Should I end my new relationship because of tattoos

A few weeks back I matched with a girl on Tinder and she messaged me first. She wasn't really my type, since she has lots of tattoos, but I was pretty lonely and I enjoyed chatting with her. When we finally met I found that she was really adorable in person. Short, quirky and fun, but a little shy. I noticed her tattoos, but I felt at the time that they didn't really bother me.

Since then we've been meeting frequently. Two weeks since our first meeting, just after we had sex, she asked me if I was her boyfriend. I was taken aback, but in the heat of the moment I said yes.

As I began thinking about us becoming more serious, her tattoos began bothering me. I know it's a shallow thing, but she is really into them, whereas I don't have any. She works as a tattoo artist and has two small tattoos on the sides of her face (mostly hidden by her hair) large tattoo on her neck and several tattoos on her arms, hands, legs and body. At first I found them unusual and somewhat hot, but over time I started to notice them every time I looked at her.

I have finally realized that this relationship is doomed. As much as I tried to look past it, I just can't get over her tattoos. I never said anything, because it's such an important part of who she is. I adore her personality and appreciate how affectionate she is (she even baked me a cake for valentines day), but I just can't get over her looks and how different we are physically.

At the same time, I get incredibly sad when I think about breaking up. I never meant to hurt her and she's an extremely sweet girl. But I also feel that I got into this relationship too fast, without thinking things through.

Should I give it more time, or break it off? And if so, what would be the best way to call things off early into our relationship? She mentioned she feels ugly at times and I don't want to hurt her self esteem, by mentioning her looks. I really do like her as a person and went the best for her.

Attached: 71mMaf0WxwL.jpg (842x1191, 193K)

That's a perfectly valid reason. I would be put-off too. I'd probably never make her a girlfriend.

>I have finally realized that this relationship is doomed
there you go

What do you associate tattoos with?
My bf also has tattoos and i never liked them and never will. But i love him like crazy, so i just accept that we don‘t have the same views on everything and that‘s ok.
I‘ve never told him that i dislike them. I don‘t see why i should. This is a very minor „flaw“ compared to all the things that are perfect in him. I’m not perfect either and i guess a relationship is about accepting someone with all their flaws and not try to change them but instead broaden your own horizont to also fit their morals and priorities inside it.

two weeks isn't a relationship so stop going out with her

If you really can't stand the tats, just end it. It isn't fair for you or for her. The quicker the better.

It's strange, if you like her as much as you say, that you would let superficial elements of appearances lead you to break up with her. You wouldn't break up with a girl who was otherwise perfect to you just cause she was a bit chubby, or had a big nose, or dressed like a goth, etc, would you?

If you do break up with her you'll almost certainly regret it. You're gonna be sitting here in 2 months time, maybe even less, crying and reminiscing about how much you liked this girl. She'll probably end up dating someone else, probably some tattoo artist Chad who appreciates her line of work, and you'll come back on here making a thread crying about "tfw no gf" and how retarded you were.

So, the choice is up to you OP. You can stay with this nice girl and see how things go, and work past your obsessions that prevent you from appreciating her. Or you can leave her like a faggot and deal with the sadness and depression you'll experience in the future.

Personally, if I had a girl who was affectionate, baked me cakes, was kind, and super into me, I'd be thanking the heavens for bestowing such good fortunes upon me, not acting like an autist on Jow Forums.

Attached: mcgregor tattoos.jpg (1024x1024, 169K)

If youre canibal or rather if you have canibalistic urges then dump that dirty bitch. People woth tattoos taste like pure shit. Litterally worst taste in the world.

Bumper stickers. They're human bumper stickers and they do the same thing, make the bearer look worse while damaging the surface underneath beyond repair. I do my best to keep myself and my car in factory fresh condition because everything is better that way.

>I can't be with a girl because tattoos
>I have to break up with my girlfriend because she dyed her hair
>my girlfriend got new shoes and now I can't get hard

Why is everyone on this board so very gay?

Attached: FJp.gif (257x212, 2.91M)

Only one of those things is actually unreasonable. Tattoos diminish aesthetics drastically, colored hair is a sign you need to get the fuck out before the communism hits, but shoes can be untied.

