34 year old virgin, I give up

Im a 34 year old virgin and I’ve fucking had it, I desperately need to experience sex before I go fucking crazy. I've given up on any hope of a biological female giving me any kind of affection, I simply will never live up to the unrealistic standards society has caused women to place upon men. I’d rate myself a 4 or 5 looks wise so I’m pretty average, but I’m a bit overweight and I don’t care to shower every day just to save money on water. However what I do have going for me is that I’ve always treated every woman I’ve managed to speak to with the upmost respect and did my best to compliment them and some I even did many favors and gave money to when they needed it. How do they repay me? Every time without fail they ended up ghosting me or I find out from their social media they are fucking some worthless asshole that doesn’t do shit for them, doesn’t respect them and don’t even pay them attention beyond sex and the stupid bitches always complain to me about it. It’s fucking madding how fucking stupid and childish these stupid fucking stuck up whores are, if they just picked me instead of the assholes wouldn’t they see they would be so much happier???

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Be yourself

bad advice

It's actually great advice but incomplete.

Be the best you can be, then be yourself.

Things like showering and losing weight are easy as fuck in the grand scheme of things and there's no excuse for not doing it.

>However what I do have going for me is that I’ve always treated every woman I’ve managed to speak to with the upmost respect and did my best to compliment them and some I even did many favors and gave money to when they needed it.

You look so desperate

>How do they repay me?
Guess what. It's not just being nice when you expect something in return

>talks about "biological females" like women are some sort of supply
>Thinks he deserves sex for doing them favors
>Knows for sure the girls are bitches and their lovers assholes but doesn't settle for a girl that doesn't seem more trustworthy cuz most likely wants the unreachable 10/10
>Doesn't think he seems to be thirsty af.
>"stupid fucking stuck up whores"

>le "I'm a nice guy meme"

You've fallen into the biggest beta nieche of them all.

Attached: 336CE686-8BA4-4B63-A562-0A570C63351A.jpg (750x733, 95K)

Also never trust those Jow Forums/leddit tinder experiments. What do you expect from online dating? It's an undercover hook up fuckfest.

>I don’t care to shower every day just to save money on water
Dude. There something, literally anything else you can cut out of your life to save money before you stop showering. No girl is going to want you if she can smell you from two feet away. Practice basic fucking hygiene and then we can talk.

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hey, I was having the same problem as you were until I was around 20 and I realized what the problem is. There is obviously something wrong that is stopping girls from being into you and you need to figure it out. If you aren't in good shape, well groomed and dressed, and interesting then there aren't a lot of girls who are looking for you. You can change every one of these things, I started going to the gym and making sure my clothes fit properly and look good and it did wonders. Pick up a hobby or something, even if you don't feel interesting it goes a long way. Best of luck man.

I cant tell if hes serious or slowly hinting every reason hes 34 and would be a virgin, you got me again Jow Forums!

Not even prostitutes want you?

Tip 1 if you are a 5 that's over weight, guess what, you need SOMETHING that stands out. Hairs style ,hygiene and clothing aren't even hard! Body isnt permanant and if your good bod but ugly face you still caN pull womenz. I know plenty.
Pic is me at 16 in middle, look at that pathetic cuck.
I somehow still managed to get laid that year but next pic is me at 27 for reference on things I changed many years ago.

Tip 2. Even if you have secured girlfriend, women are unnatracted to favors. If you arent even with then yet this is tripled down and repulsed them. You probaly already put off an aura of I'm desperate and walk all over me and then you go ahead and confirm it. Contrary to popular beleif providers are not that attractive and even if a girl is into it they dont want you to go overboard.

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Now at 27 almost in my final form.

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>Falling for the nice guy meme.

Op, don't be a nice guy just because you want to have sex with girls. Only be nice if you really are genuinely nice. The former is extremely beta and unattractive. Who the hell wants to go out with a kiss ass? Sure girls love getting attention, but too much just becomes boring. Learn to fuck with em, piss em off, be cheesy or tease em or being funny. You know, treat them like a normal person. Also, being Jow Forums unironically helps alot.

