Asking out a coworker

I have a very comfy office job and I have a new coworker who's really cute and we have a lot in common.
I really want to ask her out but I'm afraid of making things awkward if I do since she literally sits right next to me and we have to collaborate a lot on things.
What do??

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Don't shit where you eat, user

Listen to this user.

Don't fucking do it. Find literally anyone else.

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Really what's so bad about it though?
It's not like I just want to pump and dump her, she's literally the coolest girl I've ever met.

If you think she's interested then go for it, but women are tricky and often flirt just for attention so she's probably leading you on and will reject you and then things will be awkward.

>It's not like I just want to pump and dump her, she's literally the coolest girl I've ever met.

I'm sure 99% of men had that exact thought about an ex-gf or ex-wife at some point in their life. Assuming she says yes, you go out for a few months and then split it's going to be incredibly awkward working with each other.

I'm not sure what line of work you're in, but it sounds like you'll be expected to work with each other at least for the near future - you sure you'd want to do that with an ex-gf

It's not like they're just going to cheat on each other and have a disastrous breakup. They're not you.

I've seen people dating get fired over it. It is a dangerous game.

based "seething at common sense" poster

>I've seen people dating get fired over it

What industry(s)?

Don’t do it bro
If you want to date in office so badly then go with the one in another floor. Don’t even think about the one who’s in the same floor, leave alone girl that literally seats next to you

I fell in love with my coworker last year. She's very much taken, might as well be married.

I tried to hide it for almost a year, then got really drunk at a work party and apparently at some point put my arm around her. She then took me aside and admitted she liked me too and we proceeded to hug and talk until early morning. This happened one more time on new years eve (also very drunk).
Since then I haven't really talked to her. I'm pretty sure now she's just that way with everyone. Nothing special about me. I'm not quite over my feelings but I feel like my crush is slowly dying away.

At first I thought this was going to be the beginning of something because now I had one example of a person who apparently felt some sort of feelings towards me.

But I'm sobering up now and I'm almost fine again with the fact that I'll die a virgin like I always thought I would.

>She's very much taken, might as well be married.
>I'm pretty sure now she's just that way with everyone.
Huge red flag. Find someone better.

Thanks, maybe I will some day. Right now it feels impossibly out of reach.

Ya, don't go after girls you know, go after girls on dating apps and at bars who you know are fucking multiple dudes already and likely have an STD, because some guy on the internet said "don't shit where you eat" XD XD XD XD


The truth is that everyone gets burned on dating their coworkers sooner or later. It's hard to not be invested in the cute girl you sit next to 40 hours a week.

You sound like you aren't going to take our word for it that this is a bad idea, so you might as well ask her out. There's a decent chance things will work out as long as you're both looking for the same thing. Probably a slightly lower chance than if she was a girl you knew from somewhere else. Spending a lot of time together at the start of a relationship can put a lot of pressure on it because you're seeing each other all day every day.

Still, it could work out. If you've got an okay resume and some references then you should be fine to pack up and move to a new job if things go south between the two of you.

I don't recommend doing it but I understand why you want to user.

You're not allowed to be reasonable on Jow Forums - please leave.

The thing is my office girl IS single and we've both been going to lunch together almost every day. It's not like it's my idea either, she's asked me every time.

>At first I thought this was going to be the beginning of something because now I had one example of a person who apparently felt some sort of feelings towards me.
>But I'm sobering up now and I'm almost fine again with the fact that I'll die a virgin like I always thought I would.
God damn this fucking hurts to read because it's literally me. Just last month I swore I was okay with dying a khv, but now I have stupid fucking hope that is just setting me up for heartbreak.

I wasn't saying or implying any of that, just that its a bad idea to date a close co-worker you're expected to work with.


But this is life! It's exciting right now and you'll have a story to tell or at least think about in the future.

I prefer this to never having felt hope.

>You sound like you aren't going to take our word for it that this is a bad idea
I'm actually leaning towards doing nothing right now, but I just want to be really really sure

>If you've got an okay resume and some references then you should be fine to pack up and move to a new job if things go south between the two of you.
The thing is I really could leave really easily and there would be no issues for me, because I have a really high demand but niche skillset. Her position isn't though and she would probably get canned and that would make me like shit.

Best advice ever!

In reality the "reason" it's bad to date your coworkers is because if/when it goes bad you still have to see them and cooperate. Statistically there must be outliers who are capable of being okay with working every day with a girl who broke their heart the night before. It's safer to assume you aren't the outliers because /both/ of you would need to be capable of burying it during the working day.

The chances that the relationship will end in marriage is no better or worse than any other relationship, it's just that the stakes are higher if you break up. Even with in-demand skills you might still have trouble finding your next job when the relationship ends. It's just something to consider as a last resort.