Its not even close to compare these three things. Are you so bored that you post retarded texts just cause you have nothing better to do?

what are you talking about you nancy you have to be a homosexual if you're literally getting upset at colors on a person to the point where your dick shuts off and you have to break up with them and cry, you may as well be getting upset that she got a new nail polish color

It started probably about a decade ago, when Jow Forums started attaching itself to this faggot "counter-counter-cultural" shit whereby it became cool to act like a stick in the mud conservative on here because most posters here swallowed the pill of thinking "liberalism is the mainstream". Besides the obvious boards, I remember /v/ being a big proponent of this culture for a long time

Fast forward to today and we've been swallowed by a whole new horde of migrants from Reddit, Youtube and Facebook who came here because they think this is a "conservative site" and continually peddle these autistic views on to others. It becomes a hivemind, and by now Jow Forums has been around so long that there are plenty of kids who grew up on this site and had their world views shaped by it.

>If you do break up with her you'll almost certainly regret it.

Its better to be single than with someone you dont like.

Dude I'm not fucking someone that I wouldnt want potty training my kids. I dont want my kids to have a tattooed mom.

>Its not even close to compare these three things.
We had a thread the other day, and the day before that, and the day before that etc about user who got upset that his girlfriend dyed her hair pink or purple or whatever and now he was ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED by her

why are you all sensitive about dumb girl shit like that

Because literally only one subgroup colors their hair. And they are to be avoided at all costs. He was not sad she had a new hair color, he was devastated that his chosen one had become Sith.

This, unfortunately.

It's 19 year olds who like to LARP as like tradcons while they watch anime and play fortnite.

why what does it matter the kids aren't going to catch her tattoos your dipshit are you like scared that she's gonna give them tattoos behind your back?

>Because literally only one subgroup colors their hair. And they are to be avoided at all costs
Incels don't color their hair as far as I know

>Reddit, YT, Facebook is conservative
Top kek

Imagine how brainwashed you have to be to turn simple aesthetics preferences topic into lib vs con issue.

Go out of the basement, mate. Its not heathy for your mind to feed it with cancerous things like tribalistic politics.

>literally only one subgroup colors their hair

Care to tell me what that subgroup is user?

Could it be the same subgroup who does such horrible things as "calling you an incel", "not supporting le orange man" and "not liking the pepes and poopoos and peepees"?

You grentexted one sentence and in your response you didnt even came close to making an argument against it. The fuck?

meanwhile in this very same thread: colored hair leads to communism

you kekposting newfags really need to go back

A girl who runs ten miles a day is going to have a certain appearance. She is going to have certain mannerisms. She is going to have certain hobbies. She is going to have certain fantasies involving Michael Phelps or whoever the fuck has that HoT OlYmPiC bOd. When she runs into any fellow runner, male or female, she is going to speak with enthusiasm you wouldn't see in bed. If this girl matches with a dorky but successful surgeon, they are never going to have a good relationship unless both people fully embrace the others passions. He may even lift some weights or something, but unless he is seeking body perfection like her they will never have good enough chemistry.

Amazing how people still act shocked at how tattoo/non tattoos don't mesh well. A person without tattoos doesn't get them because they dont want noticed , or they don't have a message. A person without tattoos uses their existence as their tattoo. To them, enjoying a moment of peace is more of a celebration than a giant social gathering. "DUDE BUT IM A DEEP HERMIT TOO I HAVE SACRED GEOMETRY TATTOOS!" ... you have a literal flare for human attention permanently inked on your body. It's similar to some mating rituals in animals or whatever the fuck the word is where like peacocks make themselves look all dolled up.

If you felt a certain way about a band and didn't want people to know you wouldn't get it tattooed. I wear band shirts and have no tattoos because SOMETIMES I like to get that message. I enjoy the flexibility. Maybe discovering who i am is a five ten, twenty year process. Maybe you wanted to make your message a part of your being forever. Maybe you just enjoy socializing with any like-minded people while I like to have the ability to take off my mask.

I honestly have no real explanation for why I don't have tattoos other than I think people with then are attention whore faggots. I don't care about Facebook likes. Some people do. Why would I date somebody who is going a different way

It's blatantly obvious that it is treated as a tribalist politics issue on Jow Forums, as seen in this post which insinuates dying hair is somehow a sign of impending "communism"

>making an argument
Who's arguing I'm saying it's gay to be upset at colored ink on skin or hair dye

There's a difference between casually dating and serious dating. Also some men have standards.

