How do I get a chubby gf that isn't just fucking fat?

How do I get a chubby gf that isn't just fucking fat?
Invest in them when I go to the gym, right? Like, planting compliments gradually, right?
I just want a chubby gf that isn't fat

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You need to find one who is fit and athletic but "chubby" because they are legitimately large-boned.

A lot of black women have this body type; women of British ancestry also tend to.

What does that look like?? I'm just small fat so i don't get it.

Gym is probably your best bet. Even if they have some chub on them, atleast they (ideally) also have some muscles to plump up the important parts.

I'm just not attracted to Bl*ck women

and mexicans tend to have the shapliness of a refrigerator

there was an asian girl at my local game store who played the same 40k army as me who had ginormous milkers but I never saw her again

and there was this blonde who always hits on me but she's a legit thot with a kid who still goes out and parties

at this point, idc about virginity...

idc about athleticism or being Jow Forums

I just want a bIG MEATY CHUBBY GF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>small fat
I'll elaborate off your elaboration
is that too elaborate?

Well, maybe hit that blonde up for some fun. You don‘t have to marry her, you know?
And maybe it will calm your thirst for thights.

I was thinking about switching back to another gym I used to go to, but the only people who hit on me were highschool seniors and retired military/milfs
(I wore my old AF sweat pants and I used to get a couple of retired SecFo ask if I was AF, and the AF Logo is right by my dong)

If she's chubby in her twenties she'll be morbidly obese within five years. Don't do it bro.

>cure my thirst for thighs

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I forgot to add
>should I stay at my local 24 hr fitness chain
>it's not planet fitness

AND I HATE THOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why? Because they enjoy having sex?

Then hate fuck her, idk.

>because they enjoy having sex
that's a weird way of excusing someone's degeneracy, and it does nothing to solve my problem, now you're injecting your own morals in place of helping me find a solution and if you cannot do that then you shouldn't bother helping
>or anyone for that matter

Well, changing your morals would instantly solve your issue since it would mean you could go and burry your face in single mom‘s milkers. So i do think that i‘m trying to help.

look, I ain't dealing with no other NIGGA'S KEEEEEEIDS

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As i said before, you don‘t have to marry her. Just stick it into her juicy bum.

>unironically using the word degeneracy
Who the hell gave you a license to enforce your personal moral system on everyone else? Fuck off and hang out with likeminded people instead of expecting everyone else to bend to your will and then whining about how lonely and horny you are when they don't.

>who gave you the right
uhhh, me lol I like what I want and I stick to what I want and I do it without enforcing it on others. None of which I talked about explicitly stated I was enforcing my own morals upon others, rather, I was looking for like-minded people already

but your intelligence is too blinded by your ideology to realize that

instead, you seek conflicts of interest when people present something that goes against what you believe, ergo, you're putting your own morals before taking what someone else has to say and digesting that. You wish me to install your own set of morals upon me because you don't like what I have to offer.

I'm simply asking for advice on seeking like-minded individuals

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>stick it in her bum
no, anal is fucking gross

three dubs in a row
>all thots in this thread are BTFOd

Here's where you wrong, kid: I never said it was wrong of you to seek out like-minded people who share your moral system. I said you *shouldn't go whining about it.*

Powerful post.