Is it a valid excuse for never having a girlfriend at 18 the fact that I haven't met anyone I really like and with who I click.
Or is it just a shitty coping mechanism I've created.
Is it a valid excuse for never having a girlfriend at 18 the fact that I haven't met anyone I really like and with who I click.
Or is it just a shitty coping mechanism I've created.
Could be standards are too high.
Looks? I actually think they are lower compared to others.
Personality? I don't know, I don't like the stuck up, bitchy Stacys
you dont need an excuse, its not abnormal desu
>at 18
Sure. You have plenty of time.
>at 28
No, something is wrong.
It's not even that I had offers I rejected so I have no idea how I'm looked upon.
People will call it a coping mechanism but it is probably truly how you feel. I'm not attracted to any woman beyond their body. There's just so little incentive to try and become attractive. None of these people are worth my time.
I might feel differently if they gave me the time of day when I was younger and more open in my worldview but those days are long gone
I doubt you've ever gotten to know any of those stuck up Stacys beyond a superficial assessment. In my experience a lot of normies are shockingly complicated and bizarre if you can get them talking for ten minutes one-on-one. I'd suggest taking the time to get to know a lot of women. Don't have getting a gf as your objective just try to learn what the person is really like and about. It'll build social experience if nothing else and you'll eventually find a girl that is cute and doesn't make you want to kill yourself when you're around her that you can consider dating. There's nothing wrong with being single.
But why would I need to break a certain barrier for a girl to be nice? That's even worse.
I know how most girls I know are, they are immature, I see how they talk behind everyone's back, I see how they treat my friends like they are slaves, I see how everyone's into the gangster drug culture and I hate it.
>But why would I need to break a certain barrier for a girl to be nice? That's even worse
thats how everyone one is. men and women. people arent overly friendly with people who arent their friends...
There's a difference between overly friendly and just being nice and not a total bitch.
If you act bad you're bad you can't just go "Ahaa, I was only pretending!"
>But why would I need to break a certain barrier for a girl to be nice? That's even worse.
If you're nice to people, they'll be nice to you. Nice doesn't mean being a doormat.
I have literally never experienced an aggressive behavior while starting talking to someone, male or female.
I'm always nice. It's not that they aren't nice in return it's just that I pick on small things and realize that they are just playing nice.
What are those small things?
-talking behind others' back
-sluttiness in general
-Listening to those bitch money gang gang bitches drugs songs
-Instagram stories about drugs / sexual and slutty
-Mocking someone based on their looks ...
God you're bland.
Honestly, why do people like this bitch about others and not go to church or something, where everyone else is clutching their pearls at how society is evil? The funniest thing is that this is all subjective bullshit that I bet you barely know about the person, but are completely convinced you can completely understand who they are off of a few minor examples of breaking your rules.
Stop being such a fucking puritan unless you're actively going to seek out these kinds of people, in which case, just become a Mormon.
>I'm being a "puritan" because I don't like the slutty types and the whole rap culture.
Okay mister user you can sheathe your sword away now
You really sound like a 18 year old.
I don't see how it's bad that I don't like that stuff, I do not see where you 2 are coming from.
It's just painfully naive.
You probably do some of these things yourself.
I mean of course I judge someone based on their looks a bit, everyone does, but just in my head. I won't talk with 5 of my friends how that girl is fat and laugh at her for that.
I'm not saying that they make fun of me, it's the opposite, it's not about me so they don't care about talking about someone near me so I overhear.
I'm not into rap and drug culture at all
I'm not slutty I'm pretty stoic and I think liked by friends.
lol youre an annoying "niceguy" faggot, thats why people dont like you
you can like whatever. but youre literally saying people doing things you dont like is people secretly hating you lmao
>but youre literally saying people doing things you dont like is people secretly hating you lmao
WHAT? Who the fuck said this?
It's not true at all, I'm not hated at all.
Just point me to a reply where I said that they hate me because they do things I don't like?
I don't mind it, they can do whatever they like and I can be friends with them, and I am with some, but I don't want a girlfriend like that, it's just not my preference.
you listed
>listening to rap music
>being "slutty"
as signs that when they are nice to you theyre faking it
>I-I'm not hated at all
sounds like cope you incel
Yeah I don't like rap culture and girls acting slutty.
You're pretty retarded desu.
Im retarded?? are you high?
>Yeah I don't like rap culture and girls acting slutty
and how does that make people who do like those things being nice to you fake?
desu it sounds like youre an autistic neckbeard who people dont like so youve fabricated a story in your head to make out as if the evil rap listening sluts are the problem and that youre actually very popular
I don't mean it like that.
If they are being nice to me but then turn around and shittalk that guy because he's fat they aren't nice. It's as simple as that, you're either nice or not.
yes and you listen liking rap and being "slutty" along with bullying fat cunts as qualities that make someone "not nice"
No you're just fabricating stuff.
I'm not very popular, I have my friends and I'm fine with that.
Sorry for disliking the mumble rap drug culture and not wanting to be with someone who does stuff like that.
I'd unironically get better answers on /b/, I don't know if you 2 are trolling or actually think I'm autistic just because I don't like a certain type of people.
I didn't say that they are nice because of the rap thing I have no idea why you're holding on to that, why did that trigger you?
>bullying fat cunts as qualities that make someone "not nice"
Yes, if you make fun of someone and mock them that way you are not nice
>they are nice
aren't nice*
do you have the reading comprehension of a toddler?