I think these are the two aspects some of you don't understand.

Its an obvious troll. If youre soo dumb to feed it then its on you, mate.

You're a pedophile shut up

I my case, i‘ve tried to really get behind the fascination of tattoos. But it‘s just not doing it for me. I can‘t think of ANYTHING i‘d want inked on my skin forever. I don‘t need embelishment. I feel like a lot of people with tattoos are insecure and feel like they need to put some stuff on their bodies to make it more interesting or draw away attention from their flaws. I also have flaws and am insecure, but i‘d rather work those issues out deeper than skin deep and not just cover them up with quotes and flesh pics.
I also associate it with skinbook. I mean, i don‘t need to ink my kid‘s names or birthdates on my skin to always think about them. It just seems like „posting random stuff on one‘s skin“.
If you like that oberused quote so much, why not hang it up on your walls instead of carrying it with you for the rest of your life? You'll change. You‘ll mature. You might even completely throw out your views and get new ones. How can you expect to not hate your tattoos at some point later in life?

>Its gay to not believe what i believe

Dont fall for a fucking troll, newfag. The same shit has been posted all over the chan with few moddifications. Its a litteral meme by now.

>Amazing how people still act shocked at how tattoo/non tattoos don't mesh well.

Why are you talking like it's racial politics from the 1930s. I don't have a single tatto on me and I couldn't give a shit if a girl has some, I've dated plenty of girls who had tattoos as well as some who had none.

How are you writing a 500 word manifesto when it's just some drawings on someone's body

Is an NRA shirt a sign that somebody is a racist chump supporting redneck? Oh wait. Only you can judge.

I am a UBI, all fed, all clothed , all sheltered, all healed, all held to the same standard socialist. I also fully believe in the Constitution and bill of rights. I use the words nigger, faggot, and kike , despite listening to black music , jerking off to trannys, and having jew blood. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>the fascination of tattoos

Ironically the only ones fascinated with tattoos are these autismos writing blogs about it in this thread about how tattoos lead to cultural marxism or whatever

Its clearly more than that, but hey believe what you want to believe.


Just curious: Did you catch prison tat AIDS or dolphins on the ankles AIDS or skulls on the arms AIDS? Neck tat AIDS? Fucking gross either way.

So you lil sissy boi couldnt make an argument or a great counter point to that post and now your crying about someone not liking marxism. Boo hoo, get a job, hippy!

>Its clearly more than that
To you, absolutely. You got boys in here writing 7000 word dissertations about the meaning and social impact of tattoos and how tattoos make you a bad person and whatever

meanwhile people with tattoos are just like "I got it cause it looks good"

Oh but you can write a manifest about who I am because the rules only apply to me?

If somebody uploads selfies, I think they are a fucking retard. You may think that a person who uploads selfies is fine despite you not uploading selfies. This is because you are fucking retarded. Taking one picture of a family at a reunion kind of serves a purpose. Taking a picture of yourself every day so other vultures can give you approval under the condition that you return approval later makes you a fucking retard.

If somebody runs ten miles every day and isn't into a scientist nobody thinks anything of it. The only reason that people sperg out about anything anti tattoo is because people paid thousands of dollars to look badass, so naturally somebody that stupid who has that little self esteem is going to sperg out when somebody says "Actually you wasted your time and you look just as dumb as a doctor who dresses up as a furry when he treats his patients."

>don't like tattoos
>message girl with tats
>date girl with tats
>fuck girl with tats
>become bf of girl with tats
You really didn't think this through did you?

Tattoos simply aren't wholesome and detract from that image.

>an argument or a great counter point

To what? It's just a tattoo, bro. Get over it and calm down

>If somebody uploads selfies, I think they are a fucking retard.

Kek. You sound like some 17 year old who just discovered Jow Forums and wants to rebel against "the normies"

Ever heard of hepatitis c? Or maybe have you heard about tattoo impact on skin cancer or tumorism? Its more than just cute picture, it has its downsides too. Not even talking about personality types that would choose to get one.


I forgot that this here was a Christian family website

You don't have to be Christian to want a wholesome life. I've tried both, wholesome is better without a doubt.