>but I’m a bit overweight and I don’t care to shower every day just to save money on water


>Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush.

Fucking Anviljaw

Grill here

Stopped reading when you said you're fat and don't shower.
Fucking disgusting, you must smell like cheese, vinegar, and the sweat left in a computer chair after sitting on it in the summer for hours on end.

Fat people are disgusting

Why don’t you tell these bitches to break up with their useless boyfriends instead of bitching about it to you because you don’t give a fuck. Quit being so fucking available

Maybe go do something productive like take a fucking shower or develop a fucking spine since women actually find men with self respect, ambition, and goals sexually attractive. Stop looking for validation from women and stalking their facebook pages you fucking creep. Go take a walk or help someone who actually fucking needs it since your such a nice fucking guy.

And by the way there are women who will fuck you when you give them money. They’re called prostitutes. Just make sure she doesn’t have a penis before you pay.

And whining about not getting your way hasn’t worked since you were a toddler so why don’t you try something different like sucking it up and quit being so fucking desperate!

I failed to get either of the references, I am now less of man

Anviljaw was a compliment, faggot

>fat creature being a failure
Like pottery

There are a few of us that genuinely like nice guys. We wouldn't take money from you, ask your self why you are picking women like this

>women respecter
>doesnt shower


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You are a fat beta male, who no woman in the world would respect or be attracted too. Fix it or die alone, your choice.

>Guess what. It's not just being nice when you expect something in return

>Be nice to somebody
>He spits on you and kick your nuts
>«wow next time I wont help you»
>«haha I knew you werent nice but just expecting something !»
Can people fuck off with this retardedness ?

You don't need to work out for anybody. You don't need to shower every single day for anyone if the reason is conserving your water.
You don't need to do anything because you have been yourself your whole life, and if not many people find that attractive then the problem isn't you, it's the idea of what you should be. And that is not you. I don't blame you for keeping to yourself for so long. Stay true to your beliefs and what you do.

I'd never throw away integrity for someone else. We are who we are.

Don't shower everyday cause you want to save water? Just admit that you're lazy. Water is cheap as fuck and on a conservationist level the amount of water you use while showering is miniscule. 85% of all fresh water usage is industrial and agricultural. Its farmers and people in industry that need to curb wasteful water usage.

Exactly, being nice to a woman then age turns around a rewards a guy that does nothing for her and actually harms her is like a kick in the nuts.

>dont shower to save water
That 8 cents sure makes a difference yup.
What the fuck. I've never had a water bill over $30 and I take 45min showers. This is bait.

Anviljaw's a compliment man.

Also, I was poking at youtu.be/vsRA5BG3N8E?t=96

know that feel.

22, 23 this year. Same problem. I'm fit, not fat, I'm 6 or 7/10. Don't have receding hairline. The problem is I don't have any real friends anymore since 14 years old (i moved to a different area) so i haven't been really socializing with real people since I was 14. The 12 people at my college class suck, they're normies.

When I don't have basic friends it's really hard to get to the next level - finding a female. Sure there's tinder but that would be awkward because I'm having problems socializing with people IRL. And I feel most females are too dumb for me - shopping and discussing celebrities - no thanks. Women are just for fucking and child making, I still need a GF.

When I was >14 I had a few friends, I was social back then, could start conversation with anyone. But then somehow everything changed and I only had 2 friends, moved to a different area and couldn't make any friends.

>34 year old, fat smelly virgin neckbeard
No idea why you’re a virgin bud, you’re literally the perfect man.

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>100k year
>exercise constantly (skinny though)
>look normal
>can hold a conversation fine
>only mild social anxiety
Don't know what it is, but I'm missing something. Never get asked for favors and taken advantage of either, just ignored.

The weird shit in OP probably isn't even the root problem

get fit and go to a seedy bar. get in to the drug scene. there's always ignorant girls around that are willing to fuck dealers, or fuck older men that can provide for them.
unless you're a cave troll you can do it.
I'm 29 and have only had sex once, while drunk, in high school.
my problem? I have crippling anxiety over my less than stellar penis and couldn't even get it up for an escort.