What does a female have to wear to get more attention/stares from you or other people, that isn't whore clothes?

What does a female have to wear to get more attention/stares from you or other people, that isn't whore clothes?

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Make up, a good haircut, tasteful clothes, work out

Look around how average girl is dressed: gray monotones dull colors, jeans, their face expression: poker face / sad.

Pull off CRIMSOM RED skirt and then proceed to stare at boys and smile at them. Or anything nobody is wearing in your location. The more colorful, the better.

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Whore clothes

I don't mean in terms of being attractive necessarily. Wouldn't this only attract the eyes of males seeking for a gf?

Interesting. The reason I am asking is because I am wondering about psychology behind people, not just men. But how both genders would end up staring.

Flannel pants

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Its not rocket science. People stare at stuff they havent seen before. Nobody will stare at ordinary family car, but lamborgini will definitely get attention.

Nobody will notice hobo lying in his own piss on the street. But everybody will look at naked hobo running away from chasing police officers yelling stop.

Same applies to fashion.

Hey, I'm socially retarded, user. What did you expect from the average Jow Forums user? But thank you.

An attractive personality and light makeup that is sociable, non-autistic and can hold a conversation.

Solid colors, dresses, bright/vibrant colors, nice shoes, fancy jewelry.

Or, nothing.

>make up
Low test underage confirm.

No, I'm in my late 20s and I'd guess I'm pretty high test since when I work out, I tend to build muscle decently fast.

I prefer girls who don't wear make up, or who wear minimal make up. But those girls tend to be naturally attractive, obviously. For average and ugly girls, a little well applied make up can go a long way.

I try not to stare either way. There's already shitload of crazies eager to cause shit calling it 'raping with eyes' and even when they don't, I know some girls would be embarassed and worried if a guy like me would stare at them (not that I am particularly ugly or imposing but apparently I have somewhat penetrating and rather serious glare, which is merely a result of me trying to see a person or an object well despite my shit eyesight).

But if you ask what I like. Well, casual, even somewhat modest but tasteful, light clothing is good. I like very subtle tomboy aesthetics, too. Also, though probably counts as "whore clothes", somewhat see-through/light and tight pants/stockings+skirt on a girl with nice legs does work but then it's more of making me consciously avoid staring.

Honestly you're asking for something stupid. If we stare and shit, it's because we're horny and like tits. You don't want attention/stares, you want to look approachable, pretty. You want people to notice you and think of approaching you, not stare at your ass whenever you turn around. Unless whore clothes aren't actually out of the question.

>But those girls tend to be naturally attractive, obviously
I wonder what women do before make up existed. Why would one date a make up covered girl anyway? But I like how your opinion is, that it's not supporting heavy make up. I think the user just thought you meant heavy make up was good.

Fuck off. This is about what both genders would subcontiously end up looking more, about psychology, not hormones.

>There's already shitload of crazies eager to cause shit calling it 'raping with eyes"
You are implying "those dumb women are so retarded". But men do this too, and no it's not women assuming you're a "rapist". I was told many times to stop looking at girls and I'm a girl myself. People will get very angry in the western world, I have no idea why. Eastern Europe people though never complained to me.

>But if you ask what I like
I am not asking what you individually like, i am not asking what men like, I am asking what forced both males and females to get their eyes caught. I did not post this to ask people "yo guys how do I get a bf?", sorry if it confused you.

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Depends on what you consider "whore clothes."

I might be an outlier, because I kinda have a fetish for fashion, but a girl who has put in the effort to style her hair, match her clothes, and look feminine will always grab my attention. Hair is so fucking important, plus a decent pair of shoes that are clean and tie in with the outfit, and aren't just whatever the most comfortable thing you could wear that shows off your ugly feet.

But everyone's different, and what might appeal to me might not appeal to like 70% of the guys in this thread.

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>psychology, not hormones
Lol okay. I'm just saying that men won't psychologically stare at your cool jacket. You're trying too hard.

>You are implying "those dumb women are so retarded". But men do this too, and no it's not women assuming you're a "rapist".
Unfortunately, wrong. It wouldn't be an issue if people would just say it's rude to stare. But in certain, more "liberal" places in the world, there are literal accusations of being a rapist when a guy looks at a girl (often followed by cringy tumblr posts about how there was another creepy predator about to pounce and that's why the person needs feminism). Let's steer clear of Jow Forums aspect of it, though, please.

>I am not asking what you individually like, i am not asking what men like, I am asking what forced both males and females to get their eyes caught.
Then the answers simple and the gist of it you already got. But to build upon it so this post won't be a waste - people's attention gets caught by what stands out (though it may be negative attention), by what implies/suggests certain traits/style they have opinion or preference towards or/and by what they find personally appealing/unappealing (which arguably is also 'stands out').

Lolita fashion, /cgl/ knows all about the unwanted attention

Wearing tasteful, well fitting and clean clothes. I cover most of my body but I wear white (I just think super white clothes look really nice ) and make sure I always look tidy and well presented

Wear a fucking dress. In today’s fucked up society, it’s so rare to see a woman actually dressed like a woman that it turns heads, males guys stop in their tracks. Hell, even not so attractive girls look like they might be hot just because they are dressed like a woman.

Nope. She’s a pretty girl dressed like a boy. A really pretty girl can wear anything and get looks.

Classy feminine clothes , most women wear jeans and shorts with a tank top or t-shirt. Why not wear a tight pinched dress that extenuate's your waist , and add a bow hair clip to finish the look.