Everything had downside, including being hunched over a computer 16 hours a day.

You don't have tattoos, right? So why are you upset about catching skin cancer?

>Anything i disagree with is christian and bad just like orange man

you're posting on Jow Forums, home of dickgirls

People write 5000 page papers about the effects of involving or not involving your kids in team sports. Since you are dumb , to you , critical thinking on some "irrelevant topic" which applies to millions of people is "a waste of time". There was a time where you couldn't get a job with tattoos, so clearly there is a large group of people who thinks they are dumb, yet attempting to understand why is a "waste of time?"

Is a person who attends punk shows different from somebody who attends country shows? Is it dumb to identify obvious differences in two groups? No. You are just a faggot with no counter argument. I also think the happy birthday song is retarded. "Omg it's just a song I use to waste a minute of your time." Ok great, so wasting other people's time is ok sometimes. So Everytime I experience something good in my life, i want every person I know to send me a video of them clapping because I changed a flat tire. Its no big deal, it's just a video !

Checkmate you fucking loser

Good thing I dont go to /d/.

You dont have to date this guy, right? Then why are you obsesed with him disliking tattoos? Isnt he entaitles to choose hes life partner as he wishes? Who are you to dictate whats right and whats wrong when it comes to aesthetic preferences of HES partner?

>You are just a faggot with no counter argument. I also think the happy birthday song is retarded.

Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Leftists with logic!

Give me one reason that it's wrong to not want to date someone who would look totally out of place in a family photograph.

I do regret going there.

"It's just X, therefore X"

Bro I just stole a candy bar no big deal

If somebody is into punk music and dates somebody who always listens to country music which they hate , and they break up with then, are they overreacting by trying to find somebody they actually click with?

If somebody is an instagram queen and dates a hermit, is she a bad person because the hermit doesn't like selfies? "It's just selfies chill bitch". Oh wait, magically , in your fantasy world , only certain people get to judge.

You are like those dumb fucks who complain that you can't make assumptions about a race , omg all these black people do Crimes and glorify it, that doesn't mean you can judge their culture!, Then two seconds later you say "Wow. That black person did a good thing. Therefore all black people aren't as bad as you say because now you can make a judgement about a group based on one person's actions.

Either that your you go "omg when are white skinned people going to stop judging people by their skin color?" WHITE SKINNED PEOPLE. Does that compute Rachel Maddow? Probly not because you are scum and have zero integrity.

Op here. Forgive me that I won't respond to everyone since there's a lot of replies.

I consider myself to be pretty open minded about these things, so I don't really have a strong association with them. I probably wouldn't mind them so much if they were not visible when she's dressed. However, her facial, neck and hand tattoos are pretty visible and a bit too excessive for my taste.
I live in Eastern Europe which is pretty conservative. I can sense people looking at us when we're together. I also wonder how would my parents react, if I introduced her to them. It's things like that that bother me and make my head a mess.

That's why I'm so torn about it. On one hand I really like her and I realize tattoos are very superficial. But on the other hand, it's something permanent and so unusual. My former girlfriends had tattoos and they never really bothered me. But they were pretty small and tasteful. I've never been with someone so heavily tattooed before.

Part of me doesn't want to let her go. But a part of me believes she deserves someone who will find her 100% hot and accept every part of her. I don't think it's fair to her if I keep thinking she would look way better without them.

She was the one who messaged me first and in fact she was the one who asked me on the first date. I was pretty reluctant at first, but I really enjoyed talking to her so I thought I would give it a shot. I didn't realize how many tattoos she had until I saw her naked and it only started to bother me when we started getting serious. You are right however that I should have given it more thought. If I knew that was a deal breaker for me, I wouldn't have gone on a date with her.
All in all, do you guys think I should talk to her about it? Or just break things off without giving her an exact reason. As I said, she is a bit insecure about her looks and I don't want to say anything hurtful.

First of all, calm down and turn your spellcheck on. Remember how to write English.

Second, it's not a preference when it's literally something that someone would break up a relationship over. That's some deep-rooted ethical moral code shit, all because of a little doodle on a girl's shoulder or whatever.

Come back when you've settled down on one thing to argue about bro. You're coming at with all of what you don't like about modern civilization all at once, so chill and focus.. It's just tattoos.