I did read it. I stay behind what I say.
You still seems overly triggered that I touched your junkie fast speaking "music" genre
>none of these people are worth my time
Fuck you, asshole
people dont like you because youre a smug "le wrong generation" incel. thats why you dont have a gf. thats why youve invented a narrative in which the women around you arent good enough, when infact they dislike you
bye niggy
>original posters number didn't change
You're just 1 really salty triggered faggot aren't you?
You went out of your wait to not only come here and insult me but now read through the whole thread to insult the other guy as well?
You're pathetic
>B-but y-y-you can't possibly dislike r-rap!
>You must be an incel because you dislike rap!
Do society a favor and off yourself
You're the one coming to a thread that has nothing to do with you and throwing a tantrum against everyone who disagrees with you.
It has everything to do with me since people like you take it upon themselves to shoot up schools and movie theaters. Fuck off
It's a valid reason.
Why would I shoot my friends and fuck my life?
Do you not understand where you're on? This isn't tumblr it's Jow Forums.
Thank you for a normal response and not throwing a tantrum like this other guy.
Don't listen to this faggot OP. He's far too gone.
I'm not sure why incels turn into shooters. All I know is that they do, and therefore desire to die.
So, again, please kill yourself
Not desire. They desire to kill
You're just assuming stuff, you're obviously just unhappy with your current life and you've come here to fuck with other people.
I won't respond to you anymore, just know that you're a big retard.
You're literally having a panic attack here because I don't like rap.
K. Enjoy rotting in your room alone. Fuck you
>y-y-you better start l-liking my music o-orrr you're gonna end up alone!
It's a reason. Who the fuck needs an excuse. It's not like the teacher is going to give you detention for not having a girlfriend.
Yeah but if I haven't found anyone in 18 years maybe my view of things is wrong and I'm expecting something that doesn't exist.
I'm certainly not picky when it comes to looks.
>Yeah but if I haven't found anyone in 18 years maybe my view of things is wrong and I'm expecting something that doesn't exist.
That's a much better question to ask. My personal take on it is that it's better to be alone than to try to fake a relationship with someone you're not attracted to.
just lmao,
is this how you communicate with everyone you have a disagreement with? no wonder why you have lady problems. you have a superiority complex and feel like people who don't like what you do are beneath you.
ask yourself, what do YOU have to offer a woman?
He started first, point? >you have a superiority complex and feel like people who don't like what you do are beneath you.
Just when did I actually say that, literally look at the thread and link where I said I'm better than them because I like different stuff.
And I agree with you but you can end up wasting your time waiting for that perfect relationship and not even experiencing the firsts.
ITT: Normie NPCs getting triggered because OP doesn't like the stuff they do
When did Jow Forums become so normalfag invested?
I don't understand what that guy wants from me, he is throwing a tantrum because I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who's into gang culture and drugs.
>he started it
is exactly something a five year old says
>Personality? I don't know, I don't like the stuck up, bitchy Stacys
you know what you're aiming to imply, these women are lesser and not worth your time. and:
>-talking behind others' back
>-sluttiness in general
>-Listening to those bitch money gang gang bitches drugs songs
>-Instagram stories about drugs / sexual and slutty
>-Mocking someone based on their looks
are the qualities of a Stacy no?
you're categorizing girls and dismissing them without even talking to them based on a perceived flaw. and not even a good flaw, just their music taste or something literally everyone does.
I used to have rigid standards like you, but then I realized none of it fucking matters of you like them and they like you. hell, my buddy is dating someone on the complete opposite end of the political spectrum from him. grow up
kill yourself you waste of skin
Visit a psychiatrist for your obsession.
literally my second post and this being my third but ok
Nothing you said in made sense, you're self projecting, being overly triggered and assuming stuff.
I'm done replying to you, find another board to be a sperg in.
I can do what I want and you really can't stop me, but I'd rather not lose anymore IQ points continuing this discussion. but seriously, grow up
There isn't a discussion here.
You came and started assuming that I'm a bitter friendless incel soon to be a school shooter because I don't want to be with anyone just for the sake of it and want to find someone I truly like.
Depends. Generally this attitude is the way to go, more people would have happy relationships if they only went after being with a certain person and not after getting "a relationship".
However, especially when you're young it can be difficult to draw the line between just never having met someone you like and not being open to meeting someone you like. If you are self-conscious, are nervous about commitment or have other anxiety surrounding relationships, it is quite common to look for reasons to write someone off so you can opt out of the scary situation and still preserve your image of yourself.
So my only advice would be to keep that in mind and sometimes take a step back to reflect.
>And I agree with you but you can end up wasting your time waiting for that perfect relationship and not even experiencing the firsts.
I will just reapeat what I said earlier.
>My personal take on it is that it's better to be alone than to try to fake a relationship with someone you're not attracted to.
Sounds like good advice
>plenty of time meme
OP average ppl lose their virginity by age 17. The longer u wait the worse it gets trust me on this. Each year your chances go down and you get deeper into the hole, thinking "why hasn't it happened yet?" or "what's wrong with me?" even if you're physically and personally attractive this will still happen. The fact that you're posing on Jow Forums at all at your age is evidence that you're already a novel individual which means life will be torment for you by default. This is the cold hard truth. You don't have plenty of time. You're already falling into the abyss as we speak. Never listen to people who tell you you still have time because you fucking DON'T... and that's a fact.
posting* not posing