look up the statistics on sluts and the damage they do to themselves, what it does to relationships.

Why wouldn't I fuck her?

Because I want a relationship with her???

>i will fuck this promiscuous woman, then worry about the implications later
>i want a relationship with her even though i think she's a whore, btw

I dont think shes a whore i was just wondering if i should maybe be concerned and not try to have a relationship with this girl?

Thats a relief to hear i fucked my girl on first date and we got it good so far

She's easy as fuck and is clearly a literal slut who has had who knows how many different dicks in all her orifices

Are you so full of self loathing and or so desperate you'd date a slut?

I dont think she's a slut, just curious as to if fucking after 2 dates is concerning

>I don't think she's a slut
Bro she fucks people she barely knows lmao

No, you shouldn't. You can, but there's no reason you should. I personally never worried about it and never had any regrets.

What if she fucked me because she really liked me and usually doesn’t with other people? That is a possibility

user, relationships are all about communication. If you didn't feel comfortable getting intimate so quickly why didn't you just say so? Sounds like you are the one with the promiscuity insecurity issue here.

The guy does the fucking, and the girl gets fucked. There is no hypocrisies here. Should I be concerned that a twig opens the lock on my door or that the lock on my door gets opened by a twig? Or do you think a guy getting laid and a girl getting laid require an equal amount of skill, natural traits, and effort?

Well that's stupid and completely irrelevant. He is worried that a girl sleeping with him that fast means she's promiscuous. Him telling her that he's uncomfortable with a girl who does that doesn't stop the girl from being a promiscuous person. It just prevents him from getting laid then and there by a slut.

Look op, if a girl is willing to sleep with you by the second date and you're not a mega chad casanova ladykiller, chances are she's done this more than a few times before. To me it's a red flag because it indicated poor impulse control. You definitely DON'T want to make a ltr out of someone with poor impulse control. Same reason I don't date girls with more than 1 tat.

Anyone can get laid if they drop their standards

Shut up, bitch.

I'm not saying I don't believe there are objectively promiscuous people out there - and yeah you don't want to end up in a LTR with one of them.

Your answer though is spoken like someone who has never got laid. My point is sex is always a two-way street.

The user was asking if it was a red flag that 'she'd slept with him' .. it's like dude.. you also 'did the deed' on the second date. In my opinion, the user is scared of what he has become - a hypocritical Man-slut.

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>Your answer though is spoken like someone who has never got laid. My point is sex is always a two-way street.

That's pretty amazing how you can tell someones sexual history from a Jow Forums post, why are you wasting your gifts here?

It also takes a lock and a key together to fully work, but a lock that gets opened by many keys is quite different than a key that opens many locks. The difference between a promiscuous man and a promiscuous woman is that a man needs to have some level of competence to sleep with someone decent looking. A woman does not. Hence the whole 80% of women Fuck the top 20% of men thing.

no need to worry, she is only as stupid as you are

Why don’t you just try dating her? Time will tell.

I mean you also fucked on the 2nd date. What are you, a slut?

haha classic

Was it good sex?

This post is the literal reminder to never ever take advice from women.
Women literally have no soul.
The one thing that ruined our civilization was giving them the vote, IMAO.

Unless you find out you're the other guy then getting fucked on the second date means nothing at this stage. If someone isn't in a committed relationship and they fuck a date they really like that only indicates they like their date. If that moves onto a committed relationship and they cheat later that has next to no correlation.

extremely good