Heh I have no argument so I can just make an assumption and it's true

Hey look I can simplify my argument to fisher price levels too!

Heh. You are just some idiot who got a dumb tattoo that is bitter about the fact that nobody cares.

Using your logic, if somebody is in court testifying that they saw somebody murder their son , and they say "I want this person locked up forever!", A valid defense in the court of law is "Wow, you seem a bit angry. Do you have anger problems? You are too angry so therefore my client is innocent! "

Pathetic ad hominem attempt. Ad hominem can be bundled into actual arguments. On its own it just makes you look retarded.

>hmm i dont have a good argument

Actually thats what preference means. He prefers non tattood girls vs tattood girls. So tell me why are you so butthurt about hes preferences?

Did nooone like your new tattoo, user? Did you got bullied cause of youre little dick shaped tattoo on your arm? Tell me user, who hurt you? :^)

^Apparently tattoos can trigger scizophrenia, just not in the person who has the tattoos. jesus christ

A preference is when you'd like X (no tattoos), but Y(tattoos) is also fine. Get a grip. I don't have any tattoos of my own either you raving lunatic

>Two weeks
Holy shit just move on you fucking sperg.

I forgot to mention. This issue has actually began to impact my sex drive. I've been thinking so hard about this in the recent days, that I haven't really had the courage to have sex with her again. I still act affectionate towards her, but the idea of us getting intimate again, just doesn't turn me on so much anymore.

Meh, if it's to the point it bothers you so much might as well break it off, I think it also shows how you're not THAT into her anyway. Just don't let her know you broke up because of her appearance that will probably hurt her a lot

I never thought I'd like facial piercings but my bf has them and I really like them now.

It's been over a month since we started dating, so at this point I feel I do owe her some explanation at the very least. Getting dumped always sucks and I feel immense guilt about breaking things off for such a superficial reason.

This is a debate. Therefore it follows similar rules to a courtroom.

"Pfft like I cant even. Pfft. I cast "insert buzzword". Boom! I used my charizard I win the argument!"

"Sir we have evidence that your client committed this crime."

You: pfft. Yeah sure judge. What about oj and Casey anythony they were not guilty therefore my client is not guilty!

You would meet up for somebody in the park for a chess match, lose, then go pfft you have way too much time in your hands. Pfft who cares about chess. You are in this thread, but magically only you have a right to be here and everyone else is wasting their time. Kill yourself.

I put a shitload of effort into looking like and trying to be the kind of guy youd see holding hands with a girl wearing a long braid and a sundress in a park. Why should I settle for someone who doesnt want the same?

"Geez stop telling people to be how you want them to be. Now be how I want you to be because only I can do that. "

You are a hypocrite faggot. It's never going to work.

Then make up another reason if you have to. Stop stringing her along. This ain't rocket science.

Apparently the people who get tattoos "because nobody can tell them what to do" are allowed to tel other people what to do. It's almost as if a tattoo is the mark of a narcissist

Who are you quoting

The Bible says tattoos are a sin.
Ditch the devil before she cheats on you.

Yeah, I think you are correct. It sucks and I hate myself for it because I really didn't mean to end it like this, but it's better to end it sooner than later.


you don't owe her anything. Its not a relationship but if you want just say you its not working for you and disappear.

Narcissism - omg nobody can tell me what to do its my body I'll put tattoos on them

Me: I think tattoos are stupid.

Narcissist: omg you arent allowed to have your own opinion I control your body

you should settle but then don't go fucking them that aren't to your standard

She's been really amazing towards me, so if I have to, I really want to let her go in the best way possible.

my man is unironically triggered

you are a muppet not her. tattoos can be removed.

your just focussed on outward apprearances.
you need to get over it. really its obvious you actually do like the girl. tattoos are nothing but art i think its time you actually got a tattoo to see what the fuss is about. you might apreciate her love of tattoos because you both have something you can share.

I never criticized her for getting tattoos. She really likes them and it's part of her lifestyle. It's her body, so she has every right to do what she wants with it.

I do really like her as a person, but it worries me that I feel so conflicted about her appearance. I'm not even bothered so much by her body tattoos, but rather by her facial ones.

