Gf is pregnant

>gf is pregnant
>getting an abortion
>tells me she doesn't want to do it
>wishes she didn't have to
>tells me she wish i was gone so she could keep the baby without worrying about anyone else
>haven't been happy in this relationship for these past months
>want to break up with her
>she tells me if we break up she'll keep the baby
>tells me if i don't want to be with her she has to know now so she can plan accordingly
>planning on lying that i want to be with her until the abortion

I don't know what to do. We're both in college, and in an LDR.

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Why not just let her keep the baby? If she wants it and can raise it on her own, what's the problem?
Are you scared of getting fucked by the Child Support Jew or do you really just not want a kid?

>and can raise it on her own,

She can't. She 100% can't. That's the thing.

>Are you scared of getting fucked by the Child Support Jew
That's reason enough for OP to stay until she gets the abortion

Then she's an idiot, the abortion is the best thing you can do for her then.

Well I don't know anything about their financial circumstances, but that's fair enough.

She sounds crazy. Let her get the abortion and cut all ties. Otherwise she can keep it and will get you under the bus for child support.

I say this as somebody who is fairly pro life as well

>the abortion is the best thing you can do for her then.

That's how I'm justifying it. I think she's setting herself up for failure if she wants to have a kid so early, but I think she's gonna hate me when this is all over.

If you manipulate her into having an abortion just to leave her after she gives up a child she wants to have alone you are the scum of the earth and it will haunt you forever.

Let her raise the child into the little blossom it can be without your depression and evil fucking it up. You won't have to pay child support if she claims "father unknown" and doesn't mention you to the docs or health insurance ppl.

She can. That isn't for you to decide. Women are capable when they have children so much better than you'd believe. Esp with stupid men out of the picture.

>this entire post
t. Whiteknight

This desu.

Definetaly let her get the abortion.

She's a teenager living away from her family. Do you really think she's qualified to raise a child by herself?

why aren't you happy with her? what's gone on in the relationship these past months to make you stop enjoying it/her?

>I think she's setting herself up for failure if she wants to have a kid so early,
why? if you're gonna have kids, doing it earlier rather than later tends to be better for a whole bevy of reasons.

hush, you. kids NEED parents. note the plural there. conventional wisdom asserts this and contemporary statistics bear it out. single motherhood is one of the worst things you can do to a kid.

If you walk, and she doesn't have the abortion and gets child support, you're fucked.

If you walk on her and she aborts the kid because of it, you are a total piece of shit. Consider you are going to do this to another women, again.

Abortions can really fuck you up mentally and physically as a women, so if she gets one, and you stay with her, she's going to be 10x as batshit then than now.

If you have the kid and play the part of a father, you're probably the least fucked out of all of the above.

Takes 2 people to have kids, the moment you stuck your dick in her without a condom is the moment you consented to the chillins. I suggest you man the fuck up, be supportive, look at the situation rationally and understand what you are in for.

If there is a smallest chance she actually wants to keep the baby and you let her go with abortion only to break up with her later she will hate you forever and hate herself even more. Abortion is a big issue and majority of women that go with it regret it.

How far away is her family?

Another state. We met in the East Coast, and she lives in the West now.

>if you're gonna have kids, doing it earlier rather than later tends to be better for a whole bevy of reasons.

Not when you're a teenager having a kid with someone who doesn't want to be with you. We're not a young married couple, we're two kids who haven't even graduated yet.

Have you tried the hail Mary?

Tell her: "user I love you and I want to have a baby with you, I want to do it when we're ready and stable and do it right. I want to have a good job, a house, a good car and i want to get married. Right now if we have a baby the baby will struggle, they'll go through hard times that they don't have to if we did it right."

Then you get an abortion. Then you dump that bitch for putting you in this psychotic situation.

I would say don’t do it, become a father, no one is ever truly ready for fatherhood stop being a pussy and do what you were put on this earth to do

pretty sure OP is underage, so yeah he's especially not ready

Then start looking for an adoptive family for the kid. It's a much better choice than having your gf abort the baby.

Tough situation, she might kill herself if she gets an abortion and you leave her. It's hard enough aborting a child that you actually want but to then get dumped, that'll mess your day up for sure. Just tell her what you've told everyone else here and if things don't work out oh well. This is exactly why you use protection