Do you believe in a true love that will last for a lifetime...

do you believe in a true love that will last for a lifetime? or its impossible to last due to our polygamous nature and womens emotional instability looking for oldfag opinions and advice

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>love for life
>true love
no, because youre putting love on an expected course and expecting everything in a relationship to happen in a prepared way

All men cheat on women in their minds, or otherwise, but women don't cheat on men at all until they know that. Until that time, they love you and only you. When they find out you want to fuck their hot best friend or that porn star you look at when she is asleep, she no longer cares about you at all. It's pretty simple really.

are you a woman

this very much applies to me. but its like a viscious cycle because then ill start fantasizing abiut a guy who wouldnt cheat on me in their mind. but the question is are there any guys that wouldnt?


I am not a polygamous in nature, so I don't think I will ever cheat on anyone, but it is hard to judge a lifetime when you are still young. But everywhere I look, I see people going the distance and they seem to like it.

You see my dilemma too then

I don't know, love is weird. For me I wanna be with my partner forever, then her choices and outlook really clash with myself, and I want to leave her. I found the best way is for me to stay away and live separately, but then my ego comes in and is saying it's wrong to leave her. Emotions are a pain in the arse getting in the way of living better for the sake of not hurting someone else's insignificant feelings.

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One thing you could never act well was being a good person. I think I knew then what I was in for.

Go whine on Jow Forums.

What's that?

I don't believe love even exists. I've never felt such an emotion.

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I would never cheat, not even in my mind. :^)

Looks a Pinocchio nose

Of course. The more you share your life together the stronger it becomes. Especially once you begin raising a family. Forgiveness, loyalty and selflessness are key to this. Old fag married 10 years here.

emotional instability they will grow out of but it takes work on the mans part to tame the wild mare. Breeding them and providing a safe home for them is important to this equation. She will respect you and mold to your beliefs and opinions. You are the head of the household but she will manage the kids and she will be content and loving. Making you a proud father and husband. Lust and sex is not love only a biological need. It needs to be paired with your true mate bringing long lasting love.

Yes, I do. I've been with my boyfriend for years and we still love each other deeply. The feelings evolve, but don't go away. Love gets deeper than physical attraction, chemistry, and wanting to be around them all the time. It's a strong, spiritual bond with someone who understands you sometimes better than you understand yourself.
We still have great sex and are extremely affectionate, but it's not the base of our relationship.

Life long love is real, but it's not like a romance movie..... as cheesy as it is, the segment in UP with them as a married couple is the most realistic presentation of this concept in media currently.
You won't feel that energy and those butterflies all the time, but you'll look at your partner and see the world in their eyes.

Well I am not physically attracted to anyone and I don't fantasize about sex at all so I guess I am exempt from this rule.

God i want this

Love is a choice, not an emotion. As long as you and your partner are committed to your respective choices to live life with one another each day, the "true love" you're asking about will last a lifetime.

no user this brown girl won't date you she probably has a bluepill boyfriend who is twice the basedboy you'll be.

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love is not a choice

You just need to find a man with low libido.

Do I believe a platonic "true love" can exist? Sure. Will I ever be worthy of having it? No. My next best option is self-love and that's where I am.

Yes, but only if circumstances are right. Everything is conditional, even love.

love does not exist
Abuse or they will abuse you

>looking for oldfag opinions and advice
Hi! I'm old (45), and also married, for a long time now (more than fifteen years, plus two kids)!
>do you believe in a true love that will last for a lifetime?
I believe that love and relationships take ongoing work and maintenance. But making them last forever is absolutely possible. It is a choice, and it is an ongoing lifelong project. I love my wife dearly, and she loves me dearly. But this has waxed and waned over the years. We haven't always gotten along. I've given her a hard time sometimes. She's given me a hard time sometimes. But in the balance it's been more good than bad, and we improve one another. We're sticking with it.

>or its impossible to last due to our polygamous nature
I do believe that some people shouldn't be monogamous. But for me, at least, the quest for novelty wore off completely as I grew up and grew older. If I want a change, I'll look at porn and jerk off, or maybe even fantasize about someone else while fucking my wife (yeah, two middle aged people who still do it...ewwww, I know, but she's still really hot to me. I was never attracted to middle aged people when I was young, but she still looks as good as she did when we met. Darnedest thing).

>and womens emotional instability
This is a poisonous myth rooted in lack of respect for women as equals. Doesn't mean that you won't succeed with women if you believe it, as I'm sure a lot of women feel this way too, but it's total bullshit. Men are at least as emotionally fucked-up as women, they're just taught to deny it and to stay out of touch with their emotions in general.

You'll understand someday. It's as much an act of will as it is a feeling.

That's pretty bs. Coming from a woman.

Yeah but you gotta be lucky and you gotta be young
There is a naivety to love that get quickly eroded by dicks and time

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I believe in true one-sided love because that’s all I know.

Yeah, those 2 don't go together.
Pretty sure lots of guys would love to spend their life with one girl, but then they get hurt by the first bitch and accept reality.


This girl says right on her profile how she has a bf and only wants to make new friends right? Well.....

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that just means the first bitch wasn’t who you were meant to be with, not that love doesn’t exist.

.......just 2 days after messaging and talking abiut various things. She started talking about her relationship. She said how she is deeply in love with her boyfriend and how he’s so amazing. BUT she said she’s upset with him because “he is being difficult and not understanding”. I asked her about what, she said how she mentioned to him she would like to have an open relationship because she wanted to experience sex with others, but loved him. She was upset because he wasn’t ok with that (who the fuck would be?). So, she said she wants to find a “friend” to help her with this. Which is where pic related pics up

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I explained this in another thread. That tidbit of information they add is merely to erase the self-imposed guilt they feel. It's extremely mental and hard to put into words, but the best example is to compare it to raw/uncooked meat warning menus put next to burgers/steaks.
It absolves them of responsibility, except they want to be irresponsible


Tinder girls who post “just looking for friends” are actually sluts who don’t want to “feel slutty”

I remember another time, I matched with a girl with a similar profile. She said she only wanted platonic friends. I asked her why she is searching through male profiles on a hook up app for “platonic friends”. She didn’t even have a response. She just gave some half assed excuses like “it’s possible”. 2 weeks later she messaged me asking if i’d like to meet up with her (it was 11:30 at night when she asked)

Love is entirely a choice. Innate physical/sexual attraction, excitement over meeting someone new or getting into a new phase of the relationship, the desire to be with a person, and things like that are emotions. The actions, compromises, and sacrifices you take/make for the betterment of the relationship are love. When both of you are giving and taking in equal weights, provided that you each keep the other person's feelings and desires in mind above your own, that's when you'll find true love. The problem is most people are only looking out for themselves and their dick/pussy, so once that initial excitement fades in 6-18 months they start noticing the flaws they could have seen early on and find themselves looking for a way out. Then they bail before they really try to work on themselves and the relationship, and either stay together in some fucked up mess they call "love" that's really "I like the sex" despite hating each other or move on to repeat the cycle with someone else and end up washed out, used up, and bitter at the world.

Sure true love lasts a lifetime.