I'm simply unsure if her lifestyle meshes well with mine if I'm bothered by her tats this early into the relationship. I don't expect her to remove them and I would never ask her to do that for me. However, I can't help what I find physically attractive in a long term partner.

then don't waste any more of your time or hers. Its only a fucking month, you are not in a real relationship, just dating and fucking so you can exit for any reason without dragging it out. She'll live I guarantee you and be bounding on a new tinder dick tomorrow and you'll be forgotten.

>her facial ones
why in holy hell did you fuck her then idiot. not like there was a bait and switch and you were fooled.

YOU AREN'T IN A RELATIONSHIP. You guys hooked up on Tinder

For me, doesn't matter how into a girl I am.
Facial tattoos are a deal breaker.
Done right I think tattoos on girls are sexy as fuck, just no ink on the face

I did mention it in my original post. At first they didn't bother me. They are quite small and hidden by hair most of the time.

Why did I sleep with her? I keep asking myself that. She wanted to stop by my place and I went along with it. Looking back I was horny and lonely and I ended up liking her. It was a dumb decision.

She considers me her boyfriend now, so even though we are dating for just a couple of weeks I do want to treat her with respect.

Be honest OP, youre intimated by her tattoos and you cant get over the fact a cute little girl is braver than you

Women look worse with tattoos, unless you're going for that punk rock chick look (which looks fucking awful after 30). Soft, smooth, alabaster skin is universally sought after from culture to culture across the globe throughout history. It's perfectly natural to not want to date some chick that has metal stuck through her face or half a dozen permanent toddler scribblings on her face and body. You're only going to hurt her more by not telling her the honest truth, since nobody wants to hurt her feelings by making her understand how undesirable that shit is. Alternatively, you could just tell her to laser the worst of that gay shit off. You can be a tattoo artist without having tattoos. Barbers don't cut their own hair, and surgeons don't operate on themselves.

Attached: quite-possibly-the-worst-tattoo-in-sports-history-belongs.jpg (415x535, 67K)

>why what does it matter the kids aren't going to catch her tattoos your dipshit are you like scared that she's gonna give them tattoos behind your back?

This, the fuck's that guy on about?

That's a horrible tattoo but the detail, shading and lighting are very impressive

>tattoos can be removed.
In the same way bumper stickers can be removed from cars. I.E. difficult and not without lasting damage.

Have you ever met a good mom with tattoos? No, you haven't. They don't even look like mothers and they let their kids smoke pot and shit.

>If you do break up with her you'll almost certainly regret it. You're gonna be sitting here in 2 months time, maybe even less, crying and reminiscing about how much you liked this girl. She'll probably end up dating someone else, probably some tattoo artist Chad who appreciates her line of work, and you'll come back on here making a thread crying about "tfw no gf" and how retarded you were.
Why is this the way everyone on this board talks about relationships? Why is it "stick with a relationship that isn't working" or "face severe loneliness and depression?" You're all aware this isn't how healthy people function, right? This is why all of your savior complexes are ridiculous and you're all sad.

>Bakes cakes
Not everyone's dream girl is a 1950's housewife. It's autistic to think everyone wants your sweet anime waifu.

>It's autistic to think everyone wants your sweet anime waifu.
I do tho

I don't give two shits about "red flags" or turbofeminists or whatever that's supposed to indicate, but I don't find tattoos or dyed neon colored hair to be attractive. I wouldn't go pursue someone with these things, just like I wouldn't pursue a chubby girl, or a girl who scratched her ear with her foot and barked like a dog.

Simple enough, if I'm not pursuing a girl like that, if my girlfriend decides to say "fuck you, I don't care what you're attracted to," I reserve the right to say "fuck you, I'm not attracted to you, so I'm not going to date you."

And no, I'm not OP.

Just because you don't give a shit doesn't mean everyone else doesn't give a shit. We all have preferences.

OP - one thing I'll say, I get you. I HATE tattoos. But the girl I'm crushing on right now and really into is someone I got to spend some time with, and a lot of her personality, interests, and other things about her looks have me interested enough to overlook tattoos for the first time ever.

Maybe give it some time and see if they start to become background noise compared to the other things you like?

Tattooes show that the person's individuality is literally only skin deep.

>Have you ever met a good mom with tattoos? No,

Yeah I have though. You're not even trying.

Bull fucking shit, she was 'cool' at best. Not an actually good parent that effectively raised